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BARE HANDS - A Bad Boy Romance Novel

Page 9

by Gabi Moore

  “That hurts,” she said.

  “I know.”

  Her lower lip trembled.

  “Is it supposed to hurt so much?” she asked. I felt a pang deep inside. Like she was trying to get inside of me.

  “I’m going to make it hurt even more…” I growled, and surprised myself. While her eyes widened in panic, her body opened further to me, and she twitched around me, drenched. I rammed in another inch, but this time she swallowed hard to stop from crying out. I kissed her again and thrust in more. Then kissed her again. One inch in, one kiss. One unit of pain, one unit of apology.

  By the time I had crammed my full length into her, I could feel her melting all around me. Little ripples fluttered through her, her heat and desperation lapping in waves all along my cock. For one still, perfect moment, I looked down at her, and at the beautiful agony on her face, and something stirred in me. She was mine. I had claimed her, inside, and I would do things to her that she had never felt before.

  I drew back my hips and brought them down again roughly, my cock a slick piston that slid out easily and rammed back into her little body again, forcing a scream from her throat. I plunged again into her, and again, mercilessly. I wrapped my hands round her waist and pulled her onto me, and with each fuck she gasped out loud and shuddered, opening more and more to my body. I couldn’t get deep enough inside. I pulled her slight frame down onto my lap and drove into her with more energy, her long torso lying back onto the mattress, hands bound, hair fanned out. She didn’t resist at all. She just melted into the pain, and as I tore away at her virginity, her body dissolved around mine.

  Chapter Fifteen - Penelope

  I was so sore I couldn’t stand. It was amazing. I staggered to my feet, my wrists burning at the leather strip, my damp hair in knots, and for a second I felt completely raw and empty without him in me.

  “Go onto your knees. Put your ass in the air,” he barked. My whole body was ringing out with pain and pleasure. Drenched in his sweat and mine, I obeyed and turned over onto my knees. Even before he entered me again I started moaning. Head pressed into the mattress, I peered between my own knees and admired his immense, strong legs. He slid into me again. Right to the hilt of his hard, flat abdomen, he pressed that monster into me, nearly lifting me from the mattress. My knees were weak. My mouth was open but I was too overwhelmed to scream.

  And then he fucked me. Till my body sang, he fucked me. I could feel every inch of him as it sunk in deep and hard, breaking me open right at the core, pressing in wave after wave of burning pleasure. I let him. While my body crumpled and submitted, his only grew stronger and harder, dominating mine. And I let it.

  Did I think of Dylan? Fuck yes I did. I imagined his face; his dry, hateful face, and imagined him seeing me now, in all my glory. I wanted him to really see me, and see this strong, bad man and what he was doing to me, and most of all, I wanted him to see just how much I loved it. I fucking loved it.

  I wanted to sit him down and teach him a lesson for once. A good lesson: that the body is wonderful and glorious and profane and dirty. And that dirtiness can clean you. And good can be bad, and bad good, and pain is just a kind of pleasure and that most of all, he didn’t get to tell me what I thought about all of that anymore. No more.

  Something wild and unsettling was growing in my belly. A swirling, pulsing sensation that throbbed out in pulses that grew more and more intense. Something threatened to burst. Something threatened to break loose and run free.

  “What’s happening?” I cried out, and felt his strong hands at my waist.

  “You’re going to come” he said. He grabbed hold of the leather strip and yanked, pulling my body upwards. I was pinned against him, unable to get away, and now he was reaching even deeper into me than before. I started shaking.

  His other hand went to my throat and grasped me there, hard. My vision went grey and then white and then nothing. The last thread of my breath disappeared out from my throat and all that remained was the stunning, white-hot pleasure searing between my legs. I felt like he would split me in two. Then it hit. The wobbling sensation inside me swelled and finally broke. I tried to speak but had no breath. The room blacked out around me and nothing existed except his hard, merciless shaft inside me. He banged his hips once more into mine and my body quaked and shuddered.

  I came. Long and hard, all over his cock, I came. His hand loosened on my neck and all the color came back to the room, but a second, gasping wave came after me and slammed my body again. Fluid came gushing out from my body and washed over my legs and his, and I whimpered and cried out. Still twitching, he slid himself out and left me raw and open. I collapsed down on to the bed, hands still bound, wrists bleeding. My entire body was drenched.

  My eyes blinked open and I saw him kneeling above me. His large chest rose and fell with deep, heavy breaths. He was panting, slick with sweat, fists clenched. His tattoos seemed to have come alive, almost as though they were dancing menacingly over his tight body, black and green and dark blue.

  “Viktor, I want that special herb. The one that you said unlocks the carnal pleasures. Give it to me,” I said still crumpled down beneath him, my voice crackling.

  He smiled and slapped my ass cheek, hard enough that the sound rang out in the cabin and stung my skin.

  “I already did,” he said and leaned in.

  I could do nothing but laugh. He came to lay beside me and we sat in silence for a moment. A thick goo trickled from out of me.

  “What’s…?” I said.

  He looked down, lifted my leg and examined me with pride.

  “Oh no! There it goes. Don’t worry, I’ll have to put some more in for you…” he laughed, and leaned in for another kiss.

  And that’s what he did.

  Chapter Sixteen - Viktor

  I didn’t think there was any space in my life, for her. But she fit, somehow. Her little hands, her narrow feet, her dainty, fragile ideas …they sunk into my world like water sinks into the holes between sand grains. It’s not that she took up any room, but nevertheless, she was always there. Even when she wasn’t there, I felt her.

  Living in the forest tunes you to all the beautiful, exotic masks life puts on …but Penny was so human. There was something so arresting about the way you could watch an idea flicker across her pretty face, like wind going over a dune. Or the way her voice shivered a little and then dropped in pitch when she was unsure of herself. Or the way the hair on the back of her neck prickled then relaxed again, like the skin of a peach, but alive.

  “We don’t need gardens. What we need is more community centers. Mama Tembi’s is the perfect example. It’s just a potential space, you know? It can be what it needs to be, and nobody is interfering or forcing anything. So it can just evolve as it needs to. The resources can just go where they need to go...” she said, winding a small braid round her fingers.

  She had taken to talking about the mission a lot lately. The first crop of maize had been planted and she was proud, and itching to do something more. Something substantial.

  “The Vikings did that. Had a ‘hall’, and all the village activities went on in there. Eating. Drinking. Trials. Weddings. It was like the original town hall,” I said.

  She smiled at me and carried on twirling.

  “Yes, exactly. A town hall, but different. But when I say “community center” the mission leaders hear “church” …but I’m working on it,” she said.

  The heat and hard work had been good for her. She was so relaxed these days. When I first met her, she was like a hard, brittle case filled with jelly. All good Christian manners on the outside, holding in a molten core of hunger and rage and energy. Now, she was the reverse. She had gained a little weight, and softened somehow. She was loose and easy in her body, and yet I noticed something hard at her core. Something new and strong and a little defiant. It was a beautiful transformation.

  Call me arrogant, but I liked to think that I had a hand in it. That in binding her, I had broken al
l her real chains. That by dominating her body, claiming it as mine, and yes, pushing her hard, I had released her, and loosened something indescribably sweet and free.

  “You don’t really need their permission, Penny,” I said. I had said the same thing to her countless times over the last few months.

  “I know. But still, it would be great to get a hold of some of that funding!” she laughed and nuzzled into me. Her bare legs were relaxing long down off the mattress and onto the floor, and looked so white and soft next to mine. She had taken to wearing sarongs, too, these days, and traditional shirts and dresses, although I hadn’t the heart to tell her I liked her better in denim shorts and Pep Store shirts.

  “Yeah, but like I told you, they’re not the only ones with resources. You have ideas for the garden. Real ideas. That’s worth more than money alone. And you have me.” I instantly regretted saying it. I wasn’t used to this sort of sappy bullshit. These fawning, sugary sentiments. I could live without her. She didn’t complete me. But I would have cut off my right arm if it would have made her happy.

  She turned and beamed me a bright, easy smile.

  “Well, good to know, Vik, if I ever want to turn the plot into a massive weed operation, I’ll come to you first” she laughed.

  I frowned and said nothing.

  “Hey, I’m just joking. I just meant …well, forget it.”

  I would forget it. She wouldn’t be the first to draw a line between “legitimate” and “illegitimate” and put me on the unflattering side. I got it. It was a lot to ask of her. I didn’t blame her for being a little ashamed of me. A little frightened, even.

  I looked down again at her white legs and felt a kick inside. We had already fucked this morning, but I wanted her again. She complained sometimes, that her body was overwhelmed, and that she was a little sore. That I was too big for her.

  Good. I wanted to leave my mark on her body. Let her hurt a little. Let her walk around out there in the world, and feel the memory of me between those girly little thighs of hers, and know that she couldn’t even for a second forget me, and what I could do to her body with mine.

  I placed a hand on her knee and stroked. Just like the sun never set on the once glorious British empire, I wanted to conquer her body, her little pussy never going a full day without me. Never more than a few hours away from a brutal fucking, like she deserved. Always returning to me. Always open, for me.

  I slid my hand up and she stopped talking, realizing my intent.

  “Again?” she whispered. I pulled my sarong off, took her hand and placed it at my crotch, where I was hard for her again. Her hands always struggled to fit around me. I loved seeing that. I loved measuring myself against her: I knew her entire body in cock-lengths, like a hunter knows his hunting ground by paces. One length from her sweet cunt to her belly-button. One length from her wrist to the crook of her inner arm. One length for her pretty face, crown to chin. Inside, though, once I eased into her and she opened to me, she was boundless.

  “Yes, again. Suck me.”

  She leaned over and put her head in my lap, curling her legs into a fetal position and cozying up to my crotch as though she was about to sing it to sleep. With affectionate hands she stroked the tight curls at my groin, then dragged fairy-light fingers over my rapidly stiffening dick. She nuzzled the tip, and the faintest puff of her breath wisped over me.

  “Where am I, Vik?” she asked in a sleepy tone, still twirling her fingers over my inner thighs, teasing.

  “You’re here, with me,” I whispered.

  “But where is this? Am I in a dream…?”

  Sometimes she got into this mood. I always forget how far she’s come; how young she is. And how overwhelming all of this must seem sometimes to her.

  “You’re in Mchinji, in the south of the Mehinji reserve, in a wooden cabin with a man you love, and you’re about to put his cock in your throat,” I said playfully.

  “A man that I love?” she said, still dreamily gazing at nothing. We had never used that word. It just slipped out. I didn’t care.

  “It’s just a word. But yes, you love him. He is, after all, eminently lovable” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

  She passed her lips and cheeks over me again and again, taking me in, and I swelled and grew at her faintest touch.

  “And you love her?” she purred.

  I mumbled yes, and stroked her hair.

  “You’ve loved me a little too hard lately…” she said, giggling. I love it when she was like this, eyes all glazed over and twinkly. She was fun when she was stoned. And even more fun when I gave her mushrooms. But sometimes she just spontaneously got like this, for no reason.

  “Well, you can have a little rest now, if you suck me …but if you don’t do it right, I might just have to fuck you anyway.”

  She laughed out loud and gave me a sparkly-eyed look. I watched my swollen tip disappear into her little mouth and sighed as her lips closed round me. She had learnt so quickly. She had been a truly ferocious student, lapping up everything I threw her way, always keen for the next lesson.

  As her tongue lashed over the rock solid length of me, I thought of what that next lesson would be: I wanted to fuck her ass. It would take time. But I wanted no part of her unclaimed, unexplored. And when she cried out in pain I wanted to be the one to soothe it away again and kiss her tears. My cock bounced in her throat and she instantly moaned, swallowing down a little more. Laying on her side, I could rest my hand on her shoulder and lean back.

  Lazy dust motes wandered and floated in the sunbeam that came through the window and made a stretched out square on the floor in front of her. The birds outside were still, and everything else was still too, and warm. I shut my eyes and savored the feel of her. Zoomed in my focus on every flick of her tongue, on the delicious way her lips slid up and down me. Whatever I had, I wanted to give it to her.

  As she eased me to the edge of a warm, liquid orgasm, I thought that yes, I would fuck her anyway. She was mine and I was hers.

  Chapter Seventeen - Penelope

  “I’ve never done this before,” I said. The instant I said it, though, it felt phony and I laughed at myself. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that. Of course I haven’t done this before. You know that already…” I said.

  It always seemed so unnecessary to flirt with someone like Vik. It seemed almost too crass. Instead, I had gotten into the habit of looking at him square in the face, and telling him just exactly what I wanted, when I wanted it, without any beating around the bush. I never felt so gloriously naked as I did with him. We were Adam and Eve in a garden all our own making, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world to just look into those beautiful clear light eyes and say, “Now, I’m hungry for you right now” and then we’d fuck.

  No appetite of mine was ever alien to him, no suggestion was out of bounds, no confession too dark for him to hear. His body had so thoroughly claimed mine, that when we were naked together, there was no distinction between them anymore. Nothing we did could be wrong. We hadn’t said “love” again, but this, too, seemed a little crass and unnecessary. The way he looked into my eyes whenever I rode him, the tenderness in his fingertips when he brought me to a thundering orgasm …it all made that paltry word seem more than a little redundant.

  “Ok, either you stop wriggling or I’m going to have to tie your legs as well and make you stop wriggling.”

  We were on the floor of the cabin. I was on my side, half curled in a fetal position, with my butt perched a little on his lap as he sat, feet bent underneath him. One strong hand on my hips, he had been stroking his other hand teasingly over my clit, tracing little circles right where he knew they’d drive me the craziest.

  I looked up and saw him above me, his strong body erect with the perfect posture, and he was staring down at me with so much focus it was like I was a puzzle he was trying to figure out. My arms were bound together from the wrists to the elbows, and pinned behind me so that one breast pressed gentl
y against the floor. His fingers circled and circled and circled …the throbbing pleasure there was so intense it was becoming harder and harder to stop myself tumbling over the edge and just coming already.

  “Penny, I can tell what you’re thinking, and so help me if you come now, you’re going to be in big trouble.”

  His voice sent fresh prickles all over my skin.

  I groaned. “Oh god… just do it already! I’m ready, I swear” I said.

  “Not yet” he said and carried on stroking me at his own leisurely, infuriating pace. I was so wet there were barely any friction to speak of, and his fingers glided and slipped over my swollen lips. With how close I was to coming, it was probably just as well.

  At last, he took his sarong off, and his cock thumped heavy against my naked hip. I writhed in agony.

  “Oh God I want it Vik! Just fuck me, we’ll try all this other stuff tomorrow or something…” I whined, desperate just to have him inside me, for him to fuck me silly and give me some relief.

  “I said not yet” he said again, a cocky little smile on his lips.

  Eventually he dipped his fingers into the pool of wetness, slid a slick finger out and then anointed the entrance to my ass, drawing tiny glistening rings around it. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to focus on the dancing stars behind my eyelids.

  “Penny, don’t come…” he said and sweet lord did it take every ounce of energy to hold off.

  In went the finger, and the sensation was odd …yet pleasurable.

  “Tell me how it feels” he said. I squirmed a little.

  “It feels …it feels good. I want more.”

  Inside me, his finger stroked large circles, pushing out against my body. I breathed in deep and tried to relax into the delicious burning that radiated from out of his fingers.


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