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Sons of Cain

Page 48

by Peter Vronsky

  13 John Stearne. A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft. 1648.


  1 Transcripts of the Bertrand court-martial reproduced in Pierre Zaccone. Histoire Des Bagnes Depuis Leur Creation Jusqu’a Nos Jours. Clichy: Paul Dupont, 1878, pp. 488-502 [hereinafter, “IIe Conseil de Guerre de Paris”] (Accessed August 2, 2014 at http://gallica.bnf.Fr./ark:/12148/bpt6k6115200z/f481.image), p. 494.

  2 IIe Conseil de Guerre de Paris, p. 500. And G. Sigmond. “Impulsive Insanity: The Case of the French Vampire.” Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology, vol. 2. London: John Churchill, 1849, p. 578.

  3 Michel Foucault (2007-04-01). Abnormal: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1974–1975. Picador, Kindle ed. (Kindle locations 4409–14).

  4 London Lancet. In Austin Flint, ed. Buffalo Medical Journal and Monthly Review of Medical and Surgical Science, vol. 5. Buffalo: Jewett, Thomas & Co, 1850, pp. 341–42. And The Medical Times, p. 53.

  5 [accessed August 13, 2014].

  6 Jan E. Goldstein. Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Profession in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. pp. 155–56. And Joel Peter Eigen. “Delusion in the Courtroom: The Role of Partial Insanity in Early Forensic Testimony.” Medical History, vol. 35, no. 1, January 1991, pp. 25–49.

  7 IIe Conseil de Guerre de Paris, p. 500–1.

  8 UNITED STATES V. FREEMAN. United States Court of Appeals, 804 F.2d 1574 (11th Cir. 1986)

  9 Vronsky, p. 243.

  10 Jean-Claude Féray. “Histoire événementielle, Les grands procès qui ont marqué l’histoire de l’homosexualité au XIXe siècle, III: L’affaire du sergent Bertrand.” Bulletin mensuel Quintes-feuilles, May 17, 2014, p. 5.

  11 Anil Aggrawal. “A New Classification of Necrophilia.” Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, no. 16, 2009, pp. 316–20.

  12 Lee Mellor. “Necrophilic Homicide Offenders.” In Lee Mellor and Joan Swart, eds. Homicide: A Forensic Psychology Casebook. New York: CRC Press, 2016.

  13 Dany Nobus. “Over My Dead Body: On the Histories and Cultures of Necrophilia.” In Robin Goodwin and Duncan Cramer, eds. Inappropriate Relationships: The Unconventional, the Disapproved & the Forbidden. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002, pp. 171, 175, 186.

  14 Joseph Guislain. Leçons Orales sur les Phrénopathies. Paris, 1852, p. 257.

  15 Compte Rendu L’Assemblée Nationale Legislative, vol. 10, July 21 to October 10, 1849. Paris: Panckoucke, 1849, p. 45. See the review of French Penal Code Article 360 in the Report from the Select Committee of Anatomy. London: House of Commons, July 22, 1828. The language of the law remained unchanged in 1849. See also Amandine Malivin. “L’article 360 du Code pénal, ou l’inextricable question de la nécrophilie en droit.” In Guillaume Delmas, Sarah-Marie Maffesoli, and Sébastien Robbe. Le traitement juridique du sexe in Actes de la journée d’études de l’Institut d’Etudes de Droit public (IEDP). Paris: L’Harmattan, 2010, pp. 121–38, [accessed September 2, 2014].

  16 [inactive] [accessed August 29, 2014].

  17 Peter Vronsky. “Necrophilia: The Case of François Bertrand ‘The Vampire of Montparnasse.’” In Eric Hickey, Anil Aggrawal, and Lee Mellor, eds. Understanding Necrophilia: A Global Multidisciplinary Approach. San Diego, CA: Cognella, 2016, pp. 357–66.

  18 Charles Dickens, ed. “The French Wolf.” All the Year Round Weekly Journal, no. 162, May 31, 1862, pp. 280–88.

  19 Tom Standage. The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s Online Pioneers. London: Phoenix Books, 1998.



  22 Affaire Dumollard. Lyon: Darment et Guerin, 1862, p. 171.

  23 Elliott Leyton. Hunting Humans: The Rise of the Modern Multiple Murderer. Toronto: McLelland-Bantam, 1987.

  24 Carolyn Strange. Toronto’s Girl Problem: The Perils and Pleasures of the City, 1880–1930. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995.

  25 Anonymous. My Secret Life: An Erotic Diary of Victorian London, c. 1890. New York: Penguin Random House. Kindle ed.

  26 Albert Borowitz. Blood & Ink: An International Guide to Fact-Based Crime Literature. Kent, OH: The Kent State University Press, 2002, p. 97.

  27 Gerd Muehsam. French Painters and Painting from the 14th Century to Post-Impressionism. New York: Ungar, 1970, p. 382. Cited in Borowitz.

  28 Anselm Ritter von Feuerbach, trans. by Lady Duff Gordon. Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials. London: John Murray, 1846, p. 301.

  29 Judge Robert H. Gollmar. Edward Gein: America’s Most Bizarre Murderer. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1981, p. 35.

  30 Feuerbach (Gordon), Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials, pp. 310–12.

  31 Feuerbach (Gordon), Ibid., p. 312.

  32 Anselm Ritter von Feuerbach. Merkwürdige Criminal-Rechtsfalle, vol. 2. Giessen: 1811, pp. 3–33.

  33 Peter Becker. “The Criminologists’ Gaze at the Underworld.” In Peter Becker and Richard F. Wetzell, eds. Criminals and Their Scientists: The History of Criminology in International Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 125–27.

  34 Becker, “The Criminologists’ Gaze at the Underworld,” p. 127.

  35 Robert von Krafft-Ebing. Psychopathia Sexualis, twelfth ed., p. 88.

  36 William Westall. “A Precedent for the Whitechapel Murder.” Pall Mall Gazette, September 7, 1888.

  37 Heike Bauer. “Scholars, Scientists and Sexual Inverts: Authority and Sexology in Nineteenth-Century Britain.” In David Clifford, Elisabeth Wadge, Alex Warwick, and Martin Willis, eds. Repositioning Victorian Sciences: Shifting Centers in Nineteenth-Century Scientific Thinking. London: Anthem Press, 2006, p. 198.

  38 citing Atti del processo, tribunale di Ivrea, sentenza del 15 dicembre 1823 (Court records, tribunal at Ivrea, sentence 15 December 1823).

  39 Milo Julini. “Le feroci malefatte in Provenza di Antoine Galetto, nipote della ‘Jena.’” Il Canavesano 2012. Ivrea: 2011,

  40 [inactive] (retrieved 10 Febuary 2016).

  41 Maurizio Bonfiglio e Maddalena Serazio. “La Iena di San Giorgio.” Il Punto, Torino, 2003,


  43 Catherine Ramsland. “Boys Dressed As Girls Who Become Serial Killers.” Psychology Today, November 29, 2016,

  44 C-8938—AHP Ourense (Judiciary, File 1852) “Case 1788, the Werewolf,” 1852. Archivo del Reino de Galicia.

  45 “La leyenda del ‘hombre lobo’ Romasanta resucita en Allariz.” La Voz de Galicia, 30 October 2011,

  46 “Jack the Ripper’s Predecessor.” London Evening News, October 12, 1888.

  47 Albert D. Vandam. Masterpieces of Crime. London: Eden, Remington & Co., 1892, p. 15.

  48 “A Horrid Chapter of Crime.” Ottawa Citizen, July 25, 1866, p. 2.

  49 Lombroso Goltdammer’s Archiv, p. 13. Cited in Richard von Krafft-Ebing. Psychopathia Sexualis, trans. Charles Gilbert
. Chaddock, Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company, 1894, p. 67.

  50 Nello Ajello. “L’Assassino ha un dito in piu.” La Repubblica, September 2, 1988,

  51 Carlo Livi, Cesare Trevvi, and Gaetano Riva, eds. “L’Uccisore dei Bambini Carlino Grande.” Revista di Freniartria e di Medician Legale, vol. 3. Reggio-Emilia: Stafano Calderini, 1877, pp. 352–643; And Maria Conforti. “Infanticidi, ‘degenerati’ e assassini: alcuni libri recenti su medicina e vita pubblica in Italia.” Laboratorio dell’ISPF,


  1 See Vronsky, Female Serial Killers.

  2 Mark Seltzer. Serial Killers: Death and Life in America’s Wound Culture, p. 1.

  3 Michael Newton. Century of Slaughter. New York: ToExcel, 1992, p. xiv.

  4 (retrieved February 5, 2016).




  8 Adam Selzer. H. H. Holmes: The True History of the White City Devil. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2017, Kindle ed. (Kindle locations 69–72).

  9 H. W. Mudgett (H. H. Holmes). Holmes’ Own Story: In Which the Alleged Multimurder and Arch Conspirator Tells of the Twenty-two Tragic Deaths and Disappearances in Which He Is Said to Be Implicated. Philadelphia: Burke & McFetridge Co., 1895.


  11 Dane Ladwig. Dr. H. H. Holmes and the Whitechapel Ripper. Chicago: Ink Slinger Enterprises, 2004. And -doctor-serial-killer-Londons-Jack-Ripper-Descendant-American-murderer-investigates-links-notorious-criminals.html; and

  12 Selzer, H. H. Holmes: The True History of the White City Devil (Kindle locations 776–79).

  13 The Examiner, Catskill, NY, Saturday, 25 August 25, 1888, p. 3, col. 1,

  14 For more detailed accounts of the American female serial killers, see Vronsky, Female Serial Killers, pp. 111–34.

  15 The master account of the Jesse Pomeroy case is: Harold Schechter. Fiend: The Shocking True Story of America’s Youngest Serial Killer. New York: Pocket Books, 2000.

  16 Simon Harrison. Dark Trophies: Hunting and the Enemy Body in Modern War. New York: Berghahn Books, 2012, Kindle ed. (Kindle locations 889–91).

  17 Harold Schechter, Fiend, p. 59.

  18 Schechter, Fiend, p. 81.


  20 Lee Mellor. Cold North Killers. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2012, pp. 35–38. And The Trial of Joseph LaPage the French Monster, for the Murder of the Beautiful School Girl Miss Josie Langmaid. Also, the Account of the Murder of Miss Marietta Ball, the School Teacher, in the Woods, in Vermont. Philadelphia: Old Franklin Publishing House, 1876.


  22 Attorney General of Massachusetts. The Official Report of the Trial of Thomas W. Piper for the Murder of Mabel H. Young in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Boston: 1887, pp. 768–69.

  23 Christopher Daley. Murder & Mayhem in Boston: Historic Crimes in the Hub. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing Inc., 2015, Kindle ed. (Kindle location 881).

  24 Boston Directory. Boston: 1873, p. 608.

  25 Attorney General of Massachusetts. The Official Report of the Trial of Thomas W. Piper, p. 692.

  26 “A Murderous Monster—Ordinary Confessions of Crime by a Sexton.” Auckland Star, vol. VII, issue 1984, 19 June 1876, p. 2.

  27 Robert D. Kepple and William J. Birnes. The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations. New York: Academic Press, 2003, pp. 77–95.

  28 US Marshals Office. “History of Fingerprinting,”

  29 BBC. “DNA Pioneer’s ‘Eureka’ Moment,” [inactive].

  30 Attorney General of Massachusetts, The Official Report of the Trial of Thomas W. Piper, p. 769.

  31 “Piper, the Murderer: Another Statement from the Culprit.” New York Times, May 27, 1876, p. 1.

  32 “Telegraphic Brevities.” New York Times, March 21, 1889, p. 2.

  33 B. E. Cotting, MD. “The Belfry Murder Case: Reported to the Roxbury Society for Medical Improvement, February 17, 1876.” The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. 94, no. 15, April 13, 1876, p. 414.

  34 “A Mania for Killing, Thomas W. Piper’s Confession.” New York Times, May 13, 1876, p. 2. And Harvard University, Warren Anatomical Museum Catalog Number 8209: “Portion of fractured skull from victim of the ‘Boston Belfry Murderer,’”

  35 Daley, Murder & Mayhem in Boston (Kindle locations 1051–58).

  36 “A Mania for Killing, Thomas W. Piper’s Confession,” New York Times, May 13, 1876, p. 2.

  37 “The Murderer Piper: Card from Sheriff Clark of Boston—He Will Not Make Public the Detailed Confession.” New York Times, June 1, 1876, p. 5.

  38 Edgar D. Peixotto. Report of the Trial of William Henry Theodore Durrant. Detroit: Collector Publishing, 1899, p. 60.

  39 Herbert Asbury. The Barbary Coast: An Informal History of the San Francisco Underworld. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933, p. 254.

  40 And

  41 (retrieved February 2, 2016).

  42 Rebecca Salinas. “A Look Back at the Serial Killer That Terrorized Austin in the 1880s.” My San Antonio, April 28, 2015, (retrieved February 2, 2016).


  1 (retrieved February 2, 2016).

  2 Blaine L. Pardoe. Sawney Bean: Dissecting the Legend of the Scottish Cannibal. London: Fonthill, 2015.

  3 Vronsky, Female Serial Killers, pp. 94–109.

  4 Katherine Watson. Poisoned Lives: English Poisoners and Their Victims. London: Hambleton and London, 2004, p. 67.

  5 Barbara Benedict. “Making a Monster: Socializing Sexuality and the Monster of 1790.” In Helen Deutsch and Felicity Nussbaum, eds. “Defects” Engendering the Modern Body. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000, p. 128.

  6 Nathan Jenkins. The Trial of Renwick Williams (Commonly Called the Monster). London: 1790, p. 4.

  7 Select Criminal Trials at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey. Edinburgh: Peter Hill and Longman & Rees, 1803, p. 413.

  8 Jan Bondeson. The London Monster: A Sanguinary Tale. London: Free Association Books, 2000, p. 75.

  9 Barbara Benedict, “Making a Monster,” in “Defects” Engendering the Modern Body, p. 128.

  10 Bondeson, The London Monster, p. 165.

  11 The Annual Register for the Year 1805. London: 1807, p. 390.

  12 J. L. I’on. “Postmortem Appearance of Eliza Grimwood.” The Lancet, vol. 30, no. 772, June 16, 1938, pp. 399–400.

  13 David Leafe. “Oliver’s Murderous Twist: The Bloody Killing of the Real-life
Nancy That So Obsessed Charles Dickens It Drove Him to an Early Grave.” Daily Mail, April 18, 2009, And John Adcock. “Who Murdered Eliza Grimwood?” Yesterday’s Papers, October 20, 2010, (retrieved February 2, 2016).

  14 The Alton Murder: The Police News Edition of the Trial and Condemnation of Frederick Baker. London: 1867, p. 15.

  15 “Remarks on this Dreadful Tragedy.” In The Alton Murder, pp. 14–15.

  16 Albert Barrère and Charles Godfrey Leland. A Dictionary of Slang, Jargon & Cant. London: The Ballantyne Press, 1889, p. 354.

  17 Walter Hubert Downing. Digger Dialects: A Collection of Slang Phrases Used by the Australian Soldiers on Active Duty. London: Lothian Book Publishing Company, 1919, p. 22.


  1 See for example: Robin Odell. Ripperology: A Study of the World’s First Serial Killer and a Literary Phenomenon. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2006.

  2 (retrieved February 3, 2016).

  3 Stewart P. Evans and Keith Skinner. Jack the Ripper: Letters from Hell. Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing, 2001, p. 8.

  4 Dane Ladwig. Dr. H. H. Holmes and the Whitechapel Ripper. And; and Donald Bell. “Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution.” The Criminologist, Summer, 1974.

  5 And

  6 Stewart P. Evans and Keith Skinner, Jack the Ripper, p. ix.

  7 Donald Rumbelow. The Complete Jack the Ripper (1988 ed.). London: Penguin Books, 1988, p. vii.

  8 Peter Stubley. 1888: London Murders in the Year of the Ripper. Stroud, Gloucestershire: The History Press, 2012, Kindle ed. (Kindle locations 2076–78).


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