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Hostile Contact

Page 5

by Tamala Callaway

  Secretly, she wished that this man and his promises were real. Her mind was screaming No, walk away! but her heart was desiring the very thing he promised. She reached for his hand that held his phone in it and took it from him. She tapped the screen and the icon that pulled up his phone's keypad. She began to tap in her digits, quietly saying them as she entered them. After saving the contact under her first name only, she returned his phone, then turned and walked away.

  “I have to get back to work,” she called over her shoulder as she continued inside her building, disappearing from his view.

  His smile was accompanied by shock and excitement. He looked at his phone, checking to see if she had given him a correct number and decided that he would check. He sent a her text that read,

  Trevor- Just verifying that this is you?

  Symóne- It's me, Jackass!

  Trevor- Okay. Have a great day.

  He shook his head and felt compelled to look up. He noticed that the man in the khakis from earlier, was still there looking directly at him. He quickly folded his paper and stood, sticking what looked to be a cell phone in his pocket, but then he took another device from his other pocket and began to dial a number. He put the phone to his ear and started a conversation as he headed in the direction of the parking lot.

  Trevor quickly retreated back inside his building and up to his office.

  “Gloria, call Vince and have him to meet me in my office, ASAP!”

  He went to his window, checking once more for the man in the khakis with no sign. Trevor sat at his desk, when Vince rushed in closing the door behind him.

  “What's up? You look stressed,” said Vince.

  “I was just marked…while I was talking to someone,” he said, a tinge of anger in his voice.

  “Who is this someone?”

  “The woman I told you about last week.”

  “Do you want her trailed?” asked Vince.

  “Yes, but I'll pay for it. I want to know of anything suspect. She's quick, so make sure whoever is on her, does not invade her space, but take no chances either,” Trevor rattled off.

  Vince furrowed his brows, then had to ease his curiosity. “Why are you suddenly so protective of this woman that won't give you the time of day?”

  “She laughed at me, then gave me her number…it's a long story. I can't get into it right now, just do as I ask and lets get the ball rolling on this case.”

  Chapter 5

  After getting off work, Symóne called up her best friend before heading to the store to see if she needed anything else other than the chicken pot pie and ginger ale.

  “Hello?” Faye sounded exhausted.

  “Hi Faye, you sound terrible,” said Symóne.

  “I feel like crap. I don't think it's a good idea for you to come around me Symóne. Mom is already feeling a bit ill just from taking care of me. I don't want you to get sick too,” Faye warned her, coughing every few words.

  “Okay, what if I just drop off some goodies for you with your dad, then call to check on you hourly?” Symóne renegotiated.

  “Sure. Oh…and Symóne?” Faye started, her voice becoming raspier the more she spoke.


  “Did you run into Mr. Harrison today?” she sounded hopeful.



  “He said that he liked my new do.”

  “Aww…” she began coughing again.”

  “Okay Faye, you need to get some rest. I'll bring some goodies by for you, then we'll talk later,” said Symóne. She ended the call, then pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the store. Looking in her rear view mirror, she noticed a car that seemed to be making all of the same turns. When she turned into the parking lot, the car continued past the entrance, so she parked and went inside the store. As Symóne gathered a few items from her shopping list, she couldn't help but feel the burn of a pair of eyes watching her. She looked up, then around herself at all of the other shoppers in the store, but nothing seemed out of sort. Her phone chimed, as it did when a text was coming through. The number was unfamiliar to her. The message read,

  Anonymous- You looked beautiful today.

  Symóne- Who is this?

  Anonymous- Your admirer.

  Symóne- For the last time, who is this?

  Anonymous- It's me.

  She grunted, then continued shopping, unwilling to give this person any more of her time. Her phone chimed again. She looked at it and saw that it was the same number. It was another text.

  Anonymous- Are you upset?

  Symóne- Go to hell! Lose my number Jackass!

  Anonymous- Awe, don't be that way.

  Once again, Symóne decided not to continue to reply to this person. She began to worry, was it such a good idea that she gave her number to Trevor. Could it be him? He seems pretty straight forward in his attempts to get my attention. Why would he suddenly become so childish? she thought.

  Now at the register, she placed all of the contents of her shopping cart on the automatic belt and everything moved toward the sales clerk. She swiped her debit card, collected her receipt, then took her bags out to her car. She checked her phone again, but there were no new messages.

  Symóne decided to call Faye to let her know that she was on her way, but after many rings, she got her voice mail. Thinking it had to be a mistake, or maybe she was just out of the same room as her phone, she decided to try again. Still no answer, but got her voice mail again.

  “Faye, I just wanted to let you know that I was on my way. I guess I'll talk to you a little later,” she ended the call and headed to Faye's. When she got there, she gave the bags to Faye's father, who looked to be pretty worn out.

  “How are Faye and Mrs. Brimmer?” she asked him.

  An exhausted sigh escaped his chest. “Faye's out cold from the meds, but Jenny can't seem to keep anything down, even the meds,” he explained. “It would be best if you stayed clear of this house for a few days. I don't think Faye will be going in to work for the rest of the week,” he continued.

  “Yes Sir. Please tell Faye that I came by, and if she feels up to it later, to please give me a call,” Symóne gave him a sympathetic look, then returned to her car. She worried about Faye and about the text messages she'd received earlier.

  Now exhausted, she finally made it home and decided to take a hot shower, then ordered takeout. Although it wasn't her favorite, pizza sounded really good with minimum effort on her part at the moment.

  Halfway through her second slice of pizza, she received another text. This time it was Faye.

  Faye- Hi. Just wanted to thank you for the pot pie. I have laryngitis now, that's why I didn't call. I feel a little better and would really like to know how your day was?

  Symóne- It was fine. I'm more worried about you.

  Faye- No more nausea and diarrhea at the moment, but my stomach is still tender.

  Symóne- Do you want me to come over?

  Faye- No. I'll be fine.

  Faye- You said earlier that you saw Mr. Harrison today and he liked your new do?

  Symóne- Yes. He did the same as always. Paid for my breakfast and annoyed the crap out of me. Then he came to bother me some more during my lunch break after I talked to you.

  Faye- I think that the two of you would be great together. He's powerful and you're strong. Please, at least talk to him.

  There was a long uncomfortable pause. One that took too long for Faye's patience. She wondered why Symóne hadn't responded to her and sent another text.

  Faye- Are you there?

  Symóne- Yes.

  Faye- What happened?

  Symóne- Don't get too excited, but I gave Trevor my number after he made an ass of himself. He had the nerve to text me as soon as I walked away to make sure I didn't give him a bogus number.

  Faye- Yayeeeeeeee! I don't blame him. You are really difficult. I'm rooting for Team Trevor!

  Symóne- Good night Faye. I'm tired.

  Faye- Aw
e booooo! Okay, good night. Get some rest so that you don't look tore up in front of Trevor tomorrow. Oh and wear those fitted low riders and your hot pink heels, with that see through floral cold shoulder blouse.

  Symóne- Actually I thought about wearing that very ensemble, but since you brought it up, I think I'll change my wardrobe plans.

  Faye- Symóne!!!!!!!!

  Symóne- Faye!!!!!!! Good night. Feel better. Love you.

  The texting conversation was over. Or so Symóne thought.

  Trevor- Hello?

  Symóne- What?

  Trevor- Do you have a few minutes? I would like to talk to you.

  Symóne- No.

  Trevor- Please. I promise to be brief.

  Symóne- What is it?

  Suddenly her phone rang, startling her. She didn't want to actually talk to him and contemplated not answering, just sending him a text.

  “Ugh!” she grunted. Then answered her phone.

  “Yes Trevor?” she sounded irritated.

  “Wow, that was easy. I called to ask you out to lunch tomorrow, but since you said yes before I could even ask…”

  “No! That's not what I meant. I can't have lunch with you,” she rejected.

  “Why not?”

  “Because you're an immature jerk, that's why!”

  “What do you mean? I thought we parted on good terms today?”

  “The messages you sent. They were childish and I don't have time for that type of behavior,” she continued to complain. “I don't want you to call or text me anymore. I really don't need this.”

  “Wait Symóne. I'm not sure of what you're referring to, but I only sent you a text confirming your number. That's it, I had a busy day with my case today. It's why I'm just now contacting you,” he explained.

  “Don't give me that bull, Trevor. I received a text from an unknown number telling me how great I looked, then when I asked who it was, you refused to tell me. No one has my number except Faye, my job, my landlord, and now you. Who else would say something like that?”

  “Well, I would indeed say something like that. But I did not text you other than what I just told you. You have to know by now how forward I am. I'm not big on wasting my time,” he assured her.

  “Anyway, it's late, I'm tired, and I don't want to talk anymore,” she rattled off.

  “Okay,” he breathed, but had more to say before ending the call. “Symóne? Will you please have lunch with me tomorrow, then you can show me the text messages and I'll see what I can do to find out whose sending them to you?”

  She took a long drawn out breath, then exhaled. “I don't want any fast food,” she demanded.

  “Whatever you'd like, I can order something and you can meet me in my office.”

  “Why in your office?”

  “Don't worry. I have a dinette set for the many meals I've had to eat there. It's just more quiet and private. I'll order anything you like and make sure it's there when you arrive. I know that your break is only forty-five minutes and I would like as much time as I can get,” he smiled through his words and this she could tell.

  Not wanting to seem too eager, she had a plan to be a little difficult. “You can't have the entire forty-five minutes. I have to check on a sick friend. That's at least twenty minutes right there.”

  “I'll take it—great! See you tomorrow. I'm on the twenty-first floor, suite three. See Gloria,” he finished before she could interrupt him.

  “I guess,” she ended the call before things became too uncomfortable for her.

  Chapter 6

  The next morning, Symóne had awaken to the sun shining brightly through her window. It was unusual for it to be that high so early. As she squinted her eyes, trying to focus in on her alarm clock and wondered why it hadn't gone off yet, she jolted upright in her bed.

  “It's eight o'clock?” she screeched. “What the hell!” she jumped up and rushed to the bathroom to freshen up. Splashing a cupped hand full of cool water on her face to help her to fully awake, Symóne began to rush through her morning routine. She didn't have time to put together an outfit, so she decided to go with her earlier ensemble that Faye had suggested.

  Twenty minutes later, she was in her car headed for work. This was already turning out to be a bad day for her. Now that she wouldn't have time to get her morning cup of pick me up, Symóne was sure to be cranky all day. She arrived at work with just enough time to catch the elevator up to the twelfth floor, then trek through the maze of cubicles and clock in at her computer just before the clock changed from 8:59 to 9:00.

  “Whew!” she sighed and leaned back in her chair. The sound of her computer chiming for her first call of the day, irritated her. No coffee, no breakfast, equaled no patience.

  “Hello, thank you for contacting support, my name is Symóne, how may I be of assistance?” she tried to sound ready. The caller was angry and frustrated, which meant Symóne was about to be tested on her professionalism. She took a deep breath, then began to ask routine questions and patiently walk the customer through the first level of procedures to unlock his device. With relief, the task was handled quickly.

  Someone called her name from behind her and when she turned, there was a gofer waiting with his hands extended, handing her a large cup of coffee and a toasted bagel with cream cheese. Her brows raised in confusion.

  “Courtesy of Mr. Harrison,” he said, then turned to walk away.

  Surprisingly happy about the gesture, she felt the need to thank him, but it would have to wait until a bathroom break, as they were not aloud to have personal cell phones out at work.

  She helped more customers, then it was finally time for her restroom break. Symóne grabbed her phone and rushed out to the hall and saw that there were quite a few text messages on her phone. Two from Faye, one from Trevor, and sixteen from the anonymous texter. She started with Faye, since she didn't get a chance to call and check on her this morning before work.

  Faye- Good morning. Have a great day.

  Faye- Tell Mr. Harrison the same from me, please.

  Trevor- Saw that you were running late. Thought you needed your usual. Hope your day gets better, looking forward to lunch.

  Anonymous- Good morning.

  Anonymous- Are you there?

  Anonymous- Did you sleep late?

  Anonymous- Don't hurt yourself running in those heels.

  Anonymous- Why aren't you answering me?

  Anonymous- You are being really rude right now!

  Anonymous- Guess I'll see you at lunch.

  That was all she could take. Symóne decided to skip the thank you to Trevor and save it for their lunch date later. She called Faye, hoping to hear her voice on the other end.

  “Symóne…what happened, why didn't you call me this morning before work?” she could talk, but her voice was quite raspy.

  “My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. I didn't wake up until eight o'clock and had to rush to work,” she explained in hush tones.

  “I'm so sorry. I know you didn't get breakfast. How's work so far?” she coughed.

  “Actually, I did get breakfast brought to me…”

  “What!” Faye screeched, followed by a series of coughing.

  “Calm down. A gofer brought my usual to me courtesy of Trevor,” said Symóne. There was silence, but she could hear wind blowing through the phone.

  “Hello…Faye?” she called out, but only heard more wind.

  “I guess you're out of sound for now. Get some rest, and I'll text you during lunch,” said Symóne. She ended the call and headed back to her cubicle and placed the headset back on her ears.

  After helping what seemed to be hundreds of customers fix their own self induced problems with their electronic devices, it was finally time for lunch. She grabbed her purse, keys, and phone, then headed down to the lobby.

  Just as soon as she stepped out of the building, she received a text. It was from a familiar, yet unknown number.

  Anonymous- Wow! That is one sexy outfit.

  Symóne didn't answer. She began looking around herself for someone watching her. Nothing seemed out of sort, but she kept a cautious eye as she went to sit on her favorite bench next to a shade tree that allowed just enough sun light through. Another text came through.

  Anonymous- I thought you had a lunch date?

  Symóne- Who the hell is this?

  Anonymous- He's not right for you. It would be safer if you ended it now.

  Symóne- You don't scare me. Stop texting me!

  She couldn't concentrate any further. Worried that she was being watched, she decided to go ahead and enter the Genesis building and head up to Trevor's office.

  Meanwhile, he was just coming in from meeting with the last of his witnesses for the day. She was waiting in a chair at Gloria's desk, trying to have a texting conversation with Faye while she waited. The anonymous person continued to text her, sending Symóne into an irritated rant that startled Gloria.

  “Is everything okay, Miss?” asked Gloria.

  Symóne looked up, her eyes wild with anger, trying desperately to calm herself. The elevator doors opened and Trevor appeared, surprised to see her this early. He smiled, but then became concerned at her body language. She was stressed and he quickly opened the door to his office and led her inside. Just before he stepped in behind Symóne, he turned to Gloria.

  “Please have lunch sent up and hold all of my calls.”

  “Yes, Mr. Harrison.”

  He closed the door to his office and Symóne was standing at the wall of windows, looking down on the street.

  “What is it? What's going on?” he asked as he approached and came to stand beside her, careful not to invade her personal space since she was already tense.

  She only glanced back at him, then pulled up the messages she'd been receiving all morning and handed him her phone. He took it and began to read through them.

  “You have no idea who this could be, do you?” he asked her.

  “No. Well…um, it could be Brent,” she sighed.

  “Is he a friend of yours?”

  “My ex.”

  “Oh,” he sighed. As he came to the last of the messages, he paused at one in particular. The one that read, He's not right for you. It would be safer if you ended it now. Trevor tensed. He never took any type of threat lightly.


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