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Magic, New Mexico: Etched In Stone (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Susan Hayes

  “You take as long as you need. I’m immortal, remember?”

  * * *

  Stone carried his beautiful lover to the bed, holding her with one arm while he threw back the covers. Once she was settled in the center of the mattress, he crawled in beside her and pulled the blankets over them both. She snuggled up to him so tightly there was no space between their bodies, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he needed to be inside her again. Now his human side was dominant, his needs and desires were riding him hard. Food, drink, and sex; he wanted to indulge in all of them over and over again.

  “If you don’t sleep, won’t you be bored lying here with me all night?” she asked.

  “Never. Besides, I have no intention of letting you sleep yet. I want to watch you come apart in my arms a few more times, first.”

  “And then what? You’ll watch me as I snore and drool in my sleep?”

  Stone shook his head and smiled. “Then I will guard my lady as she slumbers. It’s my duty and my honor.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, there is a television in the living room, and my computer is in my office; the room right across the hall. You need to catch up on what you missed in the world while you were trapped.”

  He tweaked the tip of her nose between his fingertips. “I would rather be here with you. I was alone so long that lying here with you will be far more satisfying than anything else; unless of course, it’s making love to you. That is the most satisfying thing I have ever done.”

  “You’re too good to be true, Stone.”

  “Hardly. I’m a magical construct with limited experience living in modern times. I’ll need your help to adjust. I’ve been a spectator for so long I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be part of the world.”

  “Well, it’s nice to know there is something I can help you with. Maybe we can come up with a last name for you, too. You are going to need one, along with some proper identification and other documents. I know some folks who can help with that. You won’t be the first new arrival to Magic who needed such things.”

  “An identity and money, I’ll need help creating a life for myself. I also think you should choose a surname for me. My first master gave me the name of Stone. He was a practical man, and I don’t think he gave it much thought. I believe you can do better with my surname.”

  She flashed a wicked grin and chuckled. “What about McHottie? Or maybe Mr. Stone Studmuffin?”

  He laughed at her suggestions. “I’m flattered, but do you really want to introduce me to your family as Stone Studmuffin?”

  She winced. “Right. Good point. Dad would go for the swords the moment he heard your name.”

  Stone leaned in to kiss her before making his request. “I would like it if you named me something related to you. Not your surname, but something with meaning for you. You’re the first one to concern yourself with the details of my life, or even if I was comfortable or not. I would like my name to remind me of you.”

  “In that case, what do you think of Carver?” she asked. “That’s my career, after all, and it’s the reason we met.”

  The moment she said it, Stone knew it was the right name. “That’s perfect. From this day forward, I’ll be known as Stone Carver. Thank you.”

  “I think I should be thanking you. No one’s trusted me to name so much as a puppy before, and now I’ve given you a last name. If you change your mind, I won’t be offended about any of this.”

  There it was again. Stone heard her offering him yet another chance to walk away and knew the time had come to make something clear to his little rescuer. “Stop that, Adina. I don’t know what kind of inconsiderate louts you’ve been dating; or why they were stupid enough to walk out of your life, but I’m not like them. I don’t need your permission to change my mind because that’s not going to happen. I have been alive for centuries and I have never felt this kind of connection to anyone. I’m not going anywhere; remember? You don’t have to believe that yet, but don’t keep trying to tell me it’s alright to leave.”

  “My mother says it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don’t expect guys to stay with me, so they don’t. She is always after me to stop doing it, but she was the one who told me that’s what would always happen.”

  He held her close and rolled over so that he was on his back, and she was lying on top of him. He tangled his hands in the silken fall of her hair and gazed into her eyes. “Your mother told you no man would stay with you? What woman would say that to her own daughter?”

  Adina shrugged. “One gifted with clairvoyance and a very persistent daughter who wanted to know the name of her true love. Mom always warned my brother and me that knowing the future was a double-edged blade. When I pushed, she told me that my true love would be the rocks and stones I sculpted. That’s why I know you won’t stay with me. You’re not my true love. I don’t have one.”

  He frowned at her. “I see several flaws in your logic, sweetling. First, you dreamed of me, and I dreamed of you. That wasn’t random chance. We were brought together for a reason. Secondly, even if I am not your true love, I’m bound to you for the rest of your life. I’m your protector and that’s all there is to it.”

  “But she’s never wrong,” Adina argued.

  “Maybe she isn’t, but I do know a few things about destiny and predicting the future. After all, my masters were once a family of very powerful magicians. I believe our futures can be changed. Sometimes it takes a tremendous amount of effort; sometimes it’s the smallest choice that can alter our destiny. I also happen to know that even the most gifted seer can misinterpret what they see. That’s one of the reasons why prophecies are so irritatingly vague.”

  “My mother is going to love you. She is always complaining that no one understands the limitations of her gift.”

  “And yet you’ve accepted her prophecy of never finding your true love without question.” he stated.

  “I…But that’s…it’s not the same thing,” she stammered.

  “I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m only suggesting that you might want to open yourself up to other possibilities.” He lifted his head and brushed a tender kiss to her lips.

  “You’re very smart, do you know that? I’m starting to see why some of your masters found you irritating.”

  “I’ve had centuries to watch and learn a great many things about human nature. It’s an advantage I’m quite happy to use when necessary.”

  Adina muttered something he couldn’t quite make out about cocky older men as she slid down his body far enough to vanish beneath the blankets. Seconds later she was kissing her way across his chest, and Stone chose not to interrupt her with any further comments.

  She teased him with light touches, feather-soft caresses and the delicate waft of her breath fanning across his skin. Stone had to grip the bed sheets to keep him from taking control. His cock was as hard as his namesake and his need for her blazed hotter with every touch of her lips. When she traced her tongue around his nipple, he couldn’t hold back his groan of pleasure, and when she did it again, he gripped the bed sheets hard enough to hear the fabric tear. Damn. He would have to replace those…and the garments he tore off her earlier.

  Adina’s only reaction to the damage was to laugh softly and redouble her efforts. Soon she was kissing her way down his stomach, exploring every ridge of his abs with her lips and tongue. By the time she reached his navel, Stone was hanging onto the last shred of his control. When her mouth reached the head of his cock, he nearly came on the spot. If being trapped in stone had been hell, then surely being here with Adina was as close as a creature like him might ever come to heaven.

  She knelt between his legs and wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft. Her calloused hands felt better than he imagined they would. He could feel every rough edge against the sensitive skin of his cock, a perfect contrast to the soft heat of her mouth as she took him deeper.

  “Damn it! You’re going to break me if you keep that up.”

  A l
ow hum of amusement was her only reply. The vibrations coursed through him, making his balls tighten and his cock twitch. She circled the crown of his shaft with her tongue and his hips lifted off the bed in response. Every bob of her head and pump of her fist pushed him closer to his breaking point, and soon Stone found himself thrusting into her mouth with primal urgency.

  That was the moment she released him and scrambled out from underneath the covers. Her hair was in disarray, her lips swollen, and her eyes were gleaming with laughter as she reappeared. “I think I have you at a disadvantage right now, old man.”

  “Witch!” he growled playfully before lunging after her. She was laughing as he pinned her to the bed and covered her with his body.

  “Nuh-uh. My cousin Anneke is the witch, not me. You’ll meet her soon. She is the one I’m going to ask for help to free you.”

  He bent his head down to kiss her as he settled himself into the cradle of her thighs. “I hope she can do it, but even if she is successful, I have no intention of leaving you, sweetling.”

  “I hope not, but I want the choice to be yours.”

  Her words resonated deep in his heart and for a moment, he was at a loss for something to say. She was the most generous, incredible woman in the world. No one else had ever offered him so much, and she had done so without hesitation.

  “Either way, I know where I belong, right here with you.” He groaned the last syllable as he slid into her slick heat and buried himself to the hilt. Her inner walls pulsed around him and he knew that no matter what happened, this was where he was supposed to be. He was meant to be here, watching over the beauty that had offered him the one thing he was never given, a choice.


  Adina had intended to call her cousin first thing the next morning and ask for her help, but somehow that didn’t happen. Instead, she and Stone spent a decadent day making love, talking, and introducing Stone to some of the wonders of the modern world. She cooked some of her favorite foods for him to try, showed him her smartphone, and played video games. They watched movies, cuddled, and spent so much time in the shower they ran out of hot water, twice.

  The next day she contacted Anneke and asked her to come by in the afternoon. All she told her cousin was that she needed a favor to undo a powerful spell. She wasn’t ready to share Stone with the world yet, and once Anneke knew about him, it would only be a matter of time before everyone in town heard the news. Anneke had many good qualities, but her natural enthusiasm and tendency to babble meant she found it almost impossible not to share the happy news. Adina’s vagueness had only bought her a few more hours, but it was more time she was happy to spend with Stone.

  Any minute now, their break from reality would come to an end.

  “When did you say your cousin was arriving?” Stone asked, careful not to move from his pose.

  They were in her studio, hiding from the heat of the day. A minor spell kept the temperature comfortable all year round without the need for heat or air conditioning, which made it a haven on hot summer days. She had given Stone a tour of the place, describing her current projects and what each piece would eventually be. When they reached the large piece of marble that would eventually be her centaur statue, she had been struck with the idea to use Stone as her model. It also gave her an opportunity to ask him to make his shirt vanish so she could enjoy looking at his gorgeous and well-muscled form. Stone was currently sitting on a stool while she sketched him from various angles.

  “I’m not sure Anneke actually owns a watch, so the family has learned not to expect her at a certain time. It’s best to remain vague. We tend to tell her to show up in the morning if we want her to arrive by the afternoon, or we tell her to come in the afternoon if we want her over for dinner. Since it’ll be dinner time soon, I would say she’ll be here any time now.”

  Stone snorted with laughter. “The more I learn about your family, the more interesting they sound. Anything else I should be aware of before her arrival?”

  She pondered that question for a minute. “You know the expression that some people march to the beat of their own drum? Well, Anneke dances to her own personal orchestra. She is the kindest soul I’ve ever met and a very talented witch, but there are times I wonder if she lives in the same world as the rest of us.”

  Stone quirked a dark brow at her, “And this is the woman you’re trusting to undo the spells that bind me?”

  “When it comes to magic, she’s exceptional. Her mother and my mother are sisters, and she got a unique version of the family talent. She can’t see the future; she sees magic instead. We think it’s because her father is part vampire and part witch. It’s a potent combination, especially since she got his ability to cast spells, too.”

  Stone stared at her. “Vampires? There really are vampires?”

  “I think I mentioned that the first day we met,” she said with a smirk.

  “Vampires. Next thing you’ll be telling me there are mermaids in the town fountain…if this place even has a fountain.”

  “Don’t be silly. Mermaids couldn’t possibly live in a fountain, there isn’t anywhere near enough space for them there.”

  “Wait, are you telling me there are mermaids?”

  Before she could answer, Stone’s head snapped up. “We have company. You can tell me about the mermaids another time.”

  “I don’t hear anything. Are you sure?” she asked, unable to hear anything that would indicate there was someone coming.

  “I’m sure. A small car, coming up the driveway.” He paused. “They’ve stopped and a car door just slammed shut.”

  “That is impressive and a little bit freaky, Stone. I can’t hear a thing.”

  “I have enhanced senses. I was created to be a glorified guard dog, remember?” He grinned at her and rose from the stool. He stretched, rolled his shoulders, and then held out his hand to her. “Shall we go meet your cousin? She’s headed this way.”

  “You’re not a dog, Stone. Don’t put yourself down that way,” she told him as she took his hand.

  “I’ll stop if you do, sweetling.”

  Warmth bloomed in her heart at his words and she looked up to find him staring down at her, his granite-gray eyes full of sincerity. “I’ll try.”

  “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

  “You did not just quote Yoda to me, did you?” she asked as they headed for the door.

  “Movies were one of the ways I passed the time. At least, they were when I could get access to a computer or television. Star Wars was one of my favorites.”

  She laughed. “A centuries-old creature of magic who likes science-fiction. You’re a conundrum, my friend.”

  The door to the studio flew open and Anneke launched herself through it with her usual breathless enthusiasm. Her blonde hair was streaked with turquoise and green highlights that clashed with the orange and yellow polka-dot dress she was wearing. There was a crown of brightly colored wildflowers sitting askew atop her head. “Yoohoo! Adina? You in here? Of course you’re in here; you’re always here. Hey, hi! How are you—whoa! Who’s the big guy?”

  “Hi, Anneke. This is Stone, and he is the reason I called you. Stone, this is my cousin, Anneke Sokol.” Adina did the introductions and then reached out to nudge her cousin, who was staring at Stone in amazement.

  “What did you do, Adina? Wish one of your sculptures to life? Damn, he looks like he should be carved from marble and on display somewhere. That isn’t what you did, is it? Because if that’s it, then there is no way I’m putting him back. That would be a crime!”

  Stone chuckled. “She didn’t wish me into existence. But you’re not far off with the rest of it.”

  “So what’s the problem? A curse? I’m good with curses, enchantments, too. I’m working on a line of love potions to sell online, but somehow I don’t think that’s why you called me.” Anneke’s eyes dropped to Stone and Adina’s still-joined hands as she smiled knowingly.

  “Stone’s enchanted. We want to know i
f there is any way to break him free of the spell without harm,” Adina explained while doing her best to ignore the blush heating her cheeks.

  “Enchanted, huh? What kind of spell is it? What does it do? Are we talking something minor like random outbursts of song or something more serious? Which one of the locals did this to him, anyway?”

  Stone tapped the mark on his chest. “I was bound to a single family as their protector since the Middle Ages. The family line died out recently and I was sold. Adina bought me thinking I was something…else. Now I’m bound to her.”

  “Whoa. Seriously? Is that Adina’s name on your chest? Damn! All this time and you’re still as hot as hell and look like you’re in your late twenties. That’s some serious spellcraft.”

  “My masters were powerful magic users at one time. I was created to serve them.” Stone looked at Anneke. “Can you help me?”

  Anneke’s lips twisted into a wry expression. “I honestly don’t know, but I’ll try. You say you were created, not summoned, but created from nothing, poof, tada, you’re alive?”

  “I don’t remember coming into existence, but that is what my first master told me, yes. He conjured me. He hired a master artisan to create the statue and then did something to it. I gather it took several rituals and a great deal of preparation.”

  “Hold up. What statue?” Anneke asked.

  “Maybe it would be best if you showed her, Stone. It’s faster than trying to explain all this,” Adina interjected.

  “I think you’re right, sweetling.” He released her hand and took a few steps away from her so that he was standing in an empty space.

  Anneke moved to Adina’s side and gave her a wink. “Sweetling, huh? Lucky you.”

  “Actually, I think I’m the lucky one,” Stone said. A second later the man was gone and in his place was the gargoyle.

  “Goddess, I forgot how intimidating you look in that form.”

  Stone chuckled and grinned, flashing a hint of fang as he did so. His bat-like wings were partially unfurled, adding to his size. The horns that rose from his brow made him appear a few inches taller. His face and body were that of a monster, but she knew that he was still her Stone. Man or monster, it no longer mattered to her.


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