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Spanking the Secretary's Bottom

Page 4

by Susan Thomas

  Her father gave her a handkerchief to wipe her eyes and blow her nose then she slipped her knickers right off and stiffly walked out. Crispin took me away so we could change out of our riding clothes. I took my time as I was full of different emotions after that and my head was in a total whirl. I kept thinking about what it would be like to be caned by the General just as I had with Dr Croft, but it terrified me as it was so severe, and on top of that I felt desperately sorry that her stupid youthful insolence to me had led to it. If nobody else had been present I could have given her a piece of my mind and that would have been that.

  When I came out of my room Patricia was clearly waiting for me. She was doing Caroline Derbyshire's Miss Snooty act and she said stiffly, "I apologise Miss Dole for my outrageous remark and withdraw it without reservation."

  She may have been beaten but the insincerity came off her in waves. Well you don't grow up being both youngest and dunce in a family of brain boxes without learning to stick up for yourself. "You may have been beaten Patricia but you are not in the least bit sorry. You believe I am Crispin's mistress and you imagine that your family's wealth and breeding put you in a position of superiority to everyone else, especially a mistress who will soon be neglected. Well you are wrong on many counts. Firstly I am not his mistress, I simply solved a problem involving your other brother and Crispin was grateful. Secondly it isn't breeding or wealth that matters any more but what you do with it. When you have proved yourself as an adult you may pass judgement on me if you wish."

  She stared hard at me for some time and then suddenly seemed to have an internal collapse. "Oh I am sorry, I should have realised Crispin wasn't like that and for Thurston to get into trouble is not unusual. Forgive me please it's just... oh I don't know, everything seems so mapped out for me and I don't want it."

  I took her by the arm into my room and did what my sister has never ever done with me, acted like a kindly older sister. Soon she was my friend for life and when Crispin saw us coming down chatting and laughing he raised both eyebrows and later asked me if I had some sort of magic potion. I wished I had because honestly when I got her to show me her bottom it was far worse than anything I had received and magic potion might have eased it.

  Working in government was such a total change of life for me. On the one hand there was Crispin, and we now seemed to be spending a great deal of leisure time together, the other was my mother started asking me to do tricky little jobs that required a great deal of discretion. To be honest I rather enjoyed my improved relationship with my mother and her new found respect for my abilities. About four weeks after I had dealt with the Thurston affair the Prime Minister spotted me and came up to me. I did know him already because even before he became Prime Minister he and my mother had social contact and he had met all of her children. To my astonishment he thanked me for my good work and suggested that in a year or two he would find a constituency for me to contest. Naturally I said nothing to him but of one thing I was sure and that was I had no desire to be a Member of Parliament.

  As Christmas approached, Crispin took me out to dinner. The first thing he asked me was if I would like to spend Christmas with his family. They all wanted me to come (even Thurston) and he promised me his brother would be on his very best behaviour and was actually good company. They were having a cocktail party, fancy dress dance, a wide variety of games and events as well as lashings of good food. Of course I was also expected to go home where every Christmas my father devises games involving mathematical clues, cryptograms, crosswords and other such fun pursuits. I then get called dunce by my sister and brother because I am so slow (in comparison with them) at solving them. The choice was easy to make and I did so with very little thought.

  The second thing he asked me was if I would marry him.

  I was stunned for several reasons: the first was that really I hadn't been working in government very long, in fact only about four or five months, so we hadn't known each other long. For another we were from very different backgrounds - his parents were both from old establishment families, my parents were the first in their families to go to university and my grandparents had all started as working-class people but made a bit of money which they spent on their children's education. My parents were intellectuals, his parents although not stupid were not that. It was true he was older than me, but that was true of both sets of our parents. I timidly asked him if his family would approve.

  "Heavens yes," he laughed. "Not only have they taken a shine to you but they would love to see me settled."

  "In that case I say yes."

  "Should I ask your father's permission?"

  It was my turn to laugh. "No he has already descended once from Mount Olympus in recent weeks. He won't make that journey again for a while. Let's just tell my mother."

  I have rarely seen my mother truly shocked but that is how she looked. To her credit though she did all the right things and promised my father would be told. She actually seemed disappointed that I wasn't going to be home at Christmas and even hugged me and then we went to buy a ring and break the news to Crispin's family. Announcements would be placed after they had formally given their blessing.


  Crispin's mother was delighted and was very warm. The General was his usual self but clearly pleased. Thurston was hugely delighted for some reason and hugged and kissed me a bit too much for my liking, while Patricia shed her Miss Snooty veneer completely and was like a delighted child.

  Later the General took me off to his study on what turned out to be the pretence of showing me some photographs of Crispin. He clearly wanted to say something so I let him go about it in his own way. He went on about how much he admired my directness of approach and the quick way I had dealt with the Thurston problem, how attractive I was and what a good seat on a horse I had. In the end I interrupted.

  "Excuse me Sir, I am not a frail wilting female. You clearly want to raise some issue with me. Why not just be direct? I promise not to have hysterics or something."

  He laughed. "My God you are the right girl for Crispin. Helen, it is simple. Our tradition is that you are now regarded as family and as a young woman but not yet married to Crispin you come under my authority so any misbehaviour is something I would deal with here in my study. You've already seen an example of that."

  All sorts of feelings ran through me. The very first was to wonder if all establishment families were like this. Then there was sheer terror at the thought of being caned by the General after what he did to Patricia. Another was excitement at the possibility of having to submit to his authority, it sent all sorts of tingles through my body. I managed to appear very calm and cool.

  "I understand Sir. Naturally I hope never to give any cause for concern with my behaviour but if I do I understand my position and your authority completely."

  He liked my calm reply (he thought I was calm at any rate) and gave his blessing and said he would contact my parents to agree all the arrangements. To be honest I rather put the whole matter out of my mind then as there was so much else to occupy it. Apart from work and the little extra 'assignments' given me by my mother, wedding plans were already intruding on our lives. Then one day my mother approached me and told me that she was taking me shopping for clothes so that I had the very best for my Christmas stay. I will say my mother was very generous and would have bought far more than I allowed her. We took it home and my sister was there. You'll not believe this bit but I assure you it's true and is what I would expect from my elder siblings.

  "Good God Helen, I hear you're getting married to General Brindle-Tockholes' son. Have you got one in the oven or something?"

  I was about to respond when my mother came in like a tank. "No Suzanne, she has not and if you haven't noticed, Helen is a very attractive girl with a kind, excellent and generous character. What is more, as I have discovered to my eternal shame, she is a very capable young woman even if she is not an academic. Crispin sees that even if you don't and has wasted no time in p
roposing. Now be happy for her as I am."

  Crispin's mother, Lady Catherine, spared absolutely no expense over Christmas. It was the major family time of the year for them and their fancy dress ball was attended by relatives, friends and some of the wealthiest and most powerful in the country. However, before the ball was a cocktail party. I had bought a very attractive Henri Bendel cocktail dress when shopping with my mother - black silk with fitted hourglass shape with bateau neckline and exposed keyhole style back, decorated at each side with self-bow. Although it was lined I still wore a slip because I wore my favourite bra, panty and garter belt set, the lavender one with its own little plastic case that my mother brought back from the US and I only wore occasionally to preserve it. I felt very attractive indeed. Certainly Crispin thought so and could barely keep his hands off me!

  The party was lively and I enjoyed it all but found myself in the company of an Army captain named Rupert Mostyn-Giles. Crispin told me later he was a real idiot but rather rich and from a good family. He was at first amiable enough if somewhat stupid and then suddenly he was talking about the party. It turned out he harboured ambitions to become an MP when his army career was over.

  "The trouble is we are getting a lot of the wrong types in the party. There are grammar school boys, people with no background whatsoever and even women for heaven's sake. I mean it's alright the other lot having women in their ranks but we should have standards. There are some right rum women too. There's that new one, what is she called? Can't remember, but she is a bloody tradesman’s daughter... oh I do beg your pardon, inexcusable language. Then there is that Caroline Dole, father or grandfather or something a miner. A miner I ask you! And she is a frightful woman. Far too much power if you ask me. We certainly don't need her type in the party. I'd give her a good whipping and pack her off back to her husband, poor chap."

  "Actually it was my great-grandfather who was a miner but my grandfather made a serious contribution to mining engineering and the wealth of this country while my mother, Caroline Dole, is a Cambridge double first. That means her starting point in intellect is about a thousand miles ahead of you because I am amazed you qualified to get into Sandhurst. Had you come from my great-grandfather's background you would still be there, doubtless keeping a whippet and getting drunk on a Friday night, except I am not sure with that chin you have the strength of character to take the hardships of mining."

  Unfortunately my reply was delivered with some heat and fell into a lull in the general noise so the last part was delivered in an otherwise silent room. To cap that I discovered the General was standing only a yard away and he did not look pleased.

  He spoke with calm authority. "Helen, would you have the goodness to go to my study, I'd like a word in private with you. Don't move off Mostyn-Giles, I'd like a word with you too."

  I knew I was in trouble and felt that familiar fear of pain but lure of the whole ritual of being beaten. I had seen what rudeness to a guest had cost Patricia so was pretty sure six would be my punishment and I was scared because the General caned far more severely than anything I had experienced, but I was determined to be brave just as the girls at Lady Alice were expected to be. Outside in the corridor I waited for a moment to hear what the General would say to Rupert Mostyn-Giles.

  "Mostyn-Giles, you have insulted the mother and family of my future daughter in law which I take as a slight upon myself too. I am proud to be associated with the Dole family..."

  Mostyn-Giles broke in to apologise in stammering tones but the General's voice cut back in, "Yes all very good but I do think it would be a good idea to leave, Crispin will show you the door and I think a letter of apology to Miss Dole would not come amiss. Good night."

  I quickly went to the study and let myself in shutting the door behind me. I went and stood by the desk a strange mixture of frightened but excited. The general came in and strode over and sat behind his desk. "Sit down Helen." I pulled up a chair and sat. "Not long ago we talked about my authority. Now you are family or as good as, you know why I asked you to come in here. You were rude to Mostyn-Giles although he was beyond the pale caused by his own stupidity as he hadn't taken the trouble to work out who you were. I asked him to leave and you will receive a letter of apology from him. I shall also speak to his father.

  However, no matter how rude he was your response was not the right one. You must learn the art of the diplomatic put-down. Macmillan's frightfully good at that. You used a tank brigade when what you needed was a rapier. You did it in my house in front of my friends and family. You leave me with no choice but to punish you."

  Quite apart from my mixed feelings about being caned I know when to be contrite and apologetic. "I quite understand Sir. I am afraid I gave in to my anger which in the circumstances was completely wrong. What do you want me to do?"

  He seemed a little surprised as if he had expected protest or pleading, "Well... er that is good, a very good attitude Helen and to your credit. In view of the provocation which was considerable, I do not intend to cane you but instead spank you. I know it is a little childish and perhaps you are a trifle old for it, but it is a punishment and marks my displeasure. Your visit here to my study will be correctly interpreted so honour will be satisfied I think."

  I was surprised and relieved to a degree and then a new feeling washed over me. I thought of being over the General's lap and having my bare bottom spanked like mother used to do and it suddenly seemed delicious. I gave an appearance of calm and said, "I shall need to take this dress off I’m afraid. It's far too fitted to simply lift the skirt."

  "Yes of course." He turned to some books and became immersed.

  I took off my shoes and quickly unzipped my dress with trembling fingers. A witness might have assumed I was scared but actually it was excitement. I simply didn't understand the delicious tingles coursing through me. Now, with hindsight, I see it. The General is a powerful man physically and in other ways and yet he is also a man of honour. I always feel safe in his company as I do with Crispin. I knew I could be stark naked in his presence and he would not take advantage. He has principles which he follows carefully but also high standards which he enforces rigorously. It was true that he had quite a Victorian view of women and felt he had the right to punish me but somehow in his home and in his world that all felt right. I now realise I wished my father had been like him.

  When my dress was off I spoke in a quiet respectful voice. "Do I need to take this slip off too?"

  He turned. "No I think I can manage." With that he went and sat and beckoned me to come by his side.

  I can barely remember going over his lap, it happened so fast. One second I was upright, the next I was staring at the Turkish rug and he was pulling my slip away from my bottom. He made a little gruff apology before taking hold of my panties and easing them down enough so that my bottom was bared. For the first time since I was a young girl I felt the chilliness of a bared bottom while over someone's knee.

  "You know why I am doing this and it is for your own good Helen. Rapier in future, you must remember that."

  Then there was a tremendously hard smack across my bottom. It stung like mad and I yelped with surprise. He spanked me steadily after that but I managed not to yelp again for a while. Each smack on my bottom was in a different place and each one stung like mad and met the previous ones and began a real party of heat and sting which soon had me wriggling unable to stop it. My feet curled and stretched and I kept moving my legs as I tried hard to stay in place but the spanking began to hurt more and more.

  I wanted so much to submit to his authority. That is something hard to explain. I also knew I deserved a spanking so I tried to welcome each stinging smack of his large hand. After what seemed like ages my bottom was so hot I could barely restrain tears when the general asked, "What lesson am I teaching you, Helen?"

  "That I must learn the rapier put-down and not allow anger to make me forget myself and abuse someone else's hospitality."

  He paused for a moment. "Very
good. I can see you are a daughter-in-law to be proud of. Crispin is a lucky man. Now I am going to really spank you hard to drive that message home."

  I thought he had been spanking me hard but I soon found out that had been mild. His hand came down harder and faster than before and I could barely hold myself in place. My legs kicked, I yelped, cried, wriggled. Then I kicked up and down some more and moved my hands around constantly. It was so hard to take without begging him to stop but I managed, and then I felt I was about to break and beg him to stop when my floodgates opened and I began to cry. Then he stopped.

  He sort of pulled my panties back into place and set me back on my feet before handing me a large beautifully pressed handkerchief with his initials embroidered in the corner. I used it freely and he went to shake my hand saying, "I am proud to have you in the family Helen, Your attitude and the way you took your spanking was exemplary."

  I didn't take his hand but said, "I would rather have a hug."

  He was surprised, pleased and a bit stiff at first but I ended up being hugged while I burrowed into his shoulder. It was not something I ever had done with my father and never could. After a fair absence I was able to rejoin the party. Everyone there knew the General well enough to know my visit to the study would have been a painful one, and the evidence was clear enough in my face. But they were all good enough to say nothing about that but I did get some quiet congratulations on putting Mostyn-Giles firmly where he belonged.

  My spanking from the General and my acceptance of it confirmed his authority and my place in the family. It was almost as if I had passed an initiation test and done so with flying colours. The rest of Christmas was enormous fun.


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