Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya
Page 8
Mikayla’s hands froze as they brought her cup to her mouth.
“And we both know how Miya is,” Sidious drawled.
His wife set her cup on the desk. “True,” she smiled devilishly, and Sidious’s cock sprang to life. It never failed to amaze him just how fast she could get him hot for her. “But look at us. You’re very dominant, and we’ve worked out fine.”
He smiled softly. “That is very true.”
She jumped from the desk and leaned down to place a quick kiss on his lips. “Leave them be and let them work this out on their own,” she whispered.
He chucked her under the chin. “I think I might need you to take my mind off it,” he murmured, then gripped her arm and tugged her onto his lap.
Mikayla squealed, then giggled as he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, biting softly at the sensitive spot just below her ear.
* * * *
“Miya, honey. Come on. Open the door,” Hayden pleaded.
Miya shook her head and dropped onto the couch. “Absolutely not,” she snapped.
He’d entered her apartment this morning, yelling about seeing her and Dorn kissing on television. After no sleep last night, Miya had gotten so angry she’d thrown him out. Now he stood on the other side of the door, trying his best to get her to open it.
“You cannot come in here bitching about who I date, Hayden,” she yelled. “Go back to work.”
“Miya,” he said more firmly, but Miya ignored him.
She’d spent the rest of last night crying over that damn jackass. Why did she have to fall in love with him? Why did he have to be so damn stubborn?
Another knock sounded at her door, and she growled. “Go away.”
“Miya, hon. It’s Sharna. Can I come in?”
She sighed and rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. Couldn’t they all just let her be?
“Cara got rid of Hayden. It’s just us.”
“And Sam,” her assistant added.
She really didn’t want to talk to anybody, but she also knew they wouldn’t go away. Not until they saw for themselves she was okay. Accepting her fate, she got up and walked to the door. She opened it and frowned at the three concerned faces staring back at her.
“See? I’m fine. Now, if you’re here to yell at me like Hayden, then—”
“Honey, we’re not here to yell,” Sharna said. “I came to get some answers, and from the looks of you, I think I have them.”
Miya rolled her eyes and stepped aside, letting them in. She knew she had to look a mess. She hadn’t washed her face, and her mascara covered her cheeks, her hair was a riot of tangles, and her clothes were wrinkled. She even still wore her boots.
Cara was the last to stroll in. She wrapped her arm around Miya’s elbow and whispered, “Come on, Miya. Let’s talk.”
“I don’t think I can without crying again,” Miya mumbled.
Cara led her to the kitchen island. The women sat on the stools while Sam went about making coffee.
“What’s with the tears, hon?” Sharna asked softly.
Miya’s lips began to tremble, and she dropped her head in her hands. Cara rested her fingers on her arm, offering her comfort without saying anything.
Once the coffee was done, Sam passed out a cup to each of them. “It’s too early for wine,” he said as he took the fourth stool. “So I thought coffee would work.”
Miya sighed softly as she raised her head and reached for her cup. She would’ve preferred wine.
“I think I can probably start,” Sam said. “There’s been a lot of sexual tension between Miya and Alex. A lot.”
“Did he do anything other than kiss you?” Sharna asked.
Miya shook her head.
“Did you guys plan that kiss? Was it for show like Alex said?”
Miya looked at Sharna and shook her head.
Sharna snorted. “I knew that damn Dom lied.”
Miya twirled her finger around the cup. “The media was only supposed to be outside the club. SinFire doesn’t let them in, but apparently someone slipped inside anyway. We were only supposed to be seen walking into the club holding hands. Alex kissed me later. After that, we were coming back to the apartment. I thought we were going to have sex, and I believe we would’ve if the elevator attendant hadn’t attacked us.”
“What?” Cara exclaimed.
“He hit Alex in the head but didn’t knock him out. Alex knocked him out, though.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet,” Sam murmured.
Everyone turned to look at him, and he flinched slightly. “Sorry, but the guy is basically just a younger version of your dad, Miya.”
Sharna snickered. “You know. I never thought about that, but he is.”
“Great. I want to fuck my dad,” Miya grumbled and dropped her head onto the table.
The other three laughed.
Cara rubbed her hand back and forth the between Miya’s shoulder blades. “Oh, Miya. You do not. What happened after the police left?”
“Alex left,” she replied, her head still on the table.
“He just left?” Cara asked.
Miya lifted her head and sighed. “He said he was a Dom, and I was not a sub. That I would end up hating his control.”
“Do you think that?” Sharna asked.
Miya shook her head. Her lips trembled, and she took a deep breath to keep the tears at bay.
“Then do something, Miya. Go to him. He left this morning for his club on Palivan,” Cara said.
She waved her hand toward her assistant. “Sam said subs don’t approach Doms.”
Sam shrugged his shoulder. “Who said you have to approach him? I guarantee, you show up at that club, he’ll approach you.”
Miya stared at Sam. Could she go to his club? Right now she couldn’t think of anything other than seeing him and hopefully getting him to talk to her. “Can you get me in?” she asked.
Sam nodded. “You’ll need medical clearance and proof of birth control. But other than that, yeah.”
Miya waved her hand in dismissal. “I can get that. I’ll need some help with what to wear.”
Sam grinned. “That’s easy. Not much.”
Cara and Sharna giggled. “Oh, man. To be a fly on the wall,” Sharna said with a smile.
Chapter Twelve
Miya stared around Club Purgatory, trying her best not to look like an idiot. Twice, Sam had to put his finger under her chin, forcing her mouth closed.
Her first shock had come with the size. The place was massive, covering over three square miles. It included cottages along the water—even some on the water—hotel rooms, three restaurants, four pools, and one very large playroom.
Sam had explained that Alex had really cleaned the place up, done some remodeling, and even added on. Miya was impressed, if not a little bit intimidated. The playroom was so big. How in the hell would they ever find him?
Adjusting her very short black-and-white plaid pleated skirt, she followed Sam through the room. She felt naked without her bra and panties, and the material of her shirt kept rubbing across her nipples, making them tingle and stand out behind the thin black top.
She shivered slightly as a cold draft moved up her skirt, teasing her ass and pussy. Since one of Alex’s concerns was her age, she had questioned Sam’s choice of outfit for her. She needed to look older, not like a schoolgirl. But Sam had told her to trust him, and she did.
As they walked through the room, people watched her with interest. Sam had told her Doms noticed new subs immediately, so to expect it and try to ignore it as much as she could. She needed to look like she belonged, not like a scared rabbit, which at the moment was exactly how she felt.
In the center was a bar with stools on all four sides. Around the bar were various seating areas filled with leather couches and chairs. Most were taken up by couples already. Masters in the seats; subs on the floor at their feet.
Miya frowned. Would Alex make her do that? Sit at his feet? She saw a couple with sub
s on their laps, and Sam explained those were usually the ones who’d just finished a scene.
Miya was almost afraid to look at the scenes. Not because of what was going on, but because she was terrified she would see Alex with someone else.
“Sam?” Miya grabbed Sam’s arm and stopped him. “What if he’s…”
Her assistant put his hand over hers. “I told one of the cleaning staff to find him and tell him a Ms. Marcone was in the playroom looking for him.”
Her eyes widened. “Sam, you didn’t.”
He grinned. “I thought that would be the fastest way. In here, it’s so big and dark it would take us forever to find him and that’s if we were lucky enough to find him at all. This way, he’s looking for you too.”
“Yeah, and probably already has a plan to get me out of here.”
Sam nodded in agreement as he pulled her over to a scene that had begun to attract a crowd. Miya froze and stared at the naked woman spread-eagle between two posts. Her Dom slapped her bottom with a paddle. The sound as it hit flesh was harsh, and Miya flinched.
The woman turned and glared at her Dom. He swatted her again, making her moan and drop her head back. Miya put her hand at her suddenly turbulent stomach. The submissive seemed to like it. Every few whacks, her Dom would stop and fondle her breasts or between her legs. With a look of pleasure, as though he found her reaction to his liking, he began to paddle her again.
“Does Alex do that to his submissive?” she asked softly, unable to take her eyes off the woman and her growing moans of pleasure.
“Yes,” Sam replied.
Miya wasn’t sure if she was appalled or excited. She glanced down at the woman’s pink behind, her extended nipples, and then the look of utter euphoria on her face, and wondered how something like that could be pleasurable. But then if it wasn’t, why was she suddenly wet between her legs?
“Are they always naked?” she asked.
“Yes,” Sam replied.
Miya swallowed. Could she get naked in front of all these people?
Someone grabbed the back of her neck in a harsh grip, and she hunched her shoulders, letting out a squeal of surprise.
ALEX WAS READY to hit the damn roof. What the hell was she doing here? And where the hell was she?
He glanced around the darkened room in frustration. Hell, as dark as it was in here it would take him forever to find her. He just hoped he found her before one of the other Doms decided to play with her. He’d hate to have to kill someone his first day here in weeks.
Toward the center of the room a scene started to attract a crowd. Alex spotted Miya instantly, her gaze glued to the couple in the middle of the roped-off section.
Alex swallowed at how she looked. She had her hair in a ponytail, soft curls cascading from the clip down her back. That little pleated skirt was so short it just barely covered her ass. Her top was tied under her breasts and showed off a good portion of tan stomach. Topping off the outfit were those damn sexy thigh-high stiletto boots. He wondered what she would look like with nothing on but those boots, and his cock twitched in excitement.
He frowned. No point even thinking about it. She was going home. As he walked closer, he noticed her reaction to the scene. Her nipples beaded behind her top, her cheeks were flushed a pretty pink, and her breathing was slightly elevated. Did it excite her? Alex’s eyes narrowed. Obviously, it did.
He walked up behind her and Sam and gripped their necks. Sam immediately went rigid. Miya hunched hers and squealed, getting the attention of everyone around them.
“Quiet, Miya,” he snapped.
She turned as much as his grip would allow and glared at him. The fire in her eyes made his balls tighten, and his scowl deepened. He didn’t like smart-ass subs. And Miya wouldn’t have a clue how to be any different. It was in her nature to be that way. But if he didn’t like sassy attitudes, why the hell did his body come alive at the spark of defiance in her eyes?
“DeBorge!” Alex snapped.
MIYA SAW A very tall, very beautiful woman dressed in leather with long blonde hair approach. Miya instinctively knew it had to be DeBorge.
Alex leaned down and growled in Sam’s ear. “You were already due one punishment. For bringing an unapproved sub here, you get two.”
Alex shoved him away, toward DeBorge, but Miya reached out and grasped Sam’s wrist, holding him back. “It was my fault,” she said, silently pleading with Alex.
Several people around them gasped softly and began to whisper among themselves.
“Get your hand off his wrist, sub. Now,” Alex snarled, dangerously.
Miya hesitated and studied Sam’s face, trying to decide just how much of the flush in his cheeks was fear. Alex slapped her on the ass, hard, sending a jolt of sharp pain through her whole body. Miya gasped and immediately let go. Her left butt cheek burned from the sting of his hand, and she turned to glare at him.
“I think you’re in enough trouble already, sub. Are you really going to stand there and glare at me?”
His tone was dark, his eyes flashing anger and…something else. Miya swallowed and lowered her gaze as Sam had told her to do. Staring at his feet, she said, “I was—”
“I didn’t tell you to speak!”
Miya huffed out a sigh. Then how the hell was she supposed to talk to him?
Alex put his firm grip back on her neck as he led her through the playroom to a quiet sitting area on the other side. He let go of her neck, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Can I look at something other than your feet now?” she asked sarcastically.
His hand landed across her backside once more, making her cry out in shock and just a bit of pain. She raised her head and glared at him. She expected fury, but his look of amusement caught her by surprise, and she briefly forgot what she was about to say.
“What the hell are you doing here, Miya?” he asked.
Miya swallowed at how good he looked in his black slacks and silk shirt. He had his hair down, just the way she liked it, and she fisted her hands at her side to keep from reaching out and running her fingers through it. Unexpectedly, she envisioned him swatting her ass with a paddle, just like the other Dom, while she hung defenseless between the poles.
“Is she going to hurt Sam?” she asked, finally finding her tongue.
Alex sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Sam will be fine.”
“Are you sure? She looked really—”
“Miya,” he snapped, making her jump. “If you will recall, Sam likes punishment, but if it goes too far, he has a safe word.”
Miya nodded slowly. She remembered what Sam had said about the safe words.
“Now answer my question.”
“I came to see you.”
“Well, now that you have…” He ushered with his hand toward the door.
Miya lifted her chin and stood her ground. “No.” His eyes narrowed into cold, hard slits, but she didn’t move. “You’re not pushing me away this time, Alex. I’m here to prove you wrong.”
He tilted his head, studying her, but the hard glint remained. “And how do you plan to do that?”
“Well, you would have to make me submit.”
“Make you?”
“Or whatever it is you do.”
“I do that out there, Miya,” he said pointing to the scene. “Except I prefer a flogger to a paddle.”
ALEX WATCHED AS a flush of desire covered her cheeks. Did this really turn her on? Could she really take what he doled out? The thought of playing with her sent his whole body into immediate lust-filled attention.
God help him.
“I know what you do,” she whispered.
“Do you?”
She swallowed. “Yes.”
Alex dropped his gaze lower, lingering over her legs, her perky breasts, and the rapid pulse he could see pounding in her neck. He walked around her slowly, gauging what he would say and her reaction to it. He was a fool, and he knew it, but now that she was here, the last thing he wanted to
do was send her home. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.
She nodded.
“Words, Miya.”
“Yes, what?”
She frowned as he crossed in front of her again. “Yes, Alex.”
His eyes narrowed. “Wrong.”
Her frown deepened, and he could see the wheels turning in her mind. “Yes…Sir.”
“Good girl,” he said as he began walking around her again. “I assume Sam has told you what is done here at the club.”
She clamped her lips closed, and Alex’s lips twitched slightly. “Protective, I see. He won’t get in trouble. I promise.”
“Then, yes,” she said.
He stopped in front of her again and watched her face. “I need to know your hard limits.”
“Hard limits. It’s the things I cannot do to you. They’re nonnegotiable.”
“I see.”
“You’re here to prove me wrong. I’m going to push every button you have, and prove me right. Now, what are your hard limits?”
He saw a momentary spark of fear in her eyes that made his heart race.
“Blood play,” she whispered. “That freaks me out.”
Alex nodded. “Okay. It does me too, so we’re good there. Nipple clamps?”
She shivered and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ve never had them.”
“You will here. Anal?”
Miya shook her head, but a beautiful flush of excitement flooded her cheeks, making Alex’s balls tighten. So the idea of anal turned her on?
“Words, Miya.”
“I’ve never done it.”
Alex nodded. “I’m too big for you without prep, so that won’t happen this weekend either.”
He watched her swallow, and a twinge of guilt gnawed at his gut for what he was about to do. He needed to show Miya this wasn’t for her. She would hate submitting, and this world would scare the hell out of her. For her sake as well as his.
“Are you really not going to send me away?” she asked, a glint of hope in her eyes.
“Sub, by the time I’m done with you this weekend, you’ll be begging me to send you away.”