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Page 6

by Catty Diva

  “Let’s have pizza for lunch. Have you ever had it?” Patty asked. Apparently his woman got bored easily.

  “Once on Mazlan. They have many Earth women. There’s a restaurant run by one that has Earth foods.” Teran explained.

  “I wish we could go. Patty and I have never been off station.” Ladonna informed.

  “You’ll be able to go soon. Once Justice is here, you’ll decide your own future.” Teran offered. It was hard to believe they’d never left here.

  Before long Patty had pizza heated up, it was the frozen kind. Apparently there was a large selection of them. She gave them cheese pizza first, then a supreme which had a bunch of toppings. “Do you like them?” Patty asked.

  “They are delicious. I believe I like Earth food.” He admitted.

  Once they were done eating, they spent the afternoon talking while they played various games, both cards and board games. He’d not played either types of games much never having the time. Teran would give Patty long lingering looks wishing he could take her to bed again. That was his intention once Ladonna turned in for the night.

  “I guess I’ll go to bed so you two can get it on.” Ladonna announced. Teran felt a bit embarrassed, but he’d get over it.

  “Okay.” Patty agreed with a grin.

  He watched as Ladonna left before he jumped up and moved to Patty. She was up and moving to him as well. Pulling her into his arms he kissed her passionately. When he stopped he dropped his head to her shoulder and just held her. Breathing her scent in deeply both calmed and excited him. Nothing about their relationship made any sense, but he just wanted her, Maybe it didn’t need to make sense.

  Picking her up in his arms, he carried her to the bed where he gently laid her down. As he watched her, he began to strip his clothes away. The interest in her eyes was evident and boosted his confidence even more.

  Once he was bare, his hands fisted his rock hard cock which drew her eyes instantly. She began to struggle out of her clothes tossing them to the side as she got them off. Patty licked her lips as she watched him stroke himself.

  “You just going to take care of yourself or you planning to join me?”

  “I was waiting for an invitation.” He teased.

  “Well you have one now.”

  Teran slid onto the bed lying on his side next to her. Gods the female was exquisite. She was everything he’d ever dreamed of and more. Leaning down he kissed her gently this time. One hand traced her breast making her nipple draw up. Now he dropped his mouth to that same breast sucking the nipple in. She groaned sweetly as he sucked harder.

  Not wanting to neglect her other breast, he moved to it next. His hand moved down to her thighs and slid between her legs. One finger slid along her seam easily moving into her slick channel.

  “Yes!” Patty groaned arching upward. “I need you.”

  “I need you too.” Teran answered as he moved over her. Her legs spread wide inviting him to plunge inside.

  Positioning himself properly, his cock right at her entrance, he pressed inside. As he slid all the way in, he shivered with the rightness of the way it felt. This was where he always wanted to be. Right inside his Patty making love to her.

  “Faster, damn it!” Patty yelled. Always willing to please, he sped up plunging in and out, harder and deeper. “Yes, oh yes, that’s it.”

  Teran continued as he felt his woman shiver on the edge of her release. He noticed the tingle running down his back letting him know he’d be right behind her. “Come for me!” He demanded and she let go.

  She bucked under him like a wild thing pulling him in deeper with her muscles that also massaged him. He growled as he climaxed with wave after wave of hot cum shooting inside her all the way to her womb. Teran shuddered as he just kept going unable to stop until he was empty and even then he plunged into her some more.

  Rolling off he dropped onto the bed next to her on his back unable to move any more for a several moments. His breathing was heavy and his heart beat pounded as he lay there thinking what a perfect match she was for him. Did he love her? Maybe, but if not he soon would.

  His gaze went over to her and he turned his head for a better look. He felt a strong connection to that beautiful creature lying next to him struggling for her breath. Unsure of what she felt, he suspected it was much like what he felt.

  “What will become of us after your people are through?” Patty asked once her breathing settled.

  “What do you mean?” Teran asked.

  “I’d heard men act different once the sex has been gotten.” Patty explained.

  “Usually they will tell you ahead of time that they want no relationship if that is so. I’m not sure what will happen, but I was hoping we would work something out. I have another year of service before I can step down. My father is a leader among my kind. There’s a portion of our lands he rules. I am his heir. Someday I am expected to step up.”

  “I’ve heard that sort of thing before, but it makes no sense. Do you not want to lead your people?”

  “I do, but I worry it will interfere with love.”

  “How do you know when you’re in love?” Patty asked. “I love Ladonna and the children, but that’s a different love.”

  “I don’t know for sure. It takes time to figure it out. That’s why I want to give us time.”

  “Okay. We’ll work that out when Justice arrives. That’s when you’ll know your schedule?”

  “Yes, but what about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “When will you figure out your schedule?”

  “Ladonna and I can work from anywhere. She’ll come with me of course and whatever kids want to go. The others will get a nanny.”

  “You can run this place from far away?”

  “Just as if I’m here.” Patty sat up. “Let me show you something. Sit up and look in front of you.” Suddenly Patty appeared right of thin air.

  “How the hell did you do that?”

  “It’s a three D projection. We’ve been working on androids too. We actually have them, but they don’t look like a person. Not yet anyway.”

  “You two are some kind of super geniuses. That is amazing.” He moved nearer and kissed her.

  Two more days went much like the first. They watched movies and cartoons from Earth and a few vids from the old Mazlan world. “I think the people on Oison might enjoy these Mazlan vids.” He commented.

  “I thought it might remind them of all they had lost.” Patty replied.

  “No, most of them had already lost their home world. The crazy emperor even sent his family members to Oison and he sold his daughter to the labs. They reflect kindly on the others of their world. I believe they would love to reminisce about these times.”

  “Okay, I sent copies to Razar.”

  “What? How did you know how to contact him?” Tar asked.

  “I’ve been sending him and Cash information for years now.”

  “You’re their informant?”

  “Sure am. They don’t know it though. I had to make sure that never got out. The kids would suffer.”

  “You are truly amazing.”

  “You already said that. Come on, let’s watch the next horror movie.”

  “I’m not sure I can handle it.” He teased.

  “Too bad. You need to toughen up mister. I think we’ll have a classic movie night on the stations. I bet people will like that.” Patty declared.

  “That’s a great idea. We can even make the first one free.” Ladonna said.

  The start of the fourth day, Trevers came to the door with a peace offering. Maybe he didn’t realize those flowers were poisonous? Yeah, right. An hour later, Justice sent a message. They were two hours out. They would be there by supper time. Coming in as a mercenary ship, no one would know who they actually were but him, Patty, and Ladonna.

  “I hope there’s lots of sexy males on board. Do you think there will be?” Ladonna looked at them hopefully.

  Patty just giggled. �
��There will be many of my kind on board. Many females find them attractive and choose to lie with them.” Tar explained.

  “Are you very experienced?” Ladonna asked. Now he found himself the target of two interested sets of eyes.

  “Gentlemen do not discuss such things.” Tar said.

  “That’s one way to avoid admitting what you’ve done.” Ladonna teased.

  “Remember you want to meet my friends.”

  “Hey, the movie is on now.” Patty declared. Everyone shut up and watched. It was even scarier than the first one and the bad guy did return. “There are several more movies and we’ll watch them all eventually.”

  “How did you get all these movies?” Tar asked.

  “They were floating around in space and I captured them. The quality was poor so I improved it. We have thousands of movies, most from Earth, in our collection.” Patty claimed.

  He believed her. It would make the trip onboard the ship easier with so many movies to watch. “Could you loan some movies to the ship? The guys get board on long trips.” Tar wondered.

  “Sure. All they cost me was a little time.” Patty admitted.

  “How do you two divide up all this work?” Tar asked.

  “He wants to know if I contribute anything or if you do it all.” Ladonna said with a snort.

  “Ladonna does the work of two lab technicians. It’s automated, but she keeps up with everything and gives the equipment instructions. She also stays on top of the cleaning equipment monitoring all of it. Any legal problems are also her area. When we file briefs on the kids and the stations, she will be the one writing them. She is actually a licensed attorney.” Patty explained.

  “I’m impressed as I knew I would be once I knew your area of expertise.” Tar admitted.

  They had time to watch one more movie before Justice and his team arrived. At that point who knew what would happen. Trevers would be watching everything closely. Not that he expected the arrivals, but he would be watching for Patty to be up to something. Not that he’d ever catch her if she was. He was happy that Doss would be gone so he wouldn’t get caught up in what might occur.

  It turned out to be three hours later when Patty let the bank of cameras drop from the ceiling. “Look at this.” She squealed.

  There was a team of dangerous looking mercenaries entering the station. The guard stopped them at the entrance. His voice shook. “I’m sorry, but everyone gets searched and no one is allowed to bring weapons inside.”

  “No problem.” The leader assured. “We don’t need weapons to win a fight so we didn’t bring any. We are acquainted with the rules.” It was Justice, Tar was certain of it.

  “Damn he’s hot.” Ladonna observed. “So are the guys with him. Do you know any of them?”

  “Yes, Roar is my cousin but he’s mated. Blaze is also a cousin and mated. Pyre is a distant cousin and unmated.”

  “Which one is he?” Ladonna asked so he pointed to him.

  “Damn, he’s hot too.” She pretended to fan herself with her hand. “Can I have him?”

  “Sure, as long as he agrees.” Tar said. Pyre would be a fool not to. “Those are all of my people. The others are Mazlans or from Cash’s crew. I’ve met them, but don’t remember their names.”

  “That’s okay. I think I’ll try Pyre first. Do you think he’ll like me?” She asked showing doubt for the first time.

  “Any male would be honored by your interest. If he has no female he is seeing, he should return that interest.”

  “I thought he was unmated?” She asked.

  “He is, but that doesn’t mean he’s not dating anyone. I wouldn’t know about that.”

  “Oh, I understand.” Ladonna said, but he wasn’t sure she did.

  As they watched the cameras, it wasn’t long before Trevers made an appearance. He welcomed the mercenaries quickly figuring out who was in charge and inviting Justice to the restaurant for a meal.

  “What the hell is he doing?” Patty complained. “He’s charging the meal to the station. Does he do that all the time?”

  “It won’t matter much longer so don’t get upset.” He advised.

  As Trevers ate the meal with Justice, he tried to get what information he could. He got little because Justice was good at what he did. “My crew is just here to get supplies and enjoy themselves for a night. I’m not sure what it is you want from me?” Justice commented.

  “It never hurts to know those who can deal with problems, does it?” Trevers asked.

  “And you have problems of this nature often?” Justice asked.

  “More than my share. You would be surprised the problems I have and the potential for making money that exists in a place like this.” Trevers said.

  “I would be surprised if there were any ways to make money here that didn’t require a great deal of hard work.” Justice admitted.

  “I’m allergic to that hard work myself. I do as little as possible. There are easier ways and other people more willing to do those usual things that require work.” Trevers said.

  “I’m a simple man. If you want me to understand something I require plain speak.” Justice explained.

  “Am I right in thinking you are a mercenary for hire?” Trevers asked.

  “Indeed. What gave me away?” Justice joked.

  Trevers chuckled. “I may have need of one such as you.”

  “What does the deed entail?” Justice asked sipping his drink with the slight air of boredom.

  “I may need someone killed. Two someones actually.” Trevers explained.

  “Sounds interesting. The price depends on who they are as well as where they are.” Justice informed.

  “One is on the station but in a protected area. The other left by medical ship and I think he was sent to station alpha, but I’m not sure.” Trevers admitted.

  “I don’t track down people. Those aren’t my skills. The one in a protected area, how can we get to him or her?” Justice asked.

  “You kill women too?” Trevers asked.

  “Why wouldn’t we?” He asked.

  “Would you abduct two women for me?” Trevers asked.

  “If the money is right we’ll do just about anything.” He admitted.

  “There is a restricted area where two females are and the male I want killed.” Trevers explained.

  “How will we get to them?” Justice asked.

  “I was hoping you might have an idea.” Trevers said.

  There was a knock on the back door that made all three of them turn and look. Patty pulled up the camera and he saw it was Pyre and Roar. Tar hurried to let them in. “Glad you guys made it to the party.” Tar greeted.

  “We are to look for the self-destruct and any other harmful devices.” Roar explained. “Any idea where we should start?”

  Patty pulled down a three D image of the station then zeroed in on where the kids stayed. A red x marked the spot. “That’s where the self-destruct is.”

  “If you know where it is, why didn’t you try to remove it?” Pyre asked as he stared at Ladonna.

  That little redhead stared right back. Was it love? Who knew but it was certain Pyre was in trouble. He just didn’t know it yet.

  “Why didn’t we think of that?” Ladonna asked. “Maybe because we were told it was booby trapped?”

  “Booby?” Pyre asked as he looked down at her boobs.

  “Not that kind of trap. Lookup here at my eyes.” Ladonna insisted as she pointed up.

  “Okay.” Pyre said with a slightly red face.

  “He likes me, I can tell.” Ladonna insisted with a big grin.

  Once the guys got in here, it took them no time to remove the self-destruct and there were no other bombs. Over time, it had become disconnected either accidently or because one of the employees didn’t want to risk being blown up.

  Once that was taken care of, everything else fell into place. Justice arrested Trevers and Preston. Some of the guards were questioned and released, others were questioned and detained
. It was a long day and an even longer night before everyone got settled into rooms and Tar lay down with his mate. He was certain they were meant to be together for all time. Now he just had to convince her.


  Since Justice had come and they’d left the station, things had settled down. His family had been good to her and Ladonna. So had the Mazlans and the other Phoenix. They’d both learned to create flames, but not like the other adults could. They both had some of the royal DNA in them and the Mazlans considered them family. So did the royal Phoenix.

  It made everyone wonder where the royal Phoenix genes had come from since they already knew where the Mazlans ones came from. In time they would fit in better. Patty and Ladonna knew they were a touch odd, but they didn’t care. They couldn’t turn into demons, but Razar had said with less than half their blood it might not be possible.

  The two of them were mostly Phoenix and Mazlan, but with some human tossed in for fun and a few extras thrown in. Some were impossible to identify. More alien than the local aliens, that was funny. Somehow the labs had discovered other alien creatures and harvested genes from them.

  Patty didn’t let it bother her. She and Ladonna had skills others couldn’t touch. Tar’s suggestion had rocked. They had eight space stations and all were in the black. She and Ladonna were connected to all of them.

  Another one would be added, but Ladonna had agreed to go in person because of squatters that were using the station for illegal purposes. Pyre, a friend of Tar’s that had come with Justice to free them, would accompany her along with the crew of Justice a new midsize battleship named after Justice because of his fight for justice for all, because of activities these squatters were carrying out.

  Yeah, that was a whole lot of Justice. Patty knew she would miss Ladonna while she was gone since they had never been parted. That was part of the weird life they had been born to and were now free of. Their lives would now be as normal as they wanted them to be. She rubbed her tummy. Tar would be surprised!

  Phoenix in Flames series

  Book 4



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