Sweet Sins

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Sweet Sins Page 14

by Kent, Madison

  “Did you go to the hospital?”

  “No, I don’t have any insurance or any money. But what could they do but wrap it up and I did that myself. I asked a nurse I met and she said there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. It’s just going to heal that way and I’ll have to live with it.”

  “You can’t live the rest of your life with that bone sticking out and in pain.”

  “When it first happened, it was pretty bad. I passed out in the parking lot and some guy woke me up when the place closed. I could barely drive, it hurt so much. It’s much better than that, I could barely stand to breathe the first two days and riding on the motorcycle, forget it.

  “Adam, Adam, Adam.” She wasn’t sure what she should said; she did not yet feel at ease speaking with him.

  He kissed her for the first time and she savored it like champagne. She smiled as if he had never caused her to have tears, as if he never left.

  “I want to make love to you, but I dare not ask after what I have put you through. Of course, that would be if I could move so I guess it’s a moot point.”

  “Is that why you came home, because you got hurt?”

  “I couldn’t ride anymore; it hurt like hell to drive home. Before the incident with the bull, when I sent you the post card, I had already decided to come home. It was one of the things I wanted to do before coming home, riding the infamous bull at Gilley’s.”

  “Why did you decide then to come home?”

  “I decided because I want to marry you, no, I just don’t want to marry you, I have too. Arianna, you can’t say no. You took me in and held me hostage. I was a thousand miles away from you but I never left you. I had to go away; I just couldn’t think what to do with all the influences around me here. I never thought of Patty Jo at all, except to hope she has a good life with her new guy. You were the only one I thought about, only you. Patty Jo is a part of my past; you are my present and my future. I want you to be my wife. I hope that’s what you want to.”

  She was biting her lower lip and sat there stunned with his revelations to her. She had hoped to see him again and even barely hoped that might remain friends, but never did her mind allow her to think of him coming home to her and proposing marriage.

  “If I were your wife, your partner for life, there is nothing more I could ever want. Everything after that would be like dancing with the stars. It’s what I have dreamed of, hoped for in my secret heart of hearts but I dared not even think it in the real world.”

  “Arianna, what a crazy fool I am and I probably won’t change too much there. I swear to you, never again crazy enough to leave you. I met girls all night long and no one could keep my mind from thinking of you, of holding you, kissing you all night. I was obsessed with thinking about it. I lay every night under the wide open Texas sky and all I could see was you. Wondering if you had changed and perhaps didn’t love me anymore after I left you, really messed me up inside. I wasn’t sure you would still love me or have me back. I was scared to death. I wouldn’t blame you if you had left me, but it made me crazy every time I thought you might be with someone else, that someone else had kissed you or touched you. I could never deal with that. You still love me, don’t you?”

  “How can you even ask that? Love you, I adore you. I’ve never ever felt this overwhelming joy and the belief that I have no doubts about loving you—you’re the one, the only one…forever.”

  He looked at her so tenderly, a softer, more loving look that she had ever seen before. His hungry eyes consuming her were familiar to her famished heart.

  Slipping her clothes off slowly, his broad, strong hands lingered over her. His touch had never been so gentle, so sweet to her. Slowly, over every inch of her, he explored her body as if he was seeing it for the first time. She had dreamt of this moment—of the someday that she would be back in his arms—but never had she honestly believed it could happen. She was wrapped in sheer bliss, lightheaded with joy.

  After they had made love, slowly and sweetly, he touched her arm and asked,

  “Arianna, there’s something I have to know, something I’ve thought about now for a while. It’s important. It’s a game changer, it’s everything. I probably know the answer, I know you pretty well but still I have to ask. While I was gone, were you with anyone, and I don’t mean for a dance or something, I mean with them, make love to anyone?”

  She closed her eyes and thought of Danny and flinched. Because she hadn’t immediately answered him in the negative, he jumped up, flinching in pain from his chest wound.

  “Arianna, what is it? Were you with someone?”

  There were no truths she could tell or she would lose him forever and he had asked her to marry him. No, there would be no truth telling.

  “Yes, I did go out to dinner with an old friend of mine who had also split from his girlfriend. That was all, we danced a little and had dinner. That was all.”

  “What happened to that forever thing? All that stuff you talked about in New Orleans, how you would never be around another man for the rest of your life, what happened?”

  “Adam, it was nothing. The boys were gone for the weekend and I was alone and I just shared some company with an old friend. I was so hurt and feeling so isolated, I needed someone to talk to.”

  “I want you to tell me the truth, Arianna, and I will never bring it up again. Did you sleep with him?”

  A flash of her and Danny lying together came into her mind and she hoped she hid it from her face. This was her forever and she would not let it slip away.

  He was lying down against the pillow of the bed, now closing his eyes. He was physically shaken, awaiting a verdict that might change his mind about her and she would not give him any reason for that.

  “No, Adam, of course not—I told you, he’s like a brother to me and nothing more.”

  He opened his eyes and smiled at her.

  “That’s a relief. Now we can move on to other things, like getting divorced and getting married for the first time to the person we were meant to be with.”

  “Come on Babe; let’s go for a ride on the cycle. I missed your body behind me, huggin’ on me.”

  “Yes, Adam. I’m with you, like I always will be.”

  She held on to him tightly, dazed that he had come home to her. She had no idea where they were going, but she was happy at last, truly happy for the first time in her life. Now she could have the life she always hoped for.

  When he finally stopped, he was in front of jewelry store. Her eyes took in the sight with delirious abandonment.

  “This is it girl, for keeps. I was hoping we could just have matching wedding bands if it’s all right with you. I thought a lot about it the last few days.”

  “Yes, I would love that, knowing we are wearing the same token of love. That would be awesome, of course, I would probably be happy with a piece of string tied around my finger if you put it there and said you loved me.”

  “Happy, girl?”

  “Incredibly, unbelievably, if only I could have known how everything would come out, I would never have had to suffer so. My darling, please don’t ever leave me again. I could not bare it. I feel like the stars belong to me, that nothing could ever be wrong again.”

  They chose their rings without hesitation, for both of them; it was the act of being together rather than the symbol. They flew back over to Tampa Bay to Davis Island where they roller skated across the lanes, holding hands and licking ice cream cones. Life had gone from dark to light in an instant and she would never cry again.

  Chapter XVIII

  Stepping into Heaven

  That night and the next few weeks were the most exhilarating of her life. When the children were born, she had found such beauty and peacefulness. This was a different type of happiness, the kind where you realize you have found your intended other half—your split apart—and you become one. She felt in line with the universe. She was in the garden of sweet dreams and eternity. Her course was now set, she would devote her life to hi
m and her children.

  Adam’s mother, at first hesitant and fearful, began to warm to the idea of their marriage when she saw how happy he was and she could deny her favorite son nothing. She began and ended every conversation with them with, “Are you sure?” Both their divorce proceedings had begun and would be finalized within the month. Both Patty Jo and Chris were amicable and also hopeful that their lives now would have a new chance for love. Now that things were set in motion for their marriage, the resistance to it was slowly dissolving. Still, her parents were concerned because he had left her that he was not ready for such a commitment but they knew nothing they would say could change the upcoming events.

  Like an unrelenting fever, they couldn’t wait to get married. It was unsettling to Chris. He had accepted the divorce without emotion, both of them realizing it was inevitable but her marriage was somewhat shocking to him. In the end, he wanted her to be happy so the boys would be comforted through this.

  Now the time they spent together included the children. They spent time playing baseball, go-karting and bike riding. Adam built the children a small ramp they could jump with their bikes. She thought they were too young but he said he wanted to get them started preparing for motocross. The boys loved it and their new friend, Adam.

  Her modeling career had received a boost as she was chosen for a photo shoot layout for two brochures. One was for a Sanibel Island resort; she would be part of a husband and wife team vacationing there. She would be going there for a few days. Everything now that she touched was golden. Her life had made a turn into a life she had only pretended to exist and now all of these wishes were beginning to materialize.

  Although both their families were distraught over the divorces and the remarriage, Adam and Arianna were in a place that people reside when all is wonderful and life brings perpetual happiness. They had overcome so many obstacles to get to this place and now they had to hang on. This was their second chance at life, their families didn’t understand it all, but they did.

  “Adam, I know we spoke of having just a simple ceremony and maybe a dinner. That’s fine with me. Is that what you still want? I had been thinking about maybe having a small party and invite some of the girls from the agency and their partners. What do you think?”

  “Chick, you know how I feel about that, I’d rather it just be you and me, but if you want a party, that’s fine.”

  “Darling, I love you. I love you forever.”

  “I love ya’, kid.”

  When Arianna went with Chloe for the final court appearance for her divorce and conveyed to her how she had no regrets and couldn’t wait for her life to start with Adam.

  Patty Jo had already gotten engaged to her boyfriend and Adam said he told Patty Jo he wanted to have a baby right away and he would monetarily reward her for it also. He would take her on an elaborate European tour and buy her a new car. She was thrilled and now happily looking forward to her divorce.

  Chris’s greatest regret was, of course, spending less time with the boys but was reconciled with the fact that the time he did spend with them would be all healthy play. Arianna would be the one spending time doing the chores, teaching and other disciplinary time. He was content to give that up as he never savored doing it and tried to get out of it whenever he could.

  “Adam, I feel like I’m getting married for the first time. I am proceeding into a union of head and heart. With Chris, I cried on my wedding night in private because I knew I was getting married for the wrong reasons. I was young and wanted to get away from abuse from a relative and was looking for a stable guy who would care for and protect me. That’s what I was looking for then, now I want love, the kind of love every girl hopes she will have someday and now that I have found. Maybe I should feel guilty but I don’t, I just can’t wait for our life together to begin.”

  “For me and Patty Jo, it’s kind of the same thing. I think at one time when we were in our teens; we had a good time together. When we started to get older, we grew apart and started to do our own thing and it all just fell apart. With you, I never felt this way before, I feel connected to you and this time, nothing will come between us.”

  “Adam, I can’t wait to put my wedding dress on. It’s just a simple white satin dress but it’s perfect for us. When I become your wife, I could want for nothing more but for all of us to stay healthy and all things good will come.”

  “You’re my world—my all. My dreams will be a glorious reality the day we speak our vows.”

  Their wedding took place in a quaint hall designed for small, intimate ceremonies. It was laden with beautiful flowers, candles glowing in abundance. Strawberries, caviar and champagne were placed at every table. It was a breath of heaven. There was a center fountain scented with jasmine. Two violinists and a piano player provided the soft background music.

  Her boys walked in front of her throwing white and red rose petals across the center lane leading to Adam. He waited for her dressed in his black tux. She felt he was the more beautiful of the two of them. He looked exquisite. She prayed that this day would be the start of a wonderful life together. This perfect moment, let it be the beginning of many perfect moments.

  He grasped her hand gently in front of the preacher and said,

  “Arianna, we’ll be the ones to make it because true love finds a way. This is what Keats and Dylan have been talking about and now what we’re living.”

  “Good luck, kids,” said Mrs. Ryder as she hugged them both.

  Like feathers they floated through the night and when he lifted her up and carried her to their limo, life was all that it could be.

  Effortlessly he took her hand and headed into the Don Cesar where they had obtained the bridal suite. The Don at night, it’s lights cascading against the lustrous pink building, the waves crashing into the beach and the moonlight on their faces, this is what little girl’s fantasies were made of. It was their time in history to be glorious. He carried her in his arms and crossed over the threshold into the dazzling suite. It had two tiers; in the upstairs area was a Roman bath with floating gardenias and tea lights and candles on a marble sill surrounding the wall side of the bath. They lay skin to skin in the warm aromatic water, massaging each other into ecstasy.

  He laid her gently on the oval bed, tasting every bit of her. She was as an untouched maiden allowing him to take the lead. He kissed her face and neck, treating her like a treasure he had found. He brushed fragrant oil on her back, massaging her and breathlessly kissing her as he run his strong hands across her. Their love making on this night was like virginal nymphs experiencing thrills that could shake the earth. This paradise found the culmination of their desire for each other.

  “Arianna, my bride, my wife, I will love you forever, into the afterlife I will meet you. Wherever you are, I will be by your side.

  “And I with you, Adam, our long awaited forever has begun and I will taste every moment like honey.”

  The next few days they were landing on clouds above the world, their eyes reaching into each other’s souls and capturing all. Making love till the early morning hours and then beginning again at first light. The touch of his body was so stimulating now that he was her husband, every delicious graze against his skin, heightened by their wedding bands.

  Chapter XIX

  Paramount Star

  She could not remember when life was so good. Harmony was found between Adam and her boys and both families were now embracing their marriage, welcoming them together as a couple. The next few months flowed like champagne on New Year’s Eve. It was more than she could have ever hoped for.

  Perhaps due to the glow on her face and in her heart, her modeling gigs had been lucrative and she was getting calls consistently for work. This assisted in giving them some additional cash flow so they could enjoy trips to Disney World and Busch Gardens. The boys delightfully existing in this fantasy land.

  Her involvement in two modeling agencies had allowed her to teach and participate in auditions. The teaching ga
ve her additional income and afforded her many contacts with aspiring girls. The mother to one of her younger student’s owned several Cadillac dealerships and was quite wealthy. One evening she had contacted Arianna at home and asked for her and Adam to meet her for dinner. She had assumed because of her generous nature, she had wanted to thank her for her attention to Nadia, her daughter. Arianna had helped secure two commercials for her daughter recently.

  Sitting down at Charley’s Steak house, Mrs. Lynch launched immediately into what was on her mind.

  “Arianna, I think you are the talented one at the agency. You’re more aggressive than the others, in tune with the other girls and you just want it more. You take it seriously. You are the first person who took a sincere interest in Nadia and I believe she has incredible potential. I know that’s a mother speaking but I have the time and the money to try and promote her and I will do it. The thing I want to know is if you would like to do it with me. I am offering you an opportunity to go into business for yourself. I will put up the finances for you to start your own agency. What do you think?”

  Adam grabbed her hand as she felt like she would jump up and hit the ceiling for the thrill of what she had just heard.

  “What do I think, I think it’s fantastic. This last year I have thought about it and discussed it with several of my friends, that we might try a joint venture, but none of us had the capital to risk it. The agencies that exist here primarily focus on promotions of all kinds but don’t seem to even try to get some of the legitimate work that’s out there. That always goes to the agencies in Orlando and Miami. Tell me more, please.”

  “Arianna, wait a minute. It’s a huge commitment to go into something like that. It will take and extraordinary amount of time and effort,” said Adam.

  “Adam, I don’t care if I have to work half the night, this would be the peak of all my dreams. This is the answer to everything I had hoped for. Please, Mrs. Lynch, tell me more.”


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