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The Rediscovery of Man

Page 2

by Cordwainer Smith

  “Sir, I am under the wire.”

  “Top emergency.”

  “Sir, don’t you understand?” Martel mouthed his words, so he could be sure that Vomact followed, “I… am … under . . . the . . .wire. Unfit … for… Space!”

  Vomact repeated: “Top emergency. Report to your central Tie-in.”

  “But, sir, no emergency like this ”

  “Right, Martel. No emergency like this, ever before. Report to Tie-in.” With a faint glint of kindliness, Vomact added: “No need to de-cranch. Report as you are.”

  This time it was Martel whose phone was cut out. The screen went gray.

  He turned to Luci. The temper had gone out of his voice. She came to him. She kissed him, and rumpled his hair. All she could say was, “I’m sorry.”

  She kissed him again, knowing his disappointment.

  “Take good care of yourself, darling. I’ll wait.”

  He scanned, and slipped into his transparent air coat At the window he paused, and waved. She called, “Good luck!” As the air flowed past him he said to himself, “This is the first time I’ve felt flight in in eleven years. Lord, but it’s easy to fly if you can feel yourself live!”

  Central Tie-in glowed white and austere far ahead. Martel peered. He saw no glare of incoming ships from the up and out, no shuddering flare of Space-fire out of control. Everything was quiet, as it should be on an off-duty night.

  And yet Vomact had called. He had called an emergency higher than Space. There was no such thing. But Vomact had called it.

  When Martel got there, he found about half the Scanners present, two dozen or so of them. He lifted the Talking Finger.

  Most of the Scanners were standing face to face, talking in pairs as they read lips. A few of the old, impatient ones were scribbling on their Tablets and then thrusting the Tablets into other people’s faces. All the faces wore the dull dead relaxed look of a haberman When Martel entered the room, he knew that most of the others laughed in the deep isolated privacy of their own minds, each thinking things it would be useless to express in formal words. It had been a long time since a Scanner showed up at a meeting cranched.

  Vomact was not there: probably, thought Martel, he was still on the phone calling others. The light of the phone flashed on and off; the bell rang. Martel felt odd when he realized that of all those present, he was the only one to hear that loud bell. It made him realize why ordinary people did not like to be around groups of habermans or Scanners. Martel looked around for company.

  His friend Chang was there, but was busy explaining to some old and testy Scanner that he did not know why Vomact had called. Martel looked further and saw Parizianski. He walked over, threading his way past the others with a dexterity that showed he could feel his feet from the inside, and did not have to watch them. Several of the others stared at him with their dead faces, and tried to smile. But they lacked full muscular control and their faces twisted into horrid masks. (Scanners knew better than to show expression on faces which they could no longer govern. Martel added to himself, I swear I’ll never smile unless I’m cranched.) Parizianski gave him the sign of the talking finger. Looking face to face, he spoke: “You come here cranched?”

  Parizianski could not hear his own voice, so the words roared like the words on a broken and screeching phone; Martel was startled, but knew that the inquiry was well meant. No one could be better-natured than the burly Pole.

  “Vomact called. Top emergency.”

  “You told him you were cranched?”


  “He still made you come?”


  “Then all this it is not for Space? You could not go Up-and Out You are like ordinary men.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Then why did he call us?” Some pre-Haberman habit made Parizianski wave his arms in inquiry. The hand struck the back of the old man behind them. The slap could be heard throughout the room, but only Martel heard it. Instinctively, he scanned Parizianski and the old Scanner: they scanned him back. Only then did the old man ask why Martel had scanned him. When Martel explained that he was Under-the-Wire, the old man moved swiftly away to pass on the news that there was a cranched Scanner present at the Tie-in.

  Even this minor sensation could not keep the attention of most of the Scanners from the worry about the Top Emergency. One young man, who had scanned his first transit just the year before, dramatically interposed himself between Parizianski and Martel.

  He dramatically flashed his Tablet at them: Is Vmct mad?

  The older men shook their heads. Martel, remembering that it had not been too long that the young man had been haberman mitigated the dead solemnity of the denial with a friendly smile.

  He spoke in a normal voice, saying: “Vomact is the Senior of Scanners. I am sure that he could not go mad. Would he not see it on his boxes first?”

  Martel had to repeat the question, speaking slowly and mouthing his words, before the young Scanner could understand the comment. The young man tried to make his face smile, and twisted it into a comic mask. But he took up his Tablet and scribbled: Yr right.

  Chang broke away from his friend and came over, his half Chinese face gleaming in the warm evening. (It’s strange, thought Martel, that more Chinese don’t become Scanners. Or not so strange, perhaps, if you think that they never fill their quota of habermans Chinese love good living too much. The ones who do scan are all good ones.) Chang saw that Martel was cranched, and spoke with voice: “You break precedents. Luci must be angry to lose you?”

  “She took it well. Chang, that’s strange.”


  “I’m cranched, and I can hear. Your voice sounds all right.

  How did you learn to talk like like an ordinary person?”

  “I practiced with soundtracks. Funny you noticed it. I think I am the only Scanner in or between the Earths who can pass for an Ordinary Man. Mirrors and soundtracks. I found out how to act.”

  “But you don’t. . . ?”

  “No. I don’t feel, or taste, or hear, or smell things, any more than you do. Talking doesn’t do me much good. But I notice that it cheers up the people around me.”

  “It would make a difference in the life of Luci.”

  Chang nodded sagely.

  “My father insisted on it. He said, “You may be proud of being a Scanner. I am sorry you are not a Man.

  Conceal your defects.” So I tried. I wanted to tell the old boy about the up and out, and what we did there, but it did not matter. He said, “Airplanes were good enough for Confucius, and they are for me too.” The old humbug! He tries so hard to be a Chinese when he can’t even read Old Chinese. But he’s got wonderful good sense, and for somebody going on two hundred he certainly gets around.”

  Martel smiled at the thought: “In his airplane?”

  Chang smiled back. This discipline of his facial muscles was amazing; a bystander would not think that Chang was a haberman controlling his eyes, cheeks, and lips by cold intellectual control. The expression had the spontaneity of life.

  Martel felt a flash of envy for Chang when he looked at the dead cold faces of Parizianski and the others. He knew that he himself looked fine: but why shouldn’t he? He was cranched. Turning to Parizianski he said, “Did you see what Chang said about his father? The old boy uses an airplane.”

  Parizianski made motions with his mouth, but the sounds meant nothing. He took up his Tablet and showed it to Martel and Chang: Bzz bzz. Ha ha. Gd ol’ boy.

  At that moment, Martel heard steps out in the corridor. He could not help looking toward the door. Other eyes followed the direction of his glance.

  Vomact came in.

  The group shuffled to attention in four parallel lines. They scanned one another. Numerous hands reached across to adjust the electrochemical controls on Chestboxes which had begun to load up. One Scanner held out a broken finger which his counter scanner had discovered, and submitted it for treatment and splinting.

>   Vomact had taken out his Staff of Office. The cube at the top flashed red light through the room, the lines reformed, and all Scanners gave the sign meaning. Present and ready!

  Vomact countered with the stance signifying, I am the Senior and take Command.

  Talking fingers rose in the counter-gesture, We concur and commit ourselves.

  Vomact raised his right arm, dropped the wrist as though it were broken, in a queer searching gesture, meaning: Any men around? Any habermans not tied? All clear for the Scanners?

  Alone of all those present, the cranched Martel heard the queer rustle of feet as they all turned completely around without leaving position, looking sharply at one another and flashing their belt lights into the dark corners of the great room. When again they faced Vomact, he made a further sign: All clear. Follow my words.

  Martel noticed that he alone relaxed. The others could not know the meaning of relaxation with the minds blocked off up there in their skulls, connected only with the eyes, and the rest of the body connected with the mind only by controlling non-sensory nerves and the instrument boxes on their chests. Martel realized that, cranched as he was, he expected to hear Vomact’s voice: the Senior had been talking for some time. No sound escaped his lips.

  (Vomact never bothered with sound.) “… and when the first men to go Up and Out went to the Moon, what did they find?”

  “Nothing,” responded the silent chorus of lips.

  “Therefore they went further, to Mars and to Venus. The ships went out year by year, but they did not come back until the Year One of Space. Then did a ship come back with the First Effect.

  Scanners, I ask you, what is the First Effect?”

  “No one knows. No one knows.”

  “No one will ever know. Too many are the variables. By what do we know the First Effect?”

  “By the Great Pain of Space,” came the chorus.

  “And by what further sign?”

  “By the need, oh the need for death.”

  Vomact again: “And who stopped the need for death?”

  “Henry Haberman conquered the first effect, in the Year 3 of Space.”

  “And, Scanners, I ask you, what did he do?” “He made the habermans “How, O Scanners, are habermans made?”

  “They are made with the cuts. The brain is cut from the heart, the lungs. The brain is cut from the ears, the nose. The brain is cut from the mouth, the belly. The brain is cut from desire, and pain. The brain is cut from the world. Save for the eyes. Save for the control of the living flesh.”

  “And how, O Scanners, is flesh controlled?”

  “By the boxes set in the flesh, the controls set in the chest, the signs made to rule the living body, the signs by which the body lives.”

  “How does a haberman live and live?”

  “The haberman lives by control of the boxes.”

  “Whence come the habermans?"

  Martel felt in the coming response a great roar of broken voices echoing through the room as the Scanners, habermans themselves, put sound behind their mouthings: “Habermans are the scum of Mankind. Habermans are the weak, the cruel, the credulous, and the unfit. Habermans are the sentenced-to-more-than-death. Habermans live in the mind alone. They are killed for Space but they live for Space. They master the ships that connect the Earths. They live in the Great Pain while ordinary men sleep in the cold cold sleep of the transit.”

  “Brothers and Scanners, I ask you now: are we habermans or are we not?”

  “We are habermans in the flesh. We are cut apart, brain and flesh. We are ready to go to the up and out. All of us have gone through the Haberman Device.”

  “We are habermans then?” Vomact’s eyes flashed and glittered as he asked the ritual question.

  Again the chorused answer was accompanied by a roar of voices heard only by Martel: “Habermans we are, and more, and more. We are the Chosen who are habermans by our own free will. We are the Agents of the Instrumentality of Mankind.”

  “What must the others say to us?”

  “They must say to us, “You are the bravest of the brave, the most skillful of the skilled. All Mankind owes most honor to the Scanner, who unites the Earths of Mankind. Scanners are the protectors of the habermans They are the judges in the Up-and Out They make men live in the place where men need desperately to die. They are the most honored of mankind, and even the Chiefs of the Instrumentality are delighted to pay them homage!”

  ” Vomact stood more erect: “What is the secret duty of the Scanner?”

  “To obey the Instrumentality only in accordance with Scanner Law.”

  “What is the second secret duty of the Scanner?”

  “To keep secret our law, and to destroy the acquirers thereof.”

  “How to destroy?”

  “Twice to the Overload, back and Dead.”

  “If habermans die, what the duty then?”

  The Scanners all compressed their lips for answer. (Silence was the code.) Martel, who long familiar with the Code was a little bored with the proceedings, noticed that Chang was breathing too heavily; he reached over and adjusted Chang’s Lung control and received the thanks of Chang’s eyes. Vomact observed the interruption and glared at them both. Martel relaxed, trying to imitate the dead cold stillness of the others. It was so hard to do, when you were cranched.

  “If others die, what the duty then?” asked Vomact.

  “Scanners together inform the Instrumentality. Scanners together accept the punishment. Scanners together settle the case.”

  “And if the punishment be severe?”

  “Then no ships go.”

  “And if Scanners not be honored?”

  “Then no ships go.”

  “And if a Scanner goes unpaid?”

  “Then no ships go.”

  “And if the Others and the Instrumentality are not in all ways at all times mindful of their proper obligation to the Scanners?”

  “Then no ships go.”

  “And what, O Scanners, if no ships go?”

  “The Earths fall apart. The Wild comes back in. The Old Machines and the Beasts return.”

  “What is the known duty of a Scanner?”

  “Not to sleep in the up and out.”

  “What is the second duty of a Scanner?”

  “To keep forgotten the name of fear.”

  “What is the third duty of a Scanner?”

  “To use the wire of Eustace Cranch only with care, only with moderation.” Several pair of eyes looked quickly at Martel before the mouthed chorus went on.

  “To cranch only at home, only among friends, only for the purpose of remembering, of relaxing, or of begetting.”

  “What is the word of the Scanner?”

  “Faithful though surrounded by death.”

  “What is the motto of the Scanner?”

  “Awake though surrounded by silence.”

  “What is the work of the Scanner?”

  “Labor even in the heights of the up and out, loyalty even in the depths of the Earths.”

  “How do you know a Scanner?”

  “We know ourselves. We are dead though we live. And we Talk with the Tablet and the Nail.”

  “What is this Code?”

  “This code is the friendly ancient wisdom of Scanners, briefly put that we may be mindful and be cheered by our loyalty to one another.”

  At this point the formula should have run: “We complete the Code. Is there work or word for the Scanners?” But Vomact said, and he repeated: “Top Emergency. Top Emergency.”

  They gave him the sign. Present and ready!

  He said, with every eye straining to follow his lips: “Some of you know the work of Adam Stone?”

  Martel saw lips move, saying: “The Red Asteroid. The Other who lives at the edge of Space.”

  “Adam Stone has gone to the Instrumentality, claiming success for his work. He says that he has found how to Screen Out the Pain of Space. He says that the up and out can be made safe for ordinary
men to work in, to stay awake in. He says that there need be no more Scanners.”

  Beltlights flashed on all over the room as Scanners sought the right to speak. Vomact nodded to one of the older men.

  “Scanner Smith will speak.”

  Smith stepped slowly up into the light, watching his own feet.

  He turned so that they could see his face. He spoke: “I say that this is a lie. I say that Stone is a liar. I say that the Instrumentality must not be deceived.”

  He paused. Then, in answer to some question from the audience which most of the others did not see, he said: “I invoke the secret duty of the Scanners.”

  Smith raised his right hand for Emergency Attention: “I say that Stone must die.”

  Martel, still cranched, shuddered as he heard the boos, groans, shouts, squeaks, grunts, and moans which came from the Scanners who forgot noise in their excitement and strove to make their dead bodies talk to one another’s deaf ears. Beltlights flashed wildly all over the room. There was a rush for the rostrum and Scanners milled around at the top, vying for attention until Parizianski by sheer bulk shoved the others aside and down, and turned to mouth at the group.

  “Brother Scanners, I want your eyes.”

  The people on the floor kept moving, with their numb bodies jostling one another. Finally Vomact stepped up in front of Parizianski, faced the others, and said: “Scanners, be Scanners! Give him your eyes.”

  Parizianski was not good at public speaking. His lips moved too fast. He waved his hands, which took the eyes of the others away from his lips. Nevertheless, Martel was able to follow most of the message: “… can’t do this. Stone may have succeeded. If he has succeeded, it means the end of Scanners. It means the end of habermans too. None of us will have to fight in the up and out.

  We won’t have anybody else going Under-the-Wire for a few hours or days of being human. Everybody will be Other. Nobody will have to cranch, never again. Men can be men. The habermans can be killed decently and properly, the way men were killed in the Old Days, without anybody keeping them alive. They won’t have to work in the up and out! There will be no more Great Pain think of it! No . . . more . . . Great. . . Pain! How do we know that Stone is a liar ” Lights began flashing directly into his eyes. (The rudest insult of Scanner to Scanner was this.) Vomact again exercised authority. He stepped in front of Parizianski and said something which the others could not see.


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