Brothers Black 5: Felix the Watch
Page 22
“Yes, Mistress,” I reply reaching to wrap my hand around my shaft.
I start with slow strokes as I watch another woman begin to kiss on my woman’s neck, while fondling her breasts. Kaye keeps her eyes on me the entire time. Only the rise and fall of her chest gives her away. She’s turned on as much as I am.
I lick my lips and my mouth falls open. Kaye taps Hayidah’s leg for her to rise. I watch as they both stand. Kaye turns to Hayidah.
“Undress me, take your time. Give him a show,” she purrs.
“Yes, Mistress,” Hayidah says.
Hayidah goes to stand behind Kaye, her hands gliding from behind Kaye, slaying her stomach. They then make the slow trip up to cup her breasts. My jaw flexes, my eyes squint behind my glasses.
This wasn’t what I planned for tonight, but I can’t say that it’s not hot as fuck. Both of them are gorgeous women. Each beautiful in their own right. Together they are stunning—brown on brown.
I know that look on Hayidah’s face. She’s more than attracted to Kaye. I understand. It’s hard to look away from Kaye. Especially when the shyness fades away, revealing the real Kaye.
I start to stroke harder, faster, when Kaye’s tits bounce free from the corset, as Hayidah releases and removes it. Kaye’s nipples are tight, pointing right at me. I want to suck one into my mouth.
I feel myself go to move forward to do just that, but remember myself at the last second. Kaye’s eyes blaze at me in warning. The look is so sexy, I have to slow down my strokes. The base of my spine tingles.
“Don’t come,” she warns.
Meanwhile, Hayidah has her hands all over Kaye’s curves as she peels the latex pants from Kaye’s legs. Those thick brown thighs come into view, calling me to be between them. I know one thing for sure, when I get my hands on Kaye she’s going to wish she didn’t tease me like this.
I’m going to enjoy every single moment. When I finally get to make her come, I’m not going to stop. That is if I let her come.
I love that Kaye steps back into those spiked heels once her pants are out of the way. They have her calves looking amazing, making her legs look longer.
With a wicked grin on her lips, Kaye turns her back to me. She beckons Hayidah to her with the crook of her finger. Again, she says something only the two of them can hear.
I watch as Kaye bends at the waist. Hayidah drops to her knees behind Kaye and I nearly lose it. Hayidah pries Kaye open and starts to feast on that pussy I know so well.
My tongue darts out of my own mouth as if I can taste it for myself. The sweet taste is one I’ve come to love waking to. The hum that comes from Hayidah’s throat is both understandable and envied.
Kaye looks over her shoulder to watch me as I watch them. The sexy look on her face threatens to push me too far. Hayidah begins to knead Kaye’s cheeks, while working her head, causing Kaye to suck her lip into her mouth.
“Ah,” Kaye purrs.
“Fuck,” I groan, not caring that I’m supposed to be the silent one.
I’m not sure how much more of this I can take. I’m ready to call all of this to an end to claim my woman, but the look of satisfaction on her face gives me pause. It’s not the satisfaction from the pleasure. It’s the look of satisfaction because she’s the one in control.
All at once it’s like I step out of my body to watch this from above the room. I see everything before me differently. I see Kaye differently.
All her life she’s done what’s been asked of her. Publishing her books has been the first time she’s chosen something for herself. The first time she’s had control.
Until now.
This is so much more than something sexual. Just as it should be. This experience has turned into what Kaye needs, not what her character in her book needs.
I have to bite down hard because the gratification of knowing she has this threatens all the restraint I’ve had up until this point. As if sensing my need for her, she straightens. Kaye strokes Hayidah’s hair, leaning down to whisper something in her ear.
Hayidah gets to her feet and heads to the displays, but Kaye and I are focused on each other. She moves to where I’m standing in the room. That confidence and control rolling off of her.
Seeing this, I vow to give her this whenever I have the opportunity to. I want to see this self-assurance on her more often. The way it’s oozing from her makes me proud she’s mine.
Kaye cups my face, staring up into my eyes. I want to lean in and capture her lips. I’d love to smear more of that lipstick all over her face.
“Stop,” she commands, halting my stroking motion.
Kaye gestures with her eyes for me to lower before her. I do as she asks and she tosses her leg over my shoulder. I give her a wolfish grin. It’s time I remind her that no one can make her come like I can.
Tilting her hips forward, I start to devour her core. Her hips start to roll into my face, working in circles. She’s offering me her pussy the way I like it. My grasp tightens as I feel her peaking. I dive in further closing the deal.
“Oh. My. God,” she whimpers.
I pull back looking her in the eyes as I lick my face clean. I go to go back for seconds, but she shakes her head. Placing her fingers under my chin, she guides me to stand.
Towering over her, I stand as her waiting sentinel. Kaye runs her hands up my stomach over my chest. Her eyes telling all the things her lips are holding in.
She lifts to her toes, wrapping a hand around the back of my neck to pull me down to meet her lips. My knees feel weak from the moment our lips lock. This woman has all the power in the world when it comes to me.
I’d cutoff my own arm to keep her happy and safe. I mean that shit too. If Kaye hollers, I’m the one that’ll come running ready to destroy the world to get to her.
“Show us why you’re the one, Angel,” she whispers against my lips.
She doesn’t have to tell me a second time. My hands are on her ass, lifting her onto my waist before she can finish her command. I take her lips deepening the kiss.
Fuck a bed. I want Kaye to remember that I love all of her curves. I handle them without question whenever I get my hands on them. Her questioning if I find Hayidah attractive stung. I didn’t bring her here to doubt herself or how I feel about her.
The one time she tried to hide her body from me, I thought I made it clear that she’s perfection personified to me. I wouldn’t change a thing about Kaye. She was made just for me.
I meant what I said. Hayidah is beautiful, but when standing next to Kaye she might as well not be in the room. I prove that as I drive into Kaye, my eyes locked on hers. I can hear the buzzing of the toy Hayidah is across the room using, but I don’t turn to see what she’s doing.
Instead, I bounce Kaye on my cock, wringing her pleasure from her sexy body with each stroke. I bring her down on me repeatedly. The way her eyes roll into the back of her head tugs at something animalistic inside of me. I growl and bounce her harder.
“Yes, fuck yes,” she cries out as she drips down my shaft.
I love it when she loses herself to our love-making. I grow harder inside her as her unfiltered words explode from her lips. She so wet. The way her insides are rippling around me, I know she’s going to come soon.
“Shit, I feel it, come,” I bark out.
“I’ll come when I want to,” she purrs back.
I chuckle darkly tilting her body back and dipping in for her left nipple. She’s coming now. She wanted to see why I’m the one. I’m going to show her.
“Felix,” she screams breathlessly.
I smile around her peak as she gushes around me. With her body still tilted back, I move to the table on the left side of the room. Placing her back gently on the surface, I let my hands roam her smooth skin.
Kaye smiles up at me, then takes a peak in Hayidah’s direction. Her cheeks start to glow as if she’s just registering the fact that she’s allowing someone else to watch us. It’s too late now. We’re about to put on a real sho
Lifting both her legs to my right shoulder, I start to rock into her again. I have her full attention now. I work her pussy like the cameras are rolling and we need a money shot.
“Felix, shit, Felix,” she begins to scream.
Good thing all of the club’s rooms are sound proof. I don’t let up, not even when I hear Hayidah start to cry out from pleasuring herself. I ride right through Kaye’s next orgasm and the next and the next.
“Felix, I can’t,” Kaye sobs.
“You told me not to come, Mistress,” I taunt.
“Oh, fuck, please come,” she groans.
I chuckle, pulling out to shift her to her weakened legs. She wobbles on her heels. I hold her steady as I bend her over the table. Grabbing a hand full of her bun, I bow her back, returning into her heat and chasing down my release.
“You want me to come,” I hiss in her ear.
“Yes, please,” she cries.
“You know what to do. Take it,” I rumble in her ear.
Kaye starts to throw her ass back at me as she tightens her walls around me. I lick the side of her face, reaching to play with her clit as I pound deep into her.
We both come, filling the room with the sound of our climax. I roar so hard, my chest vibrates against her back. Kaye squirts all over me. Wrapping my arms around her quaking body, I hold her to me.
“So, what else do you need to know for your books?” I murmur.
Kaye giggles. I nuzzle her neck and inhale her skin. I love this girl so much.
“Actually, I want to learn to shoot,” she replies a few moments later.
“Consider it done,” I murmur.
Chapter 33
My Rib
Two months later….
My man never disappoints. Felix wanted to teach me to shoot himself, but his workload wouldn’t give him the time he felt I needed. He asked his older brother Noah to help me.
I’ve always been sort of shy around Noah. He’s huge and can be intimidating in size alone. Although, in the last few months I’ve learned that he is just a big old teddy bear.
He is so gentle and thorough in his teaching. I feel so much more confident than when we first started. I was scared to touch a gun before.
Now, I’m standing here, aiming at the target with nothing but determination and focus. I inhale and pull the trigger. With each shot I tear right through the target like Noah instructed me.
When the clip is empty, I nearly burst with excitement. I made all the kill shots just as he asked me to. I think I’m addicted to this.
I put the gun on safety and place it down. Removing my headgear, I do a little shimmy. Not only do I know how I’m going to write this into my book, I can actual shoot a gun.
“That was awesome, Kaye,” Noah croons, holding up a hand for me to give him five.
“Thanks,” I squeal, throwing my arms around his waist instead. “You’ve been so amazing. I had only planned to learn the mechanics. This was so much more than I could have hoped for.”
“You’re welcome. You’re my brother’s girl. We’ll always be there to protect you, but when we can’t be there, it’s my job to make sure you ladies can handle yourselves,” he replies.
“Yeah, I’m still debating on the self-defensive lessons. You still scare me a little,” I admit with a giggle.
“If you can learn to take me, you can take anyone. Nellie and Bean have learned how to take a guy my size down without batting a lash. You’re in good hands. I’ll go easy,” he chuckles.
“Still thinking,” I chime.
“Okay,” he says with a twinkle in his eyes. “I have something for you though.”
I watch him as he walks over to one of the closets at the back of the range in the basement of the firm. The door to the range is slightly opened. Now that I’m not shooting, I can hear the sound of someone in the gym a few doors down where the boxing ring is.
“What’s this?” I ask when he hands me a gift-wrapped box.
“Something you’ve earned,” he says.
I move back to my station to place the box down and open it. Inside is a silver case. When I open the case, I find a gun nestled within.
“Don’t worry. It’s registered to you. Felix already set up a lockbox in the house,” Noah says from behind me.
“It’s gorgeous,” I say as I run my hand over the top of the cold metal. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” he replies. “Felix texted for you to meet him in the gym when you’re done. My girl is on her way down, I’m about to head out for a date. You need anything else before I’m gone?”
“No, I think I’m good. Thanks again, Noah. You’ve given me so much to use for my book. I appreciate everything you’ve done,” I say, wrapping my arms around him again.
A throat clears, pulling both of our attention. I turn to see Bean standing in the doorway. I remember her from school. Like Nellie, I never had much interaction with her.
The way she’s looking at me now, I don’t think that’s about to change. I go to step away from Noah, but he wraps an arm around my shoulder, tugging me into his side. Bean’s eyes narrow on his limb embracing me.
“Rebecca, you know Kaye don’t you? You guys were in the same grade right?” Noah says.
Bean’s eyes bounce over my face. Recognition doesn’t register right away. I tell myself not to fidget. I’d probably be pissed if I walked in on Felix hugging someone else I don’t know or remember.
“Danny’s sister,” Noah continues trying to jog her memory. “She used to be with Felix a lot.”
Her face lights up this time seemingly connecting the dots. My shoulders relax in relief. Noah is very handsome, but I have the Black brother that I’ve wanted all my life. Bean doesn’t have to worry about me.
“Hey,” she says, with a small wave.
“Hey,” I wave back.
Noah releases me to walk over to Bean. He wraps an arm around her waist, drawing her into him. He leans into her ear to whisper something to her.
They are a beautiful couple. I watch Bean’s lashes lower and her cheek start to glow. When her eyes turn to Noah, I can see so much want in her gaze.
My brain starts to work, my hands itch to get to my laptop. Noah and Bean have just become my muse. I start to plot and plan their story.
“Kaye. Kaye?” Noah’s voice pulls me back to the present.
My eyes come into focus. I see Noah and Bean looking at me expectantly. I start to fidget with the hem of my shirt. I have no idea what was said to me. This happens all the time.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?”
Noah chuckles. “Did we just become a book?”
I blush harder. I’m going to get Felix. He must have told Noah about me zoning out when I’m writing a book in my head.
“Um, I—”
“Really? Nellie mentioned you write novels,” Bean says.
“Wait, I thought you didn’t know who she was,” Noah says, his brows drawing.
“I never said that,” Bean says shrugging her shoulders.
Noah gives a hearty laugh, wrapping both arms around her shoulders and pulling her into his embrace. He looks at me over Bean’s head with mirth in his eyes. Yeah, we both know this is all totally going in a book.
“I was asking if you think you and Felix want to join us,” Noah says.
“Oh, I don’t think I can. I have to pick up Dashawn soon,” I reply looking down at my watch.
“It would be cool to meet the little guy. Felix says he’s quite popular and has a great social life,” Noah teases.
“He does. Better than mine. He gets invited everywhere,” I say and roll my eyes.
“Well, when he can fit some time into his busy little schedule, we’d all like to get to know him. I can see how much the two of you mean to Felix,” Noah replies.
“If you know how much she means to me, why are you holding her up? You told me you guys were done fifteen minutes ago,” a shirtless, sweat drenched Felix says from th
e doorway.
“Dude, aren’t you supposed to be sparring?” Noah chuckles.
“I couldn’t focus,” Felix grumbles, training his eyes on me as he moves across the room.
“I bet,” Noah laughs.
Felix flips him off, stopping in front of me. He places his forehead to mine. His wet, sweaty hair sticking to my face now.
“Hey,” he breaths.
“Hi,” I whisper back.
He takes my lips as soon as the word is out of my mouth. I cling to his wet skin, not caring that he’s dripping all over me. We’ve both been super busy. I miss him.
“Yeah, that’s love. He’s all gross,” Bean giggles.
“Like you haven’t climbed all over my sweaty ass a time or two,” Noah tosses back.
I laugh into Felix’s mouth. He pulls away, rolling his eyes at the other two in the room. I lift on my toes to peck his lips once more.
“You guys should come over this weekend,” Noah offers.
“Can’t. I got saddled with surveillance this weekend,” Felix huffs.
“A new schedule is up?”
“Yeah, Heather plugged in some new shit an hour ago.”
“Alright, the door is open. I’m heading out,” Noah replies, slapping Bean’s ass. “Let’s go sexy. I think you need to have a seat for a few hours as a reminder…”
He leaves the end of his sentence open, but I get the feeling Bean finishes it in her head from the look on her face. I make more mental notes for my book. I’m lost in my head again when Felix’s words pull my attention.
“Come get a tat with me,” he says.
I turn to him with my brows knit. He can’t be serious. I’m scared of a simple needle.
“I think you were hit upside the head,” I say.
“Maybe,” he says and shrugs. He pulls me into is embrace. “Besides, I said come with me. Not get one.”
“Oh, okay. That’s different. I have to go pick up Dae-Dae,” I reply.
“Your parents can watch him,” he murmurs.
“They had him last weekend. I don’t want to keep bothering them,” I reply.
“They’re his grandparents. Let them spend time with him. You need a break,” he says.