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A Mommy for His Baby

Page 11

by Molly Evans

  At the moment it didn’t bother him. What bothered him more was his desire to pull Aurora into his arms and never let go of her.

  An hour later, car lights moving across his yard indicated that Aurora had arrived. A flutter of excitement lifted his heart to a faster rate.

  Neither of them was ready for a serious relationship, right? Or were they? They were both scared, but one of them had to take the leap of faith.

  Chloe squealed in delight at something Daisy had done and it drew his attention. One side of his mouth curved up as he watched his daughter tug on Daisy’s ear.

  Didn’t Chloe deserve a mother? Didn’t he deserve a wife, a partner and friend? For both of them to love, and hold, and laugh? To live together?

  Daisy alerted him to Aurora’s presence with her excited romp to the door and a pointed look at him.

  “Okay, okay. I’m coming.”

  That twitch in his pulse returned, and he couldn’t prevent the smile on his face. He pulled the door open and the smile on his face froze as he took in Aurora’s face. Pale and drawn earlier, her appearance hadn’t changed any. She was still in pain.

  “Get in here. We’ve got to get some ice on you right away.”

  “It’s okay. I’m okay.”

  The stiff movements of her body told him otherwise.

  “That’s obviously not true.” He took the tote bag from her hands. “Sit on the couch beside Chloe and I’ll get the ice packs. The pizza can wait.”

  “Okay.” Aurora made her way to the couch and eased onto it.

  Babbling and gurgling, Chloe crawled over to Aurora’s legs and pulled herself up.

  Aurora held her hands out for Chloe to take hold of and she stood on her feet and squealed. “Oh, Beau. Look at this.”

  He arrived moments later with his hands full of ice packs.

  “She’s been trying to pull herself up, but hadn’t made it that far yet. Pretty soon she’ll be walking.” Beau sat. “Lean forward.” He placed ice packs in strategic areas. “Now lean back.”

  “Oh, that is cold!” She closed her eyes and shivered once. “But I know it’s going to ease the burn.”

  “Yes, it will. We’ll hang out here and eat pizza, then get in the tub later.”

  Beau brought the pizza box over to the coffee table with two bottles of beer.

  After sitting for half an hour on the ice, Aurora visibly relaxed. Seeing her hanging out on his couch with his baby on her lap and his dog at her feet tugged at his heart. If things stayed this way, his life would be complete.

  This was all he needed—right here in this room.

  At that moment he knew he’d fallen for her. The last few weeks had been wonderful, but tonight sealed the deal in his heart.

  Chloe had maneuvered herself to face Aurora and now rested her head against Aurora’s left arm. The two snuggled together and a soft humming reached his ears.

  “That’s a beautiful sight.” Beau could hardly speak as he watched them together.


  Aurora looked at him and he felt the full brunt of his emotions in that moment. There were no more questions for him. This was what he needed in his life. Somehow he was going to convince her of it, too.

  “The two of you. My beauties.” With his right hand, he pushed the hair back over Aurora’s shoulder. “Are you okay with her on your lap?”

  “Yes.” Aurora hugged the little girl against her. “I love having her so close. She’s a wonderful baby. You’ve done such a good job raising her, Beau.”

  “It’s not been easy, and I’ve had a lot of help.” This image of the two of them would remain etched in his mind forever. “I love her so much it hurts, sometimes.”

  “That’s the way it should be, right?”

  Unable to stop himself, he leaned closer and pressed his lips against Aurora’s for a kiss. “Yes. It should be.” He whispered the words from his heart.

  After a second’s hesitation, she raised her face and parted her lips to his.

  The feel of her lips, her tongue against his, was just luscious and it stirred him deeply. “Aurora...”

  Chloe took that moment to push at him and he looked down at her.

  “Am I squishing you, baby girl?”

  He leaned back, but his gaze clung to Aurora’s aroused blue gaze. Standing quickly, he took Chloe in his hands and tossed her a few inches into the air. The movement had the desired outcome, and as she squealed with delight the tension between he and Aurora eased.

  “I’m ready for the tub now—how about you?”


  He tucked Chloe against his side. With the other hand he helped Aurora up from the couch. He led the way down the hall to the guest bathroom.

  “You can change in here.” He cleared his throat, trying not to imagine her naked and emerging in a tiny red bikini.

  Instead, she emerged in an oversized shirt that ended at her knees. “I didn’t have a suit, so I figured this would work.”

  “Absolutely. Can’t tell you how disappointed I am, though. I remember that hot red number you used to wear in high school.”

  “Oh, you!” A light blush colored her face, but at least it was some color. “Always the kidder.”

  “I’m not joking. Not at all.”

  “Seriously? What’s life without a little temptation?” The sparkling light in her eyes caught him off guard.

  Timing was everything, and they’d been circling around each other for weeks. Maybe tonight was the night they closed the gap.

  “Come this way. You can get soaking, and I’ll go change.”

  He led Aurora to his back patio, where the spa steamed in the evening air.

  Aurora stopped, her gaze fastened on the rolling hills of the Appalachian Mountains. “What a stunning view.”

  “You should see it in October. That’s when it’s really amazing. The leaves turn incredible colors, and you can sit here and take it all in.”

  At that, she turned her gaze to him. “I’d... I’d like that Beau. I’d like to sit here...with you...this fall and watch this view.”

  Intrigued, he moved closer and looked down into her warm and curious eyes. “Then you’ll have to stay longer. You’ll have to make your time here more than temporary. Are you willing to do that? To give up your life in Virginia? To trade that...for this?”

  Leaning in, he pressed another kiss to her mouth.

  She gave a nervous lick of her lips and curved her hair around one ear. “I’ve been thinking about that lately. A lot.” After dropping her gaze, she brought it back to his. “And you.”

  “Well, I think we should talk more about that—but for now, let’s get you in.”

  He took her hand, assisted her over the edge of the padded shelf and waited until she’d swung those long legs into the churning water.

  “Oh...” She closed her eyes and squeezed his hand hard. “That’s so good, Beau. I think I’m in heaven.”

  Slowly she adjusted to the temperature and eased down onto one of the seats. Another moan of satisfaction escaped her throat as she settled in.

  Beau changed into his swim trunks. When he was alone he went naked, but tonight a suit was in order if he intended to maintain his dignity. He dressed Chloe in the suit his mother had bought for her, picked up her floaty ring and settled her against his side, then grabbed two bottles of beer before heading outside.

  “Oh, squee!” Aurora grinned. “There’s the little girl—in a pink swimsuit, too.”

  Beau made a face. “Grandma thought she needed one—even at this age when she’s still wearing a diaper.”

  “I agree. It’s never too early to start having some style.”

  Chloe squirmed and hooted in delight when she realized where they were going, and Beau nearly lost her, and
the beer, but managed to hold on to both.


  “LET ME HELP.” Aurora took the bottles from him, and he focused on climbing in with his wiggly daughter safely tucked against him.

  “She loves the spa. To her it’s a giant bathtub, and we usually have floaty toys swimming around with us.” Beau reached into a plastic basket full of toys and tossed a few in, to Chloe’s delight.

  “I agree with her. This is fabulous.” She opened the beer bottles and handed him one. “Thanks. This is really great. I can feel my back relaxing already.”

  “That’s good. Working so physically today—in and out of the car, running in and out of the clinic over a gravel parking lot.” He shook his head at his oversight and single-mindedness. “I should have thought of the effect it would have on you. I’m sorry.”

  “It just reinforces that I’m not cut out for physical work any longer, and it’s not your fault. It’s the car crash. Everything comes back to that damned car crash.”

  She shook her head and a haunted look filled her eyes, as if she were going deep inward, seeing things that he couldn’t.

  For a few moments they sat in companionable silence, except for the bubbling of the jets and the night birds settling into the trees around the house. Crickets began their nightly song and one lone cicada buzzed from high up in a tree. Chloe slapped the water with her hand and squealed in delight.

  “It’s so peaceful here. I imagine you just love it.” Aurora grabbed one of the toys and sent it over toward Chloe, who splashed in excitement.

  “I do. I just...well, it was Julie’s dream home.”

  “Do you want to tell me about her? We’re settled in for a soak and a beer. Why not?”

  The smile she offered was soothing, compassionate. So very Aurora.

  For a nanosecond he didn’t want to talk about Julie, about his life with her, but here in his arms, squirming and talking nonsense, was the product of his love for Julie. How could he not acknowledge that?

  Tree frogs chorused as he gathered his thoughts and absentmindedly he reached for a yellow duck floating just out of arm’s reach and handed it to Chloe. She shoved its bill into her mouth and chewed on it.

  “Well, the short version is we met in college, fell madly in love, waited until I was out of school to start a family, and when we did she died.”

  “I’m so sorry, Beau. If it’s too painful, I understand.”

  “I’m okay.” He looked at Chloe and determination filled him. He took a deep breath and blew it out, letting go of the pain, of the unfulfilled dreams he’d had. “Some women have bad pregnancies from the beginning, but Julie’s was wonderful until she collapsed in her ninth month. The doctors said it was an AVM.”

  Saying the words out loud still sounded like it had happened to someone else.

  “I don’t know what that is.”

  “Arteriovenous malformation. There’s a malformation, a growing together, of an artery and a vein in the brain. It usually isn’t bothersome until the extra blood supply of a pregnancy puts added pressure on the weak area. And then...” He didn’t have to explain.

  “Oh, my God.” Aurora closed her eyes, anticipation clearly showing on her face. As a nurse, she could follow the implications and come to the correct deadly conclusion.

  “As you guessed, it ruptured, and she suffered a catastrophic brain injury. Fortunately we were sitting in the doctor’s office when it happened, and she was taken to hospital right away. If it had happened at home I’d have lost them both, and I don’t really want to think about that again.”

  Pulling Chloe closer, he pressed a kiss to her chubby little cheek. Telling the story was difficult, but somehow sharing it with Aurora took some of the sting out of it.

  “With Julie’s parents, I made the decision to have Chloe delivered by C-section...and then we let her go.”

  He pressed his lips together as emotions tried to bubble up. The image of removing that life support was something that would never leave him, but now the pain of it wasn’t so real.

  Without a word, Aurora held her hand out to him. After a second’s hesitation he took it, and looked into her watery eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, but thank you for telling me. I know it wasn’t easy. None of it. But it sounds like you did the right thing—the only thing that could be done.”

  “Yes. I know. Intellectually, there’s no issue. It’s just the wondering...if things had gone differently...blah, blah, blah.”

  “That’s always the hardest part, I think. Of anything. The what if. I had the same sort of thoughts about my car crash. If only I’d gone another route that day, would I be fine now?” She met his gaze. “But then I wouldn’t be here. With you. And Chloe.”

  “Yes, well... Grief is something we all go through in life, but that doesn’t make it easier. Some days are just fine and other days are not.”

  Chloe yawned and drew his attention to her sleepy eyes.

  “But for now I’d better get this little one out, give her a proper bath, then put her to bed.”

  “Would it be okay if I stayed in a little while longer? It really is helping.” She moved her shoulders back and forth and twisted each one with ease.

  “Certainly.” He squeezed her hand and released it. “That wasn’t a subtle invitation for you to leave.”

  “If you’re sure?” There were questions in her eyes.

  “I’m sure.”

  As he turned away, he didn’t know whether he had any answers.

  * * *

  Aurora listened to the sounds of a happy baby splashing in the bathtub and Beau’s voice as he played with her. The sounds stirred something in her heart she’d thought she’d left behind. The desire for a family of her own. Having been independent and on her own for so many years, she’d tucked that fantasy away. Now, being with Beau and Chloe had opened the door to shine some light on it.

  Closing her eyes, she let herself go back, remember. Remember what she’d used to want. What she’d put aside for her career. Marriage. Children. A happy home. The warmth in her heart had nothing to do with the heat of the water she was simmering in. She raised her hands.

  Definitely pruned. Time to get out of the tub. Unfortunately Beau wasn’t there to offer assistance, and she wasn’t willing to risk falling out of the tub. The rim was too high for her to ease herself down without jumping. She sat on the edge, lifting most of her body out and cooling off, waiting until Beau returned.

  In minutes she heard him in the living room and called out to him. “Beau? Can you help me get out?”

  “Just a minute. I’ll put Chloe down.”

  She heard his footsteps approaching a few minutes later.

  “Okay, you need a—” Beau stopped and stared at her.

  His eyes looked over her body. What she hadn’t counted on, with being covered up by the long shirt, was that it was going to be plastered to her body when she got out.

  Beau swallowed and took a step closer to her, his gaze dropping from her face down over her breasts, firmly outlined by the wet shirt. Her nipples stood out prominently and ached to have him touch them. Moments ago she’d been relaxed and lulled by the hot water, but now her breathing came in short, quick gasps, her heart fluttered, and a reckless feeling stirred in her feminine region.


  “Don’t move,” he whispered, and stepped closer.

  He’d changed into a pair of sweat pants and an old shirt, and looked as sexy as she’d ever seen him with his bare feet sticking out. Placing his hands on her knees, he parted them gently and moved between them. “There’s no good reason why I should do this, other than I really want to, and many reasons why I shouldn’t.”

  His breathing was as fast as hers, and in the dim light she could see the desire filling his face, in his posture, in ever

  “Do what?” she dared to ask. She wanted to know. Now.

  “This.” He leaned over, took one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked.

  Aurora gasped at the sensation of his hot mouth closing over her chilled, taut flesh. She clutched his shoulders and hung on.


  Beau’s tongue and mouth caressed and tortured her nipple, stirring feelings she’d thought were long gone. Now she realized they’d only been dormant, waiting for the right moment to surface. Tenderly, he slid his arms around her, moved to her other nipple and closed his mouth over it, tearing down any resistance she might have thought of.

  Neither of them had been prepared for a relationship—hadn’t thought of it until circumstances had brought them together. Now she knew this was what she wanted, and it seemed like Tammie was right. The universe had led her here...right into his arms.

  A soft moan escaped Aurora’s throat as he stirred her body to perfection. Moving upward, spreading kisses, Beau reached her mouth. He cupped her head in his hands and kissed her thoroughly, parting her lips and taking her deep as his tongue sought hers. This was so wonderful—to be wanted, and kissed, and touched, and held in Beau’s arms.

  He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, his rapid breath matching hers. “Aurora, I want so badly to take you to bed right now, but if it’s too soon, and you’re not ready, or—”

  “I’m ready.”

  The words sprang out of her mouth, but emerged from her soul. This was the moment she’d been waiting for and hadn’t even known it.

  “I’m ready.” With hands that trembled, she cupped his head in her hands. “Kiss me again.”

  With those words, Beau groaned and complied, teasing her lips with his, rubbing his nose against hers, then parting her lips with his tongue. The night creatures around them lent a natural music that stirred her desire to be with Beau—now. Everything was perfect.


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