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Playing Hardball: Part 4

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by Sharon Cummin

  “No,” I said. “I'll be fine.”

  I went to the hospital and time crawled by. The drive was long enough. They had me wait. Then they took me to the labor and delivery section. Then I waited. They finally took me in to check on me and the baby, and I watched them move around without saying anything. I was hooked to several machines. They asked me a million questions about the baby, pregnancy, my medical history, my parents medical history, and so many other things. Not once did they mention what they were looking for.

  Carrie's mom had called me several times to check in. I don't know what I would have done in that moment without her. The doctor walked in and was talking to the nurses walking in and out of my room. She left and came back a few minutes later to go over everything they had for her.

  When Carrie's mom walked in, I felt like I could finally breathe. It only lasted a moment before the doctor turned to talk to me. I grabbed Carrie's mom's hand and closed my eyes. Then I opened them and looked up at the doctor.

  “I'm concerned about the baby,” she started. “I wanted you to come here to be hooked up to the monitors. The baby is in a strange position. I am a little worried about that. The monitor is showing the baby's vital signs along with yours. I want to monitor that for a bit. It might just be the way the baby is sitting. It could also be a sign of something else. I'm concerned about the cord and where it is. We are going to watch for a bit. Then we'll decide what to do next. You need to relax and rest. There is a huge chance the baby will move and we won't have to do anything.”

  When the doctor left, I looked up at Carrie's mom.

  “Do you want me to call him?” she asked.

  “No,” I said. “He's is in the middle of something with the team. She hasn't said for sure that she needs to do anything. I won't do anything to hurt his career. You know how much it means to him. I can't be the reason it is impacted. Thank you so much for coming. You will never know how much you mean to me.”

  “I'm going to call Carrie and let her know what the doctor said. I'll be back in a few minutes. Will you be okay while I'm gone?” she asked.

  I nodded and bit down on my lip to stop the tears I knew were coming. The moment the door closed, all I could think about was that I'd known I wasn't supposed to get close to anyone. After Brad, I promised myself that I would never let anyone in and I would never let anyone get close to me again. Then I met Lance and fucked that all up. I'd been with him without protection, and I'd gotten pregnant. I let him in even though my mind told me not to. I made sure not to let him in too far though. I knew I didn't deserve love or happiness. It was my fault Brad had lost his life. I wouldn't do that to anyone else.

  My whole pregnancy, I'd been worried about if I'd be a good mom or not. Everything was going well. I wasn't thinking that something could go wrong. I knew I would do whatever it took to take care of my child and give him or her the best life I could. The baby was a girl. I was having a girl. I hadn't even had a moment to let that sink in before the doctor changed my world. I was so worried about what would happen after the baby was born. I hadn't even considered something happening to take the baby before I even had a chance to meet her.

  It was my fault. It was all because of me. There was no way I wanted my baby to lose her life before she even entered the world. I closed my eyes and prayed harder than I ever had in my life. I prayed harder than I did when Brad hadn't come home and harder than I had when I found out he was gone. My little girl deserved a chance at life. I loved her more than I had ever loved anyone. I prayed that she'd make it. She had to be okay. I prayed that I be taken instead. She'd have her dad and a family that loved her. There was Lance, Carrie's mom, Carrie, and Scott. She'd have so much love. She'd have the love that every child deserved. I prayed that my child not be taken because of what I deserved. I asked over and over that I be the one instead. Sitting there, looking up at the monitors I didn't have a clue how to read and waiting for the doctor to tell me if the baby was going to be okay, was the scariest moment of my life.

  The only person I wanted in that moment was Lance. I wanted him there with me. I wanted to be in his huge, warm arms. It was the only place I felt safe. It was the only place I wanted to be. That was the moment I realized I loved him. I knew it was wrong. I knew I'd promised never to love another man. I couldn't love him. There was way too much going on. I was so damn scared. The tears came so damn hard as I thought about what I'd done.

  I never should have been with him. The first time we were together, we'd created a life. Neither of us wanted kids. Neither of us planned for it to happen. I also knew that neither of us wanted anything more than for our baby to be safe. So much had changed.

  “Take me instead,” I whispered, as I looked up. “I will do anything. Please let her be okay.”

  Chapter 17


  I was in the middle of a shoot when I saw the screen on my phone light up from where my stuff was sitting. Lucy still had a month to go, but that didn't change that every single time my phone went off, I felt my stomach jump. Things had gotten better between us, but they still weren't back to the way they were before I'd seen the picture. She'd said that she wasn't ready to talk to me about it, and I was waiting for her to finally decide she was. I didn't get what the big deal was. What could be that hard to tell me? She said they weren't together and she hadn't been with anyone but me since that first time. Neither of us were getting much of anything and it was driving me crazy. There was no way I was doing anything until she finally opened up to me. I was done letting her control the way things were going. She was pregnant with my child. All I could do was wonder if she really did love another man. Not that I expected her to love me, but I sure as hell didn't want her loving someone else.

  She was still cooking for me when I was home, and I enjoyed each meal. Nobody had ever done anything like that for me before. I let her know each time how much I appreciated it. Don't get your mind in the gutter. I rubbed her back and spent time with her. I made sure to thank her often as well. I wasn't turning into a pussy. She still knew when I meant business. I just made sure she also knew she was appreciated.

  The house was always clean. She acted like she couldn't handle it, but I knew she was full of shit. She just didn't want to accept anything from me. I guess I got that. I worked my ass off for everything I had. There was no damn way my baby's momma was going to be in a small apartment while I had a nice house that I wasn't even around enough to enjoy. My ass was in the apartment. I was at the house often though. I kept up things that needed to be done that I didn't want her doing.

  She was adorable. I gave her shit about how big she was, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Every chance I got, my hands were on that belly. I wanted my baby to know love that I never felt I had. My parents had more important things to do, and baseball was my escape. It was everything to me. My team was my family.

  I did everything I was told as the damn camera went off over and over and the guy moved around me. All I could think about was my phone. I was sure it was nothing. She was probably just fucking with me about the shoot through messages. I couldn't help but smile thinking about what she'd probably been sending.

  I looked over toward my phone again. When it lit up with a call, I looked at the photographer.

  “Are we almost done?” I asked.

  “You in a hurry?” my coach asked. “We're all wanting to get done, Lance. Chill the fuck out.”

  All the guys were standing around. I was just the one in the spotlight at the moment. There were still several guys to go as well as team shots. I hated doing the pictures, but it was all part of the contract. It wasn't just throwing the ball like Lucy thought. I saw the phone light up again and shook my head.

  “I'll be right back,” I told the guy.

  “Fuck, Lance,” coach yelled. “Come on. You're not the only one here.”

  “I have to grab my phone,” I snapped.

  “You shouldn't even have it here. You know this is a big deal. We need it done
as soon as possible. These guys cost a fortune. None of us like it. I don't ask much. I'm telling you to get back in the picture.”

  I bit my lip and looked back at the dude with the camera.

  “Come on,” I said.

  He started snapping shots again. I could see another message on my phone. Then there was another call. I threw my arms up in the air and without a word went for my phone.

  “What the fuck did I say?” coach yelled out.

  I grabbed my phone and started looking through the messages. Each one had me thinking more than the last.

  Carrie's mom: Are you busy?

  Carrie's mom: Call me when you get a second.

  Carrie's mom: Where are you? Lucy said you were at a work thing.

  She'd talked to Lucy, I thought. What had Lucy told her that made her call me?

  Carrie: Do you have a minute?

  Why was Carrie sending me a message, I wondered?

  The calls were from Carrie's mom. They came right after the message from Carrie.

  “I need to make a call, coach,” I said.

  “No,” he said. “They need to finish your stuff. All the guys are here. I don't see the rest of them causing shit. Get your ass over there. You can make your call when we're done.”

  I took a deep breath. It was taking all I had to hold my shit together. I knew it was probably nothing, but I had to be sure everything was okay and they just wanted to ask me something stupid. I was looking between my coach and the phone in my hand when another message came through.

  Carrie's mom: I don't want you to freak out. It could be nothing, but they are admitting Lucy. The baby is in a strange position and the doctor is a bit concerned. The doctor is monitoring the baby before making any decisions. Lucy told me not to bother you. She said you are at a very important work thing and that she would not let what is going on here impact your career.

  How did she know, I wondered? What did she mean here?

  I pulled up a reply and couldn't get it done before my coach was snapping out again.

  “Now, Lance.”

  Me: Did she call you?

  Carrie's mom: I'm at the hospital with her. She had an ultrasound earlier and the doctor sent her to the hospital. She wouldn't call you, so I drove up. I knew she didn't need to be alone no matter what she said.

  Me: This shit's been going on long enough for you to get here. What the fuck? She should have called me.

  “Lance,” coach yelled out.

  “Hold the fuck on,” I yelled back.

  That was something that never happened. I lost it here and there but never at him. He was glaring at me, and every single one of the guys was watching us.

  Lucy was in the hospital. It was possibly nothing. What did that mean? The doctor sent her to the hospital. It had to have been something, didn't it? I looked at a very pissed coach and then back at my phone. It was my job to protect her, I thought. She was the mother of my child. My child was in danger. I looked back to my coach who looked like he was going to strangle me. It was the worst day for me to walk out. They'd have to bring the photographer back again for team pictures if I left. It was in my fucking contract. My baby, I thought. Fuck!

  Baseball was all that ever mattered my whole life. It was my life. It was my career. I didn't want a family. I didn't want kids. Why? Was it all because of baseball, or was there more?

  It wasn't Lucy's fault she'd gotten pregnant. It was mine. I'd been the one that should have been protected.

  When I saw that ultrasound, so many things went through my mind. How would it impact my life? How would it impact my career? I didn't freak out. I did what I needed. I took care of everything I possibly could for Lucy and the baby.

  I'd been able to keep my career on track and take care of my responsibilities. Everything had worked out between the two until that moment.

  I looked back at the phone. My child was in danger. So was my child's mother. I looked up at the coach. I had to make a choice that could very possibly impact my entire life. He narrowed his eyes at me and opened his mouth to speak. Lucy needed me. She was in the hospital. Our baby's life was in danger. I held my hand up to stop the coach. The baby had to be okay. I needed to be there. That was where I needed to be.

  “Don't even think about it,” coach said, as he looked into my eyes with an I dare you look.

  I walked toward my keys. They had been next to my phone. For some reason, I'd kept the two things together for weeks. They were all I needed. Everything else could stay.

  When I turned back to the coach, I knew I was taking the hugest risk I'd taken in a long time. All the guys were quiet as they watched us.

  “I have to go,” I said.

  “This is in your fucking contract,” he said.

  “This is more important,” I said.

  “More than your career?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said, as I typed a message and took off out the door toward my car.

  Me: I'm on my way. Everything has to be okay. Please tell me everything is okay.

  I threw my phone on the seat beside me and drove. It all hit me at once. The baby was in danger and so was Lucy. They had to be okay. I looked up at the sky and prayed like I never had in my life.

  “Please let the baby live,” I said. “I will do anything for them. They have to be okay. I love our baby so much. I am begging you to keep the baby safe. I will give anything. Please.”

  I parked my car and ran for the hospital. The ride up in the elevator took forever. I moved down the hall as fast as I could hoping that Carrie's mom was right. Please let it be nothing, I thought. Please let my baby be okay.

  I could see Carrie's mom in the hall when I rounded the bend. The second our eyes connected, I knew something was wrong. My chest squeezed so damn tight. I felt like I was going to be sick.

  “What is it?” was all I could ask before tears filled my eyes.

  To be continued...

  Be sure to watch for my next book - “Playing Hardball” Part 5. Coming September 6th. I can't wait for you to read the end of Lucy's story.

  I will also be working on a new serial that follows Playing Hardball, the novel “A Bright Future”, “The Dark Night Returns”, the first “Bachelor Billionaire Kids” book, the first book in a new inked series, and a new stand-alone book I am super excited about.

  I am not positive on release dates at this moment. Please join my mailing list and friend me on facebook to be notified of new release information. The links are below.

  Please continue on for the Prologue and Chapter 1 of “In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 1”.

  Other Stories by Sharon Cummin

  Romance Series

  Romance and a... Series: The Complete Collection

  Billionaire Romance Series

  Finding Love, Keeping Love, and Saving Love

  Bachelor Billionaire Series

  Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1)

  Sea of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #1 of a 5 novel series.

  Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

  Hot for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #2 of a 5 novel series.

  Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

  Battle for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #3 of a 5 novel series.

  Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4)

  Rescue of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #4 of a 5 novel series.

  Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5)

  Built for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #5 of a 5 novel series.

  The Future of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #6)

  The Future of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #6 of a 6 novel series.

  The Game of Love Series

  The Game of Love Boxed Set

  His Assistant Serials

  His Assistant Serials: Complete Box Set

  His Assistant: The Final Story

  His Assistant Ultimate Box Set (including The Final Story)
  Unexpected Love Serials

  Unexpected Love Box Set (It Happened in Vegas and What Happened After Vegas?)

  A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)

  A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)

  The Dark Night

  The Dark Night

  In Love with My Brother's Best Friend

  In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 1

  In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 2

  In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 3

  A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother

  A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 1

  A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 2

  A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 3

  A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother, Part 4

  Showing Him Who's Boss

  Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 1

  Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 2

  Showing Him Who's Boss, Part 3

  Playing Hardball

  Playing Hardball, Part 1

  Playing Hardball, Part 2

  Playing Hardball, Part 3

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  Please leave a review. I am interested in hearing your thoughts.

  In Love with My Brother's Best Friend, Part 1



  I was finally a teenager and so excited. It was my thirteenth birthday, and I was having a sleepover with a few of my friends in the basement. My brother and his friends were upstairs. That was one of things that sucked about having a twin, I had to share my birthday with him. It felt like I had to share everything with him. I guess I should have been glad that he was a boy. That way I didn't have to share clothes, a bedroom, or my friends with him. At least our parents didn't make us combine our parties completely. There was no way I wanted to be around him and his friends. They weren't bad to look at, but they could sure be a pain in my rear.


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