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Luck of the Witch (Crypt Witch Cozy Mystery Series Book 1)

Page 6

by K. E. O'Connor

  Aurora smiled at me as a trickle of blood slid from her nose. “I knew we could do this.”

  “Can you keep going? You don’t look so hot.”

  She nodded. “We’re almost there. The hard part is over.”

  As my own energy wilted, Frank shifted inside me. If I got too weak, he would break through again. With Aurora sitting so close, she wouldn’t stand a chance, and I’d be powerless to protect her.

  Only when Wiggles’ chest was rising and falling regularly, did I pull back my magic. Aurora did the same. She slumped forward and took several deep breaths.

  I hugged her. “You’re amazing. Now please, get out of here. Frank could come through at any moment. When he does, your butt is his. I have nothing left to fight him with.”

  Aurora stood wearily, nodding as she did so. “Give Wiggles a kiss from me when he wakes up properly.” She dragged herself away, turning back as she got to the end of the lane and giving me a thumbs-up.

  I lay beside Wiggles on the ground and wrapped an arm around him. “For a too perfect to be true sister, she isn’t so bad.”

  Wiggles kept his eyes closed, but his ears twitched, suggesting he was listening.

  “She took a huge risk by helping us.” I rested my forehead against Wiggles’. I needed to get better control of Frank. I hated not being around Aurora, not able to do all the things we used to do when we were kids.

  “Maybe I should let her go to prison for Deacon’s murder,” I said to Wiggles. “She’d be safer behind bars, and she’d have the guards to protect her. I could decide when I went and saw her. If I was having a bad Frank day, I could leave her alone. It will be much harder to hunt my sister if she’s locked away.”

  Wiggles shifted beside me and grunted. “That’s a terrible idea.”

  Chapter 7

  I shook my head and stared at Wiggles. It sounded like he’d just spoken, but that wasn’t possible. I ran a hand down his side. That spell must have taken more out of me than I realized if I could hear voices.

  Wiggles opened his eyes, and my breath caught in my throat. They were glowing red.

  I sat up and inched away from him. “How are you doing? Has that magic made you feel weird?”

  “You bet your fuzzy butt it has. And being hit by that witch’s car wasn’t a fun tea dance full of sprightly grannies.” Wiggles staggered to his feet and shook out his fur. “Man alive, that spell had a kick and a half to it.”

  Holy cow! Wiggles could talk. My mouth hung open as I stared at him.

  “Stop catching flies. Anyone would think I’m your first talking dog.” Wiggles tilted his head to the side, before settling down to scratch an ear with his hind leg.

  I scratched my head in response. “You are my first talking dog. Wiggles, this is amazing. You’re talking!”

  “It’s about time. You’ve had so many one-sided conversations with me over the years. I’ve never been able to tell you what I was thinking. Whenever you were about to do something dumb, I always wanted to step in and help but could never say anything other than woof. The number of times I’ve tried to tell you how many bones I wanted, and it never worked.”

  I choked out a laugh. “Your eyes have changed color.”

  Wiggles blinked a few times. “They feel the same.”

  “They’re red. Like fire pits of hell red. You look scary cool.”

  “Huh! No kidding. I guess that’s what comes of doing a spell when you’ve got a demon inside you.”

  I gasped. “No way. Frank helped with this spell?”

  “I felt the fiery dude’s energy curl around me. It was like wearing a thermal coat in the desert. Sweaty, gritty, and sulfurous. I don’t know how you deal with him sitting inside you like a giant tapeworm all the time.”

  “Gross!” When I thought about it, that was a decent description of Frank. Nothing I did shifted the son of a demon. “So, if a demon got involved in bringing you back, what does that make you?”

  “Well, glowing red eyes, brought back from the dead, and an ability to talk. You got yourself a drop-dead gorgeous hellhound as a best friend.” Wiggles raised a paw and examined it. “Which is pretty darn cool if you ask me.”

  I laughed again and wrapped my arms around his neck. “It is pretty amazing.”

  “Enough with the cuddles. That’s something we need to discuss. I’m not much into the spooning at night. I don’t mind a couple of minutes, but you sometimes have me wrapped in your embrace the whole night. I have fur and that gets hot. This hellhound needs his space. He needs room to scratch and break wind and do some serious grooming at night. That’s not possible when you’re hugging me so tight I can barely breathe.”

  “I don’t cuddle all night.” I untangled my arms from around him.

  “You have a cuddle addiction.”

  I rubbed the top of his head. “We’ve got a lot of talking to do.”

  “No kidding. First things first, my name. Wiggles sucks. We’re changing it.”

  I stood up, unable to take my eyes off my new hellhound, and resisted the urge to dance around with delight at having him back. “Your name is adorable. I can’t think of anything else to call you. You’ll always be Wiggles.”

  “Why am I called Wiggles?”

  “Well, when you walk, you have that cute little sway to your butt, like a doggie super model.”

  He growled and his eyes glowed brighter. “Wiggles is off the table.”

  “We’ll discuss it later.” I couldn’t help myself and hugged Wiggles again.

  He endured it for a few seconds before shaking me off. “And another thing, your sister. Don’t go giving up on her so quickly. She might be sweeter than a jar of molasses, but she doesn’t deserve jail time.”

  My eyebrows rose. “How much do you know?”

  “I hear everything when you let me hang out with you.”

  “Okay. That’s good; you haven’t missed much. The angels don’t know how Deacon was killed, although Merrie heard he’d been smothered. His body was found at his house.”

  “Why do the angels think Aurora’s involved?”

  “Deacon had their date penciled in his calendar. That’s when the trouble begins. I think Aurora lied about seeing Deacon the night he died.”

  “Your adorable little sister told a lie to Angel Force?” Wiggles shook his head. “That’s impossible.”

  “She’s not as innocent as I first thought, and Aurora is a terrible liar. She got herself in a muddle and was almost caught when questioned. She has denied her involvement, but I need to know why she’s lying.”

  “Who else have you got in the frame?”

  “Petra pointed the finger at the other mayoral candidates. It’s possible they’re involved. In particular, she fingered Mannie.”

  “Axel deserves a visit. I do not trust that guy. He’s too smooth talking for my liking. He’s always sliming around you and trying to get into your pants.”

  “Wiggles! That’s not true. He slimes a bit, but he knows never to make a pass at me.”

  “It’s true. He sniffs around you like I do when I sniff out a box of Patti’s brownies.”

  I grinned at him and shook my head. It was going to take a while to get used to having a talking hellhound as a sidekick.

  “How about a visit to see Axel since you’re so fond of him?”

  “Why not? If he is in cahoots with the victim, he could be the killer and not Mannie. He might have had a disagreement with Deacon and decided to get rid of him.”

  “Okay but let me do the talking when we see him.”

  Wiggles cocked an ear. “I’ve not been able to talk for ten years. I should do the talking.”

  “Not everyone is calm about hellhounds. Axel might think you’re going to belch brimstone at him.”

  Wiggles grumbled. “I thought there was something stuck in my throat. I can do that?”

  “Isn’t it standard practice for hellhounds?”

  “Hmmm. I’m new to this game. Let’s see if I’ve got anything to coug
h up.” He sucked in a deep breath.

  “Let’s stick to fur balls for now. We can try the brimstone belch when we’ve got more time. But we need to do something with your eyes.”

  “What are you suggesting, sunglasses?”

  “That’s not a bad idea. Wait here a moment.”

  “I was joking,” Wiggles yelled after me as I ran to my apartment, grabbed the darkest pair of shades I had, and ran back down the stairs.

  “Try these.” I settled the glasses on Wiggles’ nose.

  “How do I look?”

  “Odd, but not as scary. I don’t suppose you can do anything about the scary red eyes?”

  “Not a chance. I didn’t even know I had them. The hellhound eyes are here to stay.”

  “Are you up to questioning some suspects now?”

  “Of course, I feel great.”

  “You have just come back from the dead. You might like to take it easy.”

  “I’ve never felt more alive.”

  “Come on then. We might as well go tackle Axel.”

  As I walked alongside Wiggles, I realized I was still in shock. I’d seen him run over and then had my sister help bring him back to life. My sister and my demon.

  “I was thinking Rocky,” Wiggles said.

  “For what?”

  “My new name. Something solid and dependable.”

  “It doesn’t suit you.”

  “I’m not solid or dependable?”

  “You’re both of those things. I just don’t see you as a Rocky.”

  “How about Tiberius? Or Zeus?”

  “I like Wiggles.”

  “It makes me sound like a sap. I should be a hairdresser, not a hellhound, with a name like that.”

  “People will think it’s strange if I change your name all of a sudden. You’ve always been Wiggles. No one is going to remember a new name.”

  “They will if I bite them every time they get my name wrong.”

  “No! No biting.”

  “You’re always telling me to bite people.”

  “I only mean it half the time.”

  “Am I allowed to bite Axel if he’s too much of a jerk?”

  “No. Not even then.”

  “What if he slimes up on you in his usual way and makes suggestive comments?”

  “Maybe a gentle nip.” We headed away from Cloven Hoof and walked along the main street. Axel owned a flash bachelor pad on the opposite side of Willow Tree Falls to my family. I’d never been inside, despite his many offers to show me around, but imagined what it would be like. Lots of chrome and minimalistic lines. The total opposite of my home.

  As we approached the stark white building, I glanced down at Wiggles. “Best behavior now. You don’t want to go scaring the half-demon and making him run if he is involved in this murder.”

  “I’ll do my best. I’m getting used to my new hellhound abilities. I might be unpredictable for a while.”

  “No talking,” I cautioned him.

  “I make no promises.”

  “I should have left you back at Cloven Hoof.”

  “I’ve been breaking out of that place ever since we moved in.”

  “Exactly how have you been able to do that? I lock the door every time I leave.”

  “We all have our secrets.”

  “Now you have no reason not to tell me yours.”

  Wiggles barked a laugh. “That’s never going to happen. I like being a mysterious hellhound.”

  I knocked at Axel’s front door. He didn’t work. He was a trust fund baby and had been given vast amounts of money by his demon father, Kroni.

  As far as I knew, Axel spent most of his time gambling, flirting with anyone he thought was available, and racing around in his fancy soft top.

  Axel opened the door. He smiled brightly when he saw me. “This is a pleasant surprise.”

  “It’s not a social call,” I said.

  “That is a shame.” With his slicked back dark hair and perma-tan, Axel looked like someone out of an old episode of Dynasty. The look strangely suited him. Give him a cravat and loafers and I’d be convinced he was an oil baron’s son, not demon offspring.

  “Did you hear about Aurora?”

  His smile faded. “I did. What a shock. Why don’t you come in? I can fix us some drinks.”

  I gave Wiggles a warning stare, which he completely ignored as we stepped inside the house.

  It was not as I expected. There was no chrome or glass. A rusty motorbike sat by the stairs, parts littered on the ground, and a huge bookcase full of paperbacks dominated one wall. Everything on the shelves looked well-read.

  “I didn’t know you liked to read.” I stood in front of the shelves. He had everything from the classics to pulp fiction noir.

  “I love a good book. This way.” He led us past the bike and into the kitchen.

  Wiggles headed straight for the trash can in the corner and started sniffing around it.

  The kitchen was all white. It felt lived in and well-used, just like Axel’s book collection. Maybe I had this half-demon all wrong.

  “Anyone would think you were a half-angel, rather than a demon, given your liking for all the white in here,” I said.

  Axel chuckled. “Blame my interior designer. I told her what I wanted, gave her the money, and she spent it all. Maybe the place could do with a bit of color. What do you suggest?”

  I looked around the kitchen. “You’ve got plenty of room for a sacrificial altar at that end. Maybe you could host parties and invite the neighbors for some gentle bloodletting.”

  He grinned as he pulled a bottle of white wine from the fridge. “That’s tempting. Would you come to the party if I did?”

  “Unlikely.” I shook my head as he held up the wine bottle. “Not for me. I’ll have a soda if you’ve got any.”

  He pulled out a can of soda and handed it to me along with a glass.

  I opened the soda and drank straight from it. “What do you know about Deacon Feathers’ death?”

  Axel raised his groomed eyebrows. “It was a surprise. Deacon was a decent guy for a half-angel. He could be sickeningly good, but that’s not a reason to get rid of him.”

  “Did you consider him a friend?”

  “We weren’t friends. We also weren’t enemies. We had a healthy competition between us. Did you know we were both running for mayor?”

  “I did. Did you consider him strong competition?”

  Axel’s grin widened. “Ah, I see what you’re doing. You’re looking for someone else to put in the frame instead of your sister.”

  “What if I am? You could be a good fit.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you. I was busy that night.”

  “What were you doing?”

  “The same as always. I went to the gym, had dinner, and then headed out to a movie.”

  “What movie did you watch?”

  “They’re showing the Witches of Eastwick. It’s an oldie but a goodie. Not too true to life but enjoyable.”

  That would be easy enough to check out. “Where did you eat dinner?”

  “The same place I always do, over at Bite Me.”

  “Have you got any evidence?” I watched him carefully as I sipped my soda.

  Axel lowered his wine glass. “I could probably dig out some receipts. Tilly will definitely remember me. I tip well.”

  “I’d like to see those receipts.”

  His smile faded. “You really think I’d kill Deacon?”

  “Why not? He’s an angel; you’re a demon. You’re old school sworn enemies.”

  “We’re not the only ones around here who have their demon issues.” Axel’s gaze swept over me. “How’s yours doing?”

  “I’ve no problems. I also had no issues with Deacon.”

  “Deacon was dating your baby sister. Maybe you got all protective of her and decided to get rid of him before he broke her heart.”

  “Nope. They weren’t serious.”

  Axel shrugged. “Well, I’ve nothing t
o hide. Give me a moment and I’ll find the receipts. I can’t have you thinking I’m a killer.” He left me in the kitchen with Wiggles.

  “What do you think?” I quietly asked him.

  “He’s still too smarmy for his own good but check out this trash can. It has four different compartments.” He pressed the levers on the bottom, and the lids opened one after the other.

  “Stop messing with the trash. You’re only looking for food.”

  “Axel could have hidden evidence in here. I’m sniffing it out and being a good hellhound.”

  “Has your sniffing helped at all? Is there a murder weapon hiding in there?”

  “Woah, something so much better. Axel has dumped half a cake. Come over and take a look.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not looking at a discarded cake.”

  “It’s cherry and chocolate. It smells great. Barely any mold on it.”

  “That’s nasty, and it’s not evidence.”

  “My stomach disagrees.”

  “Here we go.” Axel returned and handed me a movie stub and a receipt for his dinner. “I can’t help with my gym routine, but I’m there every evening at the same time. You can check with the staff if you need corroboration.”

  The dates were correct, and the movie ticket had been torn. “Did you have dinner with anyone?”

  “I’m a sad, lonely bachelor. I always dine alone.”

  “Don’t tell me you go to the movies alone, as well?”

  “I prefer to see movies with nobody else. I can’t stand anybody talking and spoiling the mood. As soon as the ads start, that’s it. I’m focused. I don’t need distractions or anyone asking me if I want popcorn or what that person said and guessing the twists at the end of the movies. No interruptions, that’s how I like things.”

  “There were other people there? If I asked around, they’d remember seeing you?”

  “Of course. I always like the back row though.” Axel winked at me.

  “I bet you do,” I muttered.

  “I am sorry to hear about Aurora getting pulled up for this murder. If you’re looking for somebody to blame, you should speak to Petra. Until recently, she was hot and heavy with Deacon.”

  I sat up straight. That was not what she’d told me. “What changed?”

  “Deacon got sick of her hounding him. He told me she never gave him any space. She was always checking up on him. Petra would even accidentally show up at places he went to and pretend it was a coincidence. He was convinced she’d been snooping in his diary, so she could keep bumping into him. One day, he had enough and told her it was over. Petra didn’t get the hint. She kept asking him for a second chance.”


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