Book Read Free

Love Profound

Page 2

by Kelly Elliott

  Another couple caught my attention. The man gently placed his hand on the side of the woman’s face, smiling at her with so much love I wasn’t sure if I should cry or scream. Then he leaned in and gave her the sweetest kiss.

  “Stupid freakin’ love,” I mumbled as I reached into my oversized purse and pulled out my favorite go-to book. The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry. I was soon lost in Towner’s story and quickly forgot about my own real-world problems.

  My sister’s scream echoed through the airport and caused me to let out a wail of my own. The second I saw her I rushed to her open arms.

  “Waylynn!” I cried as she wrapped me in a hug and held tight.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered in the saddest voice I’d ever heard.

  Pulling back, I searched her face. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing. Everything is amazing now that we’re together.”

  Something deep in my gut told me she was lying through her teeth. I could see it in her eyes. We might have been ten years apart in age, but we were closer than if we had been twins. It was Waylynn who got me drunk for the first time. Taught me the proper way to French kiss a guy, and even showed me how to give a hand job on an oversized cucumber. The things she and I got into… If my father ever found out, he would have put us both in a convent.

  “What trouble are we after?” Waylynn asked as she hooked her arm with mine and guided me to the luggage area. Her forced smile wasn’t lost on me.

  “Well, if I don’t manage to get laid in New York City, then we have a serious problem.”

  My older sister let out a chuckle. “First on our list of things to do: get you laid.”

  I dropped my head back and looked up to the heavens. “Thank God!”

  “You know you don’t have to stay in a hotel, Meli.”

  Dropping my computer bag in the desk chair, I faced my sister. “I know, but I’m more comfortable here. Besides, I know Jack doesn’t care for me.”

  Waylynn sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. “Jack doesn’t care for anyone but Jack.”

  I leaned against the desk. “We’ve been worried, Waylynn. Mom asked me to do some digging while I was here. Things aren’t going good with y’all?”

  She let out a fake chuckle. “I figured as much, especially with how often Mom texts, asking how things are going.” Waylynn sighed heavily. “No, things aren’t good. He’s never home, always on business trips and when he is here there’s always some damn function I need to attend to ‘represent’ him like I’m a window dressing at Macy’s.”

  I huffed. “You realize you’re nothing but his arm candy, Waylynn. Why do you put up with him?”

  With a frown, she stood. “I love him. Or, at least, I used to love him. These days I’m not so sure how I feel anymore.”

  My heart broke for my sister as I walked over and held her tightly. “I’m so sorry, Waylynn. I know how much he’s meant to you.”

  She let out a sniffle but then pulled back, her façade in place again. “Let’s go cause some shit! You’re in New York, after all.”

  I grinned and shook my head, letting it go for now. “Sounds like a plan!”

  We spent the rest of the day exploring the West Village in New York City and eating everything we could get our hands on. By the time I got back to my hotel, I was feeling sick to my stomach. When Waylynn’s text came through, I groaned in protest as I dragged my ass off the bed and over to my phone.

  Waylynn: I’ve got us an invite to the Electric Room!

  My heart jumped with excitement. I smiled and replied:

  Me: Are you shitting me? Waylynn, do you know how hard it is to get into that place?

  Waylynn: LOL! Yes! I’ll have Jack’s driver get me at eleven and then we’ll pick you up. Sound good?

  Me: Yes! I’ll be ready.

  The next text I sent off was to my best friend, Jen, back in Oak Springs.

  Me: You’ll never guess what?!

  Jen: I bet I can play this game better. But what?

  My curiosity piqued.

  Me: You think you’ve got something better than me?

  Jen: Oh, I’m almost positive I’ve got something better. Book worthy.

  My brows lifted, and I hit her number.

  “Hey,” Jen panted.

  “Are you running or something?”

  “Yep. I needed to clear my head.”

  This had to be bad. Jen never ran. “What happened?”

  “Are you sitting down?”

  I sat on the edge of the bed. “Yeah.”

  “I had sex with Martin.”

  My eyes widened in shock. “Martin, as in the hot UPS guy?”

  Jen groaned. “Oh, God. Amelia, I’m going to go to Hell.”

  Laughing, I dropped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Why? ‘Cause you had sex with a hot guy?”

  “He delivered my latest BOB, and I might have slipped and told him what it was. He asked me about it, and I thought I was being cute by asking if he wanted to help me try it out.”

  I shot up to sitting. “You did not!”

  “I did! And before I knew it, I was saying yes, and we were all over each other. Clothes flying. We didn’t even make it to my bedroom. He fucked me with my brand new vibrator in the damn hall and then again with his rather large dick in the living room.”

  I covered my mouth to keep from laughing, and stood up. “I knew he was big! You could just tell.”

  Jen groaned again. This time louder. “I had sex with the UPS guy. I’m like one of those lonely housewives who ends up having an affair with the mailman or the pool boy!”

  I chuckle. “It’s kind of funny…and how can you have an affair when you’re not even married!”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Did you have fun?”

  The silence on the other end of the phone was my answer. She had liked it, but was too embarrassed to admit it.

  “Am I a slut if I say I did? And…that he’s coming back over tonight.”

  “No, you’re not a slut. You’re a woman and he’s a guy and y’all have flirted since high school. Hey, wait. Wasn’t he engaged to Melanie Anne?”

  “Yeah, but they split up. I keep thinking, how many other women does he fuck when he makes deliveries? Is he like the naughty Santa bringing the ‘special’ packages to only the good and bad women around town? Oh, my God, what have I done?”

  I chewed my lip. The same thought had crossed my mind almost at the exact same time that Jen voiced it. “Not all men are pigs, Jen. Just the ones I date. I think you’re pretty safe.”

  She laughed, and I could hear the shower turn on. “I better get into the shower. He’ll be here soon. I’m making dinner and then we’re heading over to Cord’s Place.”

  “If you’re worried about it, ask him. But for now, have fun.”

  “I will, on both accounts. And you, too! Hook up with some rich business guy who wants to bend you over his desk and take you from behind.”

  “Those things only happen in my books, Jen.”

  “Well, so does sleeping with the UPS driver, and look at me!”

  We both laughed as we said our goodbyes.

  After hanging up, I made my way onto the balcony of my suite. New York City was breathtaking, but it didn’t hold a candle to the view from my parents’ back porch. I’d take that over this any day. Sitting in a chair, I blew out a deep breath. I was happy for Jen. She deserved to find someone, whether it was an old, high school crush or some rich, oil tycoon. She longed for love. Like I had once, until my heart was shattered into a million pieces.

  The memory hit me full force.

  The knock on Ryan’s door went unanswered. I was about to turn and leave, when I reached for the doorknob to try it.


  Smiling, I made my way into his parents’ house. We were both home on spring break. The last one of our senior year before we graduated from Texas A&M.

  I made my way through the house, wondering w
here Ryan was. His truck was in the driveway so I knew he was here somewhere.

  The loud bang from upstairs caused me to climb the stairs. I opened my mouth to call out Ryan’s name when I heard a moan. A female-sounding moan. My heart seized tightly in my chest.

  “Yes. Yes. That feels so good.”

  My hand covered my mouth as I slowly walked up the last of the steps. The moans grew louder—Ryan’s mixed with what sounded like two other women.

  A sickness rolled through my body and settled right in the pit of my stomach.

  “Yes! Ryan, yes!”

  I stopped outside his parents’ room where the voices were coming from.

  “Angelica, God, you feel amazing.”

  Who was Angelica?

  Everything in me screamed that I should run. Instead, I reached for the door handle and turned. The door opened slowly, and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  Ryan was in bed with not only one woman, but two. He was screwing one while the other watched and got herself off.

  The girl sitting off to the side looked at me. “Sorry, honey, I’m next.”

  The room started to spin and the only thing I could do was stand there like an idiot and watch the man I’d given my heart to screw some woman while he sucked on the tit of another one.

  “Having fun?” I finally managed.

  Ryan quickly pulled out of the girl and jumped off the bed, not even bothering to cover himself. His floozies also didn’t seem to care that they had been caught naked.

  “Amelia! What are you doing here? I didn’t think you were coming home until tomorrow.”

  Without answering, I slipped the engagement ring on my finger off and threw it as hard as I could at him.

  “Don’t even think of contacting me. If you do, I’ll tell me father what I walked in on.”

  Spinning on my heel, I headed out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out of the house. Never once letting the burning tears fall.

  The knock on the hotel door pulled me out of the memory. I made my way through the room and opened the door. A bellman stood there holding a dress bag.

  “Delivery for Amelia Parker.”

  “That’s me,” I said with a smile and took the bag and envelope from him. “One second.”

  After giving him a tip, I laid the bag on the bed and pulled it up to reveal a beautiful, black and white cocktail dress. Opening the envelope, I found a note from Waylynn.

  Smiling like a silly girl, I stripped out of my clothes and headed to the shower. Tonight I wasn’t going to think about old boyfriends and broken hearts. I was going to drink and have fun.

  “Amelia, are you even listening to me?”

  I glanced up and smiled at my agent, Allysa. We’d met up at Café Bene near Times Square to talk shop while I was in town. “Sorry, I’ve got a massive headache. Waylynn and I went out last night. I might’ve had a little too much to drink.”

  Allysa smiled and nodded like she understood. I doubted that she did. She was thirty-three, married to a lawyer, and had two small kids. I bet she hadn’t been to a club in ten years.

  “I was mentioning the plan for shopping that series you pitched.”

  Nodding, I said, “Yes, I think that sounds perfect.”

  She frowned slightly, before grinning. “You know, they’re recording your audiobook right down the road.”

  My body perked. “No kidding? Would we be able to take a sneak peek while it’s happening?”

  She pulled out her phone. “Let me see if I can make that happen.”

  It didn’t take her long to complete the call and announce that we could go visit the studio. My heart started pounding as we quickly paid and hailed a cab.

  Why am I so nervous?

  Nervous as fuck was more like it.

  Stepping into the room where one of my romance novels was being recorded for the audiobook version, the first thing I noticed was the drop-dead gorgeous guy in the booth who was bringing my words to life. His dark blond hair appeared disheveled, probably because he was one of those guys who had a habit of running his hands through it.

  Well, hello there, James.

  I had to wipe the drool from the sides of my mouth. James was the hero in my book, and this piece of hotness in front of the microphone fit my character’s description almost perfectly. Purely a coincidence, I was sure, but nonetheless, it made my insides melt a little.

  I could hear him talking through the speaker, and my pulse raced, my stomach dipping. Jesus. The man had a voice that could talk the panties off any woman. My readers were going to love this audiobook. Hell, I was sucked in, and it was my own book.

  “We’ll finish this chapter and then give you a chance to meet Liam,” my agent said.

  I quickly thought of Liam Hemsworth. Yummy.

  A few minutes later, Liam walked into the control room. I swallowed hard while I took him in.

  Tall. Check.

  Built like a Greek god. Check, check.

  Handsome as all get out. Check-a-dee, check, check.

  Liam extended his hand. “Amelia, so nice to meet you.”

  Find your voice, for Christ’s sake, Amelia. “Liam, the pleasure is all mine. You’re Australian?”

  He smiled, and I was pretty positive I heard angels singing. It should be illegal for a man to smile at a woman like that. “I am.”

  I nodded. “How long have you lived in the US?”

  “Four years now.”

  I nodded again. All I seemed to be able to do was nod. This guy had my body aching to do some seriously naughty things.

  “Well, thank you for bringing a voice to my James. From the sound of it, you’re doing a great job.”

  Liam leaned in close and whispered, “He’s a bit of a dirty bloke, isn’t he?”

  My cheeks heated instantly. “Yes. He is.”

  Drawing back, he winked. “You’re from Texas?”

  I nodded, trying to get his sexy voice out of my mind. “I am. Ever been there?”

  He laughed. “No. I’d love to visit, though.”

  I didn’t say anything to that…mostly because I was fighting the urge to tell him he could come home with me. But only after he makes me come.

  After a few awkward moments of silence, I said, “You should visit some time.”

  Wait, what? Why in the hell did I say that?

  His megawatt smile nearly had me stumbling backwards. “I’d love to…Amelia.”

  Oh. My. God.

  Say my name again! Say it again!

  My teeth sank into my lip, and I was pretty sure I was going to leave marks from how hard I was biting. I hadn’t had a guy light my fire in a long time. Maybe it was because he was playing the part of James—my favorite character I’d written so far. He made me swoon in nearly every chapter.

  Is Liam the swooning type? I wondered.

  “We’d better let Liam get back to work. They’re on a tight schedule,” Allysa said while glancing between Liam and me.

  “Oh, yes, right. Well, it was nice meeting you, Liam,” I said, extending my hand toward him.

  He took it and placed a soft kiss on the back of it. When I turned to follow Allysa out, I felt a hand on my arm, pulling me to a stop.

  “Join me for bevvies this evening.” His husky voice slid against my ear.

  My eyes scanned the room. No one was paying attention to Liam and me. We had fallen behind everyone. Turning to him, I lifted a brow. “What in the heck is a bevvie?”

  He chuckled. “Join me for a beer later?”

  I chewed on the corner of my lip. Digging into my oversized purse, I found a card in the little pocket and handed it over. “I’d love to. Here’s my card. It has my cell on it.”

  Spinning on my heel, I walked out the door with a huge smile.

  Well, my trip just took a turn toward fun.

  I see your UPS man, Jen, and raise you a hot Australian actor.

  “What do you mean you’re meeting a guy for dinner?” Waylynn asked as we strolled through the shoe departmen
t at Bergdorf Goodman.

  “He’s doing the voice recording for my audiobook. It’s fine, Waylynn. I didn’t pick the guy up on the side of the road and ask him to fuck me.”

  “You want him to fuck you?” she asked, surprise lacing her voice.

  Laughing, I replied, “Well, now that you ask, I don’t think I would mind trying out Aussie dick.”

  She slapped me on the shoulder and shook her head. “You’re bad.”

  I gave her a wink. “Not yet.”

  “Ugh. Where did my baby sister go?”

  “She grew up. And excuse me, wasn’t it you who set me up with Doctor Hot Pants the last time I was here? If I remember correctly, he and I had a lot of fun together. Matter of fact, I think that was the last time I actually had real sex.”

  Waylynn stopped walking. “Real sex?”

  “Yeah, sex with something other than a battery operated device.”

  Two older women walked by and huffed, shooting both of us dirty looks.

  “Manny Tate was your last hook up?”

  I snapped my fingers. “Manny! That’s his name.” I looked up in thought and smiled. “Yeah, he certainly knew what he was doing with his hands.”

  “TMI, Meli. T-M-I!”

  I picked up a pair of Jimmy Choos and frowned at the price tag. I owned one pair, and I had spent weeks in despair over paying so much for them. Unlike my sister, standing next to me in her expensive-ass Manolo Blahnik pumps that must have cost her over a thousand dollars, I couldn’t spend money that way. Or course, she was also married to one of the richest men in New York City and was told to dress the part. When she was at home she was in yoga pants, an old T-shirt, and a pair of Converse sneakers. Out in public she had to be dressed to the nines to fit in with the Who’s Who of New York City socialites. I knew she hated it.

  “So, how come you’re not dating anyone?” she asked.

  Letting out a gruff laugh, I said, “Hello? Do you not remember Ryan?”


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