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Gods Of Blood And Fire (Book 1)

Page 34


  Raygan glanced at him quickly. “I’m sure you think he is all those things, Endra, and maybe he is, but what I saw was a monster, a killer, nothing more. It really wouldn’t matter what his disposition was anyway, he is what he is. Now if you will excuse me, I have things to discuss with my healer.”

  It was all Endra could do not to punch the Princess in that sweet little face of hers, but that would not get her anywhere but the gallows. She turned and walked out, slamming the door so hard that it shook the silver sconces off the Princess’s wall.

  Rhys softly groaned. “Highness, you have a lot to learn about people, if I may say so, I’m surprised I’m not working on your face again right now.” Raygan flopped down on her bed more like a girl that a woman. “First, I asked you to call me Raygan in private, and second this Korlest woman is just a peasant and she must be insane to trust that creature. I thought I was very respectful to her since she walked in here, unannounced.”

  Rhys sat down beside her and brushed a stray hair out of her face. “I know you’re upset about what you found out today, but let me tell you something about Endra. I haven’t known her long, but she is the kind of woman if you were to make her your friend, she would give her life to help you. I won’t even try to explain Kian, but he is no monster even though he has a right to be. Trust me. I know the truth of what he has suffered.”

  Raygan looked at him and batted her eyes. “Do you find her beautiful?”

  Rhys laughed. “You are not even listening to me. Endra is beautiful, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, but it’s you I find the most beautiful, Highness.” Rhys leaned forward and kissed her. His face turned red and he quickly leaned back. “I’m sorry, Princess, I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  Raygan smile at him amorously. “I don’t know either, but why don’t you think it again.”

  Rhys kissed her again wrapping his arms around her shapely body. He hoped she would forget some of the pain she was feeling, but it was he who forgot though; with her body pressed against him, he forgot everything. He didn’t leave her room until the next morning.

  Kian sat in the stable where he planned to sleep, he was still sore from the Goddesses’ attack but that was not what was keeping him up.

  He couldn’t get her out of his head. He didn’t know what to do, he thought about telling K’xarr, but he would not be happy about a Goddess interfering with his plans, and Kian felt he had caused enough trouble for his friends as it was.

  He would have to try and think of something on his own before the Mistress used him to fulfill her evil whims, whatever they might be. He thought maybe he should just leave, then he could resist the evil Goddess and when she killed him it would be over. Would dying be so bad? He didn’t think so, but he couldn’t let the Mistress kill him, he had made a vow to himself to make sure Endra and the children would always be safe. He would just have to find another way out of his predicament.

  “Kian, are you in here?” Endra had found him.

  He started not to answer then changed his mind. “I’m here.”

  She came towards him, dressed in soft leather leggings and a sleeveless white shirt belted at the waist. “Are you feeling okay?”

  Kian looked at her, she talked to him like a child now. “I am fine,” he all but whispered.

  She walked over and stood behind him putting her hands on his shoulders. “I heard they would not let you stay in the palace. I didn’t know the Princess was so ungrateful or the children and I would have stayed out here with you. We will tomorrow night, just stay calm and everything will be fine.”

  Kian stood and faced her. “You talk to me like a wild horse that you wish to tame.”

  A look of concern came on Endra’s face. “What? I don’t do that, I’m just trying to help you.”

  Kian turn away. “Are you my woman or are you my keeper? I don’t need to be spoken to like I’m a wild animal you fear. If we are to be together you must treat me no different than you always have.”

  The tall woman turned him around wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry if I have been acting strange, but I truly don’t know what to do. I love you, Kian, I just want to be with you, nothing more. It hurts me to see you so unhappy and in truth I am afraid sometimes.”

  Kian picked her up like a child and carried her into an empty stall full of fresh hay; He tossed her into the haystack and lightly jumped on top of her. She could feel the intensity of the power that he tried to keep locked inside himself. “You should never fear me.” Minutes later only the royal horses could hear her cries of passion.


  The next morning, Raygan had called K’xarr and the others into the throne room. The Princess looked like she had gotten very little sleep.

  “K’xarr, since Ansellus is not here, you will act in his stead as commander of the military. I know there is little to command but what there is I am turning over to you. I hereby officially name you a general of Bandara.”

  It wasn’t hard to watch the predatory look spread across K’xarr’s face. It was easy to tell he was more than happy to take command. “I also wanted you to hear my first decree.”

  William Blackthorn is hereby declared an enemy of Bandara, all his lands and titles are to be stripped and he is to be arrested on sight. This royal decree also extends to Finn Selmac, Stuart Kaspar, Galen Bradford, and Tobias Fox as well.

  Bishop Marin Lyfair will remain in his position, pending an investigation from the Church.”

  Rhys nodded to her that had been his idea, he didn’t believe Lyfair’s story but there was little they could do but report it to the Church.

  The Princess looked at her new commander. “K’xarr, will you handle this for me?”

  K’xarr placed his right fist on his chest. “By your command, Princess.” Raygan stood and walked out of the throne room without another word.

  Rhys stopped to talk with K’xarr as everyone filed out the doors. “I advised her to appoint you until Ansellus gets back. I guess she listened.”

  K’xarr clapped Rhys on the shoulder. “Thanks for that my friend, I won’t forget it. I know it won’t be for long. Ansellus is just a few miles outside of town and I don’t think it will take him much time to convince Blackthorn’s troops to join us, but it’s good to know you have faith in my abilities. I value your opinion and I will need some help with how all this civility works.”

  Rhys laughed. “I do have faith in you, but there really was no one else to take the job. I know nothing about how the military works, but I will do my best to help you with whatever I can. The Princess doesn’t know you have never commanded an army before. I think it best we keep it that way.”

  K’xarr grinned at the healer’s observation. Then he gave Rhys a friendly push and walked away.

  The next few days were very busy. K’xarr familiarized himself with Bandaran military regulations and traditions. He didn’t care for them, so he decided to ignore most of them.

  Ansellus had returned from speaking with the commander of the troops from Braxton Bluff. The old general had brought the man along with him to meet K’xarr. They all met in the old council chambers.

  “K’xarr, this is Greyson Kyle, he is the ranking officer of troops outside the city.”

  K’xarr looked the man up and down, he was tall and lean with hawkish features. “I want you two to try and work together until I return from Ascona,” the general said.

  “What’s in Ascona?” K’xarr asked.

  “Help, I hope. Eldon Cross is a friend of mine, he is also the Knight Marshall of Ascona. ”

  K’xarr frowned. “Do we need the Church involved?”

  “They’re not a Church order, they are chivalric knights,” Greyson answered.

  K’xarr gritted his teeth, he hated letting anyone see there was something he didn’t know.

  Kyle rubbed his hand through his dirty blonde hair. “Sorry to interrupt. I know you are not familiar with the Kingdoms in this part of the world … general.” K’x
arr could tell the man was trying to show he was the Camiran’s superior.

  “Who is in command of the troops, general?” Greyson asked.

  This Commander Kyle was older than K’xarr by five years or better and a Bandaran. K’xarr knew he might have trouble taking orders from a foreigner, so there was no doubt that Ansellus would have to put the man in charge. It shouldn’t have made K’xarr mad, but it did.

  Ansellus picked his helmet up off the table and put it under his arm. “K’xarr will command the army while I’m gone.”

  K’xarr said nothing, he could see the disappointment on Greyson Kyle’s face. He was pleased but surprised. The old general was no fool, he had to have his reasons.

  Kyle stopped the general as he started to walk out. “May I ask why K’xarr was chosen over me?”

  Ansellus looked at the younger officer. “You will have to ask the Princess, it is by her order. She wished the Camiran to take command. In my absence you will help with anything he needs and see he is obeyed as if it were I giving the orders.”

  “As you command, General Fox,” Greyson said with a long face.

  K’xarr looked at Greyson and smiled.

  It was later that afternoon that Princess Raygan held court. A few of her lesser nobles were in attendance as well as a rich merchant or two. In all there were well over a hundred people in the first floor throne room. It was much more richly decorated that the second floor throne room where most of Bandara’s business was conducted.

  King Aaron referred to it as the entertaining room, because he never held court in it, using it only to entertain guests and dignitaries. It even had a terrace off the main room for people to dance on during galas and celebrations.

  She had the grand room cleaned and redecorated before the nobles arrived. Raygan had told K’xarr she wanted all of them there, including Kian. She had ordered them all to find suitable clothing and she would cover the cost.

  K’xarr had chosen the armor of a Bandaran officer, short-sleeved chainmail shirt covered with a steel cuirass gauntlets and greaves, he wouldn’t wear the tunic with the Bandaran coat of arms, but he did wear the red and gold cape.

  Cromwell laughed when they tried to make him dress for court, the best they could get him to do was bathe and put on a new chainmail shirt.

  Rufio wore his battered Dragitan armor, the dented breast plate and greaves topped by the horse-hair crested helmet. The man was too proud of his heritage, Vandarus thought. He had, like K’xarr, chosen to dress in Bandaran armor, but he would not wear the cape.

  Endra had chosen Kian’s clothing for him, sleeveless black leather shirt, black leggings, his only armor was a pair of dark steel vambraces on his wrists. It took her awhile but she also got him to wear a dark wool cape and tie his long hair back.

  Endra herself wore her chainmail and leather but had traded her mammoth cape for a dark cloak. Even dressed like a warrior, she commanded the attention of many of the men in the room young and old.

  K’xarr had them all stand around the small dais where Raygan sat on a smaller version of the phoenix throne.

  The Princess herself was radiant; she wore a dark blue dress that made her beautiful alabaster skin stand out, with silver jewelry adorning her wrists, fingers, and neck. A small silver tiara incrusted with diamonds sat atop her dark hair that had been put up in the fashion of the married women in Bandara. She looked very confident and regal, the truth was she was uneasy about the gathering, many of these people would be important if she ever became Queen. She looked over the crowd, all of them were talking among themselves that would never have happened if Cain was about to hold court. They would have shown her brother more respect. They were most likely talking about K’xarr’s half-breed friend. She had told the servants to spread the word that Kian was not Half Elven, that he was from a land far to the south. She hoped his altered visage and golden eyes would fool her nobles. It was his ears that might make the difference. They were not as pointed as a true Elf, but they were upswept enough to be noticed. The man should have worn his hair down to cover them, but it was too late now. She told herself everything would be fine. The proceeding should be short and uneventful, just a display for the people she needed in her bid for the throne. What could really go wrong?

  Stuart Kaspar was frantic, all the coin he felt he had worked so hard for had been confiscated along with the lands he had inherited and his ancestral home. They had even taken his sweet servant boys. No explanation had been given now, he was being marched to the palace like a common criminal. When Duke Blackthorn heard of this, heads would roll.

  When Kasper arrived at the palace, he demanded to see the Princess, he would not be denied. He owned more land than anyone in the Kingdom. When he spoke people listened. He would set this little strumpet straight about who was running this Kingdom. Just because her brother was away gave her no right to play Queen.

  Rhys hurried through the crowded room, he motioned to K’xarr. The temporary commander of the Bandaran army made his way to the finely dressed healer. “What is it?”

  Rhys pulled him over to a corner. “The watch just brought in Lord Kaspar, he is one of the conspirators.” K’xarr thought for a moment. “Kaspar, yes, I ordered him rounded up today, he was the only one still inside the city, what of it?”

  Rhys whispered. “He wants to see the Princess, he’s making a fuss about it.”

  “I don’t care what he wants, tell them to lock him up then get back here, I need a drinking partner when this is over.” Rhys turned to leave.

  “Wait,” K’xarr called to him. Tell them to bring him in, the nobles should see the Princess in action, perhaps they won’t think so little of her if they see her get angry.”

  Rhys looked with concern at his friend. “Do you think that’s such a good Idea?”

  K’xarr shrugged. “I don’t know, but do it anyway.”

  K’xarr walked to the dais and whispered in Raygan’s ear, “They have arrested Lord Kaspar, they are bringing him in now.”

  The Princess’s eyes grew large and she touched her stomach. K’xarr stayed by her side with his hand on the back of the small throne.

  Kasper was marched into the room and a hush fell over the crowd, it was obvious this wasn’t how things were normally done in Bandara. Prisoners are brought before the formal court for judgment, not into the middle of festivities like this. Besides that, Stuart Kaspar was the richest man in the Kingdom. Everyone present had heard about the King’s death and knew Stuart had been accused of being involved. Even so, a High Lord was never treated as a commoner. Lengthy trials were held to determine their guilt or innocence.

  “Highness, there has been a mistake.” Kaspar was too agitated to wait for the Princess to give him permission to speak. “I have done nothing. The watch came to my home arrested me and took everything I have. Duke Blackthorn and your brother will be displeased with you when they return. So I humbly advise you to return my property and call off your guards. If you do, I will tell the King and the duke this was all just an unfortunate mistake.”

  K’xarr watched as anger spread across the girl’s face. “Do not dare speak to me, you are a villain, you helped murder the King of Bandara, my father, you do not get the luxury of pleading your case to me.”

  She was half out of her chair with rage. K’xarr would not get a better opportunity. He stepped forward. “Kian”.

  The swordsman took two steps forward and plunged Malice through Kaspar’s chest, severing the High Lord’s spine. Kian pulled the sword out and the portly Lord crumpled to the floor his mouth still moving, trying to declare his innocence.

  The throne room went silent and Raygan lowered herself into the throne, staring at the dead man in the middle of the floor. Someone shouted “The Princess’s justice.”

  “No,” K’xarr bellowed. “The Queen’s justice.”

  Chapter 19

  What were you thinking, having that pet monster of yours just kill a Lord of Bandara in the middle of my throne room?”
/>   K’xarr and Rufio watched the small woman pace back and forth in front of them. The party abruptly ended after Kian killed Kaspar, several women fainted and had to be carried out. The noble and wealthy alike had left the throne room very quietly. Not one of them had protested the out of hand execution. It wasn’t because they agreed with it. It was because they had been afraid.

  “Give them time to think on what just happened, Highness, in a day or two you will see a change in your nobles thinking, besides that man was one of the men who plotted against your father.

  She spun around to face him. “I know that. I wanted him dead. I wish I could have killed him myself, it’s how you did it that upsets me and the fact you ignore all etiquette and custom. You do these things without even a ‘by your leave, Highness.’”

  K’xarr was starting to get flustered with the Princess, she just couldn’t see what he intended. “I’m trying to do what I think is best, just because your back living in the palace doesn’t mean you will stay in it, if your brother doesn’t come back and throw you out, the Abberdonians will. We have to control the Kingdom and this city. There is no time for subtleties, you need to be proclaimed Queen as soon as possible, and we must start preparing to defend the city. Your nobles need to learn you rule here, not them, and if that takes Kian killing an arrogant Lord in you throne room, then so be it.”

  Her anger eased a little. She liked the idea of the nobles listening to her and not just being dismissed as a pretty-faced girl. “K’xarr, I know you mean well, but you have to inform me when you do these things, until Ansellus returns, you are the only one I can rely on to protect Bandara.”

  “Your Highness, may I speak?” Rufio asked.

  She nodded to the Dragitan.

  “I know K’xarr can overstep sometimes, but he is right. In my country if a ruler or noble is seen as weak they are quick deposed, sometimes killed. You must understand that your people see you as their Princess, a sweet young girl only good for hosting parties and birthing heirs, now you must show them you are a Queen, not a weak girl but a hard and decisive woman. You must make them believe you rule Bandara and anyone that gets in your way will be destroyed, having the people’s love is a fine thing, but you must have them fear you to rule. You have nothing else right now. You can’t keep trying to win their respect and adoration by being beautiful and stately. Make them fight for your approval and make them beg for your mercy. It’s you who will rule, not your petty nobles. I don’t know much about the art of statesmanship, but I know about people. Let us make these fools tremble and dread your displeasure, then you will see how quickly they try to appease you.”


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