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A Date With Angel and Other Things ...

Page 2

by J. Judkins

  "I will stay in the car," said Angel.

  Kim took her keys and left the garage. She debated closing the door, but didn’t want Angel concluding she’d been locked inside.

  It took Kim less than three minutes to return with a pair of pants and some comfortable shoes. She opened the car door on Angel’s side. As Angel stepped out, Kim handed her the pants and set the shoes on the floor.

  "These are yours now," she said.

  Kim returned her attention to the parking lot. Despite the late hour, she half anticipated someone wandering by and taking a look inside.

  Reassured they were alone, Kim looked back. Angel still hadn’t put on the pants.

  Not knowing if Angel needed a demonstration, Kim decided to take the quick and easy path. Not to explain, but to show by example. She untied her shoes and stepped onto the cold concrete then quickly unzipped and took off her own pants. "It’s like this," she said, and put them on again only twice as fast, trying not to blush.

  Angel watched Kim with a single-minded intensity that did nothing to ease her embarrassment. She nodded once, hopefully in understanding, and Kim turned away and left her to it. She didn’t realize Angel had finished until after she joined her at the garage entrance.

  Kim glanced down. Angel’s shoes were also correctly tied. Apparently, one demonstration had been enough.

  "I noticed you were wearing an additional piece of clothing," said Angel.

  "Ah. Yes. Those were panties."

  "Should I have panties, too?"

  "I’ll let you borrow some of mine, later."

  Chapter Two

  Kim’s condominium was a two-bedroom apartment, her extra bedroom long since converted into a computer and video gaming room. The living room was dominated by a couch which extended into a matching chair and end table, the path to the kitchen just beyond. On the opposite side lay a massive credenza. It took up the bulk of the wall space, and stood parallel to the couch. An entertainment center took up what remained, extending into the adjoining wall which led to the hallway.

  The house was clean because Kim preferred to keep it that way, and not because of any ridiculous and unnecessary social desires to entertain guests from time to time. Her laundry was the only exception, her clothes carefully laid out on the furniture which served as imperfect hangers.

  Annoyed at the slight mess, but not embarrassed, Kim gathered up clothing on her way to the hall closet, Angel trailing along behind her. Her mind was elsewhere, preoccupied with trying to figure out a way to ask Angel about the secret to faster-than-light travel without giving herself away. With no answer forthcoming, she decided to focus on where Angel was going to sleep, instead.

  The thought occurred to her to let Angel stay in her own bed, but even knowing Angel wasn’t human and discarding the social implications, the idea seemed like a bad one. Besides, she’d never convince Angel it was ordinary, acceptable behavior.

  After hanging up the clothes she’d gathered, Kim reached up to the higher shelves to pull down spare bedding and a pillow. She carried the bundle to the couch and dropped it in the middle.

  "Do you have to sleep?" Kim asked, internally wincing as soon as she asked the question.

  Have to sleep? What kind of a stupid question was that? If she was going to find out more about Angel and her purpose here, she needed to be more careful. She couldn’t afford to give any hints she already suspected what Angel truly was. Learning more about Angel without giving herself away was going to take time and delicacy.

  Fortunately, Angel didn’t notice her slip. "Naturally. Everyone requires sleep."

  Kim suppressed a sigh of relief. "Good. You can sleep on the couch."

  "Isn’t sleeping normally accomplished on a bed?"

  "I thought about that, but I only have the one bed. Only couples sleep in the same bed."

  "A couple in this context is defined as two people, romantically involved?"

  The question brought Kim up short. She realized then that she’d been assuming Angel possessed a complete familiarity with Earth culture, but that didn’t appear to be the case. The alien knew the language and the words, but it was entirely possible she’d never seen examples of what they meant.

  Perhaps Angel knew how to put on pants, and hadn’t needed a demonstration, after all? Kim tried to remember her exact words. Did she ask Angel to put them on? Or had she simply handed them over and assumed Angel knew she wanted her to put them on?

  It stood to reason that Angel couldn’t be that well-informed. After all, if she’d started out with full knowledge of Earth’s languages and customs, even Kim with her inquisitive mind would never have spotted her.

  "That’s right," Kim confirmed.

  "I knew this as well. I had temporarily forgotten."

  Which meant, Angel made a guess. Now she was glad she hadn’t volunteered the bed. She didn’t need Angel getting the wrong idea.

  "You can get yourself set up here," she said. "I’m going to go take a shower."

  Angel didn’t reply. She picked up one of the sheets and began unfolding it, holding it at arm’s length. She shook it out.

  "Would you like to take a shower, too?”

  Again, Angel declined to answer. She seemed focused on her task.

  Kim shrugged and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

  She closed the door behind her, undressing and dropping dirty clothes into the hamper one by one. Tonight had certainly been exciting, she thought, smiling to herself at the mirror above the sink. An actual alien, living in her home, sleeping on her couch! She couldn’t wait to find out more about her.

  The bathroom door opened just as she was about to step into the shower. Her jaw dropped to the floor as an equally naked Angel walked into the bathroom, casual as you please.

  Kim immediately noticed something she didn’t really need to know. Apparently, aliens like Angel didn’t have a problem with body hair. Other than her long, light-blonde hair hanging just past her shoulders, she didn’t seem to have any.

  The only spot of color other than the slightly darker nipples of her breasts were her deep blue eyes, a striking contrast against the paleness of her skin. The words creamy white popped into her head, unbidden. In fact, her skin looked exceptionally soft, so soft Kim couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to touch it.

  This effectively derailed her train of thought. She was so surprised by her reaction she didn't even think to cover herself until after the moment had passed.

  "What are you doing?" Kim demanded.

  "You said I should take a shower," stated Angel. "I agree. People are known to take showers on an average of once per day. It is normal behavior."

  "You want to take a shower with me?" Kim asked, incredulous.

  Angel paused as if thinking it over, then said, "That would be acceptable.”

  Kim blinked, then realization hit her. Good one, Kimmie! Guess that did sound like an invitation!

  "This shower type is unfamiliar to me,” said Angel, looking directly at Kim and not even glancing at the shower itself. “Would you show me how to use it?"

  "Oh, sure, I’d love to do that," Kim replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  "Thank you."

  Once again, Kim lost a second as she processed Angel’s words. She grimaced.

  No concept of sarcasm. Got it.

  Guess she did get herself into this situation. Trying to back out now would arouse suspicion.

  Kim knew from watching too much anime to be healthy that, in places like Japan, it wasn’t such a big deal for women to bathe together. Showers weren’t as popular, at least in the anime she watched, but the same theory had to apply. "Don’t you have showers, where you come from? And where is that, by the way?"

  Angel answered the first part of the question and chose not to answer the rest. "Not like this."

  Kim stepped inside the shower and Angel followed. The shower itself wasn’t a particularly large one. There was enough room for both women to comfortably stand,
but barely enough to avoid touching.

  As Kim turned on the water, she took a step back to avoid the rush of cold and bumped against Angel standing just a little too close behind her. Angel didn’t react, so Kim resolved to ignore it.

  It’s just a shower. We’re both women. Or at least, one of us is and the other is posing as one. Nothing unusual about this, except for the whole, ‘alien posing as a human,’ thing.

  While Kim was busy with her internal justifications, trying to reassure herself everything was normal and completely under control, Angel eased herself to the front and stood under the water. Kim couldn’t help but notice that even when the water went directly into her eyes, Angel didn’t blink. Not once. The sight was a bit chilling. If she ever doubted Angel’s extraordinary nature, those doubts were gone.

  After several seconds, Angel resumed her previous position behind Kim, once again brushing against her as she passed. It couldn’t be classified as accidental touching since Angel made no attempt to minimize the contact, so once again, Kim let it pass. Surely Angel meant nothing by it.

  Kim picked up her bottle of liquid soap and squirted a small amount into her hand. She held it for Angel to see. "This is soap. You use the soap to get clean."

  "Naturally, I know what soap is."

  Naturally. Right. Kim rubbed the soap on her own shoulders, breasts, stomach, and down her legs, all painstakingly trying to avoid contact with Angel and keep herself from flinching when it inevitably happened. "Like this," she said, and took a moment to rinse. “See?”

  Angel took the bottle and gathered her own soap in her hand. She reached out and started washing Kim.

  For a moment, Kim forgot to breathe. She stood paralyzed, unable to move as Angel methodically soaped and cleaned her chest and stomach. She went even more rigid when Angel bent over to clean her legs, not seeming to notice or care where she placed her hand.

  Anyone else, and they’d get slapped. Twice! Only the fact that Kim knew for certain Angel didn’t know any better kept her from doing so.

  "Like that?" Angel asked, once she was done.

  Kim could only nod.

  When Kim didn’t move for several seconds, Angel prompted her. "I should be washed as well."

  Kim’s mind raced in panicked circles. This is nothing unusual. In other countries, people wash each other all the time. This is no different. Angel is only trying to blend in. She doesn’t know the local customs.

  Besides, if she stopped now, Angel would want an explanation. She might realize what they’d done so far wasn’t normal, and wonder why Kim had done it anyway.

  Just do it. You’ll be done before you know it. We’re both girls, more or less. Just do it!

  Steeling herself, Kim swallowed hard and reached out her hand. She started with Angel’s shoulders, using one hand at first, but as her apprehension grew she decided to speed things up a little and get it over and done with and started using both hands.

  She hesitated only a second before placing both hands on Angel’s breasts, kneading them gently but firmly. Nothing unusual, nothing sexual about it, just washing another girl’s breasts, that’s all. Not grabbing. Not technically playing with them, either. Remember, we’re both girls, concentrate so you don’t have to do it again, finish them both then…OH MY GOD I FORGOT THE SOAP!

  She froze in place, hands still clamped on Angel’s breasts.

  "Is something wrong?" asked Angel, giving her an innocent look.

  "I forgot the soap," Kim whimpered, mortified to the depths of her soul. She had to exert a conscious effort to make her hands let go. To her horror, her hands left little imprints on Angel’s breasts. It took a small eternity for the marks to fade, and for the entire time Kim couldn’t make herself stop staring. Only after they’d faded completely did the mesmerizing spell release her.

  Fortunately for Kim, Angel still didn’t seem to care. She seemed indifferent to all of it.

  Kim soaped her hands and started again. Shoulders. Breasts. This time doing one, then the other, again using both hands on each individually to finish the job quickly. She tried keeping her expression neutral, but feared she wasn’t entirely successful.

  Everything about Angel’s skin was as soft as she tried not to imagine.

  Out to one arm, then the other. She had to stop and try to remember which of Angel’s breasts she already did. Did she get them both, or just one? Wasn’t she holding off until later? Think! Try to remember! Don’t just stare at them or she’ll notice you staring! Make a decision!

  Okay, just this once and one time only, wash them both and who cares if you did one or both of them before or not, just do it, finish it and be done! Out of soap again, but you didn’t really finish, and she’s going to think you’re the worst kind of pervert if you go back now, so just finish up, stop staring at them and move on!

  Kim looked down at Angel’s legs and swallowed. She started to bend over rather than crouch down, but it placed her eyes perilously close to Angel’s breasts, so she chose the latter, looking away, anywhere but at Angel.

  Turns out, it was exceedingly hard to navigate when you refused to see.

  Just get it over with and finish it!

  She gave Angel’s legs a once over, then once more for appearance’s sake so she’d look casual about it, like she did this every day, and not like a pervert, and not like she was rushing things. She ran her hands up the back of Angel’s legs, further up, skimming with the briefest touch along her ass. She probably touched and felt her way around a little too much since she refused to look, almost but not quite suppressing an audible whimper as she did so.

  Another problem came to her attention.

  Kim’s eyes were tightly closed, which forced her to rely on her sense of touch alone. She wanted to maintain a respectable distance, but quickly realized Angel’s arms were preventing her from reaching further up her body. She hoped to slide her arms underneath Angel’s to finish the job and reach her shoulder blades. The trouble was, she couldn’t quite reach. Angel was slightly taller than Kim, and her reaching hands fell just short of their target.

  Kim’s solution was to keep her feet where they were and lean forward, hoping to both maintain her distance and solve the distance problem all at the same time. This new position caused her breasts to brush against Angel’s. But she ignored the unexpected sensation and stretched, finally reaching her goal as she touched Angel’s upper back. Then she realized she was in essence hugging Angel, their breasts were mashing together and slipping against each other this way and that, and why didn’t she simply ask Angel to turn around?

  Kim felt a rush of heat and guessed she had to be blushing from head to toe. After the moment passed and she regained the ability to move, she shut off the water, snatched up a towel, dried herself off in record time, then handed the towel to Angel and fled the room.

  All she wanted was to get out of there. She ran straight to her bedroom and sat on her bed, hands on either side of her head, her face burning.

  Angel entered the room less than a minute later carrying Kim’s towel in one hand, still naked but completely dried off. Kim realized with a start she was naked as well. Her eyes darted about, looking for something to cover herself. There was a pillow on the far side of the bed, but Kim didn’t want to dive for it.

  "Did I do something wrong?" Angel gave Kim an expression which she interpreted as a puzzled look.

  "No, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me. I’m just…” Kim wrung her hands. “I’ve never done anything like this before!"

  "Because you’re shy? You’re not used to it?"

  Kim recognized her words as the same excuse she’d given Angel in the car. It was as good as any, so she decided to go with it. "Yes. That’s it. Can we talk about this later? In the morning, please? I’m going to bed. You should, too."

  "Have you changed your mind?"

  "About what?"

  Angel gestured to the bed with her towel. "Did you want me to sleep with you?"

  "What! No! Sleep
in your own bed!"

  "I don’t have a bed."

  "On the couch, I showed you!"

  Angel gave her another confused look and turned to leave. Kim held up a hand to stop her. "Listen, I didn’t mean to yell at you. It’s only for a little while, you understand?"

  "I understand," Angel said, and left the room.

  Kim sighed to herself. The bed comment was an empty promise, but it was too late to take it back. Even if she could afford another bed, her extra bedroom was full and she didn’t have the space for it.

  Chapter Three

  Kim woke up the way she always did on weekdays. Reluctantly. Her bedroom windows faced north, but heavy curtains blocked out any hint of daylight. She threw off the covers and went straight for the bathroom, switching on the hall and bathroom light as she went. As far as she was concerned, artificial light beat natural light any day.

  As she entered the living room, she couldn’t help but stop and stare and simultaneously try to ignore the sleeping naked woman on her couch. Half of Angel’s covers were bunched up at her feet, the other half lying forgotten on the floor.

  Perhaps Angel thought sleeping was defined as tossing and turning while lying in place for several hours, and she wanted to give a good impression of it?

  Angel was asleep on her back, but something about her seemed off to Kim. She leaned closer, placing one hand on the back of the couch to brace herself. What she realized shocked her.

  Angel wasn’t breathing.

  Kim’s eyes widened in fascination.

  Didn’t aliens need to breathe? Kim didn’t know, but she resolved to find out. Curious, she leaned in a bit closer. Scientifically curious, she reminded herself.

  It was still up for debate whether Angel was a living being that closely resembled human, or if she were an alien, self-aware machine designed to look human. If she were designed, then whomever did it clearly didn’t do a very good job. Not breathing? Big giveaway.

  It also irked Kim that Angel’s breasts were at least a cup size or two beyond her own. Allowing for the designed theory, Kim guessed Angel’s pervert creators probably based her appearance off of what they perceived to be an average, based off the large breasted women which dominated the internet. Kim didn’t consider hers to be small, but it still annoyed her.


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