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Page 15

by Vicki Green

  “Oh, yes, I know! Daddy’s a sleepyhead.” My eyes squint open to see Pearl getting Rosie dressed and the best sound of Rosie’s giggling. “Well, Daddy’s gonna miss pancakes then, isn’t he?” Rosie laughs really hard when Pearl tickles her as she pulls her little shirt down, and I open my eyes all the way. “Do you want to help me make pancakes? Maybe we’ll even share if Daddy ever wakes up.” Rosie giggles and Pearl picks her up from her bed, turns around and stops. I smile up at both of my girls, and my chin starts to quiver a little when Rosie holds her arms out to me. “There go see Daddy and I’ll start the pancakes.” She hands her to me, and I smile big at Rosie then look up at Pearl and blow her a kiss. She smiles, blows one back and leaves the room.

  “Morning, pumpkin. How are you today?” She jabbers, and the sound is so cute it melts my heart, then she pats the scruff on my face, and I smile. “Do you think Daddy needs to shave? I’m not sure what Pearl will think of that.” I bring her face close to mine, and she giggles. “I think she likes it,” I whisper. I hold her tight and stand up and carry her downstairs, into the kitchen and set her in the high chair. I see Pearl has already poured milk into a bottle for her and had it sitting there. Rosie grabs it and shoves it in her mouth. Laughing I turn and walk over to Pearl, put my arms around her as she cooks and press my mouth against the side of her long, beautiful neck. “Morning, baby.” She tilts her head, the spatula being held up in the air, and she moans softly.

  “You’re gonna burn the pancakes but I’m okay with giving Rosie cereal if you wanna keep going.” I laugh against her skin and kiss it one more time then move back.

  “Oh, hell no! I want pancakes.” She laughs and I reach into the fridge, get the pitcher of juice and two glasses from the cabinet next to it and take them over to the table. I sit down next to Rosie and pour the juice and take a huge drink while setting Pearl’s down across the table.

  “Here you go, monsieur and mademoiselle, pancakes made to order.” She sets a big plate down in front of me and a little fork and a small plastic plate with the pancakes already cut up in front of Rosie. Then she walks over and gets her plate and another one full of pancakes and sets them down on the table and sits.

  “Why aren’t mine cut up into tiny little pieces,” I pout trying my hardest not to laugh. Pearl looks up at me and rolls her eyes, then picks up Rosie’s fork and shows her how to use it. “Dang, little kids get all the attention.” I clamp my lips together before I break out laughing when Pearl gives me a scowl. I pick up the syrup bottle and turn it upside down over my pancakes and drizzle some.

  “Maybe if Daddy is lucky since I’m feeling so much better today, he’ll get his own attention from me at your nap time.” My hands tighten around the bottle, and syrup comes spattering all over the place, so I quickly turn it right side up and set it down on the table. Pearl turns her head from Rosie to me, winks and gives me a fuck hot sexy look. My cock noticed too.

  Best breakfast ever! We had so much fun laughing, watching Rosie eat with her fork, and of course, the pancakes were great! After we cleaned up the kitchen and Rosie, we took her into the living room and got out some of her toys and found out if we set her down, she can crawl and even walk. Poor girl hasn’t been on her feet since we brought her here so who knew? We moved the coffee table out of the way and she ran, played, laughed and it was amazing to watch her.

  Around eleven she started slowing down and rubbing her eyes. While Pearl put her toys away, I took her upstairs, changed her diaper and rocked her a little, but soon she was asleep, so I put her in her bed, covering her up with her blanket. I walk to the door and turn my head and just look at her. I can’t believe she’s here, and she’s mine. When I walk out into the hall and turn to go back downstairs I stop, my head turning to our room. There on the bed, laying on her side, is Pearl in her silky purple camisole. Damn. She gives me a sexy look and crooks her finger calling me over, and I quickly walk into the room, shutting the door all but a crack. I walk over to the bed. She rolls over onto her back as my mouth claims hers, and she spreads her legs, so I crawl in between them.

  “Mmmm,” she moans as I slide my hand up under her camisole, knead her breast and tweak her nipple. My mouth moves from her lips and down as I raise her top all the way up. I latch onto her nipple, my mouth covering it, then my teeth nipping it as my hand ventures down her flat stomach. My eyes look up as my hand slides into her panties, and as I cup her pussy, I watch her head tilt back and her hips buck up against my hand.

  “Fuck, you’re already so wet, baby,” I whisper as she moans again, and I push one finger into her. Her hips buck again, and I slip in another. As I move my fingers in and out, I start kissing down her abs then stomach and rise up on my knees. I remove my fingers, and her eyes open as I pull her panties down, slowly, backing off the bed until I have them completely off. My eyes fill with desire as I look at her, and I wait for a beat before I look into her gleaming eyes and remove my jeans and boxers. Her eyes go wide. I see her swallow hard, and I crawl back over her. Cupping the sides of her face with my hands, I look deep into her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you or do anything you’re not ready for.”

  “Harley. Please…,” she pleads, her body wiggling beneath mine, and her hands squeeze my shoulders. “Please, make love to me. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

  The tip of my hard cock is at her wet entrance, and I push it in just a little. “God, I love how you’re so wet for me.” I lean down and kiss her hard then move back a little. “This is going to hurt. I can go slow or….”

  “Just go fast.” She moans.

  “I love you.” I push hard into her, and her head tilts back, her eyes squinting shut as her entire body tenses. “Try to relax for me, baby.” Her body starts to relax so I pull out but not all the way and slowly glide back. I keep doing that a few times until her eyes open, and she smiles. Her hands move around my neck as I press my mouth against hers and begin rocking in and out, her hips start meeting my every movement. I reach down, touch her clit and she startles but then I start rubbing circles, and she moans. “God, you feel so good,” I whisper in her ear. I rub my scruff against the side of her face as our body’s rock together in our own rhythm, then I rub across until my mouth presses against her luscious lips, and her next moan is muffled. We continue to move as one, but I’m afraid I’m not going to last long. It’s been so long, and my love for her is causing me to lose it fast.

  “Uh…. Oh, God! Harley!” She yells, and my mouth covers hers again to muffle her scream when her inner muscles clamp down around my cock with her orgasm, and my balls tighten up. I moan her name as I come inside her. When I pull out I see a little blood on my cock, so I get up, go into the bathroom and wet a wash cloth with warm water. I clean myself and then go to the side of the bed. She jumps and stiffens when I place the warm cloth against her pussy, but then she relaxes and I clean her and dispose of the cloth in the hamper. I crawl up the bed and pull her into my arms, pulling the covers over us as my mouth latches onto hers. “God, you’re perfect,” I whisper against her lips. I look into her searching eyes and frown. “Are you sore? Did I hurt you?”

  She lays her soft hand against my face, and I turn my head, pressing a kiss on her palm. “No, my love. You were incredible. It hurt a little, at first, but then…. Wow! It was amazing! You’re amazing. Thank you.” My brows crease and I tilt my head. “Thank you for being so tender, for thinking of me and for loving me.”

  My mouth presses against her full lips and my arm moves around her as she rolls over onto her back, and I pour all my feelings into this kiss. We lay there with her in my arms. Her soft, warm body pressed up against mine and all I can think about is how lucky I am.

  Chapter Fourteen

  We’ve laid here for about an hour now, but I don’t want to move. Oh, my God! I’m not a virgin anymore. I couldn’t have had a more loving, tender experience and the orgasm…. I need to have many, many more of those. I’d heard not many women have an orgasm their first time, bu
t he helped…. A lot. I hear the pitter patter of tiny feet, and I turn my head. Harley’s head raises and looks over mine, and we see Rosie walking into the room smiling. No! She couldn’t have. That little dickens climbed out of her bed.

  “Yum,” her cute, little voice says.

  I turn my head and look at Harley, and he shrugs so I look back at her and smile.

  “Yum, yum,” she says and then giggles.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask and she nods, clapping her little hands together. Oh! My head snaps back to Harley, and my eyes move down to my naked body.

  He laughs and reaches down grabbing his jeans and slides them under the covers, putting them on, turns to me and gives me a quick kiss. “I’ll get her. You take your time,” he winks. He gets out of bed, walks around and scoops her up in his arms. Rosie’s little giggles are heard all the way down the hallway and down the stairs. I lay back and sigh. First time I’m made love to and I get caught by an almost three year old. Ugh! Then I smile and sigh again. God, I’m so happy!

  “Yes! That will work out great! Oh, Pete! Thanks so much!” I end the call and walk over to Harley, put my arms around him and hug him tightly.

  “I take it Pete agreed,” he chuckles. He looks down at Rosie, who’s playing on the floor trying to poke a little plastic spoon into her baby dolls eye. “No, Rosie. That goes in her mouth.” He looks back at me, his eyes beaming.

  I look up into his eyes and smile. “He’s hiring a day manager and one for the evening so we can take turns working and his daughter is sixteen and said she would love to babysit when we need her!”

  His arms tighten around me, and he gives me his sexy grin. “That’s great. Maybe one night we can actually go out on a date. We’ve never really done the ‘normal’ thing.” I laugh and lay my head on his chest, feeling so loved. “But for now, let’s get Rosie ready and get over to your parents for her party. She’s already so spoiled.” I look up and laugh. He’s right but after everything she’s been through, she deserves it.

  After getting Rosie’s diaper changed, I grab her bag, and we load into the SUV we still have from yesterday. I need to get my car traded in and get one of these. Rosie plays in her car seat all the way over and Harley and I hold hands. It’s like the perfect little family. I never imagined that one day I would be this happy. Mom grabs Rosie as soon as we get there. She and Stormy take her off into the house while Harley and I walk into the living room where Dad and Bo are talking. I kiss Harley on the lips and then walk through the kitchen and out onto the deck and freeze. Out in the yard is a little play area. Sandbox, two little riding toys, a small swing set and a little pink play house. Oh, my! “Mom, don’t you think you’re overwhelming her a teeny bit?”

  She looks up at me from sitting down on the grass next to Rosie while she plays in the sandbox. “Nonsense!” She looks down at Rosie and smiles. “Every child needs things to play with, to learn from and to grow.”

  I roll my eyes and smile as I walk down the steps and sit down on the other side of Rosie. I watch as she laughs, scoops up sand with her little hand and the little shovel in the other. “You like the sand, huh, pumpkin?” I look up at Mom and smile.

  “You’re glowing today, sweetheart. I’m so glad to see you so happy. Anything you want to tell me?” Her brow raises, but the smile on her face remains.

  I sigh and fold my arms around my raised legs. “Oh, Mom! I am so very happy.” I look down at the grass and then smile when my eyes move back up to her. “Harley made love to me. He was tender, gentle and thought of only me. Mom, I’m so in love.” She rises and takes the two steps to me, sits down beside me and puts her arms around me.

  “I couldn’t be happier for you, honey, and I’m so proud you waited for the right one.” She looks at me and smiles. “Harley is quite the man and little Rosie here?” She reaches over and hands her a little plastic rake. Rosie giggles and takes it from her and tries to rake the sand. “Well, she is just precious. I’m so glad that it all worked out. I couldn’t imagine knowing I had a child and couldn’t ever see them. No wonder Harley was such a mysterious man.”

  “Hey, what’re my girls talking about without me,” Stormy yells as she walks back from the beach trail and into the yard. She sits down where Mom was before and pushes some of Rosie’s hair from her face then looks up at me. “Oh, my God! You did it!”

  My eyes widen, and my heart races. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She laughs and leans over, smacking my arm lightly. “You did the dirty deed with Harley. It’s glowing all over your face, Pearl.” I look down but my eyes stay on her, and my mouth turns up into a grin. “Hey, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m just happy that it was Harley for your first time. He’s so freaking hot and sexy and oh, those abs.” She fans herself with her hand, and I look at Mom as a burst of laughter leaves me.

  I look back over at Rosie, who’s happily playing and getting really dirty, and I smile. My eyes move up to Stormy but from the corner of my eye, I see the guys out on the deck and Harley walking towards us. “Well, yes. Harley is kind of sexy, in a mysterious male kind of way,” I say really loud. Stormy’s brows crease and then her head whips around, and she starts laughing.

  “Ha, thanks…. I think.” Harley’s raspy and low voice sounds behind Stormy. He stops and bends down and gathers up some sand into a pile and Rosie giggles and pats her little hand on it. So sweet to watch him with her, it just makes my heart swell.

  “Hey, time for eats and for Rosie to open presents!” Dad yells from the deck. I roll my eyes. Like she needs more presents. I look at her and laugh. We all start to get up. Harley gathers Rosie in his arms, wiping off a ton of sand, and then he lowers his hand to me which I take and helps me stand. He puts his arm around me, and we walk up the stairs and Rosie starts to cry.

  “Awww, I don’t think she was ready to leave the sand. So much like Pearl and Stormy,” Mom says beside us.

  “Shit, she’ll get a ton more things to play with. Come here little miss,” Bo says, and I raise my eyebrows. “Oh, sorry! Guess I better start toning that down with Rosie and our babies coming.” I roll my eyes and laugh as he takes Rosie and sets her down in a high chair next to the table on the deck.

  “Yeah, I hear ya, man. I’ve slipped a few times myself,” Harley’s voice rings out as he sits down next to Rosie and starts to fill a plate of food for her. I grab a wet wipe and clean off her hands as her eyes widen and her pout turns into a smile, showing her few teeth, as she pats the tray and kicks her feet. “All right, all right, I’m hurrying, pumpkin,” he laughs. He finally sets down her plate on the tray and her little hands dive in. The smile on her face is only matched by the gleam in her eye as she looks at Harley.

  “This is what life is all about. This is what makes life worth living, the struggles, and the bad times along with the good. This is family,” Dad shouts as he holds up his iced tea glass and we all yell back. I take a bite of chicken and look over at Harley, who’s staring at me, and I raise an eyebrow.

  He leans into me, his mouth close to my ear, and my heart rate increases. “This is my family. Let’s make it official.” I swallow hard and lean my head back. My heart rate was just sent into double time, and my brows crease in my confusion. His hand slides under my hair and wraps around the back of my neck, pulling me back again. “Marry me. Be my wife and Rosie’s mommy. Make me the happiest man alive.”

  I swallow hard again, my eyes moving around at everyone. Bo and Stormy are laughing as they eat and watching Rosie, Mom is helping Rosie with some mashed potatoes, and Dad is gleaming as he watches Mom and Rosie, and then I look back at Harley.

  “I know it’s soon, really soon, and I know we still have a lot to learn about each other but I know what I want. I want you. I would have everything I’ve ever wanted.” His hand squeezes the back of my neck and then rubs the skin, and I get goose bumps all over me. “We’ve already been through so much together and I don’t want anyone else in my life but you and Rosie. You’ll
make the perfect mommy for her and there’s no one else I’d let be her mommy. I love you so much, baby. Marry me, please say yes.”

  I nod and whisper ‘yes’ as I lean towards him, my mouth smashing against his as I drop my fork on my plate. Harley’s mouth smiles against mine and leans back, searching my teary eyes and looks around at everyone. “She said YES! We’re getting married!”

  Dad drops his fork, and his mouth opens. Mom turns and yells out ‘congratulations’ and gets up out of her chair and rushes over to Harley and me putting her arms around us both. Stormy claps and screams and Bo just looks at me, his face softening and smiles. And Rosie? She’s just oblivious to everything going on and stuffing chicken and mashed potatoes in her mouth, kicking her sandaled feet against the chair. This day…. This day could not get any better until I look down at Harley’s nudge and see him open a little black velvet box and gasp as I see the glimmering of the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. Mom screams behind me and everyone on the other side of the table stands, peering over. Stormy’s up and running over, putting her arm on my shoulder and looking down at it as my tears cloud my vision when he places the ring on my finger.

  My eyes move to his, tears sliding down my face, and my chin quivering. “It’s beautiful. You had this planned. When did you go out and get this?” His hand lifts and wipes away some of my tears and leaves his hand against my face.


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