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Escape: A Stepbrother Romance

Page 3

by Ashe, Jessica

“He married my mom,” Vicky said. “If you knew her, you’d know his taste in women is just fine. Besides, he’s marrying your mom and she’s a remarkable woman.”

  I rolled my eyes and took another long sip of the whisky. This bottle wouldn’t last long if I had to spend much more time around Vicky.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re a fan of mother dearest?” I asked. The last thing I needed was another of Mom’s adoring fans worshiping her every move.

  “Of course I’m a fan,” Vicky said. “I have all of her cookbooks.” She motioned to a large collection of cookbooks in the corner of the kitchen. “Sheri’s one of my favorite celebrity chefs.”

  “She’s not a celebrity,” I replied instantly. “She’s an average cook who got lucky. And you shouldn’t worship her. If you knew half the true story you wouldn’t like her either.”

  “You’re as ungrateful as you are immature. I bet she’s given you everything you ever wanted and now you’re just rebelling to prove how tough you are. It’s pathetic.”

  “Sheri’s done jack-shit for me except cause me no end of stress.”

  “Yeah? Who’s paying for that London penthouse you’ve lived in these past few months? You know, the place with more whores going in and out than…”


  “Than a whore house.”

  “Oh, good one. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to match you in this battle of wits.”

  She grabbed her glass and refilled it with water. “Just leave me alone will you. This is tough enough for me without having the constant reminder of my big mistake last week staring me in the face.”

  Her big mistake? She couldn’t have asked for a better first time than the one I had given her. How many virgins had sex three times the first night and came at least as often?

  “Which time was the mistake, sweetheart? Was it when I ate your pussy? The first fuck? Second? Third?”

  “Shut up,” she yelled, pulling me away from the door to the far end of the kitchen. “Jesus, my dad is just through the door and so is your mom. Do you want them to know their children had sex?”

  “I don’t care,” I lied. “Mom knows I like to spread the love around a bit. She’d be surprised if I hadn’t fucked you.”

  “Well I’m not like that and my father thinks I’m still a virgin. I’d appreciate it staying that way for as long as possible.”

  “Is that why you dress like a virgin?” I asked. My fingers reached out and quickly opened the top button of her blouse with an experienced flick of my fingers. It wasn’t enough to see any of those sweet, perky titties, but I felt my erection growing in my pants anyway.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I couldn’t see much more than her collarbone and I was already getting aroused.

  “Don’t touch me.” She tried to sound mad, but she didn’t do the button back up and made no attempt to push me away. She wanted me again. I could see it in her eyes.

  “Do you think about me at night?” I asked. “When you’re in bed naked?”

  “No. Never.”

  She leaned back against the kitchen counter to create some space between us and pushed her tits towards me in the process. I could rip that blouse open and be sucking on those titties within seconds and she’d love it. That wasn’t anger in her eyes; it was desire. She was fighting it, but I could see the passion there.

  “You’re lying,” I said, leaning forward and whispering in ear. “I bet you lie in bed each night and think of me as your fingers move towards that tight wet pussy of yours. Tell me, do you prefer to rub your clit or stick your fingers inside your cunt?”

  “You’re disgusting,” she said, turning her head to one side. She couldn’t look at me anymore.

  “I bet you’re wet right now. God, I can practically smell your wet—”

  I stopped talking when I heard a noise behind me, but I didn’t move away. Vicky reacted quicker. She pushed me back to create a gap between us. I ended up standing right next to my drink which I picked up just in time for Roy to walk into the kitchen.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” he yelled. I didn’t know whether he meant my violation of his whisky or his daughter.

  “Did you open my whisky?” Roy yelled. He directed the question at Victoria, but he must have known it was me who opened it. He was just too afraid to confront me. Pathetic.

  “No,” Victoria replied. “I didn’t open it.”

  “Caiden, how dare you open Royston’s whiskey,” Sheri yelled at me. “You don’t come into a stranger’s home and start drinking without being offered. Besides, you’re underage.”

  “Not here I’m not,” I said, before taking another long sip of the drink. “Drinking age here is eighteen, remember. God bless the Queen.”

  “Caiden Ramsden,” Sheri yelled, “you apologize to Royston right this second.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Sheri,” Roy said, placing his hand on her shoulder. “It’s not important. Caiden is old enough to drink. So as long as he does it within moderation there isn’t a problem.”

  “And what if I don’t?” I said. “I’ve never really been one for moderation. Besides this is a beautiful eighteen year-old you have here.” I looked at Vicky—Roy’s other tasty eighteen year old—and then back to the drink. “I’m not sure I can have it just once. I’m going to want to taste it again and again.”

  I stared at Roy and saw the anger build behind his eyes, but he shook it off and acted like he didn’t care.

  “I know the news about Sheri and I must have come as a bit of a shock,” Roy said, in a remarkable expression of understatement, “but can I trust you to accept this like adults and not cause a scene?”

  “I won’t cause any trouble,” Vicky said. She ran her finger around the rim of her glass but wouldn’t make eye contact with her father. She didn’t want to speak up to him. Looking at her now, it was hard to believe this was the same girl who spread her legs for me a week ago and begged for me to plunge my cock into her ‘harder and deeper.’

  Now Vicky had shriveled back into her buttoned-up blouse and wore her hair in a girlish ponytail. She looked better with her hair a disheveled mess as she writhed around on top of me. I suppose the ponytail could serve some benefits. It would make a good handle to grab hold of as I fucked that tight little pussy from behind and gave her ass a nice spanking. God, that girl needed a good spanking. That would bring her out of her innocent schoolgirl shell.

  “Why do you care about causing a scene?” I asked Sheri. “Isn’t that just the sort of thing to bring your career back from the dead?”

  “I do not need to bring my career ‘back from the dead,’ as you so eloquently put it. Royston has a big promotion coming up and we are hoping that the publicity from our union will help put him over the edge.”

  “What kind of career would reward him for marrying someone like you?” I asked. “How did you two meet anyway?”

  “Roy has been acting as my lawyer for the last six months with this… dispute I’ve been dealing with. He helped me silence the person making those nasty allegations.”

  “What allegations?” Vicky asked. “I didn’t hear anything and I follow your website religiously.” She looked excited as she spoke but quickly looked away again in embarrassment. Vicky must be the only woman I had fucked who had been a fan of my mom’s work. Most women I screwed got by on their looks, not their ability in the kitchen.

  “Nothing important, dear,” Sheri said, in that cutesy voice she used on television. “Some woman in England said some nasty things about me and your father helped them go away.”

  Those ‘nasty things’ were likely a few inconvenient truths about Sheri’s business that she didn’t want being made public. Making the person ‘go away’ in this case probably meant a large pay off, but then Sheri solved most of her problems with money.

  “What’s the promotion?” Vicky asked. She sounded so sweet. No wonder “daddy” thought she was still a virgin. Even I was taken in by the act and I should know better.
“You’re already a partner at the law firm. I didn’t think there was anyone above you.”

  “The managing partner position is available,” Roy explained. “I have a good shot anyway, but we felt like the wedding could prove a useful additional boost to push me over the edge. Being managing partner is all about enhancing the profile of the firm. Most of our clients are celebrities and we think that me being married to a celebrity will help bring in business.”

  “Of course,” Sheri continued, “we’d still be getting married anyway, but we want to leverage the wedding as much as possible.”

  “That means you both need to be on your best behavior,” Roy said. Now he was looking at me. Well done old man, looks like you’ve grown yourself a pair. “I’m a solicitor and can’t afford to have family members in trouble with the law.”

  “Don’t worry, Roy,” I said, finishing off the rest of my glass of whisky. “I’ve never done anything illegal. I mean, I’ve never been caught doing anything illegal. Scratch that, I’ve never been caught and prosecuted for doing anything illegal.”

  “Yes, well, just to make sure,” Sheri said, “you will be living here with us for the rest of the summer. I’ve sublet the London penthouse already so you won’t be living there. I don’t trust you in London all by yourself. You can go back and pack your things, but that’s it.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I exclaimed.

  Roy and Sheri both cringed at my choice of words. Sheri didn’t usually care, so I knew she was just pretending to be offended for Roy’s benefit. “Watch your language,” Sheri warned.

  “I didn’t complain about living in London while you sorted out your legal issues—and apparently got other things sorted out as well—but there’s no way I’m living here all summer.”

  “It’s a beautiful home, Caiden. I’m sure Victoria will give you the tour.”

  “It’s old and stuck in the middle of nowhere. Are there even any young women around here? I just bought a twenty-four pack of condoms and I didn’t buy them because I enjoy a posh wank if you get my drift.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Roy muttered under his breath. I got the impression he would have covered up Vicky’s ears if he could have.

  “Caiden, we’ll speak about this later,” Sheri said, giving me her best stink eye.

  I looked back at Vicky and thought I caught a brief hint of a smile although it disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.

  “We have more good news,” Roy announced, as he tried to change the subject. “We found this on the chair in the lounge, Victoria.” He had a letter in his hand. I thought I recognized the University of Cambridge logo in the corner, but I couldn’t be sure.

  “Vicky’s been accepted to read PPE at Cambridge,” Roy said with a beaming smile on his face. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks,” Vicky replied.

  The absence of a warm hug and a sincere reply was obvious to everyone apart from Roy it seemed.

  “I knew you’d get in of course, but it’s good to get the confirmation all the same.”

  Vicky didn’t say anything. Didn’t she want to study at Cambridge? It sounded like a dream come true for someone of her upbringing, but she couldn’t have looked less enthused at the prospect.

  “You should confirm your acceptance as soon as possible,” Roy said. “Quicker we get this all final the better.”

  “I was thinking about waiting for a few weeks,” Vicky said timidly. “Just in case anything else comes through. I want to know what my options are.”

  “Nonsense,” Roy replied. “What’s the point in looking at the back-up plans when you’ve been accepted to your first choice? You’re going to love it there. My three years at Cambridge were the best of my life. Well, until recently,” he added, turning to look at Sheri.

  “I think I’m going to throw up,” I groaned.

  “Serves you right for knocking back all that whiskey,” Sheri said, completely missing the point. “Come on Royston, let’s give them some time to get to know each other better.”

  Better? I know her fairly well already. I still had a crystal clear mental image of her perfect pussy and the face she made when she came on my cock. I could even describe the size and location of her clit. How much more was there to know about a woman?

  “Vicky,” Roy said as he turned to walk out of the kitchen. “Please give Caiden a tour of the place and make him feel at home. I want him to feel like he’s part of the family.”

  “I suggest we start with the bedroom,” I said to Vicky. “Show me where the magic never happens.”

  “Sod off,” Vicky replied, pushing me out of the way and walking towards a door at the back of the kitchen that led outside to a large, green garden.

  I poured myself another drink and then followed her outside. I’d only been in England for a few months, but that had been enough time to make me rethink some of the stereotypes about English weather. It didn’t rain nearly as much as some people back home made out and there was plenty of potential for warm summer days. Today was one of those days.

  Vicky’s house had a few trees at the bottom end of the garden and they were doing a brilliant job of blocking the breeze that would have made the garden a little too cold for comfort. Instead, I stood outside and bathed in the warm sun directly overhead while I watched Vicky pace up and down the patio.

  “Did you know?” she asked without turning to look at me. “Did you know our parents were going to get married when we slept together?”

  “Of course I didn’t,” I replied. “Did you know?”

  “Ew, no of course not.”

  “Just checking. You were the one who approached me after all. It could have been some weird game to stop your dad marrying my mom. Is that it? Are you going to spring this news on ‘daddy’ at some point and hope he calls off the wedding?”

  “Oh yes, I’m just looking for the right time,” Vicky said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Dad, I know you think you’ve met the woman of your dreams, but you should know that I had a wild night in bed with your new step-son.”

  “I very much doubt that Sheri is the woman of Roy’s dreams. She’s usually only found in men’s nightmares.”

  “You should call him Royston. He hates Roy. Anyway, your mom’s lovely. I wish you wouldn’t talk about her like that. I don’t know how she had the misfortune to have a son like you, but that can’t be helped.”

  “I’m a lovely son,” I said. “I never get in her way and that’s all she really wants from me.”

  “Well you heard them—you’re going to need to be on your best behavior now. That means no more chasing a different woman every night. You might want to return that big box of condoms you just bought; see if they’ll give you a refund.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re jealous, sweetheart?” I never went anywhere without condoms, but when I’d been digging around in my bag for my train ticket, I noticed I’d left the damn things at the London penthouse. The first stop on the way to this house—following Sheri’s awful directions that got me lost more than once—was to pick up some more condoms, or “Johnnies” as the locals seemed to call them.

  She cringed and shivered even though she couldn’t possibly have been cold standing in the sun in her buttoned-up blouse.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said. “I just don’t want you bringing a different drunken slut back here every night.”

  “I don’t always screw drunk sluts.” I walked up close enough to smell the coconut fragrance in her hair, presumably left behind by her choice of shampoo. “Sometimes I fuck sober virgins. You should know all about that.”

  “I wasn’t a… never mind. Just try not to harass all the young women in this town. London’s a big place, but Windsor isn’t. You’ll get a reputation for yourself and that reputation will rub off on this family.”

  “You don’t think very highly of me do you?” I asked.

  “No. In fact, I think very little,” she looked down at my penis, “of you. Very little indeed.”<
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  Cheap shot, Vicky. If she was going to insult me, she should at least be realistic about it. She might go her whole life without taking a cock as big as mine inside her again.

  “I’ll have you know, I do not go around harassing women at all. They come to me and if they meet my criteria then I consider letting them come home with me.”

  “Oh I’m sorry, I guess I got you all wrong. You’re really just screwing these women to be nice. How noble of you. I’m surprised you don’t go around wearing white armor.”

  I shrugged. “Gets a bit hot in the summer. Would you rather I was one of those sleazy guys who rubs himself against random girls in nightclubs until some desperate soul takes the bait? My way’s a lot better and less likely to cause offense, don’t you think?”

  My unique approach to getting laid had come about entirely by accident. I’d had some vague success with women by dancing with them, but the strike rate was too low. You couldn’t tell which women were single, frigid, or just not interested in one night stands.

  One evening I had been far too tired to dance, so I just sat at the bar and enjoyed the finest whiskey they had on offer. It turned out that many women wanted a real man; not just someone who pressed their pathetic erections against them on the dance floor. Those women were more than happy to approach me and strike up conversation.

  I never told my friends the secret to my success, but it was simple enough. Women wanted to be treated like regular people. I just talked to them as if they were a normal human being and after a while they either said goodnight and left me—that didn’t happen often—or the conversation started turning towards nightcaps.

  “Whatever,” Vicky said, shaking her head. “So long as we’re in agreement about you behaving and not doing anything to ruin this for my dad and your mom.”

  “Wait, so you mean you actually support all this? You want our parents to get married?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I’d love to get to know your mom a bit better. I’ve learnt so much from just reading her cookbooks and watching her on television. Imagine what I can learn from her in person.”


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