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Wicked Edge

Page 26

by Nina Bangs

  He had barely finished his mental shout-out when Bourne appeared. Edge didn’t waste words. “There’s a cloaking spell and the door’s warded. Passion got through to my mind, but her thoughts kept breaking up. She’s in a bathroom. Said she couldn’t move or talk. I’d guess she’s in there.” He nodded at the door.

  Bourne took a moment to study Murmur. “You decided to help?” He looked disbelieving.

  Murmur grinned. “Death now owes me a favor.”

  Bourne shook his head as he glanced at Edge. “Foolish.”

  “It’s for Passion.” Edge thought that said it all. He held up his hand to stop his boss’s comment. “I know. Love rots your brain. Can you take care of this?”

  Bourne put out his hand and rested it against the door. Edge still thought it was freaky that he couldn’t see anything solid there.

  “Hmm. I suppose I’ll have to stop thinking of Ted as an object of contempt. This is incredibly complex.” Bourne dropped his hand.

  “Can you get rid of it?” Edge did not want to leave Passion inside that room one more second while Bourne admired his enemy’s work.

  “Of course.”

  Bourne’s expression never changed, but suddenly there was a quiet pop and it almost looked as though the area in front of the door rippled. Finally, Edge could see the closed door.

  Bourne glanced up and down the hallway. “You’re responsible for all the other doors?”

  “Absolutely.” Edge refused to apologize for the destruction. Sparkle could take it out of his paycheck.

  “I took care of the ward too. Feel free to complete the demolition.” Bourne nodded at the door.

  Within seconds, Edge had blown open the door and was striding into the room. He headed for the closed bathroom door.


  Bourne’s sharp command stopped him.

  “The whole damn exterior of the bathroom is warded—door, walls, and probably floor and ceiling.” He scanned the room. “At least I don’t sense a portal.”

  “We need to get Passion out of there now.” Edge spoke through clenched teeth, even as he admitted to himself that he might not be quite rational about things at the moment.

  “Those wards will light you up like a Christmas tree. And they’re too powerful for me to take down safely.” Bourne looked as though he hated admitting that. “This is bad. Even if I take them down from a distance so we’re safe, the concussion will kill anyone inside that small bathroom.” He moved closer.

  Edge’s mind circled the problem, studying it from every angle. “Could I bypass the wards by dematerializing and then materializing inside?”

  Bourne shook his head. “The wards wouldn’t let you through.”

  Murmur summed it up. “So we have to find a way into the bathroom without touching the outside of the warded door, walls, floor, or ceiling.”

  “That’s about it.” A crease had formed between Bourne’s eyes.

  Edge rubbed his forehead, as though that would jump-start his brain. “Okay, so the only empty spaces going into that room are the vents, drains, and faucets.”

  Bourne threw him a sharp glance. “That’s it. I have an idea.” He spoke to Murmur and Bain. “You two wait outside in case Ted shows up. I’d guess he already knows we’re in his room, so he won’t come back to it, not without backup. But I don’t want to chance any interruptions.”

  Edge wished the son of a bitch would return. Ted needed to sit down for a long talk with Death.

  Once Murmur and Bain had left the room, Bourne turned to Edge. “Do you trust me?”

  “What’s that have to do with anything?” Edge didn’t trust anyone, except Passion. But he didn’t think this was the moment to admit it, not when he wanted Bourne to help him free her.

  Bourne smiled. “You don’t. Fine, so let me reword the question. Do you trust me to get you and Passion out of there alive?”

  That was easy. “Yes.” Edge didn’t doubt Bourne’s immense power.

  “Good. Because you’ll have to put your life in my hands. No doubts.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Bourne nodded. “I’m going to turn on the shower in the bathroom. Then I’m going to control your dematerialization and send you into the bathroom through the showerhead. The water isn’t touching the wall, just the outside of the pipe that goes through the wall. If all goes well, you’ll materialize in the bathroom. Then you can carry Passion out through the door since the wards are only meant to keep people out.”

  And if something goes wrong? Edge didn’t ask the question, because he didn’t want Bourne to back away from this. He’d take his chances. If things went bad, he’d never know because his molecules would be floating free forever. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Bourne’s gaze grew unfocused, and a few seconds later Edge heard the shower water running. He took a deep breath. Edge would never be comfortable with someone else controlling his fate, but he had to push his feelings aside and concentrate on Passion.

  Dematerializing was like falling asleep. One minute you were there and then nothing. He didn’t know when it happened, but suddenly he was standing in the shower with cold water streaming over him.

  He stepped out of the shower, dripping all over the floor. Passion sat with her back pressed against the wall near the door. She didn’t speak, she didn’t move, she only stared at him from wide eyes filled with…Edge had expected fear. What he saw was one ticked-off lady. He grinned. That’s my woman.

  His woman? Edge stopped smiling. He’d turned into what he’d always derided—a man ruled by his feelings for a woman. And you know, it feels damn good. He reached her in one stride.

  Then he saw her face. Fury made him shake. “The son of a bitch hit you.”

  Passion had never heard such murderous rage, such an unspoken promise of retribution in anyone’s voice. He touched the side of her face with gentle fingers. She winced.

  “He will pay, and it will be my debt to collect.” His eyes darkened.

  She believed him.

  Then he scooped her up, kicked open the door, and strode from the bathroom.

  Murmur and Bain stood in the hallway, but they didn’t follow Edge back to her room. Bourne didn’t comment on her face, but she’d heard his swift intake of breath when he first saw her. “I’ll join you in a few minutes. I have to take down the bathroom wards and make a few calls.”

  Edge nodded and then carried her to her room. He gently laid her on the bed.

  Passion stared up at him—unable to speak, to move. She only hoped he couldn’t read what was in her eyes. She didn’t want to burden him with all her emotions, especially one he wouldn’t welcome. She tried instead to concentrate on how she wanted to kick Ted’s butt all the way back to his fake heaven, wherever that had been.

  Edge murmured words of comfort until Bourne walked into the room.

  “Zane will be up to free you, Passion. I’d do it myself, but wielding any more magic would drain me. I have to be at full strength when Ted makes his move. Sparkle is on her way with someone to fix the door and something to help with the swelling. I’m sure she’ll be her usual sympathetic self. At least with you.” Bourne glanced at Edge. “If you want something to eat, order it right after Zane finishes because in about an hour he’ll be warding the doors and no one will be able to get in.”

  Passion would have frowned if she could. What magic had Bourne wielded? She’d already gotten that something was going on when Edge came out of the showerhead instead of through the door. Damn, the side of her face was throbbing.

  “Why bother? Wards didn’t keep us out.” Edge never took his gaze from Passion.

  “Taking down wards uses energy, especially when there’re lots of them. He won’t want to deplete his strength any more than I do, so I don’t think he’ll bother you.”

  Edge finally dragged his attention from her. “Thanks. For everything. I’ll find a way to pay you back.”
/>   Bourne smiled. “I’m counting on it.” Then he left.

  A few seconds later, Zane walked in. He looked grumpy. “I feel like indentured labor here. I paid for my room—even though some bastard ripped my door off—but I’m still expected to be at the beck and call of your Big Freaking Boss.” He stopped at the foot of the bed and stared at Passion. “Who hit you?”

  She couldn’t answer him, but she appreciated the outrage and anger in his voice.

  Edge answered for her. “Ted. But I’ll make sure she’s the last woman he touches.”

  Zane nodded and then got to work. He studied Passion for a few minutes, ignoring Edge’s impatient mutterings. Then he reached out, touched her hand.

  Power radiated from his touch, and suddenly she could move. Relief washed over her. “Ohmigod, thank you.” She stretched her arms above her head and tipped her head back. “I’ll never take the power to speak and move for granted again.”

  Then she remembered. “Ted is a fallen angel. He admitted it. Someone has to tell Bourne.”

  “Interesting. I’ll let Bourne know.” Zane turned to leave.

  Talking made her face hurt more, but Passion had to ask. “How are things going with you and your dad?”

  Zane winced at the word “dad.” “He’s trying, but the snark keeps escaping when he’s not paying attention. I’m convinced that my fatherless childhood was a blessing. If he’d been around, I probably would’ve committed patricide by the time I turned five. Or worse yet, I would’ve turned into a mini-Holgarth.” The thought seemed to horrify him. He left.

  Passion didn’t have time to say anything to Edge before Sparkle showed up. It didn’t matter what part she was playing—Nurse Sparkle or Sparkle the Handyman—she always dressed to impress. She wore black leather pants, black boots with four-inch heels, and a silky green top that was only half there. Glittery green earrings dangled almost to her shoulders.

  Sparkle beckoned, and a man stepped into the room. The stones in her rings caught the light and almost blinded Passion. “This is Dan. He’s going to fix your door.” She speared Edge with a hard stare. “Along with all the other doors. Expensive doors.” She waved Dan to work.

  Then she walked over to the bed. For the first time, Passion noticed she was carrying a small tote bag.

  Sparkle narrowed her eyes as she studied Passion’s face. “Ted hit you?”

  Passion nodded.

  “Remind me to separate his sexual organs from his body the next time I see him.”

  Passion got the feeling she wasn’t kidding.

  “Is anything broken?” Sparkle touched her face with light fingers.

  “I don’t think so, but it hurts like a bitch.”

  Sparkle smiled. “I like how you’re expanding your store of colorful language.”

  “I’m not in heaven anymore.” Passion glanced at Edge, and something in his gaze promised that she could be. Very soon.

  “I have an ice pack to help bring down the swelling. Don’t leave it on your face too long.” She dragged it out of her tote bag. “I also have some painkillers. Use them. And I’ll stop in the restaurant and order something good that won’t require any serious chewing. Someone will bring it up.” She dropped the pills on the bed. “Now, I have to find Mede and explain to him that even though I might be his cute little peppermint patty, and even though I live in terror of breaking my nails or scuffing my awesome designer shoes, I can fight like a berserker, and I fight dirty.” She turned and swayed toward the door. She paused just before leaving. “Of course, you know that sex is a natural painkiller.” On that final note, Dr. Stardust left.

  “Go, Sparkle!” Passion smiled up at Edge. “Why don’t you order room service for yourself? I guess Sparkle is taking care of me. I’ll take the pain pills right before I eat.”

  He nodded, his expression thunderous. “If it doesn’t hurt your face too much, I’d like to know what happened.”

  Passion widened her eyes. “You just reminded me. I forgot to tell any of them that Ted was the old woman who tried to help you the night he ramped up your urge to kill Ganymede. That’s how he fooled me. He came out of his room, and all I saw was the old woman. He lured me into his room by telling me there was a bug inside he wanted me to kill.” Quickly, she told him everything else.

  When she finished, he simply nodded. “Ted had wards on the front door and all around the bathroom. Bourne was impressed with his magical talent.” Edge’s tone suggested that none of Ted’s magic would save him in the end. “Let me order my food and tell Bourne about Ted’s glamour. Not that he’ll use the old woman one again. Then I need to get out of these wet clothes and take a shower.”

  When Edge emerged from the shower, he wore only jeans.

  She tried not to stare. Her throbbing face didn’t lessen her appreciation of that wide expanse of sculpted pecs and smooth muscle.

  Passion forced her attention away from his body. She met his gaze. He grinned at her. She looked away. “I need a shower too.”

  After assuring Edge she was fine other than a sore face, she went into the bathroom—okay, so the bathroom creeped her out—and took a hot shower. Then she pulled on her nightgown and put on her robe. Those homey touches, along with feeling that she’d washed off all of Ted’s evil, made her feel almost normal again.

  Trying to ignore Edge, who lay sprawled on the couch staring at Sweetie Pie, she climbed into bed and propped herself up with pillows.

  Edge glanced over at her. “The plant looks a little wilted.”

  Passion refused to meet his gaze. “Guess she hasn’t been getting her plant food of choice.”

  The food arrived a few minutes later, and Edge joined her in bed to eat his. Passion took her pills and finally acknowledged that she felt safe—from Ted, from the avenging angels, and from her own fears. Because of Edge.

  She watched as he took their plates and piled them on the coffee table. Then he returned to the bed. She stared unblinkingly at the smooth play of muscles beneath all that gorgeous skin as he moved. He stood beside the bed and pulled off his jeans before climbing into bed beside her. She enjoyed that too.

  He reached out to turn off his light and she did the same. Then they lay there in the middle of all that silence. Finally, she couldn’t stand it anymore. She turned onto her side facing him.

  “Did I ever tell you about Sweetie Pie?” Even with the pills, she felt too wound up to sleep.

  The noise he made could’ve been laughter. “Yes, I know about Cinn’s plants. Is that Sweetie Pie over near the window?”

  “Yes. She lost four more leaves.”

  “That’s sad.”

  His soft laughter was a sensual back rub. She relaxed into it.

  “I feel guilty.”

  “Hmm? I can see why you’d feel that way. Keeping her healthy is a serious responsibility.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Long, long, long pause. “I figured maybe we could try Sparkle’s natural painkiller.”


  “What about this?” Edge rolled onto his side facing her. He gently cupped her cheek.

  She sighed. “All of me wants you, but my mouth will have to take a rain check for the night. No heavy lifting. I guess some delicate nibbling will be okay, though.” If she had anything to say about it, her mouth would be all over him next time. Next time? Would there be one? “At least the pills are starting to kick in.”

  “What else do you want, Passion?” He tugged at her nightgown. “This is a token covering. Take it off.”

  “What else do I want?” She did some creative wiggling until he was able to slip the nightgown over her head. “How about making love with you at every attraction in Live the Fantasy?”

  His soft laughter touched her with deliciously dark excitement.

  “The scope of your wants boggles the mind, but I’m nothing if not accommodating. We can check the castle off your list tonight.” He pushed the covers aside, his gaze sliding the length of her bared body. “I’ll be the savage laird of th
e castle, and you can be the helpless maiden captured as you stupidly wandered the dark forest picking berries.”

  “Wait, wait.” She tried to marshal her thoughts, but they kept scattering in the face of all that hard male flesh. “That is so sexist. How about me being the lairdess of the castle and you’re my captured warrior?”

  “There’s no such thing as a lairdess.” He punctuated his argument by cupping her breast and rubbing the pad of his thumb back and forth, back and forth across her nipple.

  “Well, there should be.” She almost hummed with sensual bliss at the warm friction of his skin against hers. Her nipple was a super-sensitized nub of pleasure/pain. “Oh, and there’s one more thing I want.”

  “Hmm?” His concentration seemed to be wandering from the conversation.

  “Pay attention.” She leaned close and kissed a path along his jaw to get him back on track. “This time I want it to count. No false starts. That means no turning back time, or Fantasy Fulfiller stealing our images and slapping them onto the big screen.”

  His smile was a flash of white in the darkness. “It will definitely count, sweetheart.”

  “Good. Too bad we’re stuck in here. A castle love scene should have lots of atmosphere. You know, knights in armor, the clash of swords, a deadly villain. That kind of stuff. One of Holgarth’s fantasies would be fun.” Having the freedom to touch any part of his body was even more fun. She reached down to stroke his muscular bare-bare-gloriously-bare thigh as she considered fantasies. But it was growing harder to concentrate on much of anything other than her exploding senses.

  He raised one brow. “With all that going on, wouldn’t our lovemaking get lost in the action? I warn you, I’ll never blend in with the secondary characters.” His smile widened. “I love playing deadly villains, though.” He leaned close to kiss the sensitive spot right behind her ear. “Villains are more creative, more compelling, more interesting than plain vanilla heroes.”


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