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Page 2

by Philmar, Anita

  “Fuck,” erupted from his lips and a new form of magic swelled in his heart.


  Chloe glanced at Dedrick a good distance below her.

  Time to leave.

  Yes, she’d discovered the excitement of having air sex and had even done it with a sexy hunk from Endole. But now, she needed to escape before he wanted a repeat performance.

  Men are so like that.

  She’d played around with a few guys back in her homeland of Evermore but before she knew it, her father, the king, had pressed her to marry and that…that meant a husband, no wings and a lifetime of imprisonment. Luckily, she’d run away before he could arrange any lasting commitment.

  Now to disappear.

  Crossing her legs and folding her wings to her sides, Chloe smiled and sent Dedrick a wave as she sped past him on her free fall to the ground. A maneuver most fairies called dive-bombing added velocity and sped her away from Dedrick.

  After a few hundred feet, Chloe leaned forward and laid her body flat out on the wind. Her wings unfolded, and she fluttered them to dart into the foliage of a nearby tree. The swift propulsion shot her through the forest on a zigzag ride past limbs, leaves, and stems. Still under the influence of a post-orgasmic euphoria, she drew in a hurried breath and marveled at the rush of freedom that flying granted her.

  Yes, sex could be fun. And Dedrick had set her on fire.

  But how could she sacrifice the ability to fly for a man?

  And oh, wow, air sex held a special thrill. Suspended in the air with wings fluttering behind them, the gentle rocking of the air currents really spiced up the event. But on the ground, with him on top of her, she’d be pinned like a bug with no way to break free. How could that be any fun?

  She shuddered at the thought. Not once, while making love had she allowed a man such control.

  On the path to her secret hiding place, Chloe swept through the leaves of her favorite oak tree and raced down the length of one of the branches. Her feet touched the rough bark, and she managed a few steps before pausing to look over her shoulder. She’d left Dedrick far behind.

  A big drop of rain splashed down beside her, and a dark haze cloaked the forest again. More rain.

  She walked to the deep split in the core of the tree and collapsed her wings so that she could fit through the crack. Once inside, they disappeared with the magic of her sanctuary and darkness surrounded her. “Light.”

  The glow stones she’d place on the oak walls sparked to life, and she sank onto the soft bed of moss in the center of the space. Here, she could rest and relax without anyone telling her what to do, what to say, or who she could or couldn’t see. If her parents would only realize she wasn’t ready to settle down. She might be a princess, but that didn’t mean they had to marry her off so soon. And to some royal stranger from another land.

  “So do you always run away after having sex?”

  Her gaze sped to the entrance of her retreat. Dedrick’s tall, lean form walked through the archway, and his wings disappeared. His dark hair and naked body glistened with moisture. His eyes flamed with lust as he took in her naked form.

  Her mouth watered. Sweet mother of dirt, the man was gorgeous.

  Blood heated her face and her breasts grew heavy. Unable to hold back her reaction, she licked her suddenly dry lips and followed the strong line of his torso, marveling at the dark spattering of hair encircling his erection. Like a beacon in the night, his cock stood out from his body and lured her with its desire to mate.

  A pulse ignited in her core at the idea of fucking him again, but she lifted her upper body onto her elbows and pretended the sight of his thick cock didn’t excite her. After all, attachment could be costly and she’d just discovered the joys of air sex. “We had our fun. What was the point of sticking around?”

  “And what if I wanted more?” He stepped forward, stumbled over a string of moss and plunged forward, landing on the bed, his face between her legs.

  “What the…” Stunned for a moment, Chloe scooted back.

  He lifted his head and grabbed her legs. “Wait, I—”

  “Let me go.” With his hands wrapped around her thighs, she couldn’t move.

  “Not until you tell me why you ran away.” He drew her legs beneath him and rose to his knees, straddling her shins.

  She couldn’t hold back the shiver of excitement that raced down her spine. What could be the harm in having sex with him again?

  Right, he could clip my wings. Then my days of flying would end.

  Determined not to fall victim to her lust, she drew her knees upward to pull her feet from between his legs. The soft moss caressed the soles of her feet as she worked to get in the right position to break free. “I just wanted to try some air sex. I’m not looking for a permanent relationship.”

  His hands slid to her knees and parted them. “Did I say I wanted more than a good time?”

  She shook her head uncertain of his motives. The scorching heat in his brown eyes indicated the desire for a lot more than just a casual roll in the moss.

  “No, but it’s best not to get too involved.” Chloe repeated the words her mother had drilled into her head from an early age. “The pre-transformation fairy can turn to a young wood gnome in a blink of an eye.”

  “And you think I’m looking for a wife?” The rough tone of his voice alerted her that he might have other plans.

  Her gaze slid down his chest to the heavy cock jutting provocatively between his legs. “Right now, you’re just hungry for sex.”

  She lifted her eyes to his face and caught him staring at the hair covering her mound. Her pussy contracted.

  A brief peek of his tongue as it touched his lips sparked a naughty thought. Energy surged and the idea of his wet mouth on her sensitive skin caused a flow of cream between her legs. What kind of pleasure could a man offer with his mouth? “Maybe you’d like to lick my pussy.”

  He leaned closer and licked his lips again. “Would you let me?”

  She giggled at the husky need in his voice. “If you’ll stop when I tell you to.”

  He shook his dark head. “If I ever taste your cunt, I won’t be able to stop.”

  His words slammed through her head. So he was after a long-term relationship.

  “Then you better stop where you are right now.” She sat up and placed her hands on his shoulder. “Matter of fact, it’d probably be better if you just left.”

  His eyes met hers, and his hands skated to the top of her legs. Several fingers brushed the slit of her sex and a wicked one parted the folds and dipped inside. “I can’t leave after such a tempting offer.”

  “But you won’t follow my rules.” The sight of his hands on her pussy inflamed her lust, and she struggled to recall why letting him lick her cunt was a bad idea. Her nails dug into his flesh as his shoulders dipped forward. His dark head fell between her legs, and his breath blew against the crisp hair covering her mound.

  “I’m not good at following rules,” he muttered and stroked his tongue over her pussy.

  One desire sped through her, dissolving all others. She gasped in a quick breath and wove her hands through his black hair. “Please, Dedrick. Do that again.”

  He complied and this time nudged her clit with the tip of his tongue. The erogenous zone pulsed with life. Amazed by the electrifying sensation speeding through her, she wondered why men worried about their cock when their mouth could give just as much pleasure.

  The long, lush stroke of his tongue dipped delicately inside. A sweep in, then out, the sizzling trail awoke streaks of energy that lit every nerve in her body. She drew his head closer and lifted her hips for him to venture deeper.

  Silky strands of his hair caressed her inner thighs. His hands cupped her ass and held her just where he wanted her. The searing heat of his gaze fed the fire in her core. With each flick of his tongue, pleasure corkscrewed through her belly. Yet, it wasn’t enough. She required a great deal more, and by the fairy’s rule, deserved mo
re. “Dedrick, please.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  The unlikelihood of that happening drew a shuttered laugh from her. She massaged her fingers over his scalp. “If you do, I might be tempted to tease you in the same way.”

  He grinned and lifted his head. “Is that to say, you’re hoping to suck my cock?”

  Temptation heated her face at the erotic idea, and she envisioned the long length of his cock, the mushroom head, rolling over her tongue. Could she really please him with her mouth?

  “No.” She tightened her grip on his hair. “At the moment, you need to finish what you started.”

  The pressure on her hips eased as he released the grip on her ass and crawled forward to cover her body with his. “Really? What exactly do you need?”

  Afraid of being pinned beneath him, Chloe wrapped her arms around him and rolled. “I want to be on top.”

  He grinned as she rose above him, her legs straddling his waist. A warm caress slid along her sides. He cupped his hands around her breasts and kneaded her aching flesh. “I don’t have a problem with that.”

  She lowered her hips and his thick cock nudged her entrance before sliding along the cheeks of her ass. Frustrated, she rose onto her knees again.

  “Ride me, Chloe.” He gripped her hips, guiding her onto his rod and showing her how to move above him. The easy glide up and the fast thrust down. Again and again, he tortured her with the uneven rhythm. “That’s the way, now lean forward so I can suck on your breasts.”

  Following his order, she placed her hands on his shoulders and offered him a nipple, thrilled to have his mouth on her again.

  He flicked his tongue over the budded tip and then wrapped his lips around it. Energy surged through her body, and she bucked wildly in the saddle of his cock and groin.

  Dedrick growled and suckled harder, using his mouth to arouse her more as he urgently slammed into her, spurring her into a break-neck pace.

  Chloe trembled, shattered by the sudden onslaught of sensations pulsing from her cunt. She threw back her head and convulsed with the mind-blowing strength of her orgasm.

  He gripped her hips and held her firmly in place. The speed of his thrusting shot through her like a lightning bolt, blinding in intensity. He pumped his cock deeper, faster, harder.

  A second release built and washed over her in a flood of tingling sensations. Air escaped her lungs, and she collapsed onto his chest.

  He drove one thrust deep, and his body quivered. A deep groan whispered from his lips. Moisture flooded around his cock and dripped from her cunt.

  Straightening her legs, she settled over his chest, amazed at how Dedrick had thrilled her like no other male. After all, as an adult fairy, she should experience the joys of sex and flying with equal enthusiasm before she transformed into a wood gnome.

  She signed with contentment. Life can’t get any better than this.


  Light flooded every cell and enlightenment dawned.

  Dedrick slid his hand over Chloe’s luscious curves. Her sated body draped over his with his cock still buried deep. Chloe responded to every touch, giving him everything he wanted.

  The electrifying sex they’d just experienced didn’t seem simple anymore. Playing around and sampling the pleasures of other females, no longer held the same appeal.

  Something has changed.

  Shit. Could it be…

  No, it can’t be nectar love?

  Chloe was pure ambrosia. But could the call to mate happen after only fucking a few times?

  His father had warned him that love could hit like a clash of thunder. And when it did, Dedrick would know instantly who he wanted for his mate.

  Sapped of his strength, yet needing a little distance, he reluctantly separated himself from her lush heat.

  She groaned and muttered drowsily, “I’m really tired.”

  Dedrick wrapped his arms around her naked form and draped her sated body over his. “Take a nap. Afterward, we can decide what we want to do next.”

  With her auburn hair spread against his chest, he marveled at the rich color and ran his fingers through the silky strands. Her limp body completely covered him, a soft, female anchor that held him down but didn’t stifle his freedom.

  Was this what his father meant when he said, a woman adds to your life, not detracts from it? Could one woman be enough for Dedrick?

  In the last lunar cycle of his pre-transformation body, he would lose his ability to fly and hang out with other fairies very soon. Should he mark Chloe as his mate or wait until they knew each other better?

  Right, like she’d continue to see him after today. She already admitted she didn’t want to become serious. Why would she agree to spend the rest of her life with him?

  His hand slid over the thin velvet folds of her wings. If he clipped her wings, she’d never be able to fly again and they’d be forever linked. Could he do that to her?

  His arms tightened, and her breath caressed his neck. So close to sleep, she wouldn’t listen to his argument. She loved to fly as much as he did, but losing her wasn’t an option either.


  Chloe woke to the soft silky texture under her cheek. A sigh whispered from her lips.

  “Well, it’s good to see you’ve finally decided to wake up.”

  The soft feminine voice startled Chloe, and she sat straight up. Silk sheets slid against her skin. Pink walls surrounded her. The two wooden posts of at the end of her bed blocked her view of the bedroom door.

  Chloe glanced at the woman sitting in a rocker. The same auburn hair and sea-green eyes, her mother’s stout wood gnome body reminded Chloe of her destiny. “How the hell did I end up here?”

  “We’re glad to have you home, too.” Her mother set her knitting aside and rose from her chair. “Your father was finally able to procure a curfew spell to bring you home. The magic worked beautifully. Now, you’re back where you belong.”

  “But I left because you wanted to marry me off.” Chloe glanced at the pink ruffles of her nightgown and threw back the covers to exit the bed.

  “And we still are planning a marriage for you. After all, you only have a few more lunar cycles before you’ll be out of your fairy fun years. Then you’ll enter the blossoming stage of a young wood gnome. Most men choose while they’re still fairies, so finding a suitable mate will become much harder.” Her mother, a head taller and considerably wider than Chloe, drew her close. “And we really have missed you.”

  “Oh, Mom, I’ve missed you, too.” Chloe hugged her mother for a moment before remembering where she’d been before arriving home. She frowned. What would Dedrick do when he woke up to find her gone?

  Well, she’d told him she didn’t want a serious relationship. Now nothing else could happen between them. Still…

  “And as a princess of Evermore, you need to choose a suitable husband now.” Her mother drew back. “So before you go off half cocked, you should know your father had your wings clipped. No more flying off.”

  “What?” Chloe jerked away from her mother and fought to register the ramifications of her mother’s confession.

  “We thought it best if you stay grounded. You’ve had your fun.” Her mother turned and strolled to Chloe’s closet. “Now, your father has everything planned out for you.”

  Shocked and furious at the same time, Chloe stood as still as a stick for a few moments as rage rushed through her.

  “How could you?” Her scream bounced off the walls.

  Her mother turned unperturbed by the screeching volume. “You’re our only daughter. It’s our job to do whatever we have to in order to secure your future.”

  “Oh, Mom,” Chloe threw herself back on her bed and burst into tears.

  Images of Dedrick flashed through her head. She’d never see him again.

  Her joy for living shriveled and died.


  Stunned by the change from the wooden walls where he’d fallen asleep, Dedrick studied the stone wal
ls surrounding him. If he didn’t know better, he’d guess he was locked in a dungeon. But what crime had he committed?

  And where was Chloe?

  Rolling onto his side, his gaze fell on a robust man sitting on a stool in the corner. Dark red hair fell onto his forehead, and deep lines formed a frown on the man’s weathered face. Bent forward, the man stared at the ground with his hands knotted together in a tight grip. “What am I ever going to do with that girl?”

  “What girl?” Dedrick wondered aloud.

  The man straightened and drew in a deep breath. “My daughter, the girl you were sleeping with last night.”

  “Chloe?” Dedrick sat and swung his legs off the side of his cot.

  “Yes, she’s been missing for days, and then when I arranged a spell to bring her home, she lay wrapped in your arms.” The man glared at Dedrick. “Would you like to explain to me what you were doing with my daughter? Not that I don’t already know the answer, seeing as you were both naked, but I’d still like to understand your intentions.”

  Dedrick glanced at the clothes currently covering his body. Oversized, they hung limply on his frame. “Believe it or not, I want to convince her to settle down with me, but she loves flying too much to ever give it up.”

  “Well, that won’t be a problem anymore because I had her wings clipped.” The man cocked an eyebrow over his left eye. “How long ago did you…er, make love to her?”

  Checking the window to gage the time, Dedrick rubbed his hand against the jaw. Could his dream of having Chloe as his mate come true? “I’m not sure. It was later in the afternoon. Then another rain storm hit and we fell asleep.”

  The man frowned and gripped his hands tightly together. “To bad, it looks like if you want to make her your wife, you’ll have to court her along with all the other men I have lined up for her to meet.” He stood and the room shrank from the space his stout body consumed. “So, if you still hope to win her heart, I’m sure your father will understand if you want to stay here with us for awhile. We’ll invite them, of course, to the wedding, if she agrees to marry you.”


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