Playing Hardball: Part 4

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Playing Hardball: Part 4 Page 3

by Sharon Cummin

  “You need to do what's best,” she said again. “If you're doing it because you feel it would be better for you and the baby to be here, then you should do it. If you're just doing it to run from him, then I'm not so sure. I'm just giving you something to think about. I love you, Lucy. Whatever you decide, we will all be right there to help you.”

  “I guess I should get some work done,” I said with a laugh.

  “Just take care of yourself and that precious baby,” she said. “I know you've been through a lot lately. Don't make any decisions until you think them through. That's a big decision. You should come visit again too. We miss your sass.”

  “I haven't had it in me lately,” I said. “I kind of miss it too.”

  Chapter 6


  I showed up at Carrie's parents' house and walked in to take in the most amazing smell. Carrie's mom was in the kitchen with Carrie and James while Scott and Carrie's dad were out at the grill. As soon as I walked into the room, I pulled Carrie's mom in for a hug and hugged her tighter than I had anyone in a very long time. She would never know how much she'd grown on me. The whole family had really.

  “We've got a lot to talk about,” she whispered, and I nodded.

  Dinner was great. There was steak, potatoes, beans, vegetables, and bread. I was stuffed by the time I finished. When my phone buzzed in my pocket, I didn't expect it to be Lucy.

  Firecracker: Tell Carrie's mom and dad I said hi when you see them.

  She wasn't fooling me. I knew she was checking to see if I had gotten there. Was is so hard to care? For her it was all about pretending not to.

  Me: Her mom made a delicious meal. I'm not sure it's such a bad thing you won't see me play tomorrow. I'm not so sure I'll be able to move at all.

  I was surprised at what came next.

  Firecracker: Oh, I'll see you play. I'm not missing that suckfest for anything.

  Me: You think your funny from five hours away. You'll pay for that comment. How about have a great game, Big Daddy.

  Firecracker: You are a little too full of yourself over there. It's not that damn big. I am not calling you that. I'll stick to Hotshot and Ballplayer.

  Me: Call me whatever you'd like, babe. My palm will be crossing that ass when I see you. You never make fun of the size of my cock. Do you understand me?

  Firecracker: Asshole.

  Me: I'm about to eat dessert. If you're good, maybe I'll tell you how good it was.

  Firecracker: Fuck you.

  Me: Is that an offer?

  “Is that Lucy?” Carrie's mom asked.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You two drive me crazy,” she said. “Tell her you're busy. We need to talk.”

  She pulled me up the stairs into her room. It was the only private place in the house. I sat down in a chair she had for reading. She pulled out a bag and handed it to me. I opened it to find two dad pregnancy books and burst into laughter.

  “I'm not that bad,” I said.

  “I didn't say you were. I gave her some stuff too. I just figured you might want to read when you're sitting around doing nothing. How are you feeling?” she asked.

  We sat there for two hours talking about everything I was pretty sure she already knew. It was nice to have someone to talk things through with. There were things on my mind I hadn't mentioned to Lucy. I was able to tell Carrie's mom about my fears of being a dad. She laughed when I told her I wasn't sure I could do it. According to her that was a normal feeling. I wasn't so sure. She knew I was scared and said I needed to talk it through with Lucy. By the time we were done talking, I felt much better about things than I had before. It didn't change how nervous I was about having a little one to count on me. I just knew I didn't want to let my baby down.

  Carrie and Scott were already gone by the time I'd come downstairs. James was playing on the floor by Carrie's dad. I needed to get sleep for the game, so I headed back to the hotel.

  The next morning, I was surprised to see a new text from Lucy.

  Firecracker: Have a great game, Ballplayer.

  Me: Thank you, Little Momma.

  I knew her ass was full of it. She wasn't going to be watching the game.

  We won by one. It was much closer than it should have been. I brought Carrie, her dad, and Scott down after the game to meet the players. Scott caught up with some of the guys, and Carrie and her dad were having a great time. I missed Lucy not being there. I should have given her the chance to say no. She would have, but it would have been her own decision.

  I pulled my phone out of my bag once I said goodbye to the three of them and headed back with the team. As soon as I turned it on I started laughing.

  Firecracker: I think that steak hit you a little hard. That pitch sucked bad.

  Firecracker: Are you fucking kidding me, Hotshot. Hit that damn ball. It was right there.

  Firecracker: About time you got your head out of your ass. You barely won that game. No more huge dinners for you the night before.

  Firecracker: Great win, Big Daddy.

  That one got me. I had to reply.

  Me: That shit won't help you now. My palm is still landing on that ass. I'm glad we're both on the same page about the size of my cock though. Happy you agree.

  Firecracker: Asshole.

  I finally put my phone away once I was in my room and pulled out one of the books Carrie's mom had given me. Before I knew it, I was three chapters in and knew way more than I should have about certain things. I did make a note to ask Lucy a couple of things about the pregnancy though.

  We made it home for our next game. I was standing on the mound thinking about how great it would be to have her at a game instead of texting me from her couch while she watched it. The game went well. We won by more than ten, so I wasn't expecting as many messages. When I got to the my bag, the first thing I did was grab my phone. There was nothing there. I wasn't pleased with the disappointment that hit me and hurried to shake it off.

  I spent the next two days finding a house pretty close to her apartment and put in an offer that was accepted right away. It was perfect. There was a nice yard to play in. I could even see the exact spot the swing set would be set up. There were four bedrooms. The master was huge, and there was one directly across the hall that would be the baby's room.

  It was time to take her shopping. I couldn't wait to see her and take her by to see the house. I walked up to her door with a smile on my face, looking forward for what was to come. She was going to love being in the baby store, and I couldn't wait to get her every little thing she wanted. She opened the door, and something in the air felt different. She walked over to the couch and sat down.

  “We need to talk,” she said.

  My chest instantly tightened. Whatever it was she had to say, I knew I wasn't going to like it.

  Chapter 7


  I thought more about what Carrie's mom said. She was right. The baby was Lance's too. I'd really only thought about after the baby was born when it came to him. If he wanted to be a part of the process, then he should be. The part I was having a hard time with was him being gone so much. What was the point of me always being there when he wasn't. What if I went into labor and he was gone? What would I do then? I would end up having the baby completely alone. There was so much to think about. I did realize that I needed to stop being so hard on him though. He deserved the opportunity to be a good dad, and I didn't have the right to be a bitch.

  My thoughts were on him that day. I wanted to make sure he'd gotten there okay, but I didn't want him to know that. When I text him to tell Carrie's parents I said hello, he came back right with a message. I knew he was safe and instantly felt my body relax. He had to tell me how good dinner was. We went back and forth for a few minutes and I found myself laughing. It felt so damn good.

  The next day, I went to work with a smile on my face. The game was an evening game, so I knew I'd be home to watch it and was actually excited. His big daddy comment ran through
my mind over and over throughout the day. I couldn't help but laugh each time. I actually left work on time so I could be home in time for the game.

  When I got home, I heated up some food and sat down with the television on. I made sure to have my phone next to me. There was no way I wasn't going to fuck with him during the game so he could see it later. It was the first game I'd actually watched every second of. He wasn't doing as good as I'd seen him do before, so I made sure to send some this is sucking messages along with a big daddy at the end. I knew it would be a long time before he'd get them. Carrie, her dad, and Scott were there, so I knew he'd be super busy with them for a bit. I'd gotten in bed and was just falling asleep when the phone buzzed.

  Lance: That shit won't help you now. My palm is still landing on that ass. I'm glad we're both on the same page about the size of my cock though. Happy you agree.

  Me: Asshole.

  I put the phone back down but couldn't stop thinking about his hand on my ass and the size of his cock. It was an amazing cock, that I could agree with, but I would never tell him that. It was going to be very hard to be around him without jumping him.

  I woke up the next morning and hurried to get to the office. My ass was tired from watching the game and waiting for a reply from him. Carrie's mom was texting throughout the day. She joked about the game and them barely winning. I told her no more big meals for him the night before. She mentioned the game was in Pennsylvania that night. It was an evening game, so I could go if I wanted to. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see what it was all about in person. I left work and had to wonder if my boss would think I was sick after leaving on time two days in a row.

  I hurried home and went straight to the drawer. When I pulled out the hat and jersey, I burst into laughter. The fucker signed it. He was so damn full of himself. I sent a quick text to Carrie.

  Me: Lance signed that jersey without me knowing.

  Carrie: It's worth a lot more now. Do you think he did it to be funny? Maybe he did it so you could get more for it.

  Me: I don't know.

  Carrie: Why do you have the jersey out?

  Me: No reason. I was just going through things.

  Carrie: Okay. Have a great time at the game.

  Me: I'm not going to the game.

  She never answered back, and I was glad. I got ready as fast as I could. I'd already had a little makeup on from work, so I fixed my hair a bit and was on my way. The traffic sucked on the way there. I wasn't really a downtown kind of girl and was relieved when I made it into the stadium and to my seat. I was kind of surprised they weren't very comfortable and some of the seats weren't even covered. It was still pretty nice. There were a lot of seats. I had no idea how he could play with everyone watching. The game started and I was so damn excited to see him.

  I was so into the game, I didn't have time to look anywhere but at the players. It wasn't until the second inning that I noticed people really starting to fill in all of the seats. I was on pins and needles the entire time. There was no way to avoid yelling out. I was so damn excited. With each pitch he threw, I was barely holding it together to see what would happen. Then he was up to bat. He swung and missed. Then he swung and missed again. I was yelling for him to pay attention and hit the damn ball. When he hit it on the third swing, I was out of my seat and jumping around while I yelled. It was a home run and there were two other guys on bases. I knew that meant three guys scored and was so excited. Tears were in my eyes. I couldn't help it. It really was different being right there.

  I sat down and took a few deep breaths. I was alone and having more fun than I could ever remember having. A few moments later, I felt my pocket vibrate. When I pulled out my phone, there was a text from Carrie. I opened it and gasped as I covered my mouth with my hand.

  “Oh shit!” I yelped.

  She'd sent me a picture of me in the damn hat and jersey jumping up from my seat. I'd hit the television. Would Lance find out? Would Scott tell him? I was freaking out when another message came through.

  Carrie: You're not at the game. My dad and Scott saw it too. We're saving this.

  Me: You can not tell Lance. I mean it. Tell your parents and Scott. I will owe you guys big time. Do not tell him. I'd never live it down.

  Carrie: You look like you're having fun.

  Me: Between you and me, this is the most fun I've ever had, and I'm by myself.

  I continued watching the came but calmed my ass down. There was no way I was embarrassing myself any more than I already had. I text back and forth with Carrie while I watched. The guys did look super sexy in their uniforms. One looked much sexier than the rest though. I was just sitting there watching and texting when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a very pretty girl about my age with long, dark hair. Her face was flawless. I wasn't sure how much work she'd put into it though.

  “Love the jersey,” she said. “He actually signed it.”

  I nodded but didn't speak. She looked over at the equally attractive girl with her before looking back at me.

  “How did you manage that? I'd love to get mine signed. Yours looks a little different. Where did you get it?” she asked.

  I didn't even have a chance to answer her before she spoke again.

  “It looks like one of their actual jerseys. I'm sure he didn't give that to you. He didn't give me one. Did you buy that online? Have you ever met him? He is so damn sexy. That man can go for hours, if you know what I mean,” she said before giggling like schoolgirl.

  I could feel my blood beginning to boil. Why the fuck did the bitch behind me have to ruin the amazing time I was having?

  “Fuck yeah he can,” the girl next to her said.

  “So you've both been with him?” I asked.

  It took all I had not to punch both of the bitches in the face. I knew that would surely make television. I clenched my teeth together and sucked in a long breath.

  “Of course,” the first bitch said. “It was so much fun. We met him at the bar across the street. He has the most gorgeous body. I'd love to get with him again. Do you know him?”

  “No,” I said. “I've never met him.”

  My phone buzzed, and I looked down at it.

  Carrie: You still with me? Did you see that hit? He's doing great tonight.

  Me: I'm leaving now.

  Carrie: What's wrong?

  Me: I've just been reminded how out of my league he is. The two girls behind me, who have apparently fucked him at the same time, just reminded me. I'll talk to you later.

  Carrie: He has a past, Lucy. You do too.

  Me: How do I know it's in the past? He's the father of my child. There is a huge difference between him and me. My past isn't going to smack him in the face every time he turns around. I'm going home. I'll talk to you later.

  Carrie: Lucy.

  Me: Later.

  I was happy there wasn't as much traffic since I left the game early. As soon as I got home, I threw the jersey and the hat on my dresser, pulled on shorts and a tank top, and crawled into bed. I couldn't help but wonder if he'd gone by the bar across the street after the game.

  The next two days he'd messaged me a bit but not much. He said he was catching up on a few things which made me roll my eyes. I was so tired of the back and forth in my mind. Those two girls made me see what I should have been seeing all along. It was time to make some decisions. I thought a lot while I was at work and home those two days. Lance did deserve to be a part of the baby's life, but I couldn't be reminded of his past and possible future constantly. Being away from him would be better for all of us. I really believed it. I was already worried about being alone and in labor. If I was in Michigan, I would have Carrie and her mom. He wouldn't be around for my appointments most of the time anyway. I wasn't sure he'd even make it to one of them. I could just send him pictures and messages.

  That Saturday morning, he'd sent a text that he was on his way over so we could go shopping. I wasn't in the mood, and I honestly didn't
want him to go with me. It would only complicate his life and mine. I sat on the couch with his jersey and hat in my hand and couldn't figure out why my chest felt so tight. When he knocked on the door, I opened it to see a smiling Lance. I turned, walked over to the couch, and sat down.

  “We need to talk,” I said, as I looked down in my lap at my fingers.

  He walked over and sat down next to me. I could instantly see the worry all over his face.

  “What is it?” he asked, as he reached for my hands that I pulled back instantly. “Is everything okay?”

  “I'm moving to Michigan,” I said, as I reached over and then handed him the hat and jersey. “I think it will be easier for both of us.”

  Chapter 8


  “Bullshit,” I yelled, as I stood from the couch letting the jersey and hat fall to the floor. “That is complete bullshit.”

  I knew I wouldn't want to hear what she had to say, but what she said was not even close to what I expected. There was no fucking way she was serious. When I thought about her being two states away through her entire pregnancy, I felt helpless. I wanted to be there as much as I could. I wanted to see my baby come into the world. What could have made her want to leave, I wondered? I knew Carrie and her mom would be there way more than I would, but I didn't want her gone. I wanted her there when I was home. I wanted to take care of everything for the two of them.

  “You can't just leave,” I said.

  “Why not?” she asked. “You're barely ever here. You come and go. I know it's your job. I'm not saying that. It'll just be easier on you if I'm not here. It will be easier for me as well, Lance. When you're gone, I have nobody. Carrie and her mom will help me if I need anything. I've never had a baby before. I don't know what's going to happen. What if I need something? I know there are other things you'd rather be doing when you're home anyway. I'm not your responsibility, Ballplayer. You barely get time for yourself as it is. I would never want to stand in the way.”


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