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Rock Star Redemption

Page 7

by Jenna Galicki

  He didn’t finish his sentence. Instead, he pulled her closer in a tight embrace and held her. Her face was plastered against his shoulder, and she inhaled the strong scent of their lovemaking. She listened to the sounds of Jimmy’s steady breathing. The deep inhales and long exhales were calming and hypnotic. After a while, Jimmy loosened his hold, and she realized he was asleep. She reflected on the last few weeks, her doubts, and Jimmy’s turnaround. She gave him a chance, against her better judgment, and he proved himself worthy. She was filled with so much happiness at the moment, she wanted to wake him and tell him how much she cared about him, but she didn’t. She placed a light kiss on his sleeping lips, and snuggled in his arms.

  Audra woke before Jimmy and watched him sleep. She brushed the back of her hand across his cheek and over his long sideburns. Last night was wonderful. She had no idea how she was going to explain her relationship to her father, but she would deal with that later. She wanted to enjoy this time with her man. Her man. She had never said those words before. Like Jimmy, she had never really been in a long-term relationship, and she wondered if they were waiting for one another . . . waiting for the right time for them to be together, like Jimmy had said.

  He stirred, and his eyes fluttered open. He captivated her with his magnetic smile. “Morning.” He brushed a stray hair from her cheek. “How long have you been watching me?”

  “Not long.” She jumped off the bed, pulled him to his feet and brought him to the large windows that spanned the back wall of her bedroom. It offered a pristine view of Central Park. “Let’s take a walk. It’s beautiful in the park this time of the morning.”

  Jimmy draped his arm over her shoulder and gazed at the view. “I can’t think of a better way to start the day. It must be something to wake up to this every morning.”

  She remembered their conversation about his desire to purchase an apartment. At the time, she had thought he wasn’t serious and only scouting for a pretense to get invited to her place, but now she wondered if there was truth to his initial statement. “If you’re really looking to buy something, the realty office is right next door. We can swing by on our way to the park. I’m sure there’s something available in the building.”

  His face brightened. “You sure you want me living in your building? I don’t want you to get tired of seeing my face.”

  She circled her arms around his waist. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  After their beautiful morning walk, Audra watched Jimmy drive away from her building. Her smile was hard to contain, and a giddy laugh bubbled from her lips, while she reminisced about the evening they had spent together. She returned to the lobby and impatiently pressed the call button for the elevator. She rode the elevator to her floor, still high from the events of the last 24 hours. When the doors to her floor opened, she briskly walked down the hall and stopped in front of Kira’s apartment. Before she could knock, her sister’s door flew open.

  “Finally!” Kira exclaimed. “I’ve been waiting forever for you to come over. I even snuck down to the parking garage to see if Jimmy’s car was still there.” She grabbed Audra by the arm and pulled her into the apartment. “Tell me everything.”

  Audra sat on the couch, put her hands over her chest and looked up at the ceiling, while she tried to find the words to convey the storybook romance she had just lived through. “It was everything I ever dreamed of. I’ve never felt like this before. It was like I was under a spell. He touched me and lit my body on fire.”

  Kira beamed at her. “I can’t believe it. You and Jimmy. I’m so happy for you. I never thought Jimmy would calm down. Are you sure it’s going to last?”

  She knew Kira worried that Jimmy’s good behavior was only temporary. A small part of her was worried as well. Some of the confidence she had in Jimmy’s commitment to her dwindled, but she wasn’t going to let it spoil or taint the evening they had shared. “He seems sincere, and I have faith in him. I trust him.”

  “Just be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Audra’s heart filled with warmth. Her little sister was concerned about her. “I’m supposed to be watching out for you, not the other way around.”

  “We look out for each other. Have you thought about what Daddy is going to say about you and Jimmy being together? You know he’s going to blow his top when he finds out.”

  Audra took a deep breath. She knew well her father’s rule about dating the talent – it was unprofessional. He had instilled the notion in both her and Kira since they were teenagers. She had always agreed, until things heated up between her and Jimmy. She strummed her fingers on her knee, and she realized she had picked up Jimmy’s habit. “Daddy is going to have to deal with it . . . eventually . . . if things get serious. It’s too soon to say anything. I’m not sure what he’d do to Jimmy, and I don’t want to put the band’s contract in jeopardy.”

  “You have to tell him, Audra.”

  “I will. I just want to see where this relationship is headed. It’s a day old, Kira. Anything could happen.”

  Chapter Nine

  Audra slipped into the passenger seat of Jimmy’s Lamborghini. She had seen many luxury cars in her life, but never experienced an expensive Italian sports car of this caliber before. The sleek design of the tapered body was futuristic, and the fire engine red paint was like a sheet of glass. The car screamed high speed and power. The interior was a rich black leather with expert red stitching. It was buttery soft and pleasing to the senses. “This is an impressive automobile.”

  “Do you like to drive fast?”

  “I never learned how to drive.” The family chauffeur took her anywhere she needed to go as a child, and she started taking taxis when she was a teenager and a stretch limousine seemed too imposing.

  Jimmy squinted his eye with skepticism. “Seriously? You don’t know how to drive?”

  “I never needed to, but now I realize I probably should have learned.”

  He flashed her a happy smile. “Today’s your lucky day, little lady.” He pulled onto the shoulder of the Long Island Expressway, jumped out of the car and opened her door.

  “What are you doing?” she asked when he extended his hand to her.

  “I’m giving you your first driving lesson.”

  When she hesitated, he took her hand and pulled her from the car. The idea of driving filled her with excited laughter. She sat behind the wheel, and her heart began to beat faster.

  He flashed his gorgeous smile at her from the passenger seat. “You look real pretty sittin’ behind this powerhouse. It suits you.” He leaned across her body and pressed a button on the door panel. The seat glided underneath her until her feet were closer to the pedals. Jimmy’s hand skimmed her waist as he clicked her seatbelt in place, and she snapped her head in his direction. “Don’t distract me.”

  He held his hands up to proclaim his innocence, but his smile gave him away. “It was an accident. It won’t happen again.”

  She turned back to the electronic displays on the dashboard and glanced down at the stick shift. She was eager to test the machine’s power. “What do I do first?”

  “You turn the key.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Smartass.” The engine came to life with a low growl, and she looked to Jimmy for the next instruction.

  “Check your mirrors. Make sure you can see behind you and the lanes next to you on either side.” He pointed to the door panel on her left. “Button is right there.”

  She adjusted the mirrors and curled her fingers around the leather steering wheel. Her knee bounced with excitement. She was really going to drive Jimmy’s Lamborghini!

  He pointed to the floor. “Clutch is on the left. Brake in the middle. Gas on the right. Hold the clutch.” He put her hand on the stick shift and helped her find first gear. “Now slowly take your foot off the clutch while pressing on the gas pedal. Don’t worry if you stall—”

  The car lurched forward and took off. Excited laughter flew from her mouth. She wa
s driving!

  “Easy, girl.” Jimmy sounded nervous and braced his hand on the dashboard. It made her laugh harder. “Put on your directional and ease back into traffic, but stay in the right lane.” Jimmy turned three-quarters of the way to look over his shoulder. “Traffic’s clear.”

  She barely touched the wheel and the car glided off the shoulder and back onto the LIE.

  “You need to shift into second gear.” Jimmy held her hand on the stick shift again. “Come off the gas a little and press the clutch.” He popped the stick into second. “Now take your foot off the clutch and accelerate.”

  She felt the strength of the engine come to life as it advanced gears.

  “Now hold the clutch again and pop it into third.”

  He didn’t help her find the next gear like he did before, and the car made a grinding noise that sounded painful. She grimaced. “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll buy you a brand new car if I break anything.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks, babe, but I don’t need a sugar momma. I got my own money.”

  She felt the engine hesitate and heard a whine. “Am I supposed to shift again?”

  “You’re a natural at this. Go ahead.”

  She repeated the maneuver, this time with less resistance from the transmission. She continued to drive down the expressway, while Jimmy kept a second set of eyes on the road. He assisted her to shift the automobile into fifth and then sixth gear. Soon she was flying down the expressway at 70 miles per hour. It was exhilarating! She felt like she was flying! Her triumphant laughter filled the car. “This is awesome!”

  “Maybe you should slow down a little.”

  “I can’t! This is too much fun!” She recognized the concern in his voice, but she couldn’t lighten her foot on the accelerator. The experience was freeing. Jimmy watched the road, twisting his neck to check every angle. After about ten minutes, he instructed her to pull off at the upcoming exit. He helped her downshift, which went smoother than expected, and she pulled into a parking lot down the road. The car came to a hard stop the second her foot hit the brake.

  She winced. “Sorry. I guess I’m not used to the brakes.” He looked a little shaken up and she laughed again. “Were you scared?”

  “Scared? I almost shit my pants. You’re a wild woman.”

  “I guess that means I’m perfect for you then.”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You’re perfect in every way.” He pulled the keys from the ignition. “But I’m driving back. Your lesson’s over.”

  They both exited the vehicle and circled to the opposite door. Jimmy caught her by the waist as she passed him and pulled her into his arms. “You got a fire inside you.”

  She gasped when their bodies collided. “I didn’t know it was there until you touched me.”

  “Course you did. I used to watch you at all the shows. You and Kira secured your spot at the front of the stage, and nobody pushed you out of the way. There were some mean-looking dudes at The Quadrangle and you stood up to every one of ‘em.”

  She smiled at the memory. “I loved those shows. No one was moving me from center stage. I wanted the front row experience when Angel performed.”

  He furrowed his brow and his smile weakened. “What’s up with the crazy crush you had on Angel? Is that something I need to worry about?”

  He was jealous – of Angel – and it was adorable. “No. I think I outgrew that. So did Kira. He’s still amazing to watch perform on stage, and his voice is sheer perfection, but I have someone else to watch now.” She smiled at him and locked her fingers behind his neck. “Someone with strong biceps who beats the hell out of the drums. Someone who calls my attention to the back of the stage.”

  “Good answer.” He swatted her butt. “Get in the car, gorgeous. I have a little surprise for you.”

  She watched him shift the car into gear and merge onto the expressway. He had a heavy foot on the accelerator and sliced through the gears like butter.

  He glanced at her. “You’ll be shifting like that in no time.”

  “You mean, you’re going to let me drive again?”

  “Just as soon as I change my underwear.” He winked at her, and she laughed.

  The car zoomed across lanes of traffic until the open road was in front of them. Jimmy stepped on the gas pedal and shifted again. The car took off with a deep growl. “Hold on tight.”

  She checked his speedometer. It was holding steady at 99 miles per hour. Her heart pumped with adrenaline. The scenery flew by in a blur on the side of the road. Velocity had her pinned to the back of the seat, or maybe it was just nervous excitement that had her body rigid. Her blood was shooting through her veins and laughter flowed from her mouth.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Jimmy peeked at her for a split second before returning his eyes to the road.

  “Yes! It’s so freeing to fly down the expressway at this speed with no one else around.”

  “One day I’ll have to take you out on my Harley.”

  “You have a motorcycle?”

  “Yep. Got her right after we got home from Europe. Right after I saw Damien’s chopper.”

  Fast car, motorcycle, famous musician – she fell harder for Jimmy with each day that passed.

  He reduced his speed as he approached traffic up ahead and downshifted the car into a lower gear. He continued on the LIE and took the Midtown Tunnel into Manhattan. “Are we going back to my apartment?”

  “I just want to park in your garage.” He took his hand from the stick shift and grabbed her inner thigh. “You got room for my car in your garage?”

  She laughed. “For you? Always.”

  A few minutes later, Jimmy’s Lamborghini pulled into the private parking garage in her building. She knew he had something planned, but she had no idea what it was. “Where are we going now?”

  “We’re taking a walk through the park.”

  “It’s the middle of the afternoon. Fans will spot you right away and you’ll get mobbed. That’s not a good idea.”

  He popped open the trunk, pulled out a baseball cap and stuck it on his head.

  She smiled at him. “You’re unrecognizable.”

  He took her by the waist and tugged her close to him. “Who’s a smartass now?”

  His mouth covered hers in a hot kiss. She was still reeling from the high of the fast car ride, and his kiss made her knees shake from the overload of stimulation.

  He added a hoodie to his disguise and threw on a pair of dark sunglasses. “Now no one will know it’s me walking through the park.”

  “You’re quite clever.” She was impressed that he had thought of the disguise and wanted privacy with her in public.

  “You say it like you’re surprised. I’m not just a pretty face, you know.”

  She moved closer and caressed his shoulders. “I can see that.”

  His lips hit her neck with a succulent kiss. “Are there cameras in here?”

  She liked his dirty mind. “Yes, but don’t tempt me. I seem to have no willpower when it comes to you, Jimmy. You bring out the worst in me.”

  “Or the best in you.” He placed his hand on the small of her back. “Ready for our walk?”

  “I have to change my shoes first.”

  He reached into the trunk of his car and handed her a pair of brand new sneakers. “I already thought of that.”

  She was surprised at his thoughtfulness and shocked that they fit. “How did you know what size to buy?”

  “I checked when you were in the shower one morning.”

  “You’re a sneak.” But she loved his motive. They were red Converse sneakers, not exactly the best choice for a long walk, but they matched the pair he wore, and she loved them. “Thank you.”

  They entered the park at 59th Street, and a whiff from the line of food trucks filled the air. Her rumbling stomach reminded her that they hadn’t eaten all day. “I’m starved. Do you want to grab something?”

  “You eat from food trucks? I thought you only ate fa
ncy gourmet meals, like Angel.”

  “Of course I eat from street vendors. I’m a New Yorker. I love the meals Charles prepares, but nothing beats a New York City dirty water dog.”

  “Somehow, I never pictured someone with your background eating a hot dog from a weenie cart.”

  She shrugged. “I’m just a regular girl.”

  “Good. Cuz I’m just a regular guy . . . who has to walk around in public hidden under a baseball cap and sunglasses.” He flashed his unmistakable smile. “Let’s walk first. We can eat in a little while.”

  He draped his arm over her shoulder and they followed a path that headed north along West Drive, which brought them deeper into the park. No matter how many times she walked its interior, she was always in awe at the drastic opposition to the world outside of its perimeter. She slipped her arm around Jimmy a little tighter and pointed out two squirrels chasing one another up a tree. They were adorable little creatures, and their feisty antics could entertain her for hours.

  “I guess I take it for granted living in Brooklyn. Those little guys are all over the place.”

  “That’s what’s nice about living in the boroughs – tree-lined streets and wildlife. I have to venture into the park in order to enjoy nature.” After they walked for about twenty minutes, they came to Strawberry Fields. Without mentioning anything to one another, they both gravitated toward the black and white mosaic symbol set in the asphalt in honor of the great John Lennon. Two single red roses were placed across the word “Imagine” at its center.

  While they stared at the memorial, Jimmy’s arm slipped from her shoulder, and he clasped her hand in his. Although John Lennon’s music was before her time, the message from the singer-songwriter-peacemaker still lived on. It gave her chills.

  “The man was an inspiration,” Jimmy stated, as if reading her thoughts.

  She nodded with a solemn smile.

  Two teenagers approached and left a bunch of hand-picked wildflowers on the site.


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