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Ignite (Explosive)

Page 10

by Tessa Teevan

  “Alexa, you never have to be afraid to get ahold of me. Day, night, rain, sun—hell, even in a snowstorm—I’m yours.”

  I catch my breath at his words and sit up again. Finishing off the wine, I know I’m pushing my limits. Jace also sits up and laughs before he tells me to take it easy. That only makes me want a swig of whiskey, and after a little wrestling in the sand, I get the bottle from him. I unscrew the cap and take two big gulps of Jameson, barely noticing the burn before Jace rips it out of my hands. Trust me, I’m not an alcoholic, but the conflicting thoughts in my mind are beginning to be drowned out with every drink I take, and I need it to have the courage to get through this night without breaking down.

  I pout as Jace recaps the bottle and scolds me playfully. I’m clearly drinking too much for his liking, so I mentally tell myself to cool it, but being so close to him again is making me lose all of my defenses and I’m not sure how else to handle it.

  I’m drawn back to our first night together, and even though there’s a slight twinge of guilt, I remember Brady’s advice and know I have to do this. I push the thoughts aside and tell myself that it’s finally time to move on. And there’s no one better to do it with than Jace. I move closer to him and bring his face to mine. For the first time in ten years, I voluntarily place my lips on his. His kiss is tender and hesitant, as if he’s not sure he should be doing this. I know the alcohol is clouding my mind, but maybe that’s how I have to do this. Screw talking and reacquainting ourselves. That’s what tomorrow is for, right? I need to just bite the bullet and finally be with another man.

  “Jace, I want you. It’s been ten years, and I want—no I need—to be with you,” I say breathlessly, trying to pretend I’m ten years in the past, because I know I’m shamelessly repeating my pleading from back then.

  He pushes me onto my back, laying his body over mine, and I instantly remember our first night. I can feel that his body is harder, more rigid, and I’m more desperate for him than before. His face is merely inches from mine as his eyes search for the answer to some unknown question. I watch as his eyes close and he shakes his head.

  Before I can ask what’s going through his mind, Jace pulls his body off of me and moves himself to my side. I’m devastated to lose his heat, but I’m shivering as his lips meet my ear. He begins to speak in a manner that makes my panties damp with anticipation.

  “Alexa, you have no idea how much I’ve wanted you ever since I met you. Every time I saw you watching me on the field, I got hard knowing your eyes were on me. I was a coward. I was a jackass. I’ll regret being such an idiot for the rest of my life, but I can’t go another ten years without having you in my life. I know it seems crazy, but I still want to be with you. I want to be with you. For the rest of my life, whether it’s as friends or as more than that. Promise me you won’t shut me out.”

  He loved me. He still wants to be with me. Holy fuck. He really did come back for me. This whole time that I thought he’d given me up was a lie. A goddamn lie, and if I didn’t think Kristin had done what she’d thought was best, I’d probably be off kicking her ass. We’re here together after such a long time. He still wants me. And I know I want him. I always have.

  “I can’t believe it. You really came back,” I repeat, as if saying it over and over will finally click in my head.

  Jace gives a low chuckle and kisses the tip of my nose. His moves his lips to hover over mine. “Yes, Alexa, I did. And I always will.”

  ALEXA SHIVERS at my words as she brings her lips to mine. We spend the next several minutes, hours, however long it is, making out like we’re teenagers again. Our hands move all over each other as our tongues tangle in a frenzied motion. It’s as if we’re trying to make up for the distance over the years in just one night. I can’t keep myself from pressing into her, letting her know how hard she makes me. A moan escapes her lips as I push my erection into the hot space between her thighs. Her left hand rubs over my head, and I’m wishing I’d grown my hair out so she could wrap her small hand up in it. I make a mental note to let it grow when I head back to my tour. It can still be in Army regs while being just long enough for her to grasp.

  My hand cups her ass as I pull her closer to me. She’s squirming as I move on top of her, not quite pressed against her body as I was before. I know I need to slow this down. Alexa’s had a lot to drink and I don’t want her to wake up in the morning with regret mixing with the hangover I know she’s going to have raging. I slow down our kissing before finally pulling all the way off of her.

  She protests as I go to stand, and I lose my balance as she grabs my hand and pulls me back down on top of her. Locking her hands on my ass, she begins kissing my face, down my throat, and back up to my lips. Before I can gain my bearings, she’s up and pushing me down. She straddles me and is pulling my shirt up when I grab her hand to stop her. Stiffening, she starts to move off of me when she realizes what I’m doing. I grip her wrist and sit up, shifting us so that she’s sitting in my lap.

  “Not tonight, babe,” I tell her, all the while wanting to kill my conscience and take my girl in the way that I and my dick are desperate to do.

  She huffs, and I can’t help thinking how cute she is when she’s frustrated. She stands up before I can grab her and puts her hands on her hips.

  “Jace McAllister, this is the second time you’ve wussed out when we’ve been hot and heavy. Seriously, you could give a girl a complex! If I didn’t know better, I’d introduce you to my friend Brady,” she laughs, knowing I have no idea what the hell she means by that. “Too bad I’ve had you and I know you’re hot for me. I just felt your arousal pressing against me. What the hell is your problem?” she slurs the last few words.

  Before I can answer, Alexa starts taking off towards the condo. I scoop up the blanket as I sprint to catch up with her, asking what she’s thinking.

  “I’m going back to my room. At least I can get myself off there, since apparently you’re not going to do it. Fuck me,” she says, muttering that last little bit under her breath.

  As I’m trying to hide my laughter, she glares daggers at me.

  “Oh, you think this is funny? Well, Sierra was right! You are like a blue clit master! Did you have some little Yoda-like creature teach you his ways? Fuck her, do not. Come, she cannot. Wait, no, that doesn’t work. Jedis use light sabers, and clearly you have an issue with using yours!” she fumes, and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry because she just referred to my dick as a Star Wars prop.

  She stares at me as if she’s waiting for me to respond, but seriously, what the hell do I say to that? And what the fuck is a blue clit? I mean, I know my way around the female anatomy, but that’s a new one, even for me. She throws her hands up in the air as if I’m supposed to have some sort of reaction and turns to walk back towards the building. Oh hell no. If she thinks she’s getting away from me tonight, she’s seriously deluded.

  I quickly pick her up and throw her over my shoulder as I head to the wooden planks that lead back to the building. I bypass our flip-flops, not willing to put her down for a second. She protests as she scratches my back, trying to get me to put her down. I just grasp her even tighter and head inside, going straight to the elevator.

  “Put me down, Obi-Jace Kenobi!” She’s seriously killing me with these references. It’s kind of endearing, because I can remember having a marathon of the first four movies the winter before I left. Hmm, we’re going to have to have a new marathon so we can watch all six, not that the last three produced are worth much.

  I push the up button for the elevator as she continues to pound my back. The doors open and I walk inside with her draped over my shoulder.

  “Okay, Darth Sullivan. Calm down,” I reply as I pat her ass. Her hard ass. Her firm, very mouthwatering ass.

  We ride in silence as the elevator climbs to the seventh floor. I begin to walk off the lift when Lexi tries to hold on to the sides of the doors, forcing me to let her go so she doesn’t do something stupid and crush her han
ds. The moment her feet hit the ground, she takes off running. Where to, I have no idea, but I follow and stalk her down the hallway. I can play this cat and mouse game with her all night. Or morning. I have no idea what fucking time it is, and I realize that I need to catch my prey before she starts bothering other residents.

  “Alexa, come on. We can go fight about Star Wars or blue body parts in my room. Which, by the way, you better explain to me. Let’s not wake the other guests at what I’m guessing is a very late hour.”

  She sighs as the light dawns in her eyes that I’m right. She brushes past me and heads to my door, where she waits for me to unlock it and let her in. I insert my keycard into the slot and she barely waits for me to pull it out before she’s entered my condo, heading straight for the bedroom. I follow her and watch from the doorway as she flops down on the bed with her arm covering her eyes. As I move closer, I realize that she’s crying, and I feel start to feel like an ass for playing my part in this.

  I sit on the bed beside her, picking her up and pulling her into my arms. She silently sobs for a few minutes before she calms down and moves away from me.

  “I’m sorry, Jace. It’s just… It’s been so hard. All of it. Losing you. Losing Ty. Being here with you again and trying not to feel guilty, knowing that my heart still wants you. And then I throw myself at you—again—and you deny me—again. I’m an idiot. I…I never should’ve thought that things would be the same for you,” she confesses.

  I swear, this girl doesn’t listen. Did I not just bare my soul to her twenty freaking minutes ago out on that beach?

  I turn to her and push her down on the bed. I’m not going to have this girl tonight, but dammit if I won’t let her know how I feel. I move my hands to her waist and push her shirt up, rubbing my hands across her skin. I bring my face close to hers as I stare into her eyes.

  “Apparently, you missed what I had to say outside. Am I going to have to tell you so many times that I sound like a broken record? You might as well go ahead and put me on repeat, baby, because I’ll never stop telling you. I’ve wanted you for so long, I still want you now. My dick is screaming at me, wondering why the hell I’m not buried so deep inside you, making you scream. I want you, Alexa, but I want you in the right way. We’ve both had too much to drink tonight. When I take you, when I make you mine, I want your mind to be clear as I caress and taste every single inch of your beautiful body.”

  She shivers underneath me at my words. I gaze at her face and her lips part. I want so badly to kiss her, but I force myself to turn my thoughts. I run my left index finger across her jaw as I continue.

  “I want you so badly, but I want you sober. Mind clear. So tomorrow night, you better lay off the sauce if you know what’s good for you.” I wink, causing her to giggle, and I’m glad that I’ve been able to lighten the mood a little.

  I kiss her face, her temple, her nose, her jaw, stamping her with my lips everywhere I can. She has no idea how she affects me, and to be honest, I had no idea those feelings were still there until tonight. As I move along her face, I whisper the things I want to do to her. That I’m going to do to her.

  MY MIND is swimming as Jace’s lips move over my skin. It’s a combination of alcohol and pure longing that’s created an inability to form a coherent thought as he his hands travel down my body. He rolls to the side of me and I instantly miss his hard body’s contact with my own. As he brings his lips to my ear, his finger slides to the top of my shirt line where he lightly skims the surface underneath the material. He’s barely touching me, but my whole body is on fire.

  Making good on his promise, he whispers the plans he has for me, and I’m shivering as his finger continues to lightly move down my body, stopping in all the places he’s vowing to worship. I’m panting with anticipation and mentally damning myself for drinking so much. I haven’t felt so on fire in such a long time. After a few moments of his teasing seduction, he pulls away from my body and lets out a small laugh when he witnesses my hands gripping the sheets. I will myself not to touch him. After all, a girl can only take so much rejection.

  He gets up from the bed, grasping my hand to drag me up with him. Steering me towards the kitchen, he parks me on a stool at the island before he moves to the cabinet and pulls out two plates and two glasses. I watch with slightly hooded eyes as he fills the glasses with ice water. He then grabs a nearby bottle of Ibuprofen. He takes out two and places them, and one glass, in front of me.

  “I don’t want you cursing my name too badly in the morning, so I figured I’d better get some liquid and pain medication into you,” he says with a slight smile.

  I push my hair away from my face before groaning. My head is already spinning, so I gratefully take the pills before downing the entire glass of water in just a couple of gulps. Jace refills it for me, and I sit on the stool while he proceeds to surprise me. Two minutes later, I’m inhaling the most delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich that has ever entered my mouth. I’m groaning again, but this time it’s because of the strawberry jam that Jace knows is my favorite.

  “If I’d have known that a PB&J could make those sounds come from you, I’d have been bringing them to you in the cafeteria every day. Remind me to thank Momma for sending me here with groceries,” Jace says and then scowls at the mention of his mom and my obvious pleasure in the same breath.

  I feel my cheeks flush as I remind him that he did used to bring me lunch, but I tease him that I wasn’t womanly enough to enjoy such fine things in my mouth back then.

  He walks around the island and turns me around on my stool. “A lot has changed since then, I guess, because I sure as hell don’t remember hearing those sounds, and believe me, I would’ve never been able to make it to my next class because I’d be stuck at the table hiding my hard-on,” he says as he moves his finger over the top of my lip.

  Before I can say anything, he slips it into my mouth and I instantly suck on the tip. I taste the sweet strawberry flavor that is somehow sensually mixing with the taste of him. Not amused with him getting me so aroused, I bite down on his finger and he lets out a choice four-letter word as he withdraws his finger and shakes it. His eyes lower as he glares at me, and I know I need to get out of the line of fire. Somehow, I make it past his body and scurry down the hall to the bedroom. He’s hot on my tail and connects with my back in time to send us both falling onto the bed. Getting his payback, he begins tickling my stomach and sides until I’m almost crying. I finally beg for mercy and we’re both out of breath as he falls down beside me to lie on his back. We catch our breaths and he slips his hand into mine.

  “I’ve missed you,” he says softly.

  I smile at those three simple words, knowing that I feel the same. “I’ve missed you, too, Jace.”

  He squeezes my hand and then disappears into the bathroom for a moment before coming out wearing nothing but low rising basketball shorts. I’m wishing the moonlight was a little stronger so I could take in what I know is a solid six-pack and an impeccable chest. He lies down on a pillow at the head of the bed, and I join him, resting my cheek on his firm chest, listening to his heart beat slowly start to return to normal. I smile, realizing that the anticipation is probably killing him as much as it is me, and I slowly trace the outline of his abs. Taking my hand in his, he brings it up to his chest, kissing me on the forehead. We lie there in the darkness and talk more about our lives before falling into a deep sleep, wrapped up in each other’s arms.

  I SLOWLY wake in a fog and can’t bring myself to open my eyes due to the pounding in my head. I feel a weight on my chest as the pounding gets even louder. I’m slightly disoriented, so it takes me a few moments to realize that the sound is coming from my door and not just my head. Opening my eyes, I take in my surroundings, remembering that I’m no longer in Kandahar, and I see that somehow I’ve landed in a heavenly place.

  Glancing down, I notice Alexa’s gorgeous face, half covered by her messy hair, resting on my skin. Her left hand is just above the rim of my
shorts, and I mentally curse whoever is trying to get my attention. I slowly—and very reluctantly—pull myself out from under her and place a pillow below her head. I give her a quick kiss on the forehead, and she shifts underneath my lips. I pause, not wanting to wake her, but I’m satisfied after a moment that she’ll still be out for a while.

  Heading towards the front door, I realize that I’m sporting the hardest morning wood I’ve ever had in my life. Seriously, that girl. I shake my head as I do the same to my dick, trying to get some of the blood to go somewhere else in my body. I look through the peephole and immediately let out a groan. This might get embarrassing.

  I open the door and slip outside before she can get past me, because there’s no way I want her in there waking up Alexa. She looks at me, half pissed, half smug, and I prepare myself for the barrage of words I’m about to endure. I smile sheepishly at her, hoping to appease her so I can climb back into bed where I can memorize every inch of Alexa for when I’m back in Afghanistan and need to draw up her perfect mental picture for the sleepless nights.

  “Am I interrupting something?” she asks, tapping her foot on the concrete floor, looking both amused and annoyed.

  “Yes, Sierra, you’re interrupting the best sleep I’ve had in months. Can I help you with something?”

  “I won’t keep you, Jace, but Alexa didn’t come home last night and she hasn’t answered her phone. Jeremy swore he saw you two heading to the beach, so I left it alone last night, but I haven’t been able to reach her for almost twelve hours. Please, please tell me she’s in there with you,” she asks with a knowing smile on her face.

  “No need to worry, big sis. She’s fine and in my bed. Well, her hangover might be pretty rough this morning, but I’m hoping she’ll keep sleeping it off. Can we meet up with you guys when she’s up and ready?” I plead, hoping she’ll let me get back to her sister.


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