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Love Profound

Page 5

by Kelly Elliott

  Amelia attempted to keep her voice low as she cried out. “Liam! Oh, my God, Liam!”

  Coming, she pulsed against me, bringing me to my own orgasm. Burying my face in her neck, I cursed. As much as I tried to tell myself this behavior was brought on by my need to have her and give her a proper goodbye, I knew it wasn’t the truth. Seeing Nancy being fucked by another man brought it out. I was using Amelia to rid myself of that vision. And that made me feel guilty as hell when those baby blue eyes drew back and looked into my green. Her chest rose and fell and a gorgeous smile grew across her face.

  “That. Was. Fun!” she said with a giggle. Her cheeks were flushed, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the good fucking I gave her or not. The innocence spilled out of her in that moment. I got the feeling Amelia Parker wasn’t the type of woman to let guys fuck her in ladies’ toilets, but for some reason, she let me. My chest pulled with a dull ache, and my guilt grew.

  Jack’s private plane was insane. There were six leather recliners and one leather love seat. All done in a cream color. The wood in the cabin looked nicer than my parents’ formal dining room.

  “Holy private plane!” I said, spinning around in a circle for good measure.

  “Jack spares no expense.” Waylynn’s voice was sad, but there was also a bit of anger in there.

  Placing my hand on hers, I knelt in front of the chair she was sitting in. “You don’t need him, Waylynn. He took everything away from you and made you into something you’re not happy with. You and I both know that.”

  She nodded, her eyes filled with tears. “I love him, I really do. It’s just, I haven’t been in love with him since he made me give up dancing. Why were his dreams more important than mine?”

  “What?” I asked in a shocked voice. “Waylynn, he made you stop dancing a year after you got married. Why would you stay with him for so long?”

  She wiped away tears with the back of her hand. “I don’t know. At the time I thought it was what I wanted, even if I moved to New York to become a dancer. I let Jack Owens make me believe I’d never be good enough. That the only reason I got as far as I did was because I had a pretty face. He actually asked me if I slept with someone to try and secure a spot with the Rockettes.”

  “Mrs. Owens, you’ll both need to be seated and buckled. We’ve been cleared for taxi and take-off,” the pilot said over his shoulder from the cockpit.

  I quickly sat in the seat opposite my sister. “Fuck him. You don’t need him, Waylynn. And if you want to move out and get a place in New York to follow your dream, I’ll support you.”

  She smiled. “You’d move to New York and share an apartment with me?”

  Oh, shit. I wasn’t expecting that. “Um, sure, I suppose I could hang out in New York for a bit. I know a guy who rocks my world in the sex department.”

  Waylynn snarled then rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Don’t think I don’t know what the two of you were doing in the bathroom. You came back oozing with that just fucked look. There seriously could have been a sign above your head that flashed I had hot sex.”

  I chuckled and looked out the window. “I have to admit I was taken aback when Liam showed up demanding sex like that. There’s no denying the heat between us.”

  “No kidding. Besides the sex, do you like him?”

  I waited for that feeling. The one where my stomach dropped, or my chest fluttered. But it didn’t happen.

  “I do like him. We had a nice time together, and he’s coming to Texas in a few weeks. Maybe we’ll be able to get to know each other a bit better.”

  Waylynn laughed. “You mean if y’all can keep your hands off each other.”

  I smiled, but an ache grew in my chest. Would I ever find a guy who swept me off my feet? A smile to melt me into a puddle of happiness and desire? The guy who made my stomach tumble with a simple touch? Whose hands caused mind-numbing orgasms…

  Like the mythical unicorn, this creature didn’t seem to exist. Or maybe worse, he didn’t exist for me. I wrote about love, but had I ever truly felt it? No. Not the kind of love my parents had. Or the kind that Steed and Paxton shared. I thought I had it with Ryan, but quickly realized our high school first love hadn’t grown and lasted like I thought it would.

  Waylynn and I were both lost in our thoughts as the plane took off. I wasn’t sure how long we sat there before my sister finally spoke.

  “I thought love was going to be so different.”

  Turning my head, I stared at her. She had voiced the very same thing I’d been thinking. “Yeah. Me, too.”

  With a shake of her head, she glanced at her rings. “When I look at Mom and Dad, my heart soars. The way Daddy looks at Mom is how I want a man to look at me. I’ve never had that, and I can’t believe it took me so damn long to realize it.”

  She looked out the window, then back at me. In that moment, the oddest thing happened to Waylynn…and I got to witness every moment. A wide smile grew across her face. “I feel like a bird who’s been let out of her cage. I’m ready to find my wings and heal my heart. Start over. Start living.”

  Finding a smile, I asked, “Will you go back?”

  “To New York?”


  Her brows pinched slightly as she thought. “No. I don’t want anything from him. Everything I have is from him. Besides, I can borrow some of your clothes when I run out of what I brought, right?”

  Laughing, I nodded. “Of course, anything for you.”

  Waylynn reached into her bag and pulled out one of my books.

  “You’re reading one of my books?” I asked, my cheeks instantly heated.

  “Hell, yeah. I read them all. It’s nice to know there really is love out there.”

  “Um, you do know they’re fiction, right, sis?”

  She rolled her eyes. “A girl can dream. Besides, it sounds like Liam is going to be the perfect inspiration for giving you some writing material.”

  I forced a smile. “For the sex scenes, maybe. The boy has a way of drawing out a darker side of me, that’s for sure.”

  Waylynn’s grin faded. “Gross. TMI, Amelia.” Her body shivered as she shook her head. I was positive she was trying to rid herself of the mental image.

  We spent the next hour in silence. I pulled out my laptop and started writing while she read. Well, if you could call staring at the computer screen “writing.” I had no idea why I couldn’t get into it. Nothing was motivating me. I needed to spend some time around Steed and Paxton, maybe. The way those two loved on each other was sure to be inspirational.

  “Do you think it will last?”

  My sister’s voice caused me to peek at her over my screen. “What?”

  “Your love affair with Liam.”

  Love affair. That sounded so old-fashioned.

  I shrugged. “I’m not sure. The sex is amazing. He’s already made an effort to come to Texas to see me in two weeks.”

  “Yeah, but will you fly back to New York to see him?”

  Chewing my lip, I glanced at what I had written almost an hour ago.

  My heart hammered as I anticipated his smile. His arms wrapped around my body while he pulled me in for a soft, gentle kiss. I longed for him to make love to me. To show me with the touch of his hands how much he wanted me.

  Did I anticipate Liam’s smile? His touch? Or was it the idea of his cock buried deep inside me that thrilled me?

  Focusing back on my sister, I grinned. “I guess when I’m in the mood to be fucked seven ways to Sunday I’ll fly back up.”

  A sadness swept across her face. “There is more to a relationship than fucking, Meli.”

  Yeah. No shit.

  “Well, that’s all I’m interested in. Besides, I might write about love, but I know for a damn fact that none of this shit is real.”

  Her head tilted as she stared at me. “Steed and Paxton have the real deal. So do Mom and Dad.”

  I couldn’t argue with her point.

  “Well, then, maybe it’s not in the cards for th
is Parker.”

  Waylynn’s shoulders slumped. “Or this Parker.”

  We sat in a welcome silence before an evil smile moved across my sister’s face.

  Waylynn stood and grabbed a bottle of wine. After she opened it and poured two glasses, she raised hers. “Looks like we’re gonna have to raise some hell now that both Parker sisters will be back in Oak Springs.”

  I shut my laptop, not even caring that I didn’t save my work. It was one damn paragraph anyway.

  Toasting back, I added, “Hell, yeah. Trouble’s back in town, gentlemen. Watch out.”

  “Wait! I haven’t checked on April!” I shouted as we headed to my rental car. Since we were back earlier than expected, I went ahead and rented a car instead of calling one of the guys to pick us up.

  “Flipping hell, Meli. Why are you obsessed with that giraffe?”

  “That giraffe? April is not just any giraffe. She is teaching the world about conservation.”

  Waylynn rolled her eyes. “Keep telling yourself that, sis. Whatever keeps the crazy out of your head.”

  After putting my luggage and Waylynn’s in the trunk, I sent Liam a quick text.

  Me: Landed in San Antonio. Thanks again for the fun times! I’m looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

  Liam didn’t respond right away. I figured he wouldn’t if he was working or with friends. As I slipped into the car, I remembered him saying he still lived with his ex.

  “Hey, let me ask you a question,” I said as we got in the car.

  Waylynn pulled the sun visor down and applied lipstick. “Go for it.”

  “Should it be a warning sign that Liam still lives with his ex?”

  She stopped and faced me. “He lives with his ex?”

  “Yeah, he said apartments are expensive, and I guess they had decided they made better friends than a couple. He said that living together made financial sense.”

  Leaning back in the seat, Waylynn gave it some thought. “Who broke up with whom?”

  I shrugged. “No clue. Wait, I think he said she broke it off.”

  “It’s probably okay. I mean, it would bother me a little, but if he was honest about it then you have nothing to worry about.”

  Traffic was light as I pulled out onto the highway. “I mean, it’s not like we’re dating.”

  Waylynn chuckled. “Right. You’re only fucking.”

  “You’re so crude.”

  “What! It’s true, and you said so yourself.”

  The heaviness in my chest returned. “Well, whatever. If we become something more than sex buddies, I just wondered if that was something that should alarm me.”

  “Does it now? After you’ve had lots of orgasm-inducing sex?” she asked.

  “Not at all.” And it didn’t. Maybe that should have been alarming.

  I could feel Waylynn’s eyes. “Huh. Well, then, you have your answer.”

  “Yeah. I guess I do.”

  “Whoa, is this a welcome home party?” Waylynn asked.

  Laughing, I pulled around all the cars and parked next to Steed’s truck. Paxton and Steed were back from their honeymoon, and I couldn’t wait to talk to Paxton about it.

  “Aunt Vi is in town,” I said. “Mom mentioned me missing her birthday party. I’m guessing that is what we’re fixin’ to crash.”

  Waylynn let out a roar of laughter. “Oh, hell. Aunt Vi will love that!”

  The moment I stepped out of the car I heard music. “Did they hire a DJ?” Waylynn asked.

  Trying to hold back my laughter, I said, “I think so. Or maybe it’s a band.” Waylynn had begged for my parents to hire a band for her twenty-first birthday and they refused. Said it was a waste of money.

  “Hell’s bells, why can Aunt Vi have a live band and I couldn’t?”

  Wrapping my arm around my sister, we made our way around the house. A large, white tent was set up and I could see my parents standing next to Aunt Vi. She was my father’s sister and she split her time between San Francisco and Paris. When she came home to Texas, Daddy always made a huge deal out of it.

  “Look who I brought back with me,” I said as we stepped into the tent. Our parents turned to see Waylynn and my mother let out a scream.

  “Waylynn! Amelia! Girls, what are you doing here?”

  Before I could respond, Waylynn spoke. “Amelia wanted to surprise Aunt Vi and come back for her birthday. I tagged along.”

  I smiled. Waylynn wasn’t about to steal the show from our aunt. If she mentioned what had happened with jackass Jack, the fun times would be over.

  After fifteen minutes of hugging and walking around to say hi to everyone, Waylynn and I found ourselves in front of the bar.

  “I’ll take a shot of whiskey,” Waylynn said with a wink.

  “Whiskey?” I asked with a chuckle.

  “I need something strong to get me through this shit of pretending all is well.”

  “Diet Coke, please,” I said with a smile.

  The DJ was spinning tunes, and I wasn’t surprised to hear Frank Sinatra singing. He was one of Aunt Vi’s favorites.

  “Well, hey there, sisters,” Trevor said, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I see you came back early and brought a surprise with you, Amelia.”

  Trevor kissed Waylynn on the cheek, then froze. “What did the fucker do?” he asked under his breath.

  We both looked at him and spoke at the same time. “What?”

  Trevor took a drink of his beer. “I see it on your face, Waylynn. He did something. If he hurt you, I’ll fucking kill him.”

  We both stood there staring at Trevor, and Waylynn finally laughed. “If I promise to tell you later, will you drop it for right now? I want Mom, Dad, and Aunt Vi to enjoy the party.”

  Trevor’s eyes searched both of us. “Fine. I’m letting it go…for now.”

  Waylynn hugged him, then stole his beer and scanned the dance floor.

  “Helllllooo, holy hotness. Who in the hell is dancing with our niece and clearly stealing her heart?” Waylynn asked.

  Searching for Chloe, my eyes landed on the most handsome man I’d ever seen.

  “Wow,” I breathed.

  “Isn’t She Lovely” by Sinatra was playing and this guy was spinning Chloe around. My heart melted. “He’s singing to her! Who is that?”

  Trevor laughed. “That would be Wade Adams, the friend I picked up the day I dropped you off at the airport. He works for us now,” he said, nudging Waylynn.

  “Hello, Wade hotter-than-hell Adams,” Waylynn said.

  The way Chloe was smiling made me smile. “He sure knows how to swoon a six-year-old.”

  Trevor laughed. “He can swoon more than a six-year-old.”

  I laughed. “Not these two Parker women.”

  Waylynn lifted her drink and agreed. “Girl power all the way.”

  Trevor narrowed his gaze and said, “Watch this.”

  He headed over to the band. The players were setting back up after their break. He talked to them and then shook what looked like the lead singer’s hand. Turning to the mic, Trevor tapped it and got everyone’s attention.

  “So, as most of you know, we have a new guy on the ranch. He’s our new agricultural engineer. Fancy name for a fancy cowboy.”

  Cheers rang out, and I couldn’t help but glance over to Wade. He smiled and tipped his cowboy hat to the crowd.

  “But what you don’t know is that Wade here is also a musician.”

  Wade’s smile faded. He shook his head and mouthed Don’t.

  Trevor smiled from ear to ear. “Dude, come on. Entertain the ladies, please. I’ve got a challenge going on. For a friend?”

  When Wade laughed, something in the air changed. I swallowed hard and tried to ignore the way it made my stomach drop slightly.

  He had a nice laugh. That was all, right? And he was good looking. And he was dancing to Frank Sinatra with my niece.

  Ah, hell.

  Wade glanced around the room and our eyes met for the
briefest moment before he looked away.

  Every nerve in my body felt like it caught on fire.

  What. The. Heck?

  My sister’s voice broke my trance. “If he wasn’t so young I would probably find out what other talents he possessed.”

  With a giggle, I hit Waylynn on the shoulder. “You’re still married, remember!”

  I glanced back to Wade, who was arguing with Trevor. “Nah, no one wants to hear me play.”

  One of the band members handed Trevor something. He held up a harmonica and said, “I think you’re wrong. Come on, dude. Let’s get in a state of mind.”

  I couldn’t help the grin that moved over my face. Clint Black. Trevor wanted him to sing that song. Every single time he played that song he would say we needed to get into the right state of mind. Wade tossed his head back and laughed as Trevor worked the crowd into chanting Wade.

  I needed a distraction. “There’s Steed and Paxton!” I grabbed Waylynn’s arm and pulled her over to their table.

  Paxton smiled, jumping up to hug us. Steed stood and kissed me, then Waylynn. “What are you doing here?” Steed shouted over all the noise.

  “Long story. Tell ya later.”

  We sat, and I focused back on Wade, who had walked up to the stage. Trevor hit him on the back and handed him a guitar and the harmonica.

  Turning to Steed, I asked, “Is he going to sing?”

  He shrugged.

  “Alright, y’all. Seems like Trevor ain’t gonna stop till I give you a little song.”

  Waylynn turned to me and wiggled her eyebrows. “Yummy.”

  I laughed and turned to the stage. Wade was talking to the band, his back to us.

  Then he spoke into the mic. “Clint Black was always one of my favorite country singers growing up. I made the mistake of playing the beginning of this song once for Trevor and a few guys in college. Now they think I need to sing it whenever a band is around.”

  Everyone laughed, including Trevor who was making his way over to us. He sat down behind me and laughed at something Steed said. For some reason, I couldn’t pull my eyes away from Wade. His smile was beautiful. Big and bright, like he lit up the area around him. He instantly melted into the band like he had been a part of it from the very beginning, but there was also a sadness to him. I saw it in his eyes.


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