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Mary's Men

Page 4

by Stephanie Beck

  She ran her tongue along the line of his lips, but before he opened, he strode across the room, not stopping until her back touched the comforter of the bed. The stiff mattress didn’t offer much give, but the wide space gave plenty of room for Thomas to sit beside them. She pulled back from Paul to find Thomas sitting on the bed, resting back on his elbows, watching.

  He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, a smile on his face. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  “I second that,” Paul said.

  She turned back to her new husband and ran her hands up his strong back, tracing the muscles. He arched into her hands, like he’d been a long time without touch. He probably had. If his letters were true, he hadn’t been with a woman since she and Thomas started dating. She moved her hands to his front, taking her time following the light line of hair to his groin. He deserved something special.

  He held himself tighter with every inch her hand descended until she flicked open the snap of his jeans and freed his cock. She wrapped her fingers around him, surprised to find the differences in the brothers extended lower than she would have expected. He met her eyes and winked, as if he knew exactly what she’d noticed. In the interest of keeping the peace, she winked back and stroked his length without comment. She was sure Thomas and Paul knew each other’s endowments, there was no need to point anything out.

  Paul thrust lightly into her hand, his penis stiffening more each time until she started to worry she might be offering too much help. His lips descended onto her neck, taking biting kisses of flesh along the way. She gasped when he lingered on the crook of her neck, the deceptively innocent place always one that added gas to her fire.

  He put more weight on her, shaking her grip loose, but his cock settled in the cradle of her thighs. His lips moved lower. She tangled her fingers through his hair, encouraging him toward her breasts. He followed her lead and wrapped his lips around her already aroused nipple. She moaned and let her thighs open further, welcoming him closer. Her entire body tingled with desire, wanting more.

  Paul pulled away a second and looked sharply to the left. Mary turned as well to find Thomas holding a condom between two fingers. She grinned at him and took it, finding it already open. Paul’s eyes widened as she rolled it inch by inch over his cock. Next time she wanted a close-up view of the process, but getting him covered quickly served her purpose. She patted the tip of his cock before wrapping her arms around his middle again, encouraging him closer.

  “Are you ready?” he asked between biting kisses down her neck.

  She lifted her hips so he could help her with her pants. “Yep.”

  * * * *

  Paul gritted his teeth and wished he’d jacked off before leaving the ranch. He rolled her pants and panties down her legs, wanting to take more time to explore every new inch, but his patience was shot. If he’d known he’d have Mary in bed for the first time, he’d have stacked the deck in his favor, but he hadn’t, and now he pushed in, half an inch at a time, his balls already threatening to blow. He pushed up on his arms, hoping the distance would help, but the change in angle gave him access to slide deeper. His balls rested on her ass. She gasped and moaned. He bit his cheek.

  Her lips opened, the tiny ‘o’ sexier than anything he’d ever seen. She blinked, her pupils dilating in the dim morning light. Her hips rocked up and he stilled them with his hand.

  “This isn’t a free parking zone.” She rocked again. “Please, Paul.”

  He wouldn’t last, but he couldn’t park, like she’d said. Her stilted movements added more to frustration than to pleasure. He swallowed and hoped she was as ready as he was. He braced his fists outside her shoulders, clenching his fingers tight to distract him as he began pumping his hips. The shallow, easy movements met her small ones, each following thrust longer and harder than the previous. She clawed at him, her sharp fingernails on his back another distraction he tried to use to stay focused.

  She rolled her head left and right, the sexy moans increasing in intensity. She let go of his back and pushed her hands under her hips, elevating her pelvis.

  “Jeez.” His heart slammed into his chest at the new position, the depth and tightness elevating to new proportions.

  “Harder,” she gasped.

  Even as he followed her order, her muscles tightened against him, making each thrust torturous, but he bit his cheek and kept going, determined to see her satisfied, especially their first time. She shouted his name, ordering him to move faster and harder. He held on tight, doing as she commanded, but knowing he fought a losing battle. His cock twitched, the cum shooting out with an intensity he hadn’t experienced since his teens. He kept pumping, not willing to stop when she obviously didn’t want to.

  “More, more,” she cried, arching her back higher.

  Paul wanted to, he really did, but his dick felt numb and the tugging hurt. He panicked. The next best thing, going down on her, was an option, but the change of pace might lead to that exact awkward they’d been hoping to avoid. A tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality. Thomas stood at the edge of the bed, condom already on and ready. He circled his hands a few times, showing a flip. Paul nodded and pulled out, the last tug nearly painful, but quickly flipped Mary to her stomach.

  She looked over her shoulder first to him and then to Thomas. Paul leaned down and pressed a smacking kiss to her pretty ass cheek before moving aside. Thomas wasted no time, taking long, fast strokes that had Mary panting and hanging her head. She collapsed onto her elbows. Paul shifted away from Thomas and grabbed a pillow. Sweat glistened on Mary’s back as the morning sun rose higher. The tiny, delicate droplets complimented her skin. Paul ran his hand down her back, careful to stay well away from Thomas’s body. She arched into the touch.

  Paul opened his hand, laying his full palm on her. Her face whipped toward him, her eyes wide and wild. He tried to understand what she felt, having three hands on her for the first time. She quickly looked back to the bed, falling further on her forearms. Paul took the pillow and tucked it under her head. She wrapped her arms around it and pressed her face deep. It muffled her cries and curses, but she turned her face again and looked at him.

  The rocking from Thomas increased, but Paul focused on Mary. Her red cheeks and dazed eyes spoke of pleasure and surprise, but mostly pleasure. She brought her hand down against the pillow a few times, as if tapping out, but continued rocking. The last day caught up quickly as Paul laid on his side. He didn’t want to be tired, but as the cries of passion finally ebbed and the bed stopped its rhythmic rock, he relaxed in relief.

  Thomas stepped off the bed, and Mary slowly dropped to lying flat. She turned from the pillow to face him. Paul swept a strand of hair from her eyes.

  “That wasn’t awkward. Not one bit,” she mumbled, the words tripping over each other.

  “Yeah, I agree.” Thomas approached, back in his boxers with a blanket in his hands. “That was a great way to start. How offended will you be if I fall asleep shortly after consummating our marriage?”

  “How offended will you be if I fall asleep before finishing this sentence?”

  Thomas tossed the blankets over them. Paul covered Mary with them and settled beside her. Thomas did the same on the other side. The clock said they still had ten hours in the room. He hoped they didn’t use them all to sleep.

  “I love you,” she muttered.

  Paul looked over Mary’s head to Thomas who gazed back. Logic said that belonged to Thomas, but his heart said she loved them both.

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 5

  Mary couldn’t believe her new world. The modest gold ring on her finger hadn’t cost a lot, but she respected that it was what Paul and Thomas could afford on the spur of the moment. Telling Paul to drive to Vegas had been impulsive, a call to Thomas’s challenge, but when he’d done it…she’d had no excuse to say ‘no’. Once at the altar, she’d had no desire to say it either.

  She had called Aunt Marcy from the farm after she’
d gathered her clothes and things, explaining the nuptials. Her aunt knew the details already from long nights and too many bottles of wine. She’d been accepting, too accustomed to being shunned for her relationship choices to do the same. Marcy joking about their family being shaken up with a lesbian and now a pack of brother husbands took away a good portion of Mary’s stress over the situation, making the drive to Montana easier.

  Mary looked around the tiny space she’d already cleaned and reorganized. It wasn’t what she’d expected for her first day of married life, but it thrilled her somewhere she often ignored to have her own space, her own home, her own family.

  The angst and indecision were gone, replaced by the focus of one thing she’d truly trained for in her life. She knew how to be a wife. Heck yeah, she did. She’d not only had one mother, she’d had three. Each one showed her different pieces of what it took to have a happy, fulfilling relationship. Their lives revolved around pleasing one man—Mary figured she’d learned a few lessons from her father along the way and could keep more than one spouse happy.

  Mary sat down at the table she’d scrubbed clean with vinegar—a trick her own mother taught her. It was pretty hard to be a wife to an absent husband. After spending the last twenty-four hours straight with Thomas and Paul she found she missed them much more than anticipated. With two she’d have thought one or the other would be around most of the time. Fatigue pulled at her, but with one bed, she found herself hesitating. The cabin had one bed, two dressers, a sofa, television, and an open kitchen that, while small, offered more space than her former home.

  If she lay on the bed and the twins came home… She shivered. In the early morning light she’d loved them both individually. Paul’s hands on her while she coupled with Thomas opened doors she hadn’t known to knock on. Try as she might, she couldn’t get her mind around how they’d move as one, but just the thought made her body tingle.

  The intense quiet of Paraby Mountain combined with twenty-five hours without rest forced her to the orange and paisley couch. She tucked a blanket around her and closed her eyes, ready for the dreams she wanted to make a reality.

  * * * *

  Thomas found Mary snuggled in a blanket on the couch, her face relaxed in sleep.

  “Is it as crazy to you as it is to me that she’s actually here?” he asked.

  Paul shook his head, still looking a little green around the gills, much as he had since Mary challenged him to matrimony. Thomas would have been pleased as hell to marry her, but he understood why she’d pushed for Paul, even respected her more for it. She didn’t take the easy way, but the way that would make things last.

  Her curly brown hair skewed her face and he wanted to gently brush it aside, maybe even wake her for a kiss, but he let her sleep. She needed the rest and he needed to get a few job applications filled out.

  He headed for the dining room table. He’d agreed to stay at Paul’s house if they got Mary. Looking around, he realized he’d have to bring the shitty dorm furniture he’d intended to burn.

  “How’s this going to work with one bed?” Thomas asked, keeping his voice low as not to wake Mary.

  Paul shrugged, pouring himself a cup from the coffee pot he always kept full. “I have no freaking clue. Maybe we need to get bunk beds. It might sound assy, but I feel like a kid who wanted a toy so badly he pitched a fit and when he finally got it, doesn’t know how it works.”

  “What do you mean, how it works? We’re married. You know how marriages work. We’ve done the sex stuff before and this morning was a great start. None of this is new.”

  Paul set down his cup and rubbed his forehead. “I know. I’m just…fuck, I’m married.”

  “We’re married,” Thomas snapped. “Your name is on the paper, but we both married her.”

  “I know, I know.” Paul sat at the table with a rueful smile on his face. “I drove all the way down there with getting her on my mind. Now we’re married. We have a wife. The one thing that’s terrified us since we were kids.”

  Thomas cuffed his twin’s shoulder. “Yep. Don’t screw it up. Are you going to cook tonight?”

  Paul groaned. “I’m so fucking tired. But yes, I’ll fry up some steaks and potatoes.”

  “Works for me. Mary likes steak. Do you think we’re going to get a repeat of this morning or will be sharing the couch tonight?”

  Mary having the day to think could work for or against them. He’d hated leaving her, but had appointments to keep, same with Paul. Emotionally, they had some building to do with her. He was willing, but the couch didn’t look comfortable, even with Mary on it.

  Paul scrunched up his face, the bags under his eyes showing deeper in his thoughtfulness. “Good question. Let’s see what kind of mood she wakes up in.”

  Sounded like as good of a plan as any. Thomas settled on a hard kitchen chair and began filling out applications. His typewriter still sat in a box in the barn, but there was no room for it in the house.

  “We need more space,” Thomas told his brother. “And I hate walking to the outhouse. It’s going to be hell in winter.”

  “I’m not adding on to this hole until the sale goes through. I’ll have the cash to build from scratch on the homestead site. The hands will be up tomorrow to put in an awning between here and the bathroom. It won’t be enclosed, but it’s something.”

  The homestead site was the place their mother said the original house built by their father’s grandfather once stood. The family history of the land resonated with Paul much more than it ever would Thomas, but he understood his brother’s fascination.

  “When is it supposed to go through?”

  “The meeting today was with the big wigs for the development site. They’re dealing with the city to line up permits before they commit. I said I’d deal with the county.”

  Thomas groaned. “Bad move. Always go city if you can. City is a small council from one town. County is assholes from several towns. You’re going to have to wait for their next meeting.”

  He shook his head. “It’s next week.”

  “Jeez.” Thomas rubbed his face. “I don’t have time to help you this week, Paul. I have three job interviews in Fort Harrison and I have to be out of my apartment by Friday.”

  His brother swore. “What am I going to do?”

  Mary sighed and wiggled on the sofa.

  “Ask Mary to help. She’s great with legal jargon, has fantastic handwriting, and great typing skills. I told her she should look into a paralegal program to get a feel for the law. I think she’d be a great lawyer.”

  “Do you think she’d mind helping?”

  “You’ll have to ask her, but I think she’d enjoy it.” Thomas scratched out a mistake he’d missed on the first draft of his resume. “It would be something for you two to do together. I’d say dig her up a garden, but it’s a little late in the season, so this would be a start.”

  Paul nodded. “That makes sense. I’d planned the garden to give us something in common right off the bat. This would fill in.”

  “You love her,” he said, though focused on the paper. “You just didn’t come into it the usual way. Most figure the other person out first and then fall in love. You two love each other already, now it’s details.”

  “You watch way too much daytime TV.” Paul pushed to his feet. “I’m going to take the steaks out.”

  As much as Thomas knew he needed to work, he found himself wandering to where Mary still snoozed. He sat on the coffee table to get a better look at her face. Her relaxed features hit him somewhere deep, somewhere he’d put to bed in the last few months while he’d come to terms with giving her up. He didn’t have anything to worry about anymore. They just had to keep her happy, something he, Paul, and Duane had discussed a thousand times over the years.

  Though he couldn’t claim complete confidence, he trusted them. And he trusted himself. Mary stirred in her sleep and rubbed her eyes.

  “Oh, hi.” She stretched and sighed, blinking twice before gazing at
him again. “You look so tired. How was your interview?”

  “I didn’t get the job.” He indulged the urge to fix her hair, the silky strands between his fingers another reminder she was his. “But other than that the day was good.”

  “I’m sorry.” She made no move to leave her cocoon of blankets. “The next one will go better. Anyone would be lucky to have you. I suppose it’s too much to ask for supper to magically appear.”

  He traced his finger down her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She pressed her face to his palm. “I missed you, Thomas. I’m happy I won’t have to miss you again. Any thoughts on dinner?”

  “Paul isn’t quite magical, but he’s making steaks and potatoes.”

  She sat up, fatigue replaced by excitement. “You made my day. I’ll help.”

  * * * *

  She had to stay busy otherwise she was going to do something silly, like throw herself at Thomas. His gentle strokes had nearly done her in. No one caressed her hair like him. It seemed his petting had a direct link to her girl parts and they were already on fire from her dream.

  Four hands on one body…she’d been smoking hot, begging them to help her come. In the dream Thomas and Paul had been all too happy to send her over the edge. Waking up to Thomas’s sparkling eyes and touch on her face…it had been all she could do to tamp down the flames.

  She hustled to the kitchen, wishing furiously it was enclosed, but only a small island separated the kitchen space from the living room. Paul stood at the counter washing potatoes. He peered over his shoulder, caution in his gaze. The guarded stance, complete with hunched shoulders, helped calm her down further.

  “Hey, husband,” she said, choosing to tease because any serious conversations would only lead to bigger feelings which would lead to her…bending in ways her body had never bent before.

  “Have a nice nap?” he asked.

  “I sure did. How can I help with dinner?”

  He shrugged, grabbing a second potato. “Not much to do. I’m just going to toss these in the oven to bake and fry up some steaks. I filled the freezer for the winter. Good beef.”


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