The Sheikh's Proposal
Page 15
She was quiet for a moment, mulling over what he’d said, afraid to let herself believe what he’d said, that they’d stay married the rest of their lives. Could he truly mean it?
“You forced me into an arranged marriage,” she said.
“I hear they can be the best kind. Ours will be the best.”
“I love you,” she said softly.
“I love you,” he replied promptly. He kissed her briefly, then took her hand to lead her outside. “Forget your uncertainty, we will have a wonderful life together. Promise me you’ll stay.”
She smiled, her joy reflected in her eyes. “I promise!”
Sara stepped forward to greet the dawn, not only of a new day, but of her new life. A life of love and happiness with Kharun, her own desert raider. Her own desert sheikh.
ISBN: 978-1-4603-6581-6
First North American Publication 2003.
Copyright © 2002 by Barbara McMahon.
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