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Gods Of Blood And Fire (Book 1)

Page 43


  Milara snickered. “They were both lying through their teeth. We will ride ahead and then turn and follow them, perhaps they are the ones who will lead us to where God wants us to be.”

  The Commander shrugged. “As you wish Lord, and you are right the woman was beautiful, but I thought priests could not partake of a woman’s flesh?”

  The inquisitor looked at Oliver with the eyes that had ordered the torture and death of hundreds of men and women. The holy man’s gaze was unsettling. “Sometime God rewards the devout.”


  Night was falling when Kian first glimpsed the tower. He had arrived cold, tired, and more than a little battered. He still ached from the fight with the dragon. He decided to rest for a while before heading to the tower. Besides after night fell, he would have the advantage of seeing in the dark. At least he hoped he had that advantage, he had no idea what the wizard’s magic could do. He propped himself against a tree and closed his eyes and waited for the night.

  He opened his eyes the sky was bright and clear the wood was alive with birds and animals. The forest itself was green and beautiful and the snow was gone.

  Several Elven men and women approached, they all were of different heights and hair coloring but each beautiful beyond words. They were dressed in the style of his mother’s ancestors and they held their heads high with a look of pride on their faces.

  Kian knew that he was seeing the Elven race as it once existed. He must be dreaming or perhaps he had died in his sleep and this was heaven.

  A tall blonde Elven man walked forward, he wore the armor of an ancient warrior. Kian had seen drawings of it in Gildor’s old books.

  “Kian Cardan, we have brought you here because of your mother’s blood and to honor that part of you. We reject your human side and you must also while you are in this realm.”

  Kian nodded his agreement. The blonde Elf continued. “We are the ghosts of the Adorn. This is what our forest looked like before the humans came. The world of Saree was a place of harmony and balance. Then the Reaper came. He and his human army defiled the forest and slew us all. Our spirits still reside inside the trees where we were crucified. The tree your body is sleeping against now is where my sprit rests.”

  The swordsman’s eyes took in the scenic forest. It was truly beautiful. Why would anyone wish to destroy it? “Why have you brought me here?” Kian asked.

  “We have brought you here to warn you,” the fair-haired Elf said.

  Kian’s vision blurred and the scene changed. The forest was on fire, men, women, and children—all Elven—ran to and fro, screaming in confusion, terror written across their faces.

  Men in black armor with sword and torch stalked through the forest, slaughtering the Elves and burning their homes. Some of the Elven warriors tried to fight back, only to be cut down where they stood. The human’s swords spared no one.

  In the midst of the massacre, a giant of a man sat astride a black stallion. The man himself was encased in black armor from head to toe, his black helmet was unmistakably crested with Elven hair. There were only two eye slits in the helmet and both issued a faint dark glow. Kian took a step back.

  It was the Reaper. Kian knew without having to be told. The horse he rode reared up on its back legs and flames burst from the unholy creature’s mouth. The God of Death drew a huge black sword and pointed it at Kian as if he could see him.

  The Elven man who had brought him to this place of death grabbed him by the shoulders and said, “You have been marked.” Kian looked at him and felt the cold fingers of fear touch his heart.

  “Do not go to the tower, Kian, I tell you this for the sake of Kia, your mother. If you do your life will be cursed with blood and death. The Reaper will ride in your shadow and you will never know peace.” A spear punched through the man’s back and blood seeped from the corners of his mouth. “I have fulfilled my promise,” he uttered as his body collapsed to the ground.

  Kian awoke sweating, his back side was wet. He had slept in the snow all night. The sun was up and a cool breeze stirred the air. It had been a dream, hadn’t it?

  He looked around and saw that the snow was melted in huge circle around him, now he knew why he was wet. He smelled the air with his sensitive nose, smoke.

  It was more than a dream, somehow he had been there. He considered the warning he had been given for a moment, then the swordsman headed for the tower.

  “He approaches, Master, he’s here.”

  The wizard finished pouring the tiny vile of dark liquid he had taken from the Phoenix Queen’s tomb into the poison ring he now wore.

  He closed the ring’s tiny reservoir and stood up. He was stiff and his wounds ached. He would have to loosen up before the Half Elf arrived.

  He wore black leather armor in place of his robes and a dark cape. Buckling his two short swords around his waist and adjusting his mask, the Dark One came around his desk. “Get the Queen and meet me on top of the tower, and, Siro, remember what we talked about.” The ugly little man nodded and went to get their hostage.

  The Dark One climbed the steps to the top of his tower, he peered over the battlements and saw his creation coming towards the tower through the deep snow. He knew the fool would eventually come for the little whore. And he had come alone, it couldn’t be more perfect. “I will wait for you up here,” he called out.

  He saw the swordsman look up at him then quicken his pace toward the ancient structure.

  He hoped his plan would work or he would most likely be dead by the end of the day. He wanted to laugh out loud, he was nervous and tingling all over. He barely felt the pain of his scars. It had been a long time since he had been this excited.

  Chapter 24

  Kian ran forward and leaped onto the tower then immediately jumped again. The Dark One watched as the Half Elf bounded up the side of his tower. He was impressed by his work. Even the Circle of Thirteen could not have created such a creature.

  Siro came up the stairs with the Queen and threw her down, unconcerned about the agonizing scream she let out. The Dark One quickly limped over to the hatch. “Good, Siro, now go below and do what I told you.”

  The necromancer smiled and went back through the small hatch, leaving it open as he went down the stairs.

  “Come, Majesty, time for you to be of some use.” The wizard pulled the Queen up by her hair. She let out a little scream as he positioned the small woman in front of him like a shield.

  Kian smoothly vaulted over the battlements, pulling Malice as he gracefully landed on the tower’s rooftop. The blade’s uncommon features almost seemed to swallow the morning sunlight as he brought it to guard.

  “It took you long enough to get here. I see you still have the sword you stole from me,” the sorcerer said.

  “Release the Queen and stand against me like a man.”

  The masked man shook his head. “Why, so you can come over here and cut me down? I think not, my friend, but I might be willing to make a deal. Right now my servant, Siro, I’m sure you remember him, is down below with Her Majesty’s infant son, if you try anything foolish, maybe you will save the Queen but her child will surely die. Now throw the sword over the side and get on your knees.”

  Kian looked over the tower’s edge and then back at the wizard. The Dark One slowly pulled one of his short swords out and put it to the Queen’s throat. “You know I will do it, you do remember Gildor, don’t you?”

  Kian’s lips tightened, he knew what the wizard was capable of. He dropped Malice over the side of the tower and got on his knees.

  “Much better, my friend. I feel much more comfortable now.”

  Kian’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not your friend. I did as you asked, now let her go.”

  The Dark One slowly loosened his grip on the Queen. “Don’t forget, one word from me and the child dies.”

  Kian could see the hatch to the tower was open, he had no doubt Siro was down there with the Queen’s baby listening to every word.

  Raygan fell
to her hands and knees. Kian could see she was in a great deal of pain.

  The sorcerer waved his fingers and then clenched his fist towards Kian. A flaming bolt of green fire shot forward and struck the swordsman square in the chest.

  Kian flinched, he looked down at his chest, nothing, the magical bolt hadn’t harmed him at all. He jumped to his feet glaring at the wizard.

  The Dark One shrugged. “Forgive me, but a colleague of mine said you might be immune to magic, due to the dragon heart I put inside you, it seems she was correct.”

  Dragon heart? What had this vile monster done to him? Kian’s anger began to build. He had been mutilated on the inside as well as the outside. He could not hold back the animal inside him.

  “Now you die, wizard.” Kian charged the Dark One, almost covering the distance across the roof in a single move, his speed was so incredible, but it was not fast enough. The masked man lifted his left arm and raised his wrist. An iron spike shot out from his sleeve, Kian tried to move out of the way but he was too late. The spike buried itself deep in his left side, spinning him to the ground.

  “I don’t die so easy, swordsman, maybe my magic won’t work on you, but I am not without skills of my own.”

  The pain from the spike was excruciating, but Kian jumped to his feet. He reached down and pulled the sharp piece of metal from his side and cast it over the battlements.

  “You are formidable opponent, but not too smart.” The wizard jeered. Quickly, the Dark One pulled a small crossbow from behind his back and fired.

  Kian caught the bolt in midair right before it hit his chest. Leaping high in the air, Kian jumped towards the wizard, kicking him full in the chest, sending the sorcerer flying across the rooftop.

  “You talk too much, wizard,” the swordsman said as he reached down and helped the Queen to her feet. “Are you all right, Majesty?” he asked.

  “Just get me away from here,” the Queen shrieked.

  The Dark One regained his feet and drew his other short sword and spun both the blades with deadly expertise. “Let us finish this.” Kian gently pushed the Queen out of the way. The two men charged each other.

  Siro was holding the Queen’s baby, looking into its tiny little eyes. His master said he could make the baby one of his special people, if worst come to worst, and he hoped it would. With the baby and his undead woman, Kara, he could have his very own family. Siro snickered to himself, that would really get the master’s goat. He did wonder why his master would allow him to harm the Queen’s child, but not the other child that they had stolen. It would be wonderful to have a girl and a boy. He smiled at the possibilities. The master had told him not to lay a finger on the little girl but hadn’t told him why. He would just have to find a female child somewhere else. Kara would be so pleased with a girl child.

  He was daydreaming when the blow came, he never even heard her come up behind him. Isabella caught the baby as Siro collapsed to the stone floor. She smiled down at child and headed towards the roof.

  Kian could not believe the skill the wizard possessed. He was cut in several places and the sorcerer had put two daggers in him. One in the leg and one in his shoulder, none of the wounds were lethal but they had slowed him down. He would have to be more careful, the wizard was more dangerous than he had thought.

  The Dark One knew he could not win this fight. If Kian had been armed, he would be dead now. It was only his experience and skill at anticipating an opponent’s moves that had kept him alive this far. It was time to end this before someone got killed, most likely him.

  Glancing sideways, the wizard saw Raygan crawling towards the hatch. It was time to make his move.

  “Siro, come up here now. It has been fun blade master, but it’s time for you to surrender if you wish the child to live.” The Dark One looked at Kian and grinned beneath his mask.

  They both saw Isabella come through the hatch with the baby in her arms. The Queen gasped in relief and went straight to the blonde girl.

  The wizard looked at the two women seemingly confused. It was all the distraction Kian needed, he surged forward and punched the unsuspecting wizard in the chest; the blow hurled the masked man from his feet. As he flew backwards, Kian wrenched one of the short swords from his hand.

  The wizard rolled to his feet, clutching his chest, Kian pointed the sword at him and advanced, wary of the wizard’s tricks.

  “You might have broken my breast bone, I should have been more wary of your strength.”

  Kian said nothing, he felt the weight of the short sword, it was lighter and shorter than what he was used to, but it would do. He stalked toward his enemy.

  The wizard backed away, switching his remaining sword to his left hand. “Now, Kian, can’t we talk this over?”

  “No more talking.” Kian lunged smoothly for his foe’s throat. As he did the Dark One stepped back and pulled his hand back into his sleeve slightly then flung his right arm forward. A fine powder flew into Kian’s eyes. The swordsman’s eyes immediately began to burn and water. He couldn’t see, the wizard had blinded him.

  “I told you before, I don’t die so easy.” The sorcerer swung his sword at Kian’s leg, the Half Elven swordsman blocked the attack on instinct. Another blow came at his side, again he parried the strike. Many times over the years Gildor had him train blindfolded. He had to use his hearing to listen for attacks and anticipate his opponent’s moves. He had hated it, now he thanked the Gods that Gildor had been such a thorough teacher.

  He calmed himself and used his heightened hearing to listen for the wizard’s movements but there was nothing. The attacks had stopped.

  Already his vision was beginning to clear. He rubbed his eyes trying to bring his sight back.

  “You put up a good fight, Kian, you’re just out classed,” he heard the wizard say. As the vision came back into his right eye, he saw the Dark One had stepped back away from him. His adversary muttered a word and stomped his foot, a crack appeared in the roof of the tower and advanced quickly towards him. Kian jumped up on the towers battlements but it was no use, the battlement collapsed along with a large section of the roof. He fell, along with a large part of the top of the wizard’s tower.

  Isabella had gotten the Queen down into the tower, away from the fighting she had put the Queen’s baby into its mother’s arms.

  Raygan looked down at her baby boy for the first time. “He’s beautiful, Isabella, I can never thank you enough for helping us you saved both our lives.”

  The young blonde girl gently stroked the baby’s head. “I know you would have helped me if you could, milady, I bear you no ill will. I don’t believe what the Dark One said. I would still like to be your servant, if you’ll have me,”

  The Queen shook her head. “No, Isabella, you will never be a servant again.”

  “Have I done something wrong, milady?”

  Raygan gave the girl a smile and stroked her cheek. “Oh no, Bella, you have been a loyal and true friend to me, it’s I that have done the wrong. I will make it up to you if we ever get back to Bandara, you’re a friend to Raygan Albana Blackthorn now, not the Queen’s servant, and you will be treated as such.”

  Isabella looked at Raygan awkwardly. “Should I call you Raygan now, milady? I don’t think I could do that.”

  Tears filled the Queen’s eyes and she hugged Isabella. “You can call me whatever you like, dear girl.”

  Isabella looked down the stairs. “I know a way out but we should get the other baby first.”

  Raygan was at a loss. “What other baby?”

  “They had a baby girl older than yours, but still very young.”

  Raygan nodded. “I wouldn’t leave a baby goat with these monsters, let’s find the girl and get out.”

  They heard a large crash, it sounded like the tower was falling apart. Isabella drew her sword. “Let’s hurry milady, the child is down stairs.”

  The Dark Wizard sheathed his short sword and walked over to the edge of the tower, careful to not get too cl
ose to where his magic had destroyed the roof. He peered down and saw Kian climbing out of the rubble. The Half Elf was limping and looked like he was bleeding from his scalp.

  He watched as Kian walked over and pick up Malice from where it had landed. “Cats truly do have nine lives,” the Dark One whispered to himself.

  Kian had barely had enough time to right himself and land on his feet before he hit the ground. The fall hadn’t injured him, it was all the debris that had fallen with the towers roof. His vision was fine now except for the blood that ran down his face from the nasty cut on his head. It clouded the vision in one of his eyes, but that was okay, when he got back to the top the wizard would die. He only needed one eye for that.

  Kian thought he would have to dodge stones, mortar, and magic as he climbed back to the top of the tower, but the wizard had hurled nothing at him, as he hopped over the edge Kian saw the Dark One standing with his one remaining short sword in hand. “I must say I am very proud of my work. You are amazing half-breed. It is a shame I must destroy you.” The wizard took a fighting stance. “So, we finish this now swordsman?”

  Kian wiped blood from his face and nodded his agreement. The sorcerer untied his cape and threw it down on what remained of the stone roof. “Fitting it should end this way, Kian, you and I are both marked by the Old Gods. I’m sure they are taking an interest in how this all turns out.”

  Kian lunged forward without a word, the wizard only just parried the strike and his counter attack was far too slow. His creation had reflexes beyond anything human or Elven. There was just no way for him to win.

  Their blades clashed over and over, the Dark One knew Kian was toying with him. The Half Elf’s skill was unbelievable. When Kian decided to kill him, it would be over. He wasn’t used to losing and it angered him.

  Kian feinted to his left and then spun quickly back to the right. The Dark One had no time to counter his blade was out of his hand and spinning through the air. The Half Elf had disarmed him with ease.

  As he watched his sword fly over the edge of the tower, Kian kicked his bad leg out from under him. He was on his backside with the swordsman’s blade at his throat; he had seconds to live. He had the ring but he would have to get close and that was not going to happen. He did have one other choice. His creation did have a weak spot.


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