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The Thorn Chronicles-Books 1-4: Kissed, Destroyed, Secrets, and Lies

Page 71

by Kimberly Loth

  “Really?” Raven was telling the truth. Huh.

  “I am thousands of years old. Perdere here is the first Destroyer. He is my brother. Our feud is as old as time.”

  And I’d thought Raven and Julian were just messing with us. I wondered if the rest of the story was true. I crossed my arms. “Then why aren’t you the Master Guardian?”

  He laughed. “I gave that up long ago. I was blinded by my fight with my brother. The rest of the Guardian and Destroyer world grew without us, I’m afraid. However, several years ago we had a prophecy that changed everything. And that prophecy is why Julian and Raven can never be together.”

  “What prophecy?”

  “It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that if Raven and Julian get together we will die. It is crucial that Puck returns them to us.”

  “Do your prophecies always come true?”

  He nodded. “But not always in the way we expect. The prophecy also speaks of an ultimate Master. One who holds both the Master Guardian and Master Destroyer power.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “We don’t know. We’ve hunted for the dual power for years, but nothing has ever made sense.”


  “The Master Guardian power must be given willingly, and the Master Destroyer power must be forcibly taken, usually upon death.”

  Was it possible that they didn’t know about what happened with Naomi? They seemed to know everything. How could I ask without them getting suspicious?

  “So have you watched all the takeovers from the previous Masters?”

  “We have.”

  “So you know about Evelyn.”

  They laughed. Custos continued. “Yes, that was a surprise. But she was one of my favorites.”

  “What about Kai and Jason? Kai is still alive.”

  “You think you know what happened there, but you don’t. Kai was a Guardian. He was never a true Destroyer. No, he and Jason were working together even back then. Kai stabbed that witch who stole the Master Destroyer power, but then he gave her to Jason to finish off. It was all a big show. Kai was never the Master Destroyer.”

  So they didn’t know. Here goes nothing.

  “Couldn’t a woman theoretically take the Master Destroyer power or the Master Guardian power without anyone dying?”

  Custos tapped his chin. “I suppose, but that person would have to have the trust of both the Master Guardian and the Master Destroyer. No such person exists.”

  Oh, he was so wrong. She did exist, and her name was Naomi. Is it possible that she understood how this all worked? That she was some ultimate Guardian and Destroyer? Even if she didn’t understand it completely, she was organizing a group that was supposed to watch over both the Guardians and Destroyers. But if she was planning on being able to control both groups, then her betrayal to Puck was bigger than I thought.

  “Enough talk. I’m tired of this. You paint, yes?” asked Custos.

  I nodded.


  We went up a winding staircase. At the top we entered through a trap door. He climbed up first and held out his hand. I took it and followed him up. The room was round with art easel set up in the middle. The walls were all glass and the view was amazing—trees as far as the eye could see and the ocean very far off in the distance.

  He pointed to a box. “There are paints and pencils in there, as well as a few sketchbooks.” Then he pointed to a closet door. “There are extra canvases in there. Julian liked to paint. You are free to spend as much time in here as you like. Dinner will be served in four hours. You may take your gloves off while in this room, but if you want to go anywhere else, you must put them back on. If either of us spots you without your gloves on, we’ll lock you up again, and not in this pretty room.”

  I sighed, but made sure he thought I was grateful. “Thank you. I’ll be down for dinner. How do I find the dining room?”

  “I’ll send a servant to fetch you.”

  I waited for him to leave and then sank down into a couch and shifted around to find a comfortable position, which was impossible, because it was designed to look like a Victorian era couch. Not exactly made for lounging. I looked out over the trees. Who was I kidding, I would not be able to escape from this place, and it was very unlikely that Puck or anyone else could get in.

  I took out a sketchbook and a few pencils and dragged the couch so it was right next to the glass. At first I thought about sketching the scene in front of me. It was gorgeous, but truthfully I was frustrated at being kept here against my will. I wished I had a rose like Naomi had in Arkansas. It would suck the power right out of these two jerks and then I could get away.

  I began to sketch that rose and then blended it with the one from Tombstone. The rose that stole Lincoln and my power. I wove them together and then found a few colored pencils. The purple and blue looked really pretty together.

  If only a picture could suck power like the real thing.

  Maybe it could. I had the ability to take power from people. Could I infuse a picture with that power? There would be no way to test it, I was just going to have to try and hope that it would work. It wasn’t a very good plan, but at least it was a plan.

  I spent the rest of the afternoon sketching, trying to find the perfect design. I wouldn’t have time to do anything before dinner, but I had all day tomorrow. It would take a few days, but if all went according to plan I’d be free in less than a week.

  I was digging around the closet for a good canvas when someone knocked on the trapdoor. I pulled it open and found an old woman in a black and white uniform. These guys were very old fashioned.

  “It’s time to dress for dinner, Miss. Please put your gloves back on.”

  I did as I was told and followed her down several sets of stairs. She briskly walked down the hallway and I found myself having to jog to keep up. We came to a large bedroom with a massive dark-red dress spread out on the bed.

  I pointed to it. “You expect me to wear that?”

  The woman nodded. “Yes. I’ll help you put it on.”

  Never mind that. I didn’t think I could walk in the thing. It was like something out of a Disney movie, with a full skirt and a corset. I’d never again complain about the outfits Ginny forced me to wear.

  The maid slid the dress over my head. It showed off my cleavage. I didn’t know I even had one, but apparently corsets can work miracles.

  She gave me a new pair of gloves that went all the way over my elbows. They also took away my power. This was so frustrating.

  “I can’t breathe,” I said.

  “You’ll be fine. Come along.”

  I shuffled behind her, trying to stay upright. Between not being able to breathe and not knowing how to walk in the stupid skirt, I was lucky I didn’t face plant into the dining room.

  Both men were there, dressed immaculately.

  “Thank you so much for joining us. We don’t like the uncivilized nature of dinners now. The Victorian age was my favorite for dinner dresses. You look lovely,” said Custos.

  “I’m not sure I can eat in this tight outfit, but I’ll try.”

  After dinner, the maid took me back to the bedroom. I almost asked if I could sleep up in the art tower, but then remembered that uncomfortable couch. After the maid helped me get out of the awful dress, I crawled under the covers and thanked my lucky stars that the mattress was from this century. I was out in seconds.

  I woke in the middle of the night to incessant meowing. It sounded just like Lincoln, which was stupid. Lincoln was dead. I opened the window and looked down. Sure enough, I saw the reflective eyes of a cat looking right up at me, howling like mad.

  I crept out of my room and down the stairs to the front door. Of course the floor creaked. But I wasn’t running away, I just wanted to see the cat that obviously needed something.

  I opened the door and the cat ran straight toward me.

  “Lincoln!” I exclaimed. I picked him up and squeezed, a huge grin on my face
. “How are you alive? How did you find me?” I patted his patchy head and he meowed, struggling to get down. I finally noticed a piece of paper tied to his collar. I unrolled it and a small pencil fell out.

  We are outside the gates. Impossible to get in. If you can get past the gate we can get you out of here. In the meantime, we are working on a plan. We’ll let you know what we need you to do and when. Send a note back with Lincoln telling us how you are.

  I grabbed pencil and quickly scrawled a response.

  Okay. No way out. Said the fence would kill me. What’s it made of? Electricity? Or something else? Do you know where Raven and Julian are?

  I tied the note to Lincoln’s collar again and reluctantly watched him leave. I wondered how he got in, because if he could get in, maybe I could get out the same way. I’d have to follow him tomorrow.

  I went back to bed and thought of this recent development. Someone was outside to rescue me, but I didn’t know who. If I could make my art work then maybe I could disarm my kidnappers long enough for me to get out. Though it could just make them angry and I’d be locked in a room where I’d never see the light of day. The whole plan could backfire.

  But Lincoln was alive. I hoped that meant that Wyatt and Morgan were okay, too. In fact, they could be the ones out there with Puck or Naomi. I wondered what happened with the girls in Jena, if they were okay as well. Also, just where the hell were Raven and Julian? Did Puck really cover it up and make it look like they escaped?

  There were way too many questions and not nearly enough answers.


  Cutting down a Saguaro cactus is a federal offense, carrying a sentence of up to twenty-five years. I wish that on anyone who does it on purpose. But being a prisoner sucks.

  I WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING and headed right for the turret with the art studio. I had a lot of work to do. With any luck, I’d be out of here in a few days. It was a lot of work, but I got both pictures completely sketched out and put the first layer of paint on them. I also put a little power into them. Just enough to make it feel seductive, but not enough to draw anyone in.

  That night, Lincoln came again. I sat on the grass next to the house and he curled up in my lap while I read the note.

  Fence is infused with the power to kill anyone who touches it. Never seen anything like it before. It doesn’t seem to affect animals though. No plan yet. We were hoping to catch a ride past the fence, but so far no one has come or gone. Any ideas?

  I flipped the paper over and thought for a minute. Custos infused the fence with power to keep out intruders. I’d seen plenty shields fall when someone got too far away or fell asleep. It was possible the fence worked the same way.

  If I remove the power from the person whose power makes the fence deadly, will it go away?

  I attached the note to Lincoln.

  “You make him write a response right now and then come back to me. I’ll wait for an hour.”

  Lincoln blinked at me and took off toward the gate. I leaned back and let my eyes drift shut. How many of my friends were out there? Who was out there, anyway? How was it that no one had caught them yet?

  A half hour later I saw Lincoln trotting toward me again.

  Probably. Is there anything that we can get you?

  Perfect, and now that I thought about it, yes there was.

  Can you get me 3 or 4 blooms from Naomi’s Destroyer rose?

  “I’m going to bed now, I’ll see you tomorrow night,” I said as I sent Lincoln away.

  The next day I got the pictures completely finished, except for the part where I put enough energy in them to suck out the power of anyone who touched them. I wanted to wait for the roses.

  When night fell, I waited impatiently. Lincoln usually came around midnight. I hoped that would give my friends enough time to get the rose blooms.

  At midnight, I saw Lincoln trotting across the lawn, dragging a bag. There was a new note attached to his collar.

  Here you go. Good luck. Please give us a time to be ready.

  I pulled out the pen and quickly scrawled a response.

  Seven p.m. Please confirm. Also, be careful as I don’t know for sure that this will work.

  I was itching to get back upstairs and work on the picture, but my captors might get suspicious if I was discovered painting in the middle of the night. It would have to wait until morning.

  I waited for Lincoln to return.

  Seven is good. I am confident you’ll succeed. You be careful too. See you tomorrow.

  I still had no idea who was out there. No one signed the notes, which was actually a good idea, because what if one got intercepted? I tiptoed back upstairs and set the roses on my bedside table. I’d get up early and finish the picture. I only hoped it would be enough.


  After being kidnapped, I began thinking of ways to protect myself so that it doesn’t happen again. One thing I will do is plant cacti under my windows and all over my yard so that anyone who thinks about breaking in will have a nasty surprise.

  THE NEXT MORNING I SNUCK upstairs before anyone else got up. The bag with the roses smelled divine and the blooms shivered at my touch. I picked up a flower and closed my eyes, trying to identify the power inside of it. The energy was condensed in the middle of the flower, and it glowed purple. I drew it into my hand. Then I infused some of my own power, the part that longed to draw the power of Guardians and Destroyers. The rose withered and died in my hand.

  I forced the combined essence into the picture of the purple rose. My painting now radiated power, but it felt different than my Shade power so I hoped it would throw off Custos, at least long enough for the rose to do its job.

  I picked up another bloom, repeated the process, and infused the power into the picture with the blue rose. One for Custos, one for Perdere. Hopefully their power would be gone in an instant. Perdere wasn’t as important as Custos. Custos was the power that kept the deadly fence alive, so I didn’t want Perdere losing his power first. There were two more roses in the bag. I’d put those in my hair tonight when I dressed for dinner in one of those awful dresses. I wondered if any of those dresses they had happened to be purple. That would be so fitting.

  That evening I dug through the bedroom closet and found a purple dress that looked more medieval than Victorian. I didn’t wait for the maid; I got dressed, put my hair up, and weaved the roses into it. The sleeves were so long they covered my hands. Just when I’d finished, I heard a knock.

  “I’ve come to help you dress,” said the housekeeper.

  “I already took care of it, thanks. Please come back when it’s time for dinner.”

  I didn’t have a clock in my room so I didn’t know for sure what time it was. What I did know was that for the past two nights we dined at six, which meant that I could present the gifts as soon as we were finished eating.

  The housekeeper came back a while later and escorted me into the dining room once again.

  “You look lovely tonight,” Custos said and kissed my gloved hand.

  “Thank you.” In my other hand, I carried a small bag with the rose canvases in it.

  “What’s this?” he asked.

  “A gift. I’ll give it to you after dinner.”

  He smiled and nodded.

  As soon as dinner was finished, I looked at the clock. Exactly seven. Hopefully my rescuers were waiting. I reached for my bag and noticed a blur at the window. Lincoln sat in the windowsill, watching me.

  My hands shook a little as I pulled out the two canvases.

  “I painted you both a picture.” I handed a canvas to Custos first and he gently took it. He stared at the rose but didn’t touch it. After a pause I handed Perdere his. Now this all seemed like a stupid idea. What if they didn’t touch the picture?

  Custos set his gift on the table.

  “Thank you, it’s lovely.”


  Perdere, on the other hand, brushed his fingers over the rose and the reaction was immediate. He went rigid a
s the picture drew out his power. Custos’ eyes went wide. This could be my only chance. I took a rose out of my hair and threw at it him. To my surprise he caught it and began to laugh. The rose had no effect on him.

  “You silly little girl, you don’t think I’m smart enough to spot things that could hurt me? This rose can’t do anything to me. Though I expect it would have had some effect on Perdere, if your picture hadn’t taken all his power first. Thank you. That’s one less enemy I have to think about.”

  While he talked, I took my gloves off under the table. There was so much power floating around the room, he wouldn’t notice.

  “But you’ve been a bad girl. Come now, let’s take you back to your prison.”

  I looked up at him. I couldn’t believe he would be so dumb that he’d hold out his hand. Did he really think I’d take it willingly?

  I’d never done this before so I didn’t know exactly what to do. But I’d have to figure it out, and fast.

  I gripped his hand and pulled at everything I could sense. His eyes went wide and his energy came rushing toward me. It was a very bizzare sensation. He was powerful, more powerful than any Guardians I knew, which made sense since he was the original. The man went rigid and after a minute he fell limp. I left him there, grabbed the picture from Perdere, who was still unconscious, and ran for the front door. I tugged on it. Locked.

  Damn. They must’ve noticed I was sneaking out at night.

  I looked at the wide window in the front room. It wouldn’t open, but it could break. I looked around for something heavy and found a tall statue of a woman holding a baby. It would have to do.

  I threw it as hard as I could and the window shattered.

  I picked up another statue and cleared out pieces of glass when someone gripped my hair and dragged me backward.

  “You think you can get away with this? Give it back.”

  “No.” I looked up and noticed that Custos had aged ten years in ten minutes.

  “Then we’ll just lock you up and starve you. Stupid little bitch. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Custos looked down at me and Perdere rose up right next to him, aging right in front of my eyes.


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