Perfect Is Boring
Page 22
Tyra: This book is almost done (yay, you!), but the love doesn’t stop. Our love continues to pour down on you. That doesn’t mean it’s always going to be something you want to hear. Nope—it will be what you need to hear. And you might not like it all that much.
Carolyn: You might not like us all that much, but that’s OK. We got that tough love for you, baby. Sometimes tough love hurts, especially when you’re balancing both of us on your shoulders every darn day.
But that’s what makes you stronger. That’s what makes you grow.
Tyra: I live in all mirrors you look into, reminding you that you are fierce, flawsome, and ferocious.
Carolyn: I am the cheerleader out there shaking my pom-poms and urging you on when you feel it’s too hard to keep on keepin’ on.
Tyra: I am your ride-or-die chick who gives your self-doubt a dropkick and a bitch slap every time its dirty little butt sneaks into your head.
Carolyn: I am that (extra) momma (you never knew you had) who always has your back and will shake you, wake you, but never break you.
Tyra: I am your sister (from another mister) who resides in every hallway you encounter, encouraging you to work it like a runway.
So yeah, sometimes we’re here to grab you by the shoulders and shake some sense into you, and sometimes we’re here to hold your hand and rub your shoulders ’cause we know what you’re going through.
And be warned: Just ’cause this is the end of the book, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of our story or yours. It’s just the beginning.
Cuz this is the kind of book where it’s almost over and you get kinda sad. Cuz you want it to go on and on and on. It’s like your BFF. So you know what? We may be back in book two with more “for real” talk, a new set of eight words to watch out for (oh yeah, and they’re bananas), crazier stories, TMI, OMG truth bombs, and more reminders that beauty is in the Smize of the beholder.
When you kick perfection to the curb once and for all and embrace your beauty, your booty, and your whole flawsome self, ain’t nobody gonna be shouting love for you louder than us.
So whether you’re just starting your period, it’s about to end for good, or your daughter’s just started flowing . . . we’re rooting for you!
Or when you drop the mic because you know that whatever you’ve chosen to do may not be your calling and it’s time to focus on your true gifts . . . we’re rooting for you!
And when you refuse to change just for other people and accept that an ass that is fat or flat is all that . . . we’re rooting for you!
Or when someone whispers those eight words in your ear and you think, “Oh, hell no!” (Or maybe “Oh, hell yes!”) . . . we’re rooting for you!
We’re all both rooting for you!
And remember, perfect is boring. But you, my dear, ain’t boring. Not one bit.
So go forth, you crazy, amazing, strong, imperfect human being, and make all your fiercest dreams comes true, boo.
Love, TyTy and Mama Carolyn
Mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and everyone in between—we want you! As you just experienced firsthand, this book is real and raw. We stripped down to the cold, hard, messy truth, and we want you to do the same.
Can you handle your own truth? That truth that makes you a little, or a lotta umcomfy . . . makes you squirm in your seat.
We are here to help you.
Share your imperfect moments at PerfectIsBoring .com or on social media with #PerfectIsBoring. You can do it. We know you can!
We also get crazy IRL, so be sure to check the website for Perfect Is Boring events coming to a town near you. Bring your best Smize, boo, but leave your inhibitions at the door. And we may call you up to take the floor, so be ready to roar.
Carolyn & Tyra:
Devin Banks
Genius son and boisterous bro,
Lived these crazy stories up close, fo’ sho’.
Don Banks
I’ll always be your crazy baby girl
And you’re the best daddy in the whole crazy world.
Benjamin McAdoo III
For the persistent pep talks, patience, and pet care
And the real, raw honesty—yeah, you really went there!
Donna Givens
Through thick and thin booties, and lotsa hard times,
Your solid support scrubbed away my life’s grime.
Kenya Barris
My buddy since six, and you now got six babies!
I forgive you for stealing my dictionary (maybes).
Nancy Josephson
Major supporter with runway-ready style
Your love and support are felt here, and for miles.
Carolyn & Tyra:
Mel Berger
Bold book agent full of backing and belief
This book’s fearless leader and commander in chief.
Roy Campbell
Our fashion friend family never doubted our glory,
His dedicated work built the foundation of this story.
Ricky Hutchinson
The anything and everything go-to guy
Who tracked down all photos and never questioned why.
Carolyn & Tyra:
Kate Williams
The world’s best wordsmith playmate
Straight-up kept our voices straight.
Aya & Fredo
For the missed doggie walks while Mama pounded computer keys
I’ll make it up with some bacon doggie treats.
Sara Carder and everyone at TarcherPerigee
For believing in us and our crazy story
And helping us escape that hurry-up-we-need-to-make-this-release purgatory.
Carolyn & Tyra:
Jackie Prescod—no rhyming here . . .
My BFF who never left my side. Until she did . . . way too soon. My eyes to the sky, Jackie . . . I miss you.
I miss you, too, Aunt Jackie. I can still hear your laugh. And I still wear your mint green earrings.
Here and here © 1998 Betty Kitamura Fujikawa
Here, Walter Iooss Jr.
Here and here, Walter Iooss Jr./Contour By Getty Images/Getty Images
Here, Dlugolecki Photography
Here, Gilles Bensimon
Here and here, © 2003 Jimmy Fikes
Here © Daniel Garriga
Here, images from America’s Next Top Model, courtesy of Pottle Productions, Inc.
Tyra Banks is the supermodel, super entrepreneur, and super CEO of our time. As an original Victoria’s Secret Angel, the first African American model to be featured on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, and the creator/executive producer of one of the longest-running competition shows, America’s Next Top Model, Tyra has made it her life’s mission to expand the definition of beauty and to empower women worldwide. In 2012, she graduated from the Owner/President Management program at Harvard Business School, and now teaches personal branding at Stanford University’s Business School. She has been listed twice among Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” and is also the two-time daytime Emmy Award–winning host of the hit show America’s Got Talent. She adores her son, the color yellow, and barbecue, and is an inventor of many terms, including “Smize” (smile with your eyes), “flawsome” (flaws are awesome), and “H2T” (head to toe), and dreams up new ones daily.
Carolyn London, a native of Los Angeles, Californ
ia, is a retired professional photographer, mother to Tyra and her brother, Devin, and the CEO emeritus of the Tyra Banks Company and cofounder of the TZONE Foundation. She is the grandmother of five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She is an avid gardener (obsessed with succulents), dreams of being a master ceramic potter (but keeps on procrastinating on signing up for the next round of classes on the potter’s wheel), and has the goose bump–inducing singing voice Tyra always wishes she had.
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