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A Date With Angel and Other Things ...

Page 28

by J. Judkins

  “I wasn’t thinking right away...”

  “No matter how enjoyable it is, we shouldn’t spend all our time in bed.”

  “I never insisted that we should."

  “We should do other things. The night is young.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Kim asked, then instantly regretted it. Seriously? “What are you suggesting?” I should know better than to ask Angel a loaded question like that! She’ll probably suggest something involving whipped cream, or something!

  A detailed, mental image sprang up unbidden. It involved Angel, herself, and liberal amounts of whipped cream in strategically placed locations. The thought of it made her breath catch.

  “Let’s try it out,” Angel suggested.

  Kim shuddered. Her eyes were glazed over. “Yeah…” she sighed. Then she blinked. “Wait. What? I'm sorry. What did you say?”

  “I want to go back to where we first met.”

  “What? Tonight? Now?”

  “Why not now? Is there something else you’d rather be doing?”

  Kim took step back. “Ah. No. You’re right. Let’s try it.”

  Angel hefted up the telescope with one hand, using her second to secure it. She carried it in front of her as if it weighed nothing.

  After taking a moment to compose herself, Kim found her keys and hurried to open the door.

  It was draining, dodging bullets all day.

  As she trailed in Angel’s wake to the garage, she wondered anew about Angel and her mysterious purpose here. Thinking about it a certain way, her sex-crazed girlfriend still fit the profile of an alien pretending to be normal, even considering its now expanded role with her as a girlfriend.

  But she wasn’t very professional about things, was she? Kim could even see many striking similarities between Angel and the fictional super-spy James Bond.

  Both shared a profession, more or less. Bond was a spy who didn't actually spy on anyone and Angel a scout who couldn’t be bothered to scout. Both could kick ass when needed, and both wanted sex as often as possible and possessed enough seductive talent to get it even when their targets had better things to do.

  But there the similarities ended.

  While Bond seduced women left and right, he went on to do his job. Bond was a professional, someone people could count on to get the job done.

  But not Angel. She was seductive, but far too obsessed with sex than she was in doing her job. Based on what Kim could tell, Angel conveniently forgot her mission on her very first day and never looked back.

  Kim sighed as she eased her car into traffic, a ghost of a smile on her face. This was the nature of her sacrifice. Something she’d be willing to endure for the good of all mankind. Simply put, if Angel was too busy plotting and scheming of ways to sleep with her as often as possible, then she wasn’t out doing her mission. Whatever that was.

  That was her fate. The die had been cast. It was Kim’s sad destiny to be the focus of Angel’s insatiable hunger. She was Earth’s last line of defense, an unsung hero to billions of unsuspecting people, a living Great Wall, keeping the alien invaders at bay, willing to take one for the team for the greater good.

  Kim couldn’t repress a shudder as she pictured it.

  If they ever erect a statue of me, I’ll die of embarrassment.

  What a great hero, they would say. What happened to her? She was so young and beautiful, with so much potential and love of life. Whatever became of her?

  Oh, everything was fine until someone recognized the nature of her sacrifice. Once the story was out, and everyone understood exactly how she saved us all, that was it for her. Death by embarrassment. The doctors couldn’t revive her.

  Kim drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. Sex, sex, sex, all the time, sex. She still wasn’t sure what she felt about all that. Certainly not as horrified as she used to be. Kind of the opposite, in fact, which was alarming in its own right.

  Angel was looking away, lost to her own thoughts, and Kim studied her for as long as she dared. What was it about Angel, anyway? What made her so…fascinating?

  When Angel half turned and threatened to look back, Kim returned her full attention to the road. She tried to concentrate, but Angel’s profile had burned itself into her mind.

  Wouldn’t it be nice if Angel actually cared for her? Really cared for her? At least if she and Angel shared a love story, their memorial wouldn’t be borderline pornographic. Parents wouldn’t feel uncomfortable taking their children.

  And now they were returning to where it all began, that one specific parking lot where they first met. From there, they’d take the telescope up the hill to look at a bunch of boring, uninteresting stars.

  At least now Kim had an excuse to be here. The thought made her wonder. Why had she bothered with astronomy before, all those weeks ago? Maybe it was some subconscious yearning? A desire to find something, anything, beyond her experience?

  Kim glanced at Angel, again. At the risk of sounding sappy, maybe she found what she was looking for?

  Yeah, that did sound sappy.

  Glad she didn’t say it.

  Kim parked on the far side of the parking lot, furthest away from the convenience store. The night air had cooled significantly since their departure, but not enough make her wish she’d brought a jacket. Kim took a moment to stretch and found herself taking a long look around as if seeing everything for the first time. Nothing had changed, yet everything had changed. It seemed surreal.

  Angel had opened the trunk and was busying herself with reassembling the telescope from its broken down parts, taking full advantage of the ambient lights from the nearby streetlights. Kim watched her in silence. The sight of Angel as she worked inspired a warm feeling of contentment deep within her.

  Kim resolved right then and there to keep the telescope. It didn’t matter if they never used it beyond tonight. Angel had given it to her, and she wanted to keep it. Because Angel wanted to make me happy. As romantic gestures go, the gift was a good one.

  Kim’s good mood turned south when Angel finished her task and retrieved a blanket and pillow from the trunk.

  “What are those for?” she asked, anticipating and dreading the answer.

  Angel gave her a smile. “So we won’t get dirty.”

  Kim closed her eyes and started to count to ten.

  She got to three. “I appreciate the telescope, Angel, but I am not having sex with you outside.”

  “Under the stars,” corrected Angel.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Under the stars,” Angel repeated, “or in the moonlight. Saying ‘we’re having sex outside’ sounds dull and isn’t nearly as romantic.”

  “We’re not doing anything sex-related outside. People could see!”

  Angel ignored her. She turned the tripod upside down and tossed in the blanket and pillow, then hoisted the entire collection up with one hand and walked away toward the path which led up the hill.

  Kim followed after her. “Are you listening to me?”

  “Yes, I’m listening,” Angel called back. “Let’s get to the top and we can discuss it.”

  Angel quickly left Kim behind, ascending the steep hillside with as much physical exertion as she spent crossing a room. Kim was not so lucky. By the time she caught up with her, she was out of breath and Angel had already set up the telescope and was vigorously shaking out the blanket.

  Angel smiled at Kim’s approach, but Kim wasn’t deterred. “Why did you bring a pillow, anyway?”

  “To muffle your cries of passion,” Angel said, matter-of-factly.

  Kim colored instantly. “I don’t…”

  Angel kept smiling while Kim glowered at her. For a moment, Kim considered snatching up the offending pillow and beating Angel to death with it, but didn’t dare take the risk. Pillow fights led to sex, these days.

  “What about all that talk about gifts, and not wanting instant gratification?”

  Angel gave a haughty sniff. “Oh, please. Instant gratification is no
thing but short-term, Kim. I’m all about long-term gratification. And the romance, let’s not forget that.”

  “What romance?” Kim scoffed.

  “Isn’t that the meaning of romance? When a person goes out of their way and does something extraordinary for their special someone without being prompted to do it? Simply because they want to do it?”

  Kim kicked at a stone. “That may be the literal definition, but I know you. You were only doing it because you want sex.”

  “Irrelevant. My attempt at romance still fits the definition. The telescope was a gift. It’s the thought that counts.”

  At Kim’s continued glower, Angel’s shoulders slumped. “I see. You didn’t like it, after all.”

  In an instant, all resentment vanished. “It isn’t the telescope, itself--“

  “No, I’m responsible. I admit, I’m not as proficient consciously attempting romance as I am unconsciously. I try, but I fear my best attempts pale in comparison to your expectations.” Angel’s eyes seemed to shimmer with unshed tears. “I only did it because I wanted to make you happy. Should I stop trying?”

  Kim wanted to be sympathetic, but Angel’s explanation didn’t make a lot of sense. “What does that even mean?”

  “I don’t understand it, either.”

  “You’re the one who said it, Angel.”

  “No, you misunderstand. I’m saying I don’t understand how to meet your expectations of me. Each time I try, you resent it as blatant manipulation.”

  “Why would you let that bother you? I’ve always thought you were manipulating me. That hasn’t changed.”

  Angel considered this. “I believe it’s more a twisted mental condition that makes you believe I’m manipulating you, but I understand your point.”

  Although slightly miffed, Kim let it go. “The difference is, lately, you’ve been taking credit for it.”

  “Also true. Mostly.”

  “Maybe you’re trying too hard?”

  “I’d still like to make the attempt. Are you reluctant tonight because I’m taking credit for ‘setting this up,’ or because of embarrassment?”

  Kim fidgeted. “It isn’t because of you.”

  “Very good.” Angel gave the blanket one final shake and let it settle to the ground.

  “But we’re still not doing this,” Kim finished.

  Angel gave an exasperated sigh. “Look around you, Kim. There’s no one around to hear us. The pillow will muffle your cries of passion. We’re alone.”

  “What if someone else comes up here?”

  “You’ve been up here, before. Have you ever seen anyone else?”

  “No. But it could happen!”

  “And that’s why we’re here. It could happen, but likely it won’t. A bit of risk will enhance the experience. Couples need to do extraordinary things from time to time to spice up their love lives. If they don’t, lovemaking becomes routine and ordinary.”

  “Routine? How can it be routine for us? We’ve only been doing this less than a week. Less than half a week.”

  “Nevertheless, the theory is sound.”

  “For the last time, we are not doing this outside where anyone could be watching!”

  “No one is watching. We’re alone. You’re being paranoid beyond your normal levels of paranoia.”

  “What about cameras?” Kim pointed out. “They could have set up cameras.”

  Angel sighed and made a show of looking about, obviously a token gesture for Kim’s benefit which did nothing to mollify her. Kim was about to remark on it when Angel’s eyes narrowed and she focused all her attention on something in the darkness. She brushed past Kim and made a beeline for what she’d seen, her hand scooping up a large, heavy branch as she passed.

  Angel stopped at a nearby tree and used the branch to poke at something higher in the branches. The whatever-it-was fell to the ground. The moment it stopped moving, Angel hit it over and over with her club until the makeshift weapon splintered in her hands.

  Undeterred, she picked up the unknown object with both hands and squeezed. There was a sharp crack, and Angel let it fall with a disdainful sniff.

  Before Kim could say anything, Angel was marching off in an entirely different direction. Kim lost sight of her in the darkness, but could hear when a second device met the same grim fate seconds later.

  Kim fished out her cell phone and turned on its flashlight. There in the grass lay the broken remains of a once well-concealed camera. She picked it up and examined it. Someone actually set up a camera! The very thought of it stunned her.

  Angel returned a short time later, making a show of dusting her hands. “I've destroyed them all.”

  “All of them?” Kim echoed. “How many of them were there?”

  “A total of five in the immediate area. I didn’t check the parking lot.” Angel sat down on the blanket and patted the space next to her.

  Kim’s eyes widened with incredulity. “Are you kidding me? We’re definitely still not doing this. Someone set up cameras, Angel. Aren't you the least bit concerned about that?”

  “Of course, I was. But our privacy is now assured. I’ve destroyed them.”

  “Why would anyone set up cameras?”

  “To spy on us.”

  The idea of it was so preposterous it amazed her. “Are you insane?” Kim hissed.

  “You said it yourself. You didn’t want to make love under the stars because of the possibility of hidden cameras. You were correct, and I was wrong.”

  “But there isn't any reason for cameras to be set up here in the first place!” Kim cried, waving her arms around. “Only a complete idiot would think to themselves, ‘Oh, I wonder if there are any cameras on this hill nobody but me even knows about!’”

  “And yet your fears were justified," Angel pointed out. "I admit, at first I believed your explanation was nothing more than a thinly disguised excuse to avoid sex, but I want you to know that even if you were wrong and there were no cameras, I would never conclude you were an idiot. Complete or otherwise."

  Kim’s glare became a bit more withering. Angel took no notice.

  “Your mannerisms suggest stress.” Angel again patted the space next to her. “You need to relax. Please sit down. Perhaps a relaxing massage would--"

  "Show me where you found them," Kim growled. “All of them.”

  Angel sighed heavily before rising to her feet with exaggerated reluctance.

  They backtracked almost to the parking lot as Angel pointed out the destroyed cameras lying in the dirt one after the other. Kim paused only long enough to sift through each one, picking out their memory cards and slipping them into her pocket.

  “In the darkness, a casual observer would never have been able to detect them,” Angel remarked, waving a hand. “During the day, however, they would have been glaringly obvious. None were particularly well hidden.”

  "So how did you find them?"

  "After the first, I was looking for them."

  Kim’s breath caught. She had picked this spot to look at the stars because of its isolation. No one else knew it existed, as far as she knew. Were the cameras meant for her?

  But why would anyone be interested in her? There wasn’t anything special about her.

  No. Not her. Angel. They were looking for Angel.

  But how did anyone know they were together?

  Kim thought back to the night they first met. Angel had just finished knocking a man unconscious to steal his shirt. It occurred to her that, until that moment, she never once considered the well-being of Angel’s victim. The only thing that mattered to her was Angel. She’d simply dismissed the man from her mind.

  Fortunately for her conscience, he survived and lived to tell the tale. Either someone found him and cared enough to get him to a hospital or he woke up the next morning and staggered home. From there, police were informed. The man dutifully gave them a detailed description of Angel. One didn’t forget naked women beating the crap out of you.

  The cops likely h
ad a description of Kim as well, either as Angel’s accomplice or Angel’s potential victim.

  Kim frowned to herself. No, not as a victim. Only someone with a movie geek’s imagination similar to her own would leap to the conclusion Angel might have murdered her or put her in the hospital simply to steal her clothes or her car.

  An accomplice, then. Angel’s trail ended with Kim. If they wanted to find Angel, they’d have to find Kim, first. They’d set up cameras on the off chance she might return for stargazing, hoping she’d lead them to her.

  They probably investigated the local astronomy clubs, too. Good thing she was antisocial and never joined one.

  So who was behind it? The police wouldn’t have done this. Whoever it was knew Angel’s true nature and were serious about finding her.

  What if they were government agents, or a part of a powerful organization hunting aliens? They tracked Angel to here, and then lost her. All because Kim had recognized her for what she was, and had taken her home.

  If they ever find Angel, they’ll take her away!

  “We need to get back,” Kim said, her voice frantic. “We have to leave now before they figure out their cameras are gone.”

  “Kim, you may not have realized this, but I believe those cameras were placed here to find you. Anyone could have found them during the day."

  “They weren’t after me, Angel. They were after you.”


  Kim opened her mouth, then closed it. It didn’t surprise her Angel had reached the same conclusion, but had she given away too much? What if Angel decided she wasn’t safe, living with her? What would she do?

  Would she abandon her and leave? Kim’s heart twisted at the thought. “But they don’t know anything. You smashed their cameras.”

  “They know enough,” said Angel. “We need to get our belongings and leave.”

  Kim nodded in silent agreement. They returned to the small clearing.

  Angel jerked up the blanket and folded it into thirds. When she reached for the telescope, she hesitated. “I wanted...we didn't get to...”

  “I wanted to, too. As much as you did.”

  Angel’s mouth fell open in surprise. “I thought you didn’t.”


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