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Page 10

by Trejo, Erin

  “I didn’t. My boss understood what I wanted in life.”

  “Which is?”

  “To be with you. I love you, Gentry Weston.”

  He watches me for a long minute before he leans down and presses his lips to mine. We stand in each other’s arms for a long time when he finally lets me up for air. Resting his forehead against mine, he smiles. This is perfection. This is what I’ve always wanted.

  “Couldn’t resist my snake, huh?”

  “Yes, Gentry. That’s what brought me back,” I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes.

  “I know what it was.”

  “Oh, do you? Please enlighten me as to what that is?”

  “You like riding the cowboy more than the horse,” he says, making me laugh hysterically.

  “You are so into yourself.”

  “I’d like to be in you.” I slap at his chest and he laughs but keeps me pulled close to him. “Let’s go get a drink.” I nod my head thinking that sounds good but I play along this time.

  “I shouldn’t have alcohol. It’s bad for my legs,” I tell him. He looks down at me concerned which makes it that much harder for me to keep a straight face. I love the playful, cocky side of Gentry.

  “What do you mean?”

  “They spread when I’m drunk.” He laughs and grabs my hand.

  “You’re getting a little better there, city girl.”

  “Oh come on! That was a funny!”

  “Not even a little.”

  “Sure it was. You laughed, Gentry!”

  “Yeah because I didn’t want you to feel bad for cracking another lame joke,” he chuckles.

  “That was not lame. I actually thought that was one of my best,” I tell him with a smile.

  “Where did you find that? Google it?” he asks and makes me laugh.

  “Okay, fine. Tell me one.”

  “What do you do when your girl starts smoking?”

  “I don’t know. What?”

  “Slow down and grab some lube.”


  “What did Cinderella do when she got to the ball?” I look at him with my nose scrunched up.

  “She gagged.”

  “You are sick!” I laugh loudly as he grabs my hand in his.

  “What does a woman put behind her ears to attract a man?” he asks smiling down at me.


  “Her ankles.”

  “You have to be the dirtiest person I know, Gentry Weston.”

  “Yeah but you love me.”

  “That I do.”



  “How’s the head feeling?” I ask as I wipe the sweat from my forehead. When Hope doesn’t answer I look up to see her staring at my sweat covered chest when I chuckle. “You know all you have to do is walk over here and you can touch it.”

  “Touch what?” she asks shaking her head.

  “Did you really hit your head that hard?”

  “What are you talking about?” She looks up at me confused. It’s cute. Really cute.

  “You have stood there for a good five minutes staring at my chest, Hope. Now in that five minutes you could have had my dick down your throat,” I remind her with a grin.

  “You seriously have issues. I was coming to tell you that a few of your mom’s friends came by and asked her to go out with them tonight.”

  “Really? What did she say?”

  “She said no. I talked her into it.” She grins up at me.

  “She’s going?”

  “We’re going,” she corrects me before stepping closer and resting her palms on my sweaty chest. My muscles clench, my heart hammering faster in my chest. She does this to me.

  “I never agreed to go.”

  “But you will.” She smirks.

  “And why is that?” I ask her before reaching up and tugging her closer to me. Her face smashes into my chest before she swats at me.

  “Gentry! Your sweat is in my mouth!”

  “Prefer my dick? I can drop ‘em right here, you know?” She lets out a long groan before looking back up at me.

  “Go in and get changed. We are going out, Gentry.” She pulls out of my grasp and takes a step back when I laugh.

  “You don’t get to boss me around, city girl. If anyone is bossing it’s me. Now get over here and kiss me before I change my mind about you,” I tease her.

  Dawson chuckles behind me but Hope moves. She slams into me, wrapping her arms around my neck and holding me tightly. Her lips claim mine in the most heated kiss I’ve ever felt from her. Her tongue plunges into my mouth, and I moan as I keep her body pressed to mine. We kiss with passion and heat until she pulls back and smiles at me.

  “Is that good enough for you?”

  “Nope. Now my dick’s hard and I can’t walk back to the house. Think you can fix that?” Hope pulls away and slowly kneels in front of me. My heart beats faster and faster while her hand drags over my jeans. I groan and roll my head back but when I don’t feel anything, I look back down at her. She stands there with a rag in her hand holding it out to me.

  “Go on. Take it and handle that,” she says nodding toward my hard on. She’s the devil.

  “I didn’t know we were playing that game. You better remember that later,” I tell her. In true Hope fashion she sticks her tongue out at me and spins to walk away. I stand here watching her go too, loving the way her jeans hug that round ass of hers.

  “You got it bad for that one,” Dawson says slapping his hand across my chest.

  “I’ve always loved that girl. Even all those years apart, just seeing her again drives me crazy. We were good together back then but I think we both needed to find out who we are,” I admit to him. It isn’t hard to admit that anymore. I did love her this whole time in my own way.

  “I don’t think she figured that out until she came back. She’s good with you, Gentry. I’m not so sure she was all that great without you.”

  I shrug and blow out a breath.

  “You coming with us?”

  “No, got work to do.”

  “Let the others handle it for tonight. Come out with us. You need a break,” I tell him. Dawson shrugs and scratches at the back of his neck.

  “Suppose I could.”

  “Good. Get ready. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.” I turn on my heel and head toward the house with Boudreaux trotting along next to me. I reach down and scratch his head when he looks up at me.

  “You thinking this is a bad idea too?” He barks, giving me my answer.

  “Why do you think it’s a bad idea?” I look up just as my mom comes out of the house and onto the porch.

  “Because it involves Hope, drinking, and dancing. Those three don’t go together.” She laughs before her eyes slowly become somber. “Spit it out, Mom. What’s bothering you?”

  “I just don’t know how I feel about going out just yet. It hasn’t been that long since your dad passed away. It just feels wrong,” she says sadly.

  I don’t like seeing my mom like this but I understand it. The last few months without him have been hard, and I’m not sure that I would have gotten through it without having Hope here. Walking up the steps, I wrap my arms around my mom and pull her into me.

  “He wouldn’t want you living like this, Mom. Pop would want you to keep living.”

  “I know it’s just hard. I know I told Hope I would go, but I don’t think my hearts in it,” she admits, breaking my heart a little more.

  “I get it, I do. We can hang out here tonight. Watch a movie.”

  “You will not! That girl has been in there getting ready for this. You will take her out tonight, Gentry.”

  “Well I’m not going to be the one to tell her you aren’t going,” I protest as I lean down and press a kiss to my mom’s cheek.

  “Grow a pair, boy. She won’t castrate you for me not going.” When she pulls back my mouth falls open from her words. She’s been around me way too long.

  “You don’t kn
ow that! You met the girl!”


  His eyes haven’t left me since I walked out of the room. I find that I like having Gentry’s gaze on me though. It makes me feel sexy and wanted. The music is loud, the live band killing the songs tonight. We’ve sat at a small table in the back drinking and laughing with Dawson and one of the girls he’s picked up for the night.

  “Do you dance?” the girl, Tina, asks leaning closer to me.

  “I do he just doesn’t want me to after I’ve been drinking. He thinks I get a little too flirty!”

  “No such thing! Come on, girl!”

  Tina grabs my hand pulling me off the stool. Glancing over my shoulder I see Gentry with a smirk on his face watching me as we move through the room. Just as we hit the floor Brooks and Dunn’s “Boot Scootin’ Boogie” comes on. Tina smiles as I adjust my skirt and get in line. The beat drops and we all start dancing. So I may be a little tipsy but this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. If I’m being honest, I missed this. I missed the times that we were happy and smiling. I missed just letting loose and having a good time. That’s something I didn’t really do when I was in California. Tina and I laugh when my boot heel catches on the floor and I almost fall to my ass. Gentry is sitting in the same place watching me while he chuckles. I stick my tongue out at him and keep going. My hips move, my body becomes looser and I let go just enjoying the dance. When the song changes to Shania Twain’s “Any Man of Mine”, I find Gentry behind me.

  “What are you doing?” I call out over the music when he starts dancing. There is nothing sexier than a cowboy who has moves. His jeans hug his thick thighs, encompassing his perfect ass. I can’t stop watching him. In the middle of the dance floor, I stand enraptured by all that is Gentry. His feet keep him moving, a smile plastered to his face. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile this much in a very long time. It makes me happy to see. Gentry spins around on his heel before grabbing me by the waist and pulling me along with him. I let out a squeal as he spins me around in his arms.

  “Gotta keep moving, city girl!” he says over the music.

  My heart leaps into my throat as I look up at him. My smile slowly fades with the music. Gentry’s smile isn’t far behind. There’s something happening between us right now. Garth Brook’s “If Tomorrow Never Comes” is up next as Gentry pulls me in close. He leans down, nuzzling his face into my hair.

  “This song could be us,” he whispers in my ear. A chill runs down my spine as I listen to the words being sung. His hands stay on my lower back, keeping me pressed against him. Then he starts to sing and my heart melts.

  “If tomorrow never comes. Will she know how much I loved her. Did I try in every way to show her every day that she’s my one and only.” His voice is gravely and low. I can’t stop myself from moving my lips to his. Kissing him softly at first, his hand slides up my back and around to the back of my neck keeping me in place. His mouth works over mine, his soft lips caressing me so perfectly. My whole world could crumble and fall apart here and now, and this moment would forever be engrained in my heart and mind.

  “I love you,” he whispers pressing his lips to my neck as the music continues. Gentry keeps me close before he spins me out and back into his arms. I can’t stop the laughter or the happiness that swallows me whole in this moment. Everything is perfect.

  “I love you too.” The music changes and Gentry pulls me back to our seats.

  “Now let’s get you a little drunker so that I can take advantage of you when we get home,” he says with an evil grin.

  “You were just being so sweet and now all you can think about is getting me out of this skirt?” I ask him when he passes me another drink. He winks at me and I laugh when he drags me into his lap. I gladly go when Tina and Dawson come back and sit.

  “Stop wiggling your ass,” Gentry whispers in my ear. “I thought the beer was good here but the lap dances are better.”

  “I am not wiggling my ass!”

  “Hope, you are the hot ass in my shot glass,” he teases again.

  “Are we on pick-up lines again because you didn’t do so well last time,” I remind him. He raises his eyebrows and looks at me like that was a challenge.

  “Okay. Let’s make a bet. Dawson and I against you girls.”

  “What for?” Tina asks smiling. Yeah, she’s in.

  “Next round of drinks on the loser,” Gentry informs her. They all nod and I smirk. Gentry is so going to kick our asses.

  “Ladies first,” Dawson says motioning to me.

  “Okay, let’s see. Did you slip some fireball into my drink or you just getting hotter?” Gentry snorts while the other two laugh.

  “Do you want to have a drink and sex with me? No? What about just the sex?” I shake my head as Dawson pouts.

  “That was not a good line, Dawson. Tina, your turn.”

  “You owe me a drink. I dropped mine when you walked by,” she says. The guys chuckle but I think they’re just drunk.

  “Here’s a hundred. Go drink until I look good enough to go home with,” Gentry says.

  Tina laughs, shooting beer out of her nose.

  “I do believe we won that round, Gentry,” Dawson informs the table.

  “Fine! I got this round,” I tell them and climb out of Gentry’s lap. I head toward the bar stumbling a little over my own feet. Shaking my head, trying to rid the drunken fog, I order more drinks to be delivered to our table. The band keeps playing and so do we. I don’t even know what time it is when Gentry carries my singing self out of the bar.

  “Gentry, you’re drunk,” I slur the words.

  “I’m not drunk, I’m intoxicated by you,” he whispers before kissing me softly.

  “You know that my skirt is going to fall right off when we get home,” I warn him in all my haze.

  He chuckles and the sound vibrates through his chest.

  “I’m counting on that.”

  “You really are a horny man, aren’t you?”

  “Only with you, baby.”



  “Did you ever think about me? When I left?”

  “Which time?” he teases with a smile.

  “The first time.”

  “Of course I did. You were my first love, Hope.”

  My heart melts inside of me from his words.

  “You were mine too. And now you’re going to be my last.”

  “Is that so? You making me a promise?” I yawn.

  “I’d promise you every single tomorrow.”



  The horse gallops at top speed. I love this feeling. The feeling of being free. It reminds me of my pop and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I miss him more than words can say. But with that I don’t think I’ve ever been happier now that Hope is here. Everything seems to be settling into place now. I have Hope back at my side. I have the family that I always wanted. It all reminds me of my Pop. How family was everything to him, that’s now how I feel. Now that I know Hope isn’t going anywhere, I feel settled. Complete. My life felt like it was closing in on me and now that I have her once again, I feel like a million things have opened up for me. My ride back to the stables didn’t take as long as I thought. I ran a perimeter check of the property making sure our fences are holding up. When I climb off the horse, my mom is waiting for me.

  “What are you doing out here?” I ask her as I hand off the reigns to Dawson.

  “I think we need to talk, Gentry.” Her face is serious looking and that’s never a good sign. Nodding my head, I wrap my arm around her shoulder as I lead her toward the house.

  “What’s going on?”

  “There is something I wanted to tell you, but I wasn’t sure how you’d take it,” she says softly fiddling with her hands.

  “What is it, Mom?” I stop walking and move to stand in front of her, looking into her eyes. This is something big. Something serious.

  “Your dad… This isn’t easy for me to say, Gent

  “Just say it. Pop what?”

  “He was having an affair.”

  The air leaves my lungs as if I’d been punched in the chest.

  “What do you mean he was having an affair?”

  “Just what I said, Gentry. Don’t make me repeat myself. That’s not all.”

  “What else could there be?” I ask a little louder than I needed to, but she just dropped a bomb on me. I think all things considered I’m staying pretty calm.

  “He has a daughter.”

  Strike that. Jesus, could this day get any worse? I step back, pulling my hat from my head and running my hand through my hair. I was not expecting this. Not at all.

  “A daughter? You’re telling me that Pop has another kid?”

  She nods her head slowly. “She’s twelve.”

  “What? Twelve? This has been going on for that long? How didn’t we know about this? I can’t believe this!” I roar as I turn to walk away. It doesn’t happen, I don’t get that far. Mom stops me before I can make my getaway.

  “Gentry, just listen to me!”

  I stop walking when I feel her hands on my back. But I can’t turn around just yet.

  “How long have you known?” I ask quietly.

  “I knew about it back then. He said it was only one time, but I knew there was more to it.”

  “How did you even find out about this?”

  “That’s the thing. The lawyer just called me. It seems the little girl’s mother was recently killed in an accident.”


  “And he was listed as her father. The lawyer wanted me to be aware of that. She doesn’t have any other family, Gentry,” she says looking down at her feet.

  No, no way is she thinking what I think she is. How and why?

  “You’re not considering bringing her here are you?” When she doesn’t look up at me, I ask again. “Mom?”

  “I am. I have a meeting with the lawyer and with the child protective services.”

  “What are you thinking, Mom? You are going to raise some other woman’s child? Someone that Pop cheated with? What’s wrong with you?” I growl each word until I see the look in her eyes. This is hurting her, I’m hurting her. My shoulders sag in defeat. “I’m sorry. I just…I don’t know what to say. It’s all too much.”


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