Book Read Free


Page 1

by Vicki Green


  Touched #3

  Vicki Green



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty



  About the Author

  ‘Trust is the hardest thing to find

  And the easiest thing to lose’

  Pearl Dunway is an aspiring painter and comes from wealth, but you’d never know it by looking at her. She lives in her yoga pants, tank tops, tennis shoes and loves to wear her long dark hair up in a high ponytail. Her career takes a drastic change when she becomes owner of a new bar. Her life is a happy one, full of love from her family and friends, yet she feels like something is missing. Something important. The love of a man. Then ‘He’ walks into her bar.

  Harley Sanders comes from a rough life. His parents abandoned him at a young age and lived in several foster care homes that were unkind. Learning not to trust anyone, he’s always been a loner. When he was eighteen he started traveling to find a better life. Needing money he stopped off at a bar and a nice woman taught him how to bartend as well as other things. He traveled to many cities and he would bartend at various bars in each city to get the money needed to forge ahead to the next one. He needs nothing or no one until one day his travels land him in a Florida town and to a new bar. His heart beats for the first time when he meets the owner. But can he learn to trust her?

  A beautiful woman and a man who won’t have anything to do with her. Will Pearl get through to this hot and sexy man? Can he ever trust her enough to let her in?

  *Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Vicki Green © Copyright 2014

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form with authorization of the Author Vicki Green©

  Editor: Kathy Krick @K2 Editing:

  Cover Design by Cover to Cover Designs:


  Cover Models:

  Storm Bailey

  Meghan Johnson

  Photography by: Kruse Images & Photography: Models & Boudoir

  “This book... Omg!! The attraction between these two, is completely undeniable”

  – Jessika Harper

  “It left me deeply stunned, & honestly, overwhelmed emotionally! I feel as if I was right there, through everything!!”

  – Maari Hammond

  “Well as usual Vicki has blown my mind. This book wasn’t like anything else. I had every emotion you could have within a book.”

  – Margarette Danny Mullikin

  “The story was amazing and you cannot help but fall in love with these characters. This has to be on your must read list for 2014.”

  – Joy Whiteside

  “Often in life it is difficult to trust in others but those that are able to reap the rewards.”

  – Tracey Williams


  As always, to my loving husband of 18 years and my two sons, Charles (CJ) and Cole

  To whom I owe everything

  This book is being released just two days after my one year publish anniversary. To commemorate I must say my thanks to my editor who has been with me since the beginning.

  To Kathy,

  Thank you for always being there for me, for making sure my stories are beautiful and for your friendship

  To my readers,

  To those who have lost what they loved and held dear to their hearts.

  This is for you.


  I sit here looking out my apartment window and think about how my life is passing me by. I wanted to be a famous painter, do something I love and can be proud of but instead my life changed quickly; I became the owner of a bar and a bartender. Although I really love it, I’m now wondering about my decision. I’ve never had to want for much, always having everything I need, except for one thing…. A man who loves me, protects and adores me. Is there such a thing? I know there is. My parents are a prime example. My brother Bo was lucky to find his missing piece, Stormy. I know he’s out there. I just wish he’d hurry up and find me.

  Sighing, I pull my hair behind my ear, and one name visualizes in my head: Harley. It’s never been easy for me to give my heart to someone. The guys I’ve dated in the past were ones that were sweet, nice but none that even came close to capturing my heart. Why then is Harley so different? Is it his bad boy exterior? His brooding and his secrecy? His low and sexy, raspy voice or his hot looks, his piercing blue eyes or that dark scruff on his face that drives me out of my mind? Whatever it is, it has me doubting everything I know about myself. Will he ever look at me the way I desire? Long for me as I long for him, and need me as much as I need him? I hope I find out before he decides his time is up here and leaves.

  Chapter One

  I sit in my too big apartment, looking out the window and thinking about how quickly my life has changed, and how fast I went from wanting to be a famous painter to becoming a bar owner in such a short time. But, I have to admit, I love bartending and the freedom I have with owning a bar and the view of all the hot guys who come in is something to behold. I sigh out loud but with no one to hear me. My mind drifts to my new employee, Harley. What kind of name is that for a guy? A very hot and sexy guy. Damn, there I go again! What in the hell is wrong with me? I’ve had a handful of dates in my young life, and none of them made my body tingle when they kissed me, made my heart beat faster in their presence, or made me anxious to see them again, long for them. Then there’s Harley. Oh, he definitely makes me feel all those things, just looking at him, hearing his low, raspy voice. Chills run through my body just thinking about him. I know it’s a fairy tale, but it happened to my parents, to my brother and his new wife, Stormy. Why can’t it happen to me? My mind starts to wander, and I start trying to figure out things about him. He’s broody, sexy, hot and muscular in all the right places, and gorgeous. Okay, this isn’t helping. But then the thought comes to me, where does he go when he leaves for the night? I haven’t seen a vehicle, not that I’ve been looking. God, I hope it’s not just his mysteriousness that’s making me attracted to him. Nah!

  I drag my sorry ass up from the bed and into the bathroom, take a quick shower and pull my blown dried hair up into a ponytail and head down to the bar. Nice to have my apartment right above the bar for convenience, but with three bedrooms, it’s way too big for me. Once I get into the bar, I sit down on a stool and look through the menu. We only have finger food here, but I’m good with that. I’m starving!

  “Hey, Pearl. What ya having?” Tonya asks.
  I smile and point at the item. “The chicken fingers with the gravy to dip. My favorite!” She nods and starts to walk away towards the small kitchen in the back. “Guess I need to fix me a diet Coke, have to watch my weight,” I mumble sarcastically. Her head turns back, and she laughs.

  “Yeah, right! You and that tiny waist of yours.” She pushes on the kitchen door, and I hear her laughter fading.

  Slowly, I rise, walk behind the bar and grab a glass. Bending over the ice machine, I start to fill my glass and continue my mumbling. “Yeah, well. Why do I need to watch my weight anyway? Not like anyone notices.” Hearing footsteps coming towards me, I freeze when they stop right next to me, my head turns to the side, and I see a pair of boots. My eyes follow up a pair of legs, slim waist, and muscular build until I’m looking in the piercing blue eyes of Harley. “Oh! Uh…. You’re early!” I start to stand up and knock the top of my head hard on the counter, my hand covering the sore spot with my hand, and my body sways. “OW! Ugh!” A strong hand grips my upper arm, holding me upright, and then I feel his other arm move around my waist. I move with him as he guides me back around the bar, his hand on my arm is gone, and I gasp as both of his hands grasp my waist, lifting me up and onto the stool.

  “You need to be more careful. Seems like you’re a little bit of a klutz,” his raspy voice states quietly.

  My hand rubs my head as my eyes move up and lock onto his, his brows are creased but there’s a hint of a smile on his lips. He lowers his head and turns away. I follow his sexy ass until he rounds the corner and walks behind the bar. Raising my head, I watch him bend over, then he walks back over to me and reaches his hand out. “Thank you,” I squeak as I take the cloth filled with ice and lay it over my sore head. He simply nods and then heads towards the back hallway, and my eyes follow until he opens the door to the stock room and disappears. Damn.

  “Hey! What happened to your head?” I’m startled out of my Harley zone by Tonya’s voice as she walks over and places my food order on the counter in front of me. I set the makeshift ice pack down beside the plate and sigh.

  “Oh, nothing. Just being my klutzy self.” A small laugh escapes me, and then another sigh. I pick up a fry, dunking it into the gravy and then take a huge bite.

  “Well, seems to me, you’re only klutzy when he’s around.” Her hand is on her hip as she tilts her head towards the hallway. She leans her elbows down on the counter and smiles. “Look, sweetie. Just talk to him. Tell him how you feel.” A laugh bursts from my mouth, and she cocks an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, right. That’ll never happen. He….” My mouth clamps shut when I hear the back door open and footsteps. I sit up straight and grab a chicken finger, shoving it into my mouth as quickly as my heart beats frantically. Shit! I feel like my mom just caught me doing something bad. No, so much worse than that.

  Tonya moves and starts to walk away. “Okay, boss! I’ll get right on that!” I bite harder on the chicken and almost choke when I feel a warm body standing next to me. The warmth of his body and his unique smell making me a little lightheaded. I look up and see him just standing there from under my long eyelashes, but he doesn’t say anything.

  Finally, I swallow. The chicken almost getting caught with the lump in my throat, and finally, I manage to get it down. “Did you need something?”

  He looks down, and I swear he looks right at my chest, but then looks up quickly. “Yeah, we need some more condiments for the bar and a couple more kegs.” He clears his throat and looks away.

  I wipe my hands off on my napkin and clear my throat. “Yeah, well, okay. I’ll get right on that. Thanks for letting me know.” He simply gives me a curt nod and walks to the back room again, and I feel deflated. Way to talk to him, Pearl!

  Later that evening the bar is the fullest it’s been since we opened. The live band is rocking it out on the stage, and Harley and I are so deep with customers at the bar that we can hardly keep up. “Hey, where’s my drink?” a customer yells out, and I look up to see a man who’s pretty freaking big leaning on the counter in front of me. His eyes looking glazed over, but he’s definitely staring a hole through my shirt and right at my breasts.

  “Sorry, but I think it’s time for you to go home. Do you need me to call you a cab?” He sneers at me and then chuckles bowing his head.

  He looks back up at me and winks. “Darlin’ you can call me anything you want but I can drink anyone in here under the fucking table and still walk out straight as an arrow. Now, where’s my drink?” Sighing, I quickly look around for Rider, my mountain of a man bouncer, but don’t see him through the crowd.

  I smile sweetly at the drunken idiot. I grab a glass, bend over to scoop up some ice, then grab the water gun, fill it up and place it on the counter in front of him. “Here, let’s start with this.” He looks down at the glass and scrunches up his face, then hits it with his hand hard enough that the glass goes flying passed me. I turn and watch it hit the glass shelf behind me, and everything after that seems like it’s in slow motion. Bottles shatter, pieces of glass fly everywhere, screaming ensues all around me and my breath is knocked out of me as I hit the floor on my back, my head hitting the thick rubber mat. When I open my eyes, Harley is laying on top of me, his gorgeous face just a breath away from mine and his hands lying on each side of my head.

  “Don’t move,” a low, raspy voice rings in my ear. Harley’s blue eyes are staring at me, concern marring his gorgeous face, and my heart beats wildly as my chest heaves when I try to pull in air. “Just lay there for a minute. Try to take a deep breath. That’s it. Now, don’t move, there’s glass everywhere.” Sounds of glass crunching under feet is all around me then I hear a loud booming voice over the band’s microphone and then realize there’s no music playing.

  “Okay, folks! Show’s over. Time to head out! We’ll see you again tomorrow!” Rider’s loud voice is apparent, and I hear voices abounding as I assume people are making their way out. My eyes look above me to the display shelves to see all the damage. I’m beginning to feel stupid lying here, so I start to get up, but feel stabbing in my upper right arm and look over to see a huge piece of glass stuck in it, blood already covering it. I lay my head back down on the mat. My eyes close as dizziness hits me, and I start to breathe quickly. I feel a body beside me but can’t open my eyes, trying to get the dizziness to subside.

  “Told you not to move. Fuck! Does no one in your family listen?” I open one eye a slit, my brow riding low over it and I want to yell at him, but can’t seem to get the words out when I see how worried he looks. “Now, I’m gonna lift you but I want you to let me do all the work. You’re covered in glass so I need to get you outta here.” I nod slightly and wince when his strong arms lift me, my head lolling against his shoulder and the dizziness returns in full force. “Rider, pull your car up out front. Pearl, I’m taking you to the hospital, no arguing.” My head moves in a small nod. I’m in no position to argue right now. I can tell as he carries me that he’s being very careful not to jostle me around as I feel like I’m floating. I open my eyes when I feel a cool breeze against my body, my hair blowing a little in the wind, and then I look over at Rider when I hear his voice beside us.

  “Here.” He opens the car door, and I’m set down gently on the seat and wince again as Harley leans over me, buckling my seatbelt. His face is but a breath away, and I just stare at it until his eyes move to mine. He seems to stay like that for a couple of minutes, just looking into my eyes and then finally blinks a few times and stands back up. I turn my head when the door shuts. I look out the window to see Rider hand Harley a card and watch as he takes it, putting it in his back pocket and nods. My eyes follow his movements around the front of the car, and I am still looking at him when he gets in, buckles his belt and puts the key in the ignition starting up the car.

  His eyes remain out the front window the entire ride and when we reach the emergency parking lot, he turns off the car, and his head turns to me. His strong arm reaches to the seat behind us and t
hen produces my purse, setting it down on the seat between us. “Tonya brought this out. I didn’t steal anything.” My face conforms into confusion at his remark, but I don’t get a chance to reply as he quickly opens his door, unbuckling his belt, and gets out, shutting the door behind him. He’s at my door in a flash, releasing me from my confines, grabbing my purse and placing it on my lap, and I’m in his arms before I can speak.

  “Ungh!” I wince, his face showing his worry again as he carries me into the double doors of the emergency area and straight over to the front desk. The nurse immediately stands and rushes around the desk.

  “Here, now! Follow me,” she says hurriedly, and as she hits a large button on the wall, we follow her through a set of double doors and then down a hall into a small room.

  He sets me carefully onto a small bed, and my eyes are moving from him to the nurse as she pushes a small button, grabs a tray and walks over to the side of the bed, setting it down on a rolling table. My head snaps back to the doorway, and Dr. Phillip walks in. He’s been my family’s doctor since I can remember and was a friend of my family’s since before I was born. He walks straight over, the nurse stepping back to allow him room, and I watch as his eyes scan down my body and back up to my face. He smiles but then turns, putting on some white gloves, taking something off the tray, and he turns back to me, giving me a small smile. “Pearl. I need to remove all the glass so this may hurt just a bit. I’ll try to be careful.” I nod slightly and close my eyes when he begins. “The nurse is going to give you a little something for the pain.” Opening my eyes, I see his caring smile and relax a bit. I feel a small prick in my arm, and as he continues I begin to feel a little relief. I look over and see Harley leaning against the wall. His strong arms crossed over his broad chest and notice he’s intently watching Dr. Phillip. “Why is it that the only time I see any of you it’s here at the hospital,” Dr. Phillip remarks and my eyes snap to his concentrated face. “It would be nice if at some point we can actually see each other in a more informal location.” He looks over at me and smiles. “Well, it appears I’m going to have to put a few stitches in your arm as well as your left leg. I’ll make them very small so there will be quite a few but it will hopefully help with not leaving scars.” My chin quivers but I stop it immediately and give him a small smile, nodding. He turns his head towards Harley, and I see him straighten up from the wall. “I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure but I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to step out for a bit. I’ll need to examine the rest of her to make sure there isn’t any glass in places we cannot see. The nurse will get you when I’m finished.” Harley just nods and then his eyes move quickly to me. I give him a smile and watch him as he opens the curtains and walks through. Dr. Phillip looks back at me and smiles. “Strange fellow, doesn’t say much does he?” I almost let out a laugh but hold it in. “Well, it was kind of him to bring you here. Okay, let’s see if we can remove your clothing so I can check you out more thoroughly.”


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