Book Read Free

Just Like Candy

Page 10

by Kimberly Kaye Terry

  “What are you talking about? I simply told the young man his services weren’t needed. I thought you would be interested in having dinner with Angelica, my sister and me. That is, if you’re hungry?”

  Candy was two seconds away from refusing his offer, when her stomach growled and she promptly shut her mouth. She hadn’t eaten all day. Hell, she was hungry.

  Besides hunger as a motivating factor, Candy didn’t want the chance to spend time with Angelica to go to waste, even if Davis had been a total ass to Nate.

  Candy turned to move out of his arms, but he didn’t allow it. He tilted her face up to his, his thumb resting beneath her chin.

  “Don’t you want to come home with me, Candy?” he asked again. Saying more than his words.

  “Yes.” She croaked the words after only a brief hesitation.

  “Good,” he responded, his deep voice husky and soft. “Good, let’s go.” He finally released her, allowing her to break out of his arms.

  With a deep, shaky breath, she turned away from him and turned out the light. With his hand resting lightly in the indentation of her waist, he ushered her out of the office.

  “I’m ready.”

  What she was ready for, even Candy wasn’t sure.


  T he invitation to dinner had been impromptu and he’d been surprised when she went along with it when he’d issued it in front of the grad student.

  Shit, he’d surprised himself as well.

  He’d wanted to knock the boy’s teeth down his damn throat, the way he had been eyeing Candy. The kid damn sure had more on his mind than giving her a ride home. When he’d touched her, Davis had wanted to rip his hands off of Candy’s smooth skin.

  Who the hell did he think he was, touching her like that?

  Davis knew he had no right to feel any sort of possessiveness that way; he’d given her the cold shoulder enough times that he had no rights at all…but damn if he wasn’t asserting his rights, rights he’d given himself.

  As the wind kicked up a few notches, they briskly picked up their pace toward his vehicle. As he neared the SUV he saw Milly had gotten into the backseat with Angel. Angel usually begged Milly to ride in back with her.

  “Is this going to be okay with them?”

  “You coming for dinner?”

  “Yes, I don’t want to intrude on family time,” Candy replied.

  “There’s no intrusion. Milly won’t mind at all.”

  “And Angelica?”

  “She’ll be fine, don’t worry,” he replied firmly, his hand on her waist.

  Davis opened the door to the passenger side of the car, helping Candy inside.

  “Hello ladies, sorry it took me longer than I thought. Ms. Cain needed a ride home and I asked her over for dinner. Maybe I can convince her to stay to help even up the odds for the UNO tournament later, what do you all think?”

  When Milly bobbed her head in instant agreement Davis closed Candy’s door and jogged around the front of the SUV. He hopped inside and rubbed his hands together to ward off the chill from outside before putting the key in the ignition.

  “Sounds like fun! Hi, Candy.” Milly gave Candy a wide grin when she replied, instantly putting her at ease.

  “Hi, Milly! I don’t want to intrude on family night—”

  “Please! You’re not interrupting anything, is she Angel?”

  Angelica took her cue from her aunt and agreed. “No, I guess it would be okay,” she agreed, if a bit reluctantly.

  “Your daddy needs all the help he can get,” Milly laughed.

  “Help for what?” he asked warily.

  “Even up the odds in UNO, Daddy!” Angelica piped up, adding “Aunt Milly says you need all the help you can get!”

  “Yeah well, if you and your aunt didn’t cheat so badly, maybe I’d stand a fighting chance. But I’m not sure if Miss Cain wants to stay for cards, baby.”

  He shot Candy a questioning look.

  “I think I’d better head home after all. It is getting late, and I don’t want to intrude.”

  “You’re staying for dinner and cards. Unless you can’t handle UNO, Ms. Cain?” Davis asked, and lifted one dark blond eyebrow.

  “Are you…challenging me?” Candy asked, head canted to the side. When she heard the giggles from Angelica she upped her theatrics. “Oh no you didn’t!” Candy snapped her fingers and clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Angelica and Milly both released peals of laughter. “Didn’t you know? I never walk away from a challenge. You’re on!”

  “Never, Ms. Cain?” he murmured the question loud enough for only Candy to hear.

  “No…not anything, Davis,” she replied softly.

  Goosebumps tickled her arms as he slid his glance over her face, his eyes lingering on her lips.

  “Consider that duly noted,” he murmured and gave her one last hot look before he turned his attention to the road.


  “Y our home is beautiful,” Candy said, allowing Davis to remove her coat.

  “Thank you. Please have a seat, I’ll hang this up for you.” He took the coat and hung it up for her and Candy slowly trailed behind him.

  When she’d walked across the gorgeous cherrywood floors in the large, immaculate kitchen, she’d instantly wanted to take off her shoes to avoid marking the shiny floors.

  As they’d driven into the exclusive neighborhood, Candy had begun to feel uneasy, although she hated to admit it to herself.

  Candy forced herself to shake off the feelings of less than. She recited reaffirming mantras in her head, sang in her head, lyrics from some of her favorite songs about being an independent woman…mentally doing whatever it took to remind herself she was no longer that embarrassed little girl from long ago.

  She no longer needed to be afraid she’d break something valuable in one of the homes where her father worked and receive a scolding from the kitchen staff.

  Angelica obviously didn’t share Candy’s fear of messing up the floors. After doing a cursory stomp-down of her snow boots once she hopped out of the SUV, she ran inside the house, and slung her backpack down to the floor.

  “Come on, Aunt Milly, I want to show you the new game for my Game Cube Daddy bought me for Christmas!”

  She’d happily raced up the spiral staircase, dragging her much slower moving, but laughing, aunt behind her to show off her latest game.

  “That’s fine, Angel-girl, but dinner will be ready soon—” Davis’ voice trailed off when she and Milly disappeared from sight.

  “Somehow I don’t think she heard that,” Candy laughed with him, over Angelica’s excitement over her new game.

  “No, I don’t think she did.”

  Candy followed him, her feet sinking into the cushioned softness of the beautiful rug in the living area. Candy wanted to take off her shoes, as well as her tights, not for fear of dirtying up the rug, but just to feel its luxuriousness against her bare toes.

  “Feel free to look around, if you want. I’m going to start reheating the food,” Davis said over his shoulder as he walked toward the open airy kitchen.

  He’d taken off his shoes and, wearing nothing but socks, padded into the kitchen and removed the apron hanging from a hook. He donned it, allowing the ties to hang loose at his sides.

  If it was possible for a man to look hot and domesticated at the same time, Davis Strong had that on lock down, Candy thought.

  He prepared dinner with his shirtsleeves shoved up to his elbows to expose his lightly furred, muscular arms, as he set about pulling out cooking utensils.

  When he reached above his head to remove the pots and pans hanging suspended above the butcher-block table, the ends of his dress shirt came out of his slacks and Candy was able to see a glimpse of his hard abs.


  She thought he must have heard her appreciative murmur when he glanced at her, one dark blond eyebrow raised and a question in his eyes.

  Candy mumbled some incoherent nothingness and he gave
her a half-grin and turned back to his work.

  There was nothing like watching a man who knew his way around the kitchen. Candy sat in one of the kitchen stools that ringed the island, perched her chin in her hands, propped her elbows on the counter and enjoyed the show.

  Dinner had been delicious and Candy complimented Davis on the meal. She had been pleasantly surprised when a blush rose in his lean cheeks. They’d then gone to the family room and set up the UNO game.

  When they first began to play, Angelica had treated Candy as she usually did whenever her father was around, with forced politeness, a step up from her occasional dismissiveness or complete rudeness. But soon she relaxed and even laughed at Candy’s feeble jokes.

  Candy noticed Milly would glance at Davis when she thought no one was looking, and she’d catch a certain look pass between them. Davis would quickly glance in Candy’s direction when it happened, and she played off that she’d witnessed the exchange.

  Candy was disappointed when the evening was over. She was surprised to see she wasn’t the only one, when Angelica demanded one more tie-breaker game…for the third time.

  “No Angel-girl…it’s time to call it a night, I think.” Davis stood and stretched his big body after sitting on the large throw pillows while they played. “Does anyone want anything else from the kitchen? I’m on my way in there.”

  When he cracked his back and stretched, the muscles in his back visibly bunched beneath his shirt. Candy bit her bottom lip with her top teeth to suppress a wistful sigh. When she dragged her eyes away, she caught Milly’s amused eyes on hers and flushed.

  Oh well, the man was fine, no use in pretending she wasn’t sneaking a peak, as she’d been busted in the act anyway, Candy thought.

  “I’m fine, Davis. In fact, I think it’s time Angel and I got ready to go; it’s getting late.” Milly looked down at her watch.

  “Why don’t you and Angel stay tonight and wait until morning to leave? We can move the slumber party here, as easily as your house.” Davis turned concerned eyes in his sister’s direction.

  “No way, Dad! You’re not invited to the party,” Angelica jumped up from her pillow and protested. “You promised I could have a sleepover with Aunt Milly! You promised!”

  “Baby girl, I know I promised. But it’s kind of late and too dark for you two to be out driving the streets alone—” Davis began only to have Milly glare at him and cut him off midsentence.

  “Davis, I am more than capable of driving in the dark! I’ve been driving nearly as long as you have. I think I can handle a little ice on the streets, big brother,” Milly scoffed.

  “Yeah, Dad! Aunt Milly is almost as old as you are! She’s been driving since forever!” Angel agreed, trying to be helpful, no doubt. Milly grimaced but laughed.

  “Besides, you’re taking Miss Candy home, or are you gonna let her stay over for a pajama party too?” she asked innocently. “Hey, that might be fun if we all had a sleepover together!”

  Davis, Candy and Milly looked at one another, each with various expressions on their faces.

  Candy envisioned what type of pajama party she and Davis would have. The one instantly springing to her mind was worlds different than the one Angelica was thinking of.

  Davis had a somewhat pained look on his face, searching for the right words in order to answer his daughter.

  “I don’t think we can do that, sweetheart. Miss Candy needs to get home. I’m sure she wouldn’t want to stay for a pajama party with me…with us,” he quickly corrected himself.

  “Miss Candy, would you stay for a pajama party with my dad, if he asked you nicely? Wouldn’t that be a lot of fun?”

  “Yes, Miss Candy…would you stay for a pajama party if I asked nicely?” Davis said, gleefully turning the tables on her, if the evil glint in his eyes was any indication.

  Candy gave Davis a wicked look before she turned and answered Angelica. “No, honey, as much as I’d love to, I’m afraid I can’t. But I bet it would be a lot of fun! I’ve got to get home to take care of my cat. Russell gets pretty irked if he’s not fed on time. He’s got a schedule, and he’s a total grump if I’m not home on time.”

  “Okay, Angel-girl, I think it’s time for you and Aunt Milly to head on out, before it gets any later.” Davis, thankfully, cut the conversation short.

  “Your dad is right, Angel. Besides, we still have a movie waiting at home for us to watch!” Milly said as they began to walk toward the front door. Milly had parked her vehicle in the circular driveway instead of the garage.

  “Goodbye Milly, it was nice seeing you again.” Milly placed her coat on and picked up her cane. She then turned and surprised Candy by giving her a hug.

  “It was nice seeing you too, Candy! I had a lot of fun. We’ll have to do this again sometime.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Candy waited for Davis to help Angelica on with her coat before she spoke to her.

  “I had fun with you too, Angelica. Thanks for allowing me to spend time with your family.” Angelica tried to hide her grin, but the adults all saw the way she smiled, pleased.

  “Yep, that would be cool! But next time you can play on our team, all three of us together…huh, Aunt Milly?” she asked.

  “Hey, that’s three against one, no fair,” Davis protested. “It’s bad enough you and your aunt cheat, now you’re going to take her from me? No way! I get to keep Ms. Candy all to myself, urchin…now let’s go!” he helped her buttoning her coat.

  Leaning down, he gave her a kiss on her cheek, and she in turn blew a raspberry against his cheek. Candy felt her heart clench at the simple, affectionate exchange.

  “I’ll be back after I walk them to the car,” he promised, turning toward Candy.

  “Goodbye, Milly, and I’ll see you tomorrow, Angelica. An hour early.” She gave a subtle reminder of their agreement.

  Angelica glanced at her father, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.

  Candy faced Davis. “Angelica agreed to come in an hour early to help me and a few of the others set up for the party. I hope that’s okay?” she said, more so to reassure Angelica that she’d keep her end of the bargain, as long as she kept hers.

  “I don’t see why not,” he agreed easily.

  “Thanks, Ms. Candy. See you tomorrow.” Angelica placed her gloved hand in her aunt’s and they walked out of the door.

  “I’ll be right back. Make yourself at home, I won’t be long.” Davis offered and quickly followed his sister and daughter.


  W hen he closed the door, Candy slowly turned around and surveyed the formal living area.

  It was immaculate. Although his entire home was beautifully decorated, this room had an untouchable aura of sophisticated elegance.

  It was decorated in cool shades of black and cream, from the thick ivory rugs covering most of the hardwood floors, to the satin-covered occasional chairs and silk-lined drapes.

  The art decorating the walls was sophisticated and abstract and Candy knew many of the prints would cost her a year’s salary.

  Definitely not the type of flea market finds adorning the walls of her home.

  The fireplace was made of whitewashed brick, and was authentic, requiring logs and not gas or electricity. Although it wasn’t lit, no fire burning brightly inside, she couldn’t imagine that even if it were, it could extinguish the aura of cool elegance the room projected.

  Not a knickknack was turned the wrong way inside the glass-fronted hutch, no picture was situated wrong on the mantel of the fireplace. Everything was perfect.

  Candy crossed the room. Curious, she looked at the few pictures set on top of the mantel. The majority of the pictures were of Angelica, but there was one small photo of a younger Davis, looking at a very pregnant woman whom she guessed to be Gail, Angelica’s mother.

  Candy picked the picture up to get a better look.

  Gail had been an attractive woman. Her smooth oval face was the color of café au lait, her large eyes appeared
dark brown and even in the picture she saw Angelica’s resemblance to her mother.

  She wore her hair straight and long with a slight curl at the ends, and wispy bangs fringing her wide forehead.

  Her hands rested on her round stomach and although she had no smile on her face, she appeared to be happy. Or at least content. Davis stood next to her, and neither was he smiling.

  As Candy carefully analyzed the photo, to her, they didn’t appear to fit together. She got no sense of them as a couple.

  When she heard Davis enter, Candy set the picture back on the mantel, feeling guilty for the psychoanalysis she’d been giving the couple in the picture.

  “I had a wonderful time, Davis,” she said, once he’d come further into the room.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he replied as he walked over to the fireplace. “Angelica and Milly had a good time as well. More so because you were here.”

  “I hope so. I enjoyed spending time with them, especially Angelica, outside of the center.”

  “Would you like me to start a fire?”

  “Yes, that would be nice,” she murmured.

  On the floor next to the fireplace was a pretty white wrought iron basket filled with logs. Davis moved the gate in front of the fireplace and added two of them, lighting the fire.

  “I know it’s getting late, but would you like to share a glass of wine with me before I take you home? Or have you had enough for the evening, what with Angelica’s cheating and all?” he joked.

  Candy needed to get up early tomorrow, but it wasn’t so late she couldn’t enjoy a glass of wine in the romantic setting with Davis, alone.

  “That sounds good.”

  “Great,” he smiled lightly. “Hold on while I grab a few more pillows to sit on,” he said.

  He lifted the lid on an ornately carved, beautiful cedar chest, withdrew two large floor pillows from within and returned to her side.

  After he placed them on the floor close to the fireplace, he held out a hand and helped Candy sit.

  “I’ll be right back.”


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