Book Read Free

Love Profound

Page 7

by Kelly Elliott

  I could hear Trevor and Cord yelling out for an aerial spin.

  Amelia laughed as she spun like a pro. Pulling her to me, she straddled my leg, and I dipped her back. Jesus, this girl was amazing.

  Hoots and hollers tugged me from the dirty thoughts running through my head. I noticed, with a jolt, that only the two of us were dancing. When the song came to an end I slowly dipped her back. The smile on her face was something I wouldn’t soon forget.

  I lifted her up and she threw her arms around my neck with a laugh. When she pulled back, her eyes caught mine. “That was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”

  I wanted to make a sarcastic comment about being in the kitchen with her New York City man not being fun, but I let it go.

  “Same here. Where did you learn how to dance?”

  She blushed. “My older sister is a dancer. I was dragged to all her practices and recitals. Guess I picked up a few things here and there.”

  Giving her a yeah, right look, I spun her around one last time before walking her over to her family’s table. Cord stood and reached his hand out to shake mine.

  “Dude, I’m going to need you to hang out at my place. Sing a little, dance a little. The women are going to go nuts over you.”

  I let out a chuckle. “I don’t know about that, but I’d love to sing sometime.”

  Trevor hit my back and pulled a chair out for me. He pointed over to his two sisters and yelled, “I told y’all he had the moves.”

  “Well, I can tell you one thing, Wade. My daughter is smitten with you,” Steed said with a smile. “And I’m not so sure how I feel about that.”

  The whole table let out a round of laughs. “No dancing with my wife!” Steed added.

  Paxton rubbed her stomach. “I’m afraid I couldn’t dance like that even if I tried.”

  “Your daughter is a joy,” I said. “She brightens my day when I see her walking into the barn with her goat, talking to Patches like they are long-lost friends.”

  Steed groaned. “That damn goat. Dad and his great ideas.”

  Glancing around, I asked, “Where did Tripp and Mitchell go?”

  Trevor handed me a beer. “Tripp took off to pick up Corina from the airport, and Mitchell said something about having an early shift.”

  “Corina?” I asked.

  The family shared a look as if it was a subject no one wanted to talk about.

  “Corina’s my best friend,” Paxton said. “She’s also a teacher at the elementary school. She and Tripp are sort of dating.”

  Trevor laughed gruffly. “Mitchell has the hots for Corina. Tripp knows it and that’s probably the only reason he keeps dating her.”

  “Oh, well, hell. I’m not touching that with a ten-foot pole,” I said.

  “Yeah, don’t,” Steed added.

  Waylynn stood. “Well, as much as I love y’all and as fun as Aunt Vi’s party is, I’m in serious need of a hot bubble bath.”

  “When you gonna tell us what’s wrong?” Cord asked with a raised brow.

  Waylynn snarled. “Do you boys all have some radar that alerts you when something’s wrong?”

  “Yes!” Amelia said with a chuckle. “They do.”

  “I see it in your eyes, big sis,” Cord said.

  She gave him a sweet smile. “I promise I’ll tell y’all tomorrow. Right now I need to be alone and do some thinking.”

  They all nodded, and I felt like I was invading a private family moment.

  “Night, y’all,” Waylynn said. “Wade, it was nice meeting you.”

  I stood and tipped my hat. “The pleasure was all mine.”

  Waylynn headed over to her parents while I reached across the table for Steed’s hand. “Thank you so much for letting me dance with your beautiful daughter.”

  Steed shook my hand firmly. “Thanks for being so patient with Chloe. She adores you.”

  “You got yourself a future heartbreaker.”

  Both Steed and Paxton groaned as I chuckled.

  I turned to Cord and extended my hand. “Let’s plan something at your place soon.”

  “Yeah, I’ll give you a call this week. I’m serious.”

  “Me, too!” I said with a grin.

  Trevor slapped me on the back. “Thanks for helping me prove something to my sisters, but I’m afraid I might have started the Wade Adams fan club.”

  I shook my head. “Payback’s a bitch, my friend.” I swung my eyes to Amelia. She was staring at me with a look I couldn’t read.

  She smiled. “Where are you staying, Wade? In the foreman’s cabin?”

  “Well, that was the plan, until your father found out there were bees in the walls.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. “What?”

  “Yeah, Dad’s having it fumigated so Wade’s staying at the main house in Steed’s old room.”

  I glanced over to Steed. “By the way, I found your stash of Playboys in the closet.”

  “Damn, I was looking for those.”

  Paxton hit him on the chest. “Steed Parker, you do not have Playboy magazines!”

  Laughing, he shook his head. “Dude, those are Mitchell’s. I stole them from him years ago. He was pissed. I forgot all about them. Well, now I know what I’m giving him for Christmas this year.”

  “I’ll be sure to have them delivered over to your place. Wrapped to keep them from prying eyes, of course,” I said as I peeked over at Chloe who had crashed asleep on a table.

  “May I walk with you to the house?” Amelia asked.


  Lifting my hand, I glanced around the table. “Evening, y’all.”

  “Bye, Wade. You calling it a night, as well, Meli?” Paxton asked as Steed swept up his sleeping daughter.

  “Yeah. Night, y’all.”

  Amelia and I headed to the house. The large oak trees that lead to the house cast a shadow from the rising moon. When I looked up, I was in awe at the endless amount of stars I could see. There was something about a Texas sky. No matter if it was day or night, it seemed to go on forever.

  “You don’t want to say goodnight to your folks?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “Nah. They’re talking to friends. I’ll see them in the morning.”

  We walked in silence until we got to the back door. Opening it for her, I motioned for her to go in first.

  “So, will you be joining us for breakfast?” Amelia asked as we made our way to the back stairs.

  I couldn’t help but like the way she was looking at me. I wondered if she looked at her city slicker the same way.

  “No,” I said, holding my hat in my hand. “I’ll be up and out of the house early, checking on a few things.”

  She tilted her head and stared at me. “Wade, you do know you’re welcome to join us for breakfast.”

  My chest tightened. “I know. I don’t want to intrude on your family.”

  “You are family already, and I know how much you mean to Trevor, so please don’t think that way.” There went that brilliant smile again. “I wanted to say thank you for being a gentleman about earlier. I appreciate you keeping what you saw to yourself.”

  Laughing, I pushed my fingers through my hair. “Well, if your brothers found out what I walked in on in that kitchen, I’m afraid they’d all kick my ass. I’ll take it to the grave, darlin’.”

  Her cheeks flushed as we walked farther into the house and stopped at the bottom of the stairs. We both stood for a few seconds, staring.

  “Good night, Wade. It was nice meeting you and thanks for the dance.” Her teeth dug into her lip as she grinned. “I really had fun.”

  I returned her smile. “Night, Amelia, and the honor was mine.”

  She headed up the stairs. I waited for about ten seconds before I followed.

  First thing on the agenda for this evening?

  A very cold shower.

  By the time I got downstairs, everyone was gathered in the kitchen. Everyone but Waylynn. The moment I stepped in, all eyes were on me.
/>   “Why did you come back early and what happened with Waylynn? And why is some boy named Liam sending you flowers?” my mother asked.

  “Momma, I need a cup of coffee before you start with your barrage of questions.”

  Sliding past my father, I reached for a mug. “Morning, Daddy. Morning, Aunt Vi.”

  “You look like hell, sweetheart. Did you sleep at all last night?”

  Rolling my eyes, I replied, “Thanks, Aunt Vi. I worked up until around two.”

  “Writing?” my mother asked.

  After I poured my coffee, I leaned against the counter. I took a sip and the hot liquid rolled down my throat.

  “Yes. It’s weird. I’ve been in somewhat of a writing funk, but last night I wrote more than I have in weeks.”

  Daddy kissed me on the forehead. “I’m glad you’re home. I’ll find out who this Liam is later. I’ve got a meeting in town. Enjoy the morning, ladies.”

  I watched as my father drew my mother to him and kissed her. I took it all in, smiling. So did Aunt Vi.

  Daddy turned to Aunt Vi and kissed her cheek. “Later, my lovely sister. Behave, will ya?”

  Vi let out an evil laugh. “I always behave.” Glancing over to me, she winked.

  I sat, reached for a banana, and started to peel it open.

  My mother scooted next to me the second my father left. “Okay, spill it, young lady. Liam?”

  I sighed. “He’s a guy I met in New York.”

  “That much I figured out,” she said.

  “He’s recording my last book.”

  Vi drew her eyebrows together. “Recording your book. What does that mean?”

  “It’s for the audiobook version. You know, if you don’t like to read the books, you can listen to them. He’s voicing the male character.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Holy shit. I didn’t know there was a such a thing. Do they get into the sex scenes?”

  I chuckled. “Boy, howdy, do they.”

  “That’s it. How do I sign up for them?”

  “Vi! Really?” my mother said as she tried to contain her smile.

  “What? I may be an old woman, but my vibrator still works the same as hers.” She pointed to me and my face heated.

  Trevor walked into the kitchen and right back out. All three of us busted out laughing. Tears were streaming down my face. I hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time.

  When we finally got things under control, I told Aunt Vi and my mother the facts about Liam: he was a hot Australian actor I had met and basically hooked up with.

  “He’s, um, he’s actually coming to visit in a few weeks.”

  My mother’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

  “Ah, hell. That must have been some good sex you gave him, sweetheart,” Aunt Vi said.

  Jerking her head to Vi, my mother said, “Vi! Don’t you ever think about what you say before you say it?”

  She shook her head. “I speak the truth. Look at the girl. You can tell by the look on her face she’s been thoroughly fu—”

  “Jack’s cheating on Waylynn!” I nearly yelled.

  “What?” they said as one.

  I dropped my face into my hands and groaned. I sold my sister out just to get my aunt to stop talking about Liam “thoroughly fucking” me. I’m an awful sister.

  My hands dropped to my lap. “Mom, please, don’t tell her I told you. It slipped,” I said as I glared at Vi. She took a sip of her coffee and shrugged.

  “Oh, my poor baby. Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t say a word.” I knew I could count on my mom to not confront Waylynn…who was now standing in the doorway.

  “Don’t worry, y’all,” Waylynn said. “I heard Amelia practically scream it as I walked down the steps.”

  I made eye contact with my sister. “Waylynn, I’m so sorry.”

  She waved me off and headed to the coffee pot. “It’s okay. I also heard Aunt Vi about to tell the world that Liam fucked you in the bathroom at the Ritz before we left New York City.”

  I choked on my banana as Aunt Vi gave me a nod of approval. My mother, on the other hand, looked like she was about to be sick.

  She stood and turned to face the window. Her hands resting on the sink, she bent over almost in prayer. “Oh, Jesus. I did not hear that. I’m going to my happy place.”

  Waylynn leaned down and kissed Aunt Vi on the cheek before turning to me. “Payback is a bitch.”

  I slowly shook my head. “Oh, just wait. You’re fixin’ to find out just how bad.”

  She leaned toward me. “Bring it.”

  “Oh, I will!”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  “You should be!”

  My mother spun around and shouted, “Stop it! Both of you are acting like children.”

  Waylynn leaned back in her chair, but not before sticking her tongue out at me.

  “Oh, really? You’re thirty-two and you’re still sticking your tongue out?” I asked.

  “Amelia! I’ll deal with you in a minute,” my mother said before facing Waylynn. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”

  Waylynn shrugged. “I’m not, Mom. I had a chance to think about things last night. I gave up everything for Jack. My career, my family. Now I know why he kept putting off having a baby. He didn’t really want to be with me. I was the thing he conquered. The young girl he was able to sweep off her feet with promises of a happily ever after. He never wanted that with me. He wanted a Barbie doll on his arm. Well, I’m glad I found out before it was too late.”

  “Too late?” my mother asked.

  “I’m thirty-two years old, Mom. I want to have babies. I want to dance. I want to have the life I always dreamed of. Well, I guess some of my dreams will never come true, but I got to thinking. The last time I was here, at Christmas, Paxton mentioned something about how the old studio where I used to take lessons closed down. I’m going to buy the building and open a dance studio.”

  My mother’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Waylynn!” I gasped. “That’s an amazing idea.”

  She grinned widely.

  “You’re…you won’t go back to New York?” my mother asked. It was obvious she was trying to hide her tears.

  “That is a dream I need to let go of. Jack took that one from me, but that’s okay. I was able to live it for a little while.”

  “It’s a great idea. If you need an investor, I’m in.” Aunt Vi said as she reached for Waylynn’s hand.

  “I appreciate that, Aunt Vi. But I’m pretty sure Jack will be more than happy to give me the amount we settled on in the pre-nup, plus a little extra to go away quietly.”

  “That fucking dirty, rotten bastard.”

  “Momma!” I gasped. “Look at you pulling out all the dirty words you know.”

  “Waylynn, sweetheart, are you sure you’re okay?” my mother asked.

  “I really am, Momma. For a few hours last night I cried, but only for the things I gave up for that man. I knew it was coming. It’s best it happened now rather than in fifteen years.”

  Aunt Vi piped in, “I agree. Best to start over while you’re young and your boobs aren’t touching your vagina.”

  We looked at Aunt Vi with stunned expressions. She stared back.

  “What? It’s true. Do you know how hard it is for me to pick up a man these days? Especially the younger ones. There’s a reason I have a personal trainer, ladies. That man keeps me in shape. I’ve got to be able to do a reverse cowgirl with these boys.”

  Waylynn and I stood, barely containing ourselves. “I’m in the mood to go shopping,” I said as I quickly headed to the sink, rinsed out my cup, and put it in the dishwasher.

  “Same here.” Waylynn was right behind me.

  As we walked around the corner Waylynn stopped and grabbed me by the arms. “I’m never going to be able to get that visual out of my head. Never!”

  A week after Waylynn and I came back from New York, I met her at the old dance studio early in the morning to walk through it together. Jack had al
ready agreed to a quick divorce, and Waylynn had been right. He was giving her double what the pre-nup stated. He never even bothered to deny the affair. My heart broke for Waylynn, even though she seemed to be the happiest I’d ever seen her.

  “Cord has a friend who owns his own construction business. I called him yesterday and he’s going to meet us here to give me some rough figures on what it will take to get this place how I want it.”

  “When do you close?”

  Waylynn turned to me and smiled. “Two weeks. When I told the owner I would be paying cash, she was ready to close that day!”

  There was a knock on the door and Waylynn and I turned to see who it was. Jonathon Turner--Cord’s best friend from high school, not to mention a guy I used to have the biggest crush on.

  “Jonathon?” I said as I made my way to the door.

  “Hey, Amelia, how are you doing?” Jonathon said as he leaned in and gave me a hug.

  “Little Jonathon Turner? You’re Jon Turner?” Waylynn asked as she reached out and gave him a hug. “I didn’t make the connection when Cord mentioned his friend owned a construction business. Wow, you’ve changed a lot.”

  Jonathon flashed a smile. “I’m all grown up. Call me Jon.”

  One look at Waylynn and I was pretty sure she was calling him a lot more than Jon in her mind. By the way her eyes traveled over his body and that wicked smile on her face, I could tell she was enjoying quite a few naughty thoughts about Jon Turner.

  We stood there in a weird silence for a few seconds before Waylynn popped out of whatever dirty fantasy she had going on in her mind. “So! How about we take a tour and I give you my ideas?”

  Jon nodded. “Sounds like a solid plan. What’s your timeline on the project?”

  “I’m not in a rush, but I don’t want it to take a year, either.”

  “I got ya.”

  As they walked ahead, Waylynn turned around and fanned herself, mouthing ‘Holy shit, he’s hot’. Attempting to hide my chuckle, I nodded in agreement.

  “Don’t you have an appointment you need to be at, Amelia?”


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