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Deadlier than the H-Bomb

Page 7

by Leonard Young

  “We now see that Marxism is the enunciated form of the Jewish attempt to abolish the importance of personality in all departments of human life; and to set up the mass of numbers in its place …”

  “The principle of decision by majorities has not always governed the human race; on the contrary, it only appears during quite short periods of history, and those are always periods of decadence in nations and States.”

  “We must not forget that the international Jew, who continues to dominate over Russia, does not regard Germany as an ally, but as a State destined to undergo a similar fate.”

  At the end of Mein Kampf was the following: “The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession. It combats the Jewish materialistic spirit within us and without us.”

  Looking around the world for help in the battle against the Jew menace, Hitler's mind constantly reverted to Britain and the British Empire. He always longed for their friendship and declared that no sacrifice would have been too great in order to obtain England's alliance. He always declared England to be one of the greatest bulwarks against chaos and that her interests and those of Germany were complementary and not contrary to one another. He stated that the Jew was organising his measures for the conquest of England as well as for the destruction of Germany. Hitler's eagerness for friendship with Britain continued through the years and even at Dunkirk he saved the British Army from destruction by halting the Panzer Corps, informing his surprised Generals the while that he regarded the British Empire and the Catholic Church as necessary bulwarks of peace and order, which must be safeguarded. More details about all this can be found in that most illuminating book, The Nameless War, by the late Capt. A. M. Ramsay, a former Conservative Member of Parliament and friend of Neville Chamberlain.

  Mein Kampf was first published in October, 1933. Before it had left the printers, the floodgates of Jewish hatred and lies had been opened full against Hitler and the Third Reich all over the world. English—speaking people everywhere were deluged with fabrications, distortions and atrocity stories, drowning the voices of the few who understood the real situation. Forgotten amid it all was Marx's slogan that, before Communism could triumph, the British Empire must be destroyed; and entirely suppressed, as far as the British people were concerned, was Hitler's repeated declaration of his willingness to defend the British Empire, if called upon to assist, by force of arms, if necessary.

  In 1936, the Jews organised a revolution in Spain which, fortunately for Europe, was frustrated by General Franco and his supporters who instantly took the field in opposition to the revolutionary forces and eventually succeeded in crushing them. This was a remarkable achievement in view of the fact that the International Brigades were assembled in Spain in considerable numbers by October, 1936. They were recruited from 52 different countries, mysteriously transported and assembled in Spain within a few weeks of the outbreak of disorder, uniformed in a garb closely resembling our battle dress, and armed with weapons bearing the Jewish five-pointed star. This star and the Seal of Solomon were on the signet rings of N.C.O.s and Officers of this Communist horde of ill-disciplined ruffians.

  The British public was kept in total ignorance of the true significance of what was happening, but Germany and Italy had each in turn been through the throes of Communist revolution and knew who had financed and organised the International Brigades; and with what evil purpose Barcelona had been declared, in October, 1936, the capital of the Soviet States of Western Europe. At the critical moment they intervened in just enough strength to counter the International Brigade and enable the Spanish people to organise their own army which, in due course, easily settled the matter, as far as Spain was concerned.

  But International Jewry had been seriously thwarted and from henceforth would not rest until they could, by hook or by crook, turn the guns of the rest of the world against Germany and Italy, which States, in addition to thwarting their designs in Spain, were in the process of placing Europe upon a system independent of gold and usury, which, if permitted to develop, would break the Jewish power for ever.

  What has been said about Hitler should in no wise be construed as showing any liking on the part of the writer for the Nazi Police State system or of the concentration camps, etc. We have been so filled with lying propaganda that it is difficult for one who has never been in Germany or able to talk with Germans, to know the truth. Hitler must have done a great deal of good in Germany, but that country had been rife with Jewry, Masonry and Illuminism for many generations and he would have been faced with a tremendous problem.

  All the forces of evil would have been brought to bear on tripping him up and he would inevitably have had traitors around him, like Napoleon had men such as Tallyrand and Fouche working for his destruction.

  He was engaged in such a desperate fight that desperate measures would probably have appeared to be necessary or have been forced on him by enemies in his system. It would be interesting to know why it was that when the Germans invaded Russia and were welcomed by the Russians as liberators and the latter surrendered wholesale, the Germans then embarked on the suicidal policy of cruelty which turned the Russian people from friends into enemies and made them rise, as Russians, to defend themselves from the invaders. Hitler was, in effect, if not in intention the tool of the Sanhedrin. (Douglas Reed seems to have thought his primary object was to kill Germans.) There appears to be no doubt that the persecution of the Jews, such as it was, was enormously exaggerated by the Jews for propaganda purposes. And there is no doubt that the troubles led to the deaths of countless millions of Gentiles and widespread chaos in Europe which is what the Sanhedrin was working for. The Sanhedrin is completely callous and would not hesitate to allow a number of Jews to be slaughtered for propaganda purposes if considered worth it.

  12. The War

  NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN was the last British Prime Minister this country has had and he was also an honest man. He tried to prevent war but he failed, partly because he was not clear enough about all that was going on and partly because he was not strong enough to withstand the forces of evil up against him. When he met Hitler at Munich and they succeeded in coming to a peaceful arrangement, there was a howl of rage from the two chief Khazar cities, Moscow and New York, and all the available forces were brought to bear to force a war, with the result that many Gentile persons and groups were brought into the war-making moves under the influence or pressure exerted.

  In this country, a vigorous and uncompromising clique was growing in all Parties under the leadership of Churchill and his friends. The Versailles “Peace” Conference had been so efficiently manipulated by the Jews that there were plenty of causes available over which to provoke a war. Czechoslovakia and Poland contained parts in which the population was overwhelmingly German and which had been taken from Germany in the dictated peace. As Lord Lothian said in his last speech at Chatham House: “If the principle of self-determination had been applied in Germany's favour as it had been applied against her, it would have meant the return of Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, parts of Poland, the Polish Corridor and Danzig to the Reich.” Hitler's demands all rested on a foundation of reasonable fairness, contrary to Press reports to the British public and he did not keep breaking his word over further demands as the British public was deluded by its press into supposing.

  In March, 1939, Mr. Chamberlain was tricked into giving Poland a British guarantee on the strength of a false report to the effect that a 48-hour ultimatum had been delivered by Germany to the Poles. This report subsequently turned out to be false but the guarantee had been given and the decision of war or peace was no longer in British hands and the Khazars now had the ball at their feet. Poland was encouraged to be intransigent. Incidentally, both Poland and Czechoslovakia were practically owned by the Jews.

  A state of war began in September between Britain and Germany but it soon became clear that no war was being conducted by Germany against this country
, which was in accordance with Hitler's repeated declarations, and with the Siegfried Line strongly held and no German intention of appearing west of it, it was clear that the war between the two countries must peter out altogether in the absence of bombing of civilian populations. But the bombing of civilians would have been inconsistent with the pledges given at the beginning of the war.

  The pro-Jewish warmongers and their friends inside and outside the House of Commons began pressing for bombing of Germany to be started. Chamberlain flatly refused. The Churchill—cumSocialist caucus in the House eventually caused his downfall by saddling him with the blame for the Norway blunder, for which Churchill was really responsible. But instead of being broken, he became Prime Minister and on the evening of his first day as Prime Minister, he tore up our pledge about not bombing civilians by starting to bomb them in Germany and from then on did all he could to ensure that a full out and quite unnecessary war should follow between Britain and Germany.

  Churchill became Prime Minister on May 11th, 1940. On May 23rd, 1940, many hundreds of British subjects were suddenly arrested and thrown into prison, under Regulation 18B, and kept in prison for years without charge or trial. A high proportion of them were ex—servicemen and there is no shadow of doubt that they were very patriotic Britons. They included Captain Ramsay, M.P., one of Churchill's more outspoken political critics, who was a strong supporter of Neville Chamberlain and who was working on providing the latter with information about the Jew plots in connection with provoking the war. There is no doubt that the persons detained under the Regulation were ones who were alive to the Jewish plot or, for some reason, unpopular with the Jews, as there is also no doubt that the Regulation was introduced earlier under Jewish influence, in connection with the activities of Communist members of the I.R.A., for use when the war came, against people the Jews would want to put out of the way. Also the Regulation was really administered by the Jews, notably Lord Rothschild.

  Captain Ramsay was also in touch with Tyler Kent, a young code—clerk in the American Embassy, who had been to see him about some extraordinary code messages going to Roosevelt. The reader is referred to The Nameless War by Ramsay and to From Admiral to Cabin Boy by Admiral Sir Barry Domvile for further information on 18B, but the following extracts from Jensen's The Palestine Plot are worth recording here:

  “In October, 1939, Kent [Tyler Kent, young American codeclerk—EDITOR] was transferred to our Embassy in Grosvenor Square, London, and placed in a position of the highest trust and confidence—the code room. Almost immediately he encountered the amazing secret messages which are the key to the whole affair. Kent had scarcely taken over his London duties when he was given a message to be sent at once. This message was in code … (it) was from a subject of His Majesty's British Government to the Chief Executive of the United States. This message was from Mr. Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty in the Cabinet of Neville Chamberlain. The message by—passed, it went over the head of the legal chief of the British State … the message that Kent had been obliged to send that day read, in effect: 'I am half American and the natural person to work with you. It is evident we see eye to eye. Were I to become Prime Minister of Britain we could control the world.‘ “ (From John Howland Snow: The Case of Tyler Kent, Chicago, 1946, p. 6.)

  “From the outbreak of war the President has been under fire for permitting, if not encouraging, William C. Bullitt, American Ambassador to France, and other diplomats, to encourage France and Poland to get into war with promises of American support.” (Arthur Sears Henning: Washington Times Herald, November 12th, 1941.)

  “It has taken a war and a military disaster to produce governmental changes long overdue. From the Jewish point of view the changes may prove far-reaching … . all the new Labour Cabinet Ministers have time and again supported the Zionist point of view … . Mr. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister, voted against the Palestine White Paper of May, 1939, and even abstained from voting on the Land Regulations in March, although he was a member of the Government.” (The Jewish Standard, May 17th, 1940.)

  “One of my colleagues at Brixton Prison was maitre d'hotel at the Savoy, and he had an interesting tale of constant dinner parties in a private room at which Lord Southwood (ne'Elias, of Odhams Press, etc.—Ed.), Lord Bearstead (né Samuel of the Oil Trust, etc.—Ed.), Sir John Ellerman (Jewish associate of the Rothschilds, etc.—Ed.), Mr. Israel Moses Sieff (of Marks & Spencer Ltd., etc.—Ed.) and Mr. Churchill generally formed the company. Possibly a great deal of the inner history of these stirring times would have been gleaned by any eavesdropper at these convivial little parties of 'British' leaders.” (Admiral Sir Barry Domvile: From Admiral to Cabin Boy, London 1948, p. 39).

  “As soon as Winston Churchill had gained the Prime Ministry in May of 1940, he ordered the seizure and imprisonment, without trial, of hundreds of his more outspoken political critics including Captain Ramsay, Member of Parliament. From all that can be learned, Captain Ramsay has never been officially charged with any offence or tried in any way … .

  “My son, Tyler Kent, was ordered tried. Here the more outrageous features of the case begin to appear. My son was entitled to trial by an American Court alone, by virtue of his Embassy position. By the laws of our country, he was entitled to an open trial. He got neither an American trial, which would have required sending him back to this country, nor an open trial, wherein his offence, if any, could be publicly weighed by the American people.

  “Why this strange procedure?

  “Who was it who did not want the American people to know what Tyler Kent knew?”

  (Ann H. P. Kent: Appeal presented to the Democratic National Convention.)

  For more information also see pages 18-20 World Dictatorship by 1955? It appears that Churchill had been enlisting Roosevelt‘s support in removing Mr. Chamberlain by means of secret code messages through the American Embassy in London and that Kent took these messages to Capt. Ramsay. Roosevelt immediately waived Kent‘s diplomatic immunity and he was tried in camera by a British Court under the Official Secrets Act, sentenced and imprisoned in Britain for seven years.

  As an example of C. H. Douglas’ clear-headedness, it is worth quoting the following extract from his Whose Service is Perfect Freedom, published in The Social Creditor, Sept. 23rd, 1939:

  “It is therefore, I think, quite possible to state the real as distinct from the proximate objectives of the present war.

  “They are:

  The establishment of the International Police State on the Russian Model, beginning with Great Britain. ‘Can we finally rid Europe of barriers of caste and creed and prejudice? … . our new civilisation must be built through a world at war. But our new civilisation will be built just the same.‘ (Mr. Anthony Eden broadcasting to America, September 11th, 1939). This contemplates the complete abolition of civil rights.

  The Restoration of the Gold Standard and the Debt System.

  The elimination of Great Britain in the cultural sense, and the substitution of Jewish-American ideals.

  The establishment of the Zionist State in Palestine as a geographical centre of World Control, with New York as the centre of World Financial Control.”

  13. Winston Churchill

  IN the Autumn of 1954, one of Churchill's greatest friends, Bernard Baruch, was making a birthday eulogy to Churchill and in the course of it he revealed that he and Churchill were in Paris at the Peace Conference after the first World War, and then addressing himself to “the greatest Englishman who ever lived”, he said:

  “One day we were walking through the Bois de Boulogne, talking of the problems which burdened a world exhausted by war and groping for peace. Suddenly you broke your brisk stride, paused, and lifting your walking stick, pointed to the East. Your voice rumbled ominously: 'Russia! Russia! That's where the weather is coming from!’”

  Now, to enlarge on that we will quote the following extract from a long article written by Churchill in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of February 8th, 1920, in
which he described Communism as Jewish:

  “It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of anti-Christ were destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany) and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now, at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and, for the most part, atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others.”

  It is quite clear that Churchill knew where the menace to the human race lay as long ago as thirty—five years. How is it, then, that twenty years later, when all the indications were that Hitler wanted to fight that menace, Churchill bent all his energies into getting him involved in a war with Britain and the West instead, and then when Hitler did strike East, Churchill immediately, and without in any way consulting the British peoples, flung the whole of our resources into battle against Hitler in order to preserve the deadly menace of Communism. Except, perhaps, for F. D. Roosevelt, he would appear to be the most irresponsible politician in history (such men cannot be described as statesmen). Churchill has been a life—long Zionist and bosom friend of the International Jew financiers so, if he possesses any sincerity at all, it is only to be supposed that he had not realised that both the Zionists and the Communists are under the control of the Sanhedrin, which should have been obvious to him.


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