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Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy

Page 22

by M E Whiter

  Just thinking about it, is enough to reawaken my arousal, making me want to experience it all over again. Turning back over, disappoint flickers across my eyes, when I find Sebastian’s side of the bed empty and cold. I roll back over on my back, running my hands through my tangled hair, wishing to get rid of the stirring arousal in my body.

  Still feeling sexually frustrated, I crawl out of his bed and limp down to my own room, to take a long hot shower, to get rid of the discomfort. Leaning against the wall tiles, I close my eyes, letting the hot water massages my sore limbs and stiff muscles. The rejuvenating effects helps to lighten my mood.

  I quickly dry off and slip into my underwear, before I go through my morning beauty routine. Except today, I decide not to wear any makeup, apart from a little face powder over my sunscreen and some mascara on my light lashes. Sitting on the bed, I pull on a pair of black tights, and then slip into my short black lace skirt. I team it with a red mesh wrap top. After brushing out my hair, I tie it back with a red scarf.

  When I go downstairs, I walk to the kitchen, thinking Sebastian might be making breakfast. But, when I get there, the room is empty, but the back door is open. Walking over, I step out onto the terrace and scan the back yard. That's when I spot Sebastian doing laps in the pool.

  I stroll over to him, just as he finishes his last lap. As soon as he sees me approaching, he climbs out and grabs a towel from the chair, and starts drying off. My heart beats faster at the sight of him, looking refreshed and so devilishly sexy, almost naked, wearing only a pair of swimming trunks. They fit snuggly over his groin area, leaving very little to the imagination. I almost swoon at the memory of seeing that part of him naked last night.

  When I get closer, his beautiful handsome face lights up. "Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep," he asks, an adorable smile spreading across his lips. My face blushes slightly, knowing that smile is just for me.

  "Good morning Sebastian. I slept well. And you?" I ask, smiling back at him.

  "As a matter of fact, I slept exceptionally well." He rushes over, sweeping me up into his powerful arms. His warm mouth presses mine into a passionate, heart-melting kiss. I eagerly kiss him back, with as much passion as I can muster, not knowing how much time we will have together.

  "Would you like me to make you breakfast this morning?" I ask him. "I'm sure you must be starving after last night." I giggle shyly.

  "Yes. I'd like that very much. I'm starving now that you mention it." He returns with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

  "Alright then. I'll see what I can find in your pantry." I step out of his embrace and head back inside, letting him finish getting dry.

  After taking stock of what's in his pantry and fridge, I decide to make omelettes with some toast and orange juice. It takes me a few minutes to find the kitchen utensils and pans I need. Fortunately, Sebastian comes inside to show me how to work the stovetop, before he goes upstairs to get dressed. Now that I have everything in front of me, it doesn't take long to whip up some eggs and add the ham, tomato and cheese, I diced up beforehand. By the time Sebastian returns, the omelettes are almost done.

  "Mmm, something smells good," he says, as he walks over and turns on the coffee maker.

  "I hope you like omelettes?" I ask him, dishing them out onto two plates along with some fresh toast. While I'm doing that, Sebastian makes himself some coffee and a cup of tea for me.

  "Yes, I do."

  We take everything over to the table in the breakfast nook, which I had already set out for breakfast, earlier. Halfway through eating, we hear Sebastian phone ringing. The sound is coming from the living room, where he'd left it last night. He gets up and heads down the hallway to go and get it. It's several minutes later when he returns. There's a hopeful expression on his face, so I think it must be some good news. Sitting back in his seat, he grabs my hand and holds between his, as he looks at me.

  "That was Tom Beckett. They've finally managed to track down where Connor Black lives. When then went there, he wasn't home. So, now they've put out a warrant for his arrest."

  My eyes light up, nervous hope filling my chest. "That's wonderful news."

  "Yes. I imagine, It will not be long now, before he is apprehended, and locked up."

  "You don't think he'll try anything now, if he knows the police are after him?"

  "I do not know, what he may be capable of, but if he has any brains, he will stay right away from you."

  "Good. I hope you're right."

  "Do you still want to go for a drive today, to visit the wineries?"

  "Yes. I do. That's if we don't have to get back to Vancouver straight away?"

  "No. We can spend another day here. I have some things to do first. But what say we leave in about an hour or so?"

  "Alright. I'll clean up here, while you go do that."

  I'M SITTING OUTSIDE on the terrace when I hear Sebastian approaching, as he comes through the door. As soon as I see the frown on his face, I know he's going to tell me something, I'm not going to like. My immediate thought, is that it must be something to do with Connor. He walks over and takes the chair next to me, looking into my eyes.

  “Rachel, I am afraid we will have to cancel our plans for today. Something urgent has come up with work, and I have to go away for a few of days.”

  “I hope it’s not something serious?” I ask, trying to hide the bitter disappointment from my voice.

  "Actually, it is very serious," he replies, rubbing the back of his neck. "One of my employees has been seriously hurt in a plane crash up in Alaska. I have to fly up there, as soon as possible, to find out what happened, and to check that he is alright."

  "I'm sorry to hear that. When will we be leaving?" I ask, not sure if he intends on taking me with him to Alaska.

  "I managed to book a flight, for eleven this morning. We will have to leave here just after ten."

  "Are we flying to Alaska? I don't have a passport yet."

  "No. Sorry, I have not explained properly. We are flying back to Vancouver first. Then I will be flying on, to Alaska alone. You will stay in the apartment. I should not be gone more than a day or two, at the most."

  "If you don't mind me asking, why was he in Alaska?"

  “My company just won the contract, to build a housing complex for a new mine, opening up there next year,” he says, rubbing an index finger across his clean-shaven chin. “I was supposed to fly up there. But I sent Roger in my place, to finalise the negotiations, on the deal."

  "Is it because of me, you didn't go?" Talk about mixed emotions. I hate the idea, that someone got hurt because of me. But then, if Sebastian had gone, he might be the one seriously hurt now.

  "Yes, partly. But, do not blame yourself. I am the one responsible. It was my decision to send him up there."

  "Yes, but you couldn't have known this would happen." He seems to punish himself, whenever something like this happens. Why can't he just accept the fact, that accidents do happen? "You shouldn't blame yourself for this Sebastian."

  "Rachel, please. Just drop it. We've already been through this before, remember?"

  Ugh! You can't reason with a man, when he so damned stubborn. And, Sebastian is as stubborn as they make them. "Alright. I shrug my shoulders, in resignation.

  “Rachel, I am sorry to cut our trip short. But I promise, I will make it up to you, as soon as I return.”

  “I don't need you to make it up to me, Sebastian," I reply, staring out at the lake. "Besides, when we get back to Vancouver, I’ll be going to stay with Mary, now that she’s just come back, from her trip.”

  “No, I do not think that is a good idea, Rachel.”

  What? I straighten my shoulders, turning to look at him. “What do you mean, you don't think it's a good idea?” I ask cautiously, trying not to rouse my anger.

  "I promised to protect you Rachel, and for me to do that, I need you to stay in my apartment, where I know you will be safe."

  “Sebastian, you told me before, that, now the polic
e are close to arresting Connor, I shouldn't be in danger any longer."

  "No. I said if he had any brains he would stay away from you. That's not the same thing."

  "But, you knew, I only agreed to stay with you, until Mary came back."

  "Yes, but that was before you received the threatening note. I do not want you to leave, until Connor has been taken into custody. That way I can be sure you are safe."

  "Even if I chose to stay, I really don’t like the idea of waiting around your apartment on my own."

  "Don't worry, you would not be alone. James and Damon will provide around the clock security, and Mrs Barnes will be there with you during the day."

  "But Mary is expecting me to come and stay with her."

  “Listen Rachel, I'm only asking you to wait until I return. Hopefully, Connor will have been arrested by then."

  I rub my sweaty palms over my lap, trying to figure a way, to resolve this situation. I don't want this to turn into an argument, but at the same time, I'm not going to just let him make decisions for me.

  "Sebastian, I appreciate that you’re looking out for my welfare, but I need to make my own decision about what I want to do."

  "Yes you do. But, I also promised to protect you, and as I’ve told you before, I always keep my promises."

  “Sebastian, I’m not going to hold you to that promise. Besides, I won't be alone, Mary will be there, to make sure nothing happens."

  "Really? So, how do you plan on getting to Victoria?"

  "I was thinking of taking the bus, why?"

  He shakes his head at me. "Do you think that is wise, given you are still recovering from your injuries?"

  "I'm not an invalid Sebastian. I'm perfectly capable of getting around, on my own two feet."

  Looking at his phone, he put on the table, when he sat down, he says "Listen, we don't have time to discuss this any further, now. We have to get ready to leave, if we do not want to be late for our flight." He stands up. “We can continue this, when we get on the plane.”

  He remains standing there, waiting for me to get up. When I do, I follow behind him as we head back inside, to go upstairs and pack.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  MONDAY, 25th August


  UNFORTUNATELY, WE DON’T get to continue our discussion, during the flight back to Vancouver. Not long after take-off, and our seatbelts come off, Sebastian starts receiving several phone calls and emails. Most are in regard to the emergency situation in Alaska, the rest includes information for his upcoming trip up there. Apparently, he won’t have much time to spare, once we get back to Vancouver, before he’s scheduled to leave again, for his trip.

  With all Sebastian's time, taken up by work-related matters, I'm left with nothing to occupy myself, except for reading my book. I'm glad this is only an hour long flight, otherwise, I think I might just go stir-crazy. The issue of me going to stay with Mary, has me feeling tense and restless, wishing it had been resolved by now.

  My life has become a bumpy rollercoaster ride, ever since the day, Sebastian stumbled into it. I can't imagine how this situation would play out, if ours was a proper relationship, instead of whatever you would call, the type of relationship we do have. I made a big mistake this weekend, letting my heart or my hormones more precisely, rule my head.

  The first time Sebastian kissed me, I should have run away then. Well, I did. But, then I let myself be seduced by his charms, and ended up falling for the guy. Even though I knew, it could never amount to anything more, than a casual affair. I just refused to listen to my own good advice.

  Shifting positions in my seat, I stretch my legs out to ease some of the tension. I need to talk to Sebastian, make him realise that it's time for me to leave. Regardless, of whether he thinks I'm safe or not. We need to say goodbye now, before I end up falling any harder for him and have to fly home with my heart broken.

  I stare out the cabin window, watching the grey storm clouds passing us by, as I deliberate my options. When Sebastian told me he had to go away on an emergency, I was upset at first. But after that, I realised the timing was perfect. It provided us the opportunity, to say goodbye to each other, without any of the usual awkwardness.

  Why Sebastian couldn’t see it that way, I have no idea. Now, the situation has become complicated, with him insisting I stay until Connor has been arrested. I'm not sure how I'm going to convince him, that my way is for the best, for both our sakes.

  WHEN WE LAND in Vancouver at the scheduled time, I'm more than relieved, that the dreadful flight is over. When the jet stops alongside the private hangar, Sebastian and I unbuckle our seat belts and head for the exit door, where our flight attendant is waiting to farewell us. Sebastian steps out first, to help me down, while I follow behind. We find James waiting for us inside the terminal, to collect our luggage and drive up to Sebastian’s penthouse.

  “Good afternoon Miss Day. Mr Knight. Let me take that for you,” he says, taking my backpack from Sebastian and placing it on top of our luggage.

  “Hello James,” I reply, giving him a warm smile, before we follow him out to the car.

  As soon as we leave the airport, merging north onto the highway, Sebastian turns to me.

  “Rachel, I’m sorry we did not get a chance to continue our talk on the plane. But we can talk now, while there is no interruptions."

  There's no way I want to have this type of conversation in front of James, who can eavesdrop on what we are talking about. I purse my lips, turning in my seat, to look at him.

  "If you don't mind, I'd prefer if we wait until we get to your place. I don't want to discuss it here in the car." I roll my eyes towards James, hoping Sebastian will take the hint.

  "Fine. But, I won't have much time. I have to be gone within the hour." He sits back in his seat, turning his attention to James.

  For the rest of the trip, the two of them discuss work, including the recent tragic events in Alaska. While I, on the other hand, choose to be silent with my own thoughts, as I gaze out the window.

  When we walk into Sebastian's apartment, it feels like we've been away for a lot longer that a couple of days. Once James delivers our luggage to our respective bedrooms, Sebastian gives him instructions to wait for him downstairs, with the car. I presume he’ll be driving Sebastian back to the airport.

  I head for the guest bedroom, to go and freshen up, before Sebastian and I finish our discussion. But, before I reach the door, Sebastian stops me.

  "Rachel, I need to get some packing done first, but then we will talk, alright?"

  "Yes, fine. I'll wait for you in the living room." He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, before he walks off.

  I watch him stroll down to his room, at the end of the hallway. A surge of regret flows through me, wishing that our wonderful weekend together, didn't have to end this way. Not that it changes anything, because we'd still have to say goodbye to each other, if we had come back tomorrow, instead.

  Leaning my walking cane against my suitcases, I walk into the bathroom, to wash my face and straighten out my hair. Afterwards, I return to the bedroom, taking one long last glance around the room, that's been mine for the last week.

  I walk over and slump down on the bed and pick up a pillow. Burying my face in it, I let out a deep sigh of anguish, feeling the first sign of tears, gathering at the corners of my eyes.

  My heart is torn between my desire to see Mary and my feelings for Sebastian. If I didn’t have such strong feelings for him, the decision to stay or leave would be so much easier. Instead, they have only complicated the situation. So, what should I do?


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