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Guarding His Heart

Page 9

by Synithia Williams

  Now here she was falling for Kevin. A guy with an ex-wife he was clearly still fond of, an ex-girlfriend he was connected to by twins, and a belief in commitment that was as stable as a burnt-out building. She’d seen heartbreak in her future like a lingering iceberg and had steered her ship out of there.

  A knock on the door startled her out of her concerns. She jumped off the bed and went to the door. Looking in the peephole, her pulse sprinted. Kevin!

  He looked up and down the hall. His height and sex appeal overwhelmed her through the closed door. She ran sweaty palms over her boy shorts and white tank top. No bra or underwear. This was not the outfit for a confrontation, but she didn’t have time to change.

  She opened the door. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  He’d changed into track pants and a sleeveless green Jacksonville Gators shirt. Every tattoo-adorned muscle of his arms was a sinful invitation to touch. Kiss. Explore. His dark eyes examined her with the focused intent of an investigative reporter. His gaze paused quickly on her unrestrained breasts. Her nipples hardened.

  “I came to check on you. Why did you run out of there so quickly? Are you okay?”

  The concern in his voice made her feel even sillier for running. She was having an emotional meltdown and he was worried that something might seriously be wrong.

  “I’m fine. Really, I am. I didn’t want to get in the way when your kids arrived.”

  He leaned one shoulder against the doorjamb. “The kids would’ve been fine.”

  “Yeah, well, I thought it best that I leave.”


  “Because...” A moment of post-traumatic relationship panic didn’t seem like the right answer.

  Kevin raised a brow and leaned in closer. “Because why?”

  “I didn’t want to make things awkward with your kids meeting me.” She turned and went into the room.

  The door closed. Kevin had followed her into the room. She tried not to think about why she’d invited him in the night before. Tried and failed. Her body wanted him and the thought of him in her room, with the bed just over there, was making her brain want to forget the reasons she should be thinking this through.

  “Awkward how? This wasn’t a formal introduction. They arrived early.”

  She didn’t walk to the bed. Instead she moved to the desk in the far corner before facing him. “And you weren’t concerned about them meeting me?”

  “No,” he said firmly. “You’re doing an important project that benefits the town. That project includes information about my family. You’re a friend.”

  “Do you kiss all of your friends on your grandmother’s back porch?” As soon as the hastily spoken words were out of her mouth, she wished she could snatch them back and stuff them away like an unwanted Christmas sweater.

  Kevin’s body tensed. He’d been crossing the room to come closer, but his feet suddenly stuck to the floor midstep. “Am I missing something? Do you have a problem with meeting my kids?”

  “If we weren’t involved, then I’d say no, but we kinda are, and we’re far from the point of introducing kids.”

  “I wasn’t trying to rush into something more serious here.” He said the words carefully. “I don’t get what the problem is. Do you not like kids?”

  She sighed and rubbed her temples. “It’s not that I don’t like kids. Kids are fine.”

  “So why did you run?”

  “Because seeing your kids made this thing between us feel a lot more serious than I expected. I’ve been there. Gotten too connected. It hurts when things don’t work out. Especially for me.” She leaned back until she rested against the desk.

  Kevin came over and stood before her. She was barefoot, and he towered over her. She gripped the edge of the desk instead of reaching out to touch him. Feel the strength of his body. Lean into that strength and let it support her.

  “What do you mean?”

  She met his gaze. “I love kids, but with my are possible, but the complications and risks are serious. I’ve made the decision to not take the risks. I lost my mom, and then later I lost my stepmom. I can’t put a child through the possibility.”

  She’d said as much several times before. To her dad, sister and friends. She’d made peace with her decision until she’d fallen in love with Julio’s kids. Then the yearning combined with her biological clock to torment her. She couldn’t afford to go through that again.

  “I still don’t understand.”

  “Kevin, I like you. I’m cool with us exploring what’s between us, but I can’t put myself out there. I can’t get attached to you or your kids, knowing we’re temporary. I’ve done that. It hurts too much. I’ll never have my own children, so falling in love with someone else’s kids when I know things aren’t going to last... I’m not trying to jump into that.”

  Not with a guy who didn’t want her to be a permanent fixture in his life. Not with a guy she could easily fall in love with if she wasn’t careful. The boundaries of their relationship had to be clear.

  He took a tentative step backward. “Jasmine, I’m not good at relationships. In fact, I’ve fucked up every one I’ve been in.”

  “Yet you get along with both of your exes.” He really got along with his ex-wife.

  “That’s because I refuse to fail as a dad.” He tapped his chest. “I love my kids. I’ll do anything for them. Making our family work, despite my relationship with my kids’ mothers, was nonnegotiable. It took a long time for us to get to the point where everyone gets along, and keeping things that way is all I care about in this world.”

  His face and voice had lost the cocky sex appeal that usually accompanied his tone. Honesty and conviction strengthened his words. “My kids are the most important thing to me. I wouldn’t introduce you to them if I thought for a second knowing you would hurt them. Am I wrong for thinking that?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’d never hurt your kids.”

  Kevin came forward and cupped her face in his hands. “Then don’t overthink things. Meeting the kids tonight wasn’t that big of a deal. I know how big a step that is.”

  Of course he did. She was the one having the freak-out moment because she was the one getting attached. “I just want us to be on the same page,” she said, trying to sound confident and sure.

  She needed to know how he felt. Was he feeling as strongly about their relationship as she, or was he still viewing this as a fling? Her heart was balanced on the edge. One direction all in, the other accepting this as just fun.

  His thumbs brushed her cheeks. “Jasmine, let’s just enjoy each other and see what happens. I don’t like putting names or expectations on things. We’re both attracted to each other. We both like each other. We’re consenting adults. That’s all that matters. We’ll keep our situation just be between us. No family. No friends. No explanations to anyone else about what we’re doing. How does that sound?”

  His offer was exactly like what she needed to hear. Just the two of them doing what they wanted without any expectations. What she said she wanted. Which was good. Right? She could focus on her project and not obsess about what was, or wasn’t, going on with her and Kevin.

  She took the feelings that sprouted over the past week with him and buried them deep. This was just a fling. Nothing more.

  Jasmine wrapped her arms around his neck. She forced their conversation to the back of her mind. Kevin was here in her room. In her arms. She was tired of waiting.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  His sexy mouth covered hers. The kiss started slow and deliberate, but within seconds, his efforts became hotter, rawer. Thoughts of why, their past, the meaning of everything slipped away with each demanding stroke of his tongue. He kissed her thoroughly and erased everything except for the need to get closer. To get him naked.

  With an impatient tug, he pulled on the edge
of her tank top. Jasmine lifted her arms above her head. The cool air in the room caressed her naked torso a second later. Kevin’s pupils dilated, the hungry look in his brown eyes searing her skin. Her thighs clenched as desire shot like an arrow to her core.

  He slowly cupped her bare breasts in his hands. Ran the tips of his fingers over her pierced nipples with gentle strokes. “When did you do this?”

  Jasmine gasped and clutched his waist. The small metal bars increased her sensitivity. Every light caress of his finger sent an answering shiver through her. Heightened her awareness of his large hands covering her breasts. Heat pooled, slick and wet, between her legs.

  “When I was nineteen and thought it was cool.” The actual piercing had hurt like hell, but the increased pleasure that came after they’d healed was more than enough reason for her to keep them.

  “They look so damn sexy.” His voice trembled with the force of his desire.

  Jasmine clenched her inner muscles. “They taste better than they look.”

  “That’s all I needed to hear.” Kevin lifted her by the waist in an efficient swoop. She wrapped her legs around his waist. The rigid tip of his tongue darted out and lightly flicked her nipple. Pleasure crashed over her. Her entire body shuddered. He did it again, this time slowly and deliberately. Getting around every single centimeter of the tip.

  Her hands gripped the back of his head. Her legs squeezed him and she undulated her hips to try to ease the pressure building between her thighs.

  “You like that.” It wasn’t a question. Instead his voice held a delighted and smug recognition of how his actions sent her body into a tailspin.

  “Harder,” she whispered.

  His lips closed over her nipple and the piercing. He sucked slightly. The decadent feeling spread lava through her veins. Jasmine’s head fell back.

  Her eyes were squeezed closed tightly, but she felt the movement as he crossed the room. The cool sheets touched her back. Kevin’s warm, strong body covered her front.

  “No,” she panted. “Me on top.”

  She nudged him with her knees and he rolled over. Jasmine didn’t waste time pulling his shirt off. She shimmied down his long body until her feet were on the floor. There she lost her shorts and jerked his off. He’d also gone commando, his erection long and curved. Hell yeah, she loved a curve!

  Climbing back up his fantastic body, she relished in the feel of his skin against hers. The heat and tension of his muscles felt as great as she’d imagined from the day she’d photographed him.

  Except no fantasy could’ve prepared her for how addicted she was to the feel of Kevin. She kissed his neck and chest. Her fingers played over the elaborate tattoos. The urge to ask about them fought with her urgency to get him as deep inside of her as she could. While she kissed and explored, his hands did their own expedition over her back, sides and breasts.

  The controlled strength of his hands as he gripped her hips and thighs only excited her more. She knew he was powerful. Had seen the play of muscles as she’d photographed him. Saw his dominance on the basketball court. But the gentle, almost reverent touch of his hands on her body only made her want to watch him lose control.

  She sat up and reached under her pillow for the condom she’d placed there the night before.

  “You were ready,” he said with a cocky grin that made her sex weep.

  “It’s from last night,” she said, matching his smile. “But I’ve been ready from the second I looked at you.”

  His eyes widened. Oh crap. She hadn’t meant to say that. His hands slid up her thighs until his thumbs brushed the secret spot between her legs. With gentle but firm circular motions, he teased the sensitive nub peeking out for his attention. “So have I.” His lids drooped as he continued to caress her. “You feel so damn good.”

  “Wait until you’re inside me.” Her voice was a throaty whisper she almost didn’t recognize. With ease, she opened the condom and slid the protection over his length.

  Kevin’s eyes didn’t leave hers as she took him in her hand, lifted her body, then eased down on him. “Oh damn,” she hissed between her teeth. He stretched and filled her until she thought he would touch every part of her. “You’re so...”

  His grin widened. “I know.” His fingers dug into her waist. Tighter and tighter until the length of his cock completely impaled her.

  She didn’t give a damn if she’d inflated his already gigantic ego. Kevin was more than enough for her and she was ready for the ride. She rocked her hips and they got into a groove. His upward thrusts met her downward plunge. He watched her through slitted lids, his mouth falling open as she took both of them to new heights.

  She couldn’t look away—the pleasure on his face mesmerizing her, the working of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed. The labored rise and fall of his chest. How his eyes rolled back when she took him completely.

  She couldn’t keep this up for long. He felt too good. Was so deep. Exquisite pleasure expanded inside her like a hot air balloon. She was about to explode.

  His hands cupped her breasts. Fingers pinched her sensitive nipples. Her body detonated on a wave of pleasure, her head falling back, her spine arching as she cried out. He tensed, then jerked beneath her. Following her over the edge.

  Panting and sweating, Jasmine fell forward onto his chest. The heavy sound of his breathing and the pounding of his heart lulled her into a trance. She wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that. She could have stayed there forever. She didn’t want to examine that too much. Great sex tended to cloud judgment.

  Kevin’s hand ran up and down her back. He chuckled. Jasmine was too spent to lift her head and look at him. “That better be a good laugh,” she mumbled.

  “That was an I think I’ve found my weakness and I don’t even care laugh,” he said. His voice was deep and husky from his own groans.

  She smiled, satisfied and glowing with her own smugness as she listened to the steady beat of his heart.

  Chapter 12

  Kevin shifted where he sat on the bed of his grandmother’s truck and pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket. Jasmine was taking pictures of Rachel’s great-great-grandparents’ home. She’d traded in her high-heeled boots for a pair of sneakers and her long legs were out for his appraisal thanks to the denim shorts she wore. Excitement made her dark eyes spark with life as she darted around the property, snapping pictures.

  He navigated to his phone’s camera and got his own shots of her. The trees filtered the sunlight and combined with the breeze to make the hot early afternoon moderately comfortable. The house was still in relatively good shape. Rachel’s uncle still farmed the land around it, so her family hadn’t let the old home go into disrepair.

  He had to admit he’d learned a little more about his town in the past two weeks with Jasmine. He had a decent history of the families there because most people talked about how the mill owners had stolen their legacy. But hearing more stories firsthand as he’d gone around with Jasmine had made him appreciate being part of one of the founding families.

  He was glad he’d invested here, and supported Jasmine’s project even more to ensure the rest of the families in Silver Springs got the recognition they deserved.

  He was due to leave town tomorrow. He had a meeting with his agent, then the team leaders. Everyone wanted him to re-sign. He wanted to resign. The pain in his fingers, wrist and knees made the decision for him. After his announcement, everything would change. He’d be a has-been.

  “Why are you frowning?” Jasmine’s voice broke his thoughts.

  She walked back over to him. She’d knotted the front of her T-shirt and he caught a glimpse of her pink belly button ring. She had nine piercings: six in her ears, one belly ring, plus the two he loved the most. She also had three tattoos—an outline of a camera at the small of her back, the words Capture Life around her ankle and the small heart on the
front of her shoulder. He’d succeeded in discovering all her hidden treasures, yet he still wanted more.

  “I leave tomorrow. Thinking about the meetings ahead.”

  He thought he saw sadness in her gaze but a bird chirped in the trees above and Jasmine looked up. “When is your first meeting?”

  She didn’t sound upset about him leaving. They’d made no promises. She’d insisted on making it clear their relationship was just for fun. Which was what he was good at, but he wanted to keep seeing her. Wanted more of her, even though he knew she too would see him as past his prime once he announced his retirement.

  “Day after tomorrow. I’m going to Jacksonville to help with the summer camp the team does every year. While I’m there, I’ll meet with the team owners and discuss my future as a Gator.”

  She looked back at him. “So you’re staying on the team?”

  He flexed his fingers. The pain wasn’t bad today. He’d succumbed to taking the medication every day. “I don’t think so.” He didn’t want to stop playing, but he also didn’t want to jeopardize his health any further.

  Jasmine’s soft fingers closed in over his hand. “You okay?” Her eyes were concerned. Her touch comforting.

  For a second, he considered telling her. About the rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis. The fear of his body breaking down. The end of the only career he’d known. But that was stressful and upsetting. They’d only agreed to fun.

  “I’m good. Just getting ready for a change.” He shifted and spread his legs so she could stand between them. “I’ve played ball professionally since I was eighteen. It’s a little weird to think of doing something else.” He took her camera out of her hands and lifted the strap from around her neck.

  The camera strap mussed her hair and she combed the blue-tipped strands back down with her fingers. “Any new ideas of what you’ll be doing?”

  “I’ve been thinking about real estate.” The dappled sunlight played across her shoulders and chest. He traced a trail to each place the sun touched her brown skin. Her breathing hitched, and pleasure swelled in his chest. She hadn’t tired of him either, and that only added to his determination to keep her in his bed.


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