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Use Me

Page 15

by Kimberly Knight

  “Whatcha doin’ down there?” I asked, a towel wrapped around my waist as I walked into the bedroom. Ashtyn was sitting on the floor, her T-shirt, bra, and one pant leg removed.

  “I was coming to join you.”

  “It’s almost time for breakfast.”

  “What time is it?”

  I chuckled. “It’s time for breakfast, and then we’re going to bed. When we wake up, you’re going to show me how you lick icing.”

  “Are you making pancakes?”

  “Yep.” I reached out with my hand for her to stand. I helped her out of her sweatpants and put her T-shirt back on. If she were topless as I cooked, I’d definitely burn the bacon. “Come on. The bacon should almost be ready.”

  We walked hand in hand down the hall, and when we got to the kitchen, I directed her to sit on a stool. I kissed the side of her head then moved to the oven to check the bacon.

  “Do you always cook naked?”

  I looked down at my bare chest and the towel wrapped around my hips. “I’m not much of a chef actually.”

  “But you’re cooking now.”

  “It’s not hard to screw up bacon in the oven as long as you set a timer. And pancakes are easy when the batter is already made and you just need to add water.”

  “You’re the best,” she gushed again. This time she rested her head on the cool granite.

  “No sleeping, baby. You need to soak up some of that whiskey.”

  “But I’m tired.”

  “Tell me about your day.”

  She rested her head in her hand while I hurried and made the pancake batter. “So, I got promoted today.”

  I stopped shaking the bottle of the pre-made batter. “You did?”

  Ashtyn smiled. “I’m gonna be on the five o’clock news starting next year.”

  “Holy shit, Cupcake.” I pulled her up to hug me, and then I kissed her hard with a smack of my lips. She tasted faintly of whiskey. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “It’s always been my hope to be in that time slot.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  She shrugged. “I forgot. Fireball helps you forget.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, it does.”

  The timer on the oven went off, and I checked the bacon. It needed a few more minutes, so I turned my attention back to the pancakes.

  “You think I’ll get a new stalker once I’m on that broadcast?”

  I stopped pouring the batter onto the buttered griddle. “I hope not. You better tell me if you start getting flowers from a secret admirer again or some guy hits on you. The position is filled.”

  “You’re my boss now?”

  I smiled as I looked over my shoulder at her. “Yeah, baby, I am.” I wasn’t going to be controlling and shit, but she needed to know I wasn’t going anywhere. If I had to make her bacon and pancakes every night at one in the morning, I would. I like what we had going now. Sure it started with sex and using each other to forget our exes, but now I couldn’t imagine a night without falling asleep with her in my arms.

  Things seemed to return back to normal. Or what Ashtyn and I thought normal was. She still didn’t want to stay at her place, but I didn’t mind. We’d gone to her condo and gotten more of her things.

  When I was with Bridgette, I’d given her a key, but then instantly regretted it because her shit was all over my place. But having Ashtyn’s stuff around felt completely different. I didn’t mind seeing her toothbrush next to mine or seeing her bra lying on the empty chair in the corner of my room. In fact, I was giving it a month before I propositioned that we find a new place together. A home far away from the one Ashtyn hated to step foot in.

  Ashtyn was at work, and I was setting up the poker table waiting for the guys to arrive when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Kenny holding up a six pack of Blue Moon.

  “I’m early.”

  I nodded and chuckled. “Yeah, man. Help me set this shit up.”

  Kenny closed the door and followed me into my place. “So Ashtyn moved in officially yet?”

  “Since you asked me yesterday at work?”

  He laughed and gave a slight shrug after setting the beer on the kitchen island. “Yeah.”

  I opened the poker chip case and started to sort stacks. “Not gonna lie. I don’t mind at all how things have turned out.”

  “She’s not crazy like Bridgette, right?” Kenny popped the cap on a bottle of beer and handed it to me.

  “I don’t think anyone is as crazy as she is. Fuck, dude …” I trailed off not believing what was about to come from my mouth. “I think I love her.”


  “Yes, Ashtyn.”

  “Well, shit, man.” Kenny clapped me on the shoulder with his free hand. “When are you going to tell her?”

  I took a pull of the beer as I thought about his question. I wasn’t sure. I didn’t know how she felt, and I’d never truly been in love before. Sure, I’d told Bridgette, but that was in my lust-haze when I knew she wasn’t wearing any panties under her dress, and I’d never uttered it again. When Bridgette would tell me that she loved me, I’d just nod and change the subject. She didn’t seem to mind since she was living off my dime. But if Ashtyn were to tell me goodbye, I’d want to jump in front of the Blue Line as the train pulled into the station.

  “When I know for sure she won’t crush my heart.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to go to Vegas for your bachelor party.”

  “Whoa!” I laughed. “Who the hell said anything about marriage?”

  “I don’t know, but you’re all pussy whipped now.”

  “Don’t be jealous I’m getting laid on a regular basis.”

  A knock sounded on my door, and Kenny turned to answer it. “I’m happy with the variety of pussy I’m getting thank you very much.”

  “Whatever. Just get the door.”

  I wasn’t going to continue to argue with Kenny. He could have a different woman every night if he wanted. I wanted to crawl into my bed every night with Ashtyn and only Ashtyn.

  The weekend after Ashtyn returned to work, we bought a Christmas tree. Since we spent all of our time at my place, we’d brought the tree there and decorated it. I had no fireplace for Santa to slide down, so I bought an electric one, and we hung our stockings on it. Plus, it was nice to curl up together and watch a movie with the illusion of flames dancing from a 3D effect. So many times it was on the tip of my tongue to tell Ashtyn how I felt about her. I wanted many more Christmas together. But if she didn’t feel the same way, I feared she’d find someone better, so I needed to come up with a plan.

  As I walked down the darkened street toward Judy’s, I continually looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was following me. I wasn’t sure if that feeling would ever go away, but I wasn’t going to live in fear anymore. Chicago was a walking city of sorts. I wanted to be able to go on a coffee run before my broadcast. I wanted to be able to walk down to Judy’s if my friends wanted to grab a drink.

  I wanted to be me again.

  The last week or so had gotten me back to feeling a little normal. I was driving myself to and from work and going home to Rhys’s by myself if he were at work. I still wasn’t sleeping at my place, but it wasn’t because I was scared anymore. It was because a guy had died in my living room. I was lucky Rhys wasn’t sick of me yet.

  Ethan had hired someone to clean up the place, but every time I walked through the threshold, my eyes went to the spot where I’d seen Philip under a white sheet. If the day came, I would move furniture around so it covered the spot where Philip died, and I’d sleep with every light on just in case he wanted to haunt me. Or I’d move. I wouldn’t want to live across the street from Rhys if he were to break my heart.

  I walked into Judy’s and spotted Jaime sitting at a high top in the middle of the bar. “Hey, lady,” I greeted her as I shrugged off my coat.

  “I love Christmas shopping,” Jaime joked as her hello and took a sip of her red wine. I noticed
she’d ordered me one too.

  “Yeah. Look at all the people fighting for the last Nerf Nitro Longshot Smash,” I bantered back, remembering the hot toy for the year that we’d reported on.

  “Please. I had my shopping done before Thanksgiving. I’m a pro.”

  I took a sip of the fruity wine. “When I finally have kids, I’ll come to you for all your secrets.”

  “You and Rhys gonna pop out some babies?”

  I snorted. “We’ve only been dating a few months. I have no plans to get knocked up.”

  “Fine, but I need a baby to snuggle with.”

  “You’re capable of making some more.”

  Jaime shook her head. “Nope. I’m not doing any more shitty diapers. Thomas is almost potty trained.”

  “Then you should convince Kylie or Colleen.”

  “I see you more often,” she stated.

  “Fine. How about you ask me after a year of marriage?”

  “Are you and Rhys getting married?” She folded her arms on the table and leaned slightly forward as though I had some huge secret to tell her.

  “Not that I know of. Again, we’ve only been dating a few months.” I rolled my eyes.

  Jaime tsked. “Semantics. You two are perfect for each other, and I’ve never seen you this happy before.”

  “Well, thank you. I’m glad you finally approve of my boyfriend.”

  “You’re welcome. So tell me about this plan.”

  “Don’t forget to dress warm tonight.” I kissed Rhys goodbye before leaving for work. It was Christmas Eve, and tomorrow we had plans to go to both of our parents’ houses for lunch and dinner, so we decided to exchange gifts in the morning. The problem was, my gift needed to be done at night because that was when I was able to do it.

  “Are you going to tell me what we’re doing?”

  I shook my head and grabbed my coat. “It will ruin the surprise.”

  “All right. Text me when you’re downstairs, and I’ll be ready.”

  This was going to be amazing!

  When I was dating Bridgette, I’d felt as though my life was in some sort of rut. I never wanted to break up with her because I thought my work schedule was too crazy and I wouldn’t be able to date anyone else. What I didn’t realize was finding the right person to date was effortless. It also helped that Ashtyn and I unofficially lived together. Bridgette had always wanted to go out and spend my money. Though looking back, I think she did it because she was hoping we’d run into hockey players that I knew. The problem with that was most of them were married. At least the ones with established careers who were making the big bucks. Also, did she realize that most of them had missing teeth? I mean, fighting was almost encouraged in hockey, and therefore, a lot of them practically had dentures.

  My point in all of this is that when I thought about a Christmas present for Ashtyn, I contemplated getting her jewelry. I assumed I’d need to spend at least one of my paychecks on something that was gold for her, but the more I pondered about the perfect gift, the more I realized that wasn’t Ashtyn. She didn’t wear flashy things or expect expensive dinners every Saturday night. She wanted to curl up on the couch and watch a movie instead of getting dressed up for a night on the town. It was fucking perfect. She was fucking extraordinary.

  So one morning, while Ashtyn sang in the shower, I thought of the most amazing gift. I just hoped she didn’t laugh …

  Too much.

  Ashtyn: Be there in five.

  I grabbed my coat, shrugged it on and then being the smart ass that I was, I grabbed winter gloves and a beanie. I’d also dressed in long underwear under all of my clothes. Ashtyn said to dress warm, and that was what I was doing. I just hoped I didn’t sweat my balls off.

  When I got downstairs, I waited inside the building until I saw Ashtyn pull up. Her blue Volvo was actually pretty sweet with a heated steering wheel, a heated windshield, heated wipers, and heated front and rear seats. And it also had some horsepower.

  I opened the passenger door and stuck my head in. “Should I sit in the back so you can chauffeur me around?”

  “No!” She laughed. “Get your ass in here and close the door. It’s freezing out there.”

  I did just that. “It is snowing, Cupcake. Ice is literally falling from the sky.”

  “Yeah, so did you dress warmly?”

  “Even put my thermal underwear on.” I winked.

  Ashtyn pulled away from the curb. “Me too.”

  I looked down to see she was wearing jeans and not the dress she’d reported the news in. “Are you going to tell me now where we’re going?”


  “Will there be booze?”







  She looked away from the road and over at me as we waited at a light. “If you’re good.”

  I grinned. “Pretty sure I’m on the nice list.”

  “Yeah, you are. Just don’t screw it up in the next hour and you’ll get sex when we get home.”

  I bobbed my head in approval. I could totally be good. Especially if sex was on the table. Or on the couch. Or on the kitchen counter. Or in the shower. I wasn’t picky.

  Ashtyn drove us toward Grant Park. “Cupcake, I hate to burst your bubble, but the park is closed.”

  “I know,” she replied and drove right down to the parking garage.

  There was an attendant at the gate, and I expected him to tell us they were closed, but instead he nodded to Ashtyn and opened the gate. I turned to look at her, confused. She shrugged. “Perks of the job.”

  “Okay …” I hesitated as she drove and parked the car. “So, what are we going to do here?”

  “Still a surprise.”

  Seeing as we were about to go frolic in the fucking park, my long johns were definitely the right decision.

  After we parked and got out of the car, we grabbed our gloves, and Ashtyn took my hand and led me toward the section of Grant Park that was by the mini-golf course. “We’re going to play mini-golf?”

  “Nope.” She shook her head and kept walking.

  As we walked, I spotted the ice skating rink in the distance. It wasn’t your typical ice skating rink. In fact, it was called a skating ribbon because the rink was interwoven into the terrain of the ground it sat on. You didn’t just skate around and around in a circle. It had slight inclines and declines and followed a shape like a ribbon around the two rock climbing walls.

  “We’re going ice skating?”

  “Kinda,” she replied and tugged me until we were standing in front of the ice skate rental building. Another man opened the door, and as we passed, Ashtyn greeted him by name and thanked him.

  “So, you just slip these guys some money, and they let you in?” I teased.

  “I told you that I get perks.”

  “Do I want to know how?”

  Ashtyn laughed. “Not like that. Jeez!”

  I smiled and followed as she walked up to the skate rental booth. Two sets of skates were waiting for us. We slipped them on, and after lacing them up, Ashtyn asked, “You ready to race?”

  “Race?” I laughed.

  “Yeah. Loser has to do all the pleasuring tonight.”

  I snickered. “Is that so?”


  “You do remember me telling you that I’ve played ice hockey since I was five?”

  She shrugged slightly. “How do you know I haven’t been practicing?”

  “Have you?” I asked and stood. I stood easily on the blades as if they were normal boots I was wearing. Ashtyn, on the other hand, had to grab onto the side of the counter for support.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “All right, Apolo Ohno. Let’s see what you’re made of.”

  I helped Ashtyn out of the building and across to the outdoor rink. After we slipped off the blade covers, I thought I’d need to help her
not fall on the ice. However, she skated effortlessly.

  “First one back here is the winner.”

  “Got it,” I replied and stood next to her in a race-stance position. Should I let her win? I didn’t mind doing all the pleasuring. She knew I loved to lick her cupcake. But then when a woman beats you at anything, especially sports, you never live it down. Romi beat me one-time at Horse when we were playing hoops, and to this day my sister thinks she’s better at basketball than me.

  “Ready?” Ashtyn asked, and before I could reply she bolted.

  “Hey!” I shouted and took off after her.

  I was right on her heels almost the entire way, but she gave me a run for my money. The fucking long johns under my jeans and coat were riding up in places I didn’t want them to be. We laughed and groaned and laughed some more as we sped around the ribbon. I pulled ahead, and just as I was rounding the final turn, I saw people standing on the ice with a finish line ribbon across it. Ashtyn had gone all out on this night, but as I skated closer, I recognized one of the men. It wasn’t the garage attendant or the guy who had let us into the skate rental building.

  It was my idol, Jeremy Roenick.

  Still skating, I turned my head to look over my shoulder at Ashtyn. She was smiling as she skated leisurely up behind me. She clearly wanted me to win, and now I knew why.

  My gaze met Jeremy’s, and he was smiling as I skated through the tape. I’d always known him to have a good rapport with his fans. Back in the day, I’d hear about how he would smile and stop what he was doing to sign autographs. I’d never gotten to meet him, but I knew if I were ever given the chance, he’d be a standup guy. And I was right because what retired hockey player would come stand out in the snow at midnight to meet a fan?

  Apparently, Jeremy Roenick would.

  I couldn’t believe that I was able to pull off such an amazing opportunity for Rhys. I knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy. And that guy knew Jeremey was in town, and because he caught the game the other night, Jeremy knew who Rhys was and was willing to make my Christmas wish come true.


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