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Another Last Chance

Page 18

by Tristan Walker

  After seeing the look on her face as she ran to her car, Kevin knew she hadn’t expected things to turn out that way. But, mentioning that she didn’t take the money didn’t make him feel any better. He felt foolish for not figuring her out sooner. He could’ve prevented a lot from taking place if only he had been observant.

  “Listen, that whole night I was by myself for a reason.” He was speaking louder than before, hoping to get his point across. “I didn’t like what Steve do that night and I tell him about it. I tell him I didn’t want anything to do with them again. The only reason I was by the club was because of Sean birthday lime and that was the last thing I was going to do with them.”

  “Okay. I wouldn’t doubt it.” Biggs looked convinced. “And that was why I say, you was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  Kevin understood what he meant. He knew he should’ve never been at that party. Nevertheless, with everything that was being said, he was closer to making a decision.

  “So what about yuh boys who get shoot?” Kevin said. “You willing to let that one slide too?”

  Biggs lifted his eyebrow with a confused look on his face. “What you talking about? Nobody from my team did get shoot. We is top shooters. Allyuh can’t even fucking shoot to save allyuh life. A set of wild shots all over the place like if allyuh have bullets to waste. One of we cars damage but that is small thing. We done replace that.”

  Kevin was staring at him as he realized he had gotten misleading information. Knowing now that no one from Biggs's crew was shot or injured, Biggs' intentions sounded convincing.

  The room was quiet for a while and Kevin bowed his head and did some controlled breathing.

  “So, now that we get all that out of the way. What going on? We have a deal, or what?”

  Kevin didn’t look up. He knew Biggs had the upper hand and saying no would no doubt piss him off more than he’d been in the past. He also knew that he wasn’t in any position to negotiate, so he agreed.

  Biggs smiled and after telling him that he’d made the right choice, he instructed one of his boys to untie him.

  Kevin’s hands and feet were untied within a few minutes and he quickly began to massage the sore spots where the rope had left a mark. He looked at Biggs, confused by his decision to let him loose even before receiving his drugs. Biggs caught his eyes and threw the memory card for him. Kevin caught it and began to examine it. He started getting flashbacks of his painful journey and couldn’t believe that it was all for something so small.

  Biggs stood up and two of his boys appeared at his side. Their faces were hard and expressionless. Kevin remembered one of their faces from the club’s car park. He was the one who had brought him to his knees with the metal pipe. Their eyes made four and during that moment Kevin saw him grip the front of his pants waist making it known that he was carrying a firearm beneath his clothing.

  “So,” Biggs started saying. Kevin turned to him. “This is how we going to do this. You going to call one of yuh boys. I don’t care who you call. Just call them and make arrangements for them to get my stuff. When they have it I would organize where we meeting and we would go there to finish this transaction. Once everything is everything, everybody would be free to go their separate ways. Even you. You understand?”

  Kevin played it over in his mind and when he had no objections at the moment, he said he understood.

  “Okay, good.” Biggs opened his hand and was given a cell phone by the guy that Kevin didn’t recognize. He then stepped forward and handed it to Kevin.

  He looked at the time on his watch. “Is almost twelve o’clock. They have until three o’clock to get it and call back this number.”

  Kevin hesitated as he thought about who the better person to call was and what he was going to say. He then dialed the number of the cell phone Sean’s cousin had left him with and Sean answered on the fourth ring. The phone was placed on speaker as instructed.

  Kevin kept the conversation short as he explained what was taking place and what he needed him to do. He was sure to mention that it was a life or death situation. He wasn’t in the position to answer too many questions, so he kept cutting Sean across by promising that he would explain everything when they met. When he had succeeded in the conversation, he hung up and handed the phone back to Biggs and they all left the room.

  Later that afternoon when his boys had returned the sun had already moved across the room. One of the guys came over to Kevin and tied his hands together before taking him outside.

  Kevin looked around, but the wooden structure was totally surrounded by bushes and trees and he couldn’t see anything beyond that. They signaled him to get into a waiting pickup van and that was where they blindfolded him. Biggs was nowhere around.

  There were a lot of turns and the road was very rough for most of the drive. Everyone in the vehicle remained silent and Kevin kept hoping and praying that everything would go smoothly.

  About twenty minutes after the van came to a stop and all the doors opened and Kevin was pulled out of the vehicle. He could hear cars speeding nearby and he felt the warm afternoon breeze blowing against his skin. The blindfold was taken off and the first thing he saw was Biggs standing in front of him. Sean was on his knees and one of Biggs men was holding him by the collar with a gun to his head. His mouth was covered with silver tape and his face was angry though he looked unharmed. Kevin looked around.

  They were standing in the ground floor parking of an old semi-constructed building. The walls were discoloured from passing time and the highway was less than a kilometre away. There were two cars behind Biggs and two additional men standing very close to him. Kevin didn’t panic. He was angry.

  His eyes went back to Biggs. “What going on? I thought we had ah deal.

  “Well, I did always like them two words… Thought, and had!”

  “Hmm.” Kevin laughed in frustration and shook his head. “So, you saying we had a deal?” Kevin said while slowly nodding his head with a frown. He was secretly trying to pull his hands apart, but the ropes were too tight. If that wasn’t the case, he would’ve surely jumped at Biggs and wrestle him to the ground and risked being shot.

  “Yeah. We had ah deal.”

  “And what happen? What cause that to change?”

  They were both distracted as Sean started moving around a lot and the man with the gun held on to his shoulder firmly. He took a moment to control him.

  “What you think?” Biggs said in a loud aggressive voice.

  “What? You didn’t get all yuh drugs?”

  “Yeah, I get every last ounce. Yuh boy here know not to play them kind of games with me.”

  “So what happen then?”

  He shook his head in disbelief of what was being asked. “Why you acting like you don’t have a clue how this thing does work? After everything that happen you expect me to just forget about all that?” He was looking at Kevin with pure hate in his eyes.

  Kevin remained quiet. He was still twisting and turning his hands, trying to get them loose.

  “We don’t just forget about them kind of things.” Biggs paused and shared his focus between Kevin and Sean. “But, it have three rules to this game. Play yuh cards right. Take what is yours and do whatever you have to do to get the fucking job done. Don’t ever forget that.” He stressed on his last words and his face was calm again.

  He looked at the man who had the gun to Sean’s head and with a flick of the risk the man helped Sean up and untied his hands. Sean hesitated and looked around before carefully pulling off the tape. Kevin was confused as to what was taking place.

  One of the men on Kevin’s side started untying his hands and when he was free he just stood there looking at Biggs in shock.

  “Don’t act surprised. I does always live up to my end of the bargain. I tell you what to do and you do it. So, at the end of the day, a deal is ah deal.” The man next to Sean stuck the gun in his waist. He then went to one of the cars and got into the driver’s seat.

; “I just wanted to show you how easy it woulda be for me to kill two of allyuh. And imagine you going up against the whole police service. I hope you have a good plan. Judging from what happen here, you eh stand a chance. But I would leave them to handle you.”

  He started walking towards the car the man had gotten into and his boys followed. They all got in and the car started driving away slowly. The men on Kevin’s side had also gone into the pickup van and started driving behind. Biggs's tinted window slowly went down, and he looked out as if he wanted to say something but didn’t. They had simply driven away.

  Kevin and Sean stood there studying each other for a while as if they were communicating in silence. Kevin then walked across to Sean and placed his hand on his arm.

  “Good looking out bro,” Kevin said in a saddened voice. His eyes filled with tears. He pulled Sean in for a brotherly hug and wiped away his tears. They were both thankful to be alive.

  A few moments after, they both got into the remaining car which Sean had rented from a close friend and left.


  As they drove on the highway Kevin remained alert and observed as much as he could. The sky was becoming dark and he could see the sun setting in the rear-view mirror.

  Sean was quiet, but it had taken him the last few minutes to convince Kevin that going to the hideout was their best option. The only problem was, Steve was presently there, and they’d be force to thrash things out now rather than later.

  Sean continued to explain that after moving the drugs he had informed Steve of the deal that Biggs had made. And although Steve sounded most upset about it, Sean did what he believed was the right thing to do, regardless.

  Kevin was impressed by all the possible risks Sean had taken. He had surely proven his loyalty to their friendship. Kevin studied him for a moment and then placed his focus on what was happening around them.

  They’d eventually came off the main road and began heading through the tracks that led to the hideout. It had become a lot darker in the bushes and Sean brightened the headlights for a better view. Kevin remained quiet as he worked out the facts in the most necessary order.

  There was only a short distance remaining and the thought of it made Kevin nervous.

  “You okay?” Sean said, obviously noticing the way he was becoming tense.

  “Yeah.” He looked at Sean. “I good, I just hope he would understand.”

  “Yeah, well.” Sean moved his eyes between Kevin and the road while speaking. “Don’t worry about that. I was the one who move the drugs, so if he have to be mad at anybody most likely it would be me. But, whatever happen I would be right there with you from start to finish. So, just try and calm down. This is not something you should even be worrying about.”

  Kevin looked away and smiled at his response.

  A few minutes after they pulled up at the hideout and Sean switched off the engine and came out. Kevin slowly followed.

  As they walked to the door Kevin became distracted and as he looked to the roof he noticed the dazzling light from the burning lamp.

  Sean knocked and called out to Steve and waited for him to come to the door. The wait was more intense than expected and Kevin felt his heart racing against his chest as his thoughts slowly faded away.

  The door opened slightly, and Kevin noticed Steve’s shadow as he walked back into the house. Sean looked back at him before pushing the door and going inside. Kevin cautiously followed.

  On the inside Steve was seen sitting on the couch with his face buried in the palm of his hands. He had gotten a lot smaller from the last time Kevin had seen him at the hospital. They both stood there as if they were waiting for the other person to start talking. Sean wasn’t taking the hint, so Kevin broke the silence.

  “What going on bro?” he said nervously and looked at Sean who used his hands to encourage him to continue. “Listen, I know you must be vex with me and mightn’t even want to talk. But, in case I don’t get a chance to say anything else, I just want to apologize for what happen.”

  It was like his last words had triggered a reaction as Steve slowly lifted his head. His face bore no expression.

  “Sorry for what? What you sorry for?”

  Kevin looked at Sean and his expression showed no hint to the question.

  “Well, for making Sean go behind yuh back and take the drugs. I know that was real outta timing.”

  “Oh.” Steve slowly nodded with his mouth turned upright as if he was disgusted by everything that had taken place. His mind seemed distant. “So, if you sorry for taking the drugs, how I suppose to feel?” He leaned back on the couch while looking at the two of them. Kevin didn’t answer. “How I suppose to feel knowing that I is the one responsible for dragging all of allyuh in this mess?”

  Kevin remained quiet. He had worked out a lot of scenarios while on his way here, but he hadn’t expected this type of reaction from Steve.

  Steve shrugged his shoulders for an answer, but hadn’t gotten any.

  “Okay, don’t answer that.” his eyes fell to the ground for some seconds and then came back to them. “How I suppose to even feel to know two people dead all because of me and my foolishness?”

  Again, there was no answer. Steve shook his head and the room was quiet for an awkward amount of time. He then joined them on their feet. Kevin noticed he wasn’t standing as straight as he normally did.

  “Listen, I not going to continue like this.” He started moving across the room. Kevin noticed that he was now walking with a limp and his upper body was slightly bent to the right because of the injury to his spine. Steve stopped and looked back at them. His face was now sad. He took a moment to control his emotions before speaking.

  “I coulda end up just like Marcus and Wendell,” he said in an angry voice. Kevin wasn’t offended by his tone since he knew Steve was angry because of his situation and not at either one of them. Steve took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts.

  “I want allyuh to understand something. Especially you.” His eyes were on Sean. Sean’s face brightened up and he became more attentive. “When you call me earlier today and tell me what you was about to do, I was angry, but ah wasn’t angry because you take the drugs. I was angry that you take it without talking to me first. I don’t trust Biggs. I didn’t care if you did take all the guns and money too. I just didn’t want anything to happen to any one of allyuh. I don’t know how I woulda live with that burden.” He paused and studied their faces for a moment before continuing. “Look at me. I can’t even walk properly. But, I still glad to be here. I know I still here for a reason and I not going to fuck it up this time.” He was looking directly at Kevin now. “Listen, after we help you straighten out this mess. I don’t want anything to do with guns or drugs again.”

  Kevin looked at Sean and there was a proud look on his face. Kevin felt the same way. He was extremely glad to hear Steve talk like that.

  Steve started walking towards them with his hands stretched out and the three of them wrapped their hands across each other's shoulders and embraced what remained of their friendship. When they had loosened their grip, Steve held on to Kevin’s hand as if he was about to give him a handshake.

  “Congratulations,” Steve said.

  Kevin looked into his eyes, confused to what he was talking about. “Congratulations for what?”

  Steve smiled at the question. “Congratulations on having yuh first child.”

  Kevin lifted his eyebrows and his eyes opened up. He pulled away his hands and placed them over his mouth overcome by joy, as he regained a feeling of worthiness. He had no idea that he was already a father.

  He turned, thinking about it and thanking God for making him experience such a milestone, even with all the conflict that surrounded him. He looked at Sean, wondering why he hadn’t told him about it earlier, but Sean simply lifted his hands in defence mode indicating that the news was also new to him.

  “When she make baby? And what I get? A boy, or a girl?” He was overwhelmed
and anxious, and there were just so many questions he wanted to ask.

  “You get a girl. She born last night. And that is one of the main reason I was so worried when Sean call. I didn’t want nothing to happen to you, especially now that you get yuh daughter.”

  Kevin sighed and looked to the roof. The attempt wasn’t enough to hold back the tears that filled his eyes. He turned and walked away. Sean was sitting on the hand rest of the couch.

  From the moment Shantel had gotten pregnant Kevin had always prayed for a baby girl and now his prayers were answered.

  He tried his best to control his emotions and then thanked Steve for sharing such great news.

  “How you find out?” Kevin was curious.

  “Well, when you was in hospital she call me and tell me that she was going to check you, but I tell she no. I tell she to wait until we know for sure what was going on. And when Sean tell me about the drug house and the memory card, that was when I tell she not to go and visit you until after the court case. She call me Friday morning and tell me she was going into labour, and then she call me last night and tell me she did get a girl.”

  “Alright, cool... So, you tell she about the drug house?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I didn’t tell she anything about that. I just tell she that we not sure what going on with you, and is best she don’t get involve until after the case.”

  “Okay.” Kevin was smiling. He knew it would be a task to cope with everything, but he also knew that he’d have to pull himself together and accept reality.

  Steve returned to his seat and gave Kevin a few more minutes to himself before asking him to explain everything that was going on between him and the police officers in details. Sean was also anxious to get the full story since they hadn’t spoken about it in the car.

  Kevin pushed his hand into his pocket and pulled out the memory card. They both leaned forward to get a good look at it.


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