Holding You

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Holding You Page 27

by Jewel E. Ann

  “Looks like someone’s feeling a little left out.”

  His eyes were dark and heated. His arms, tense with veins, pulled against the restraints, his hands fisted. I covered his hard cock with chocolate. My two most intense aphrodisiacs together was a heady combination. I wanted to play this out, slow and sensual, but my body struggled. It wanted to release Quinn and let him fuck me to the moon. I’m not sure who was more turned on at that moment.

  I wrapped my mouth around him and sucked him like a Popsicle, over and over again, lapping up the warm chocolate.

  “Fuuuck, Addy stop!” Quinn’s breathing was labored and his voice ragged. “Take these goddamn things off my wrists or I’m going to rip this fucking bed frame to pieces.”

  Flashing him a wicked smile, I slipped the straps off my nighty, exposing my breasts, then rubbed chocolate on my areola and nipple. “Mmm, not yet, babe, but soon,” I purred.

  I scooted up just enough to graze my sex over his erection. His hips jerked up toward me. I hooked my finger under the thin strip of material and pulled it to the side and eased down onto him.

  The bed creaked as Quinn tensed pulling down on his arms. “God, untie me, baby!”

  I moved up and down his length while circling my chocolate smeared nipple with my finger. Then I sucked it off my finger with an appreciative moan.

  “For the love of Christ, Addy, I swear to God if you don’t untie me now my mother will be knocking on the door because I’m going to fucking lose it.”

  I eased off him. “As you wish, birthday boy.” I inched away, stopping with my nipple over his mouth. He licked it several times then sucked it into his mouth as I lowered onto him. I untied one arm then the other expecting him to attack me or even tie me up, but he didn’t. He didn’t move his arms at all as I sat up. I took one of his hands and kissed his wrist before resting it on my hip. I did the same to the other arm.

  “I don’t like tying you up.”

  His eyes conveyed confusion. “Why?”

  “I need your touch almost as much as my next breath.”

  His hands tightened around my waist. “I love that you need me.” Then he clasped his hands around my wrists and kissed my palms.

  “I know.” I smiled.

  I slid my straps back over my shoulders.

  “I don’t think so.” He pulled them back down. “My birthday, my wishes.” His grin was playful, and I loved playful Quinn.

  “So let me just get this straight, you don’t like tying me up and I’ve confessed I’m a dominant not a submissive, yet you tied me up anyway?”

  I nodded.

  “Why?” he questioned.

  “I wanted to use the chocolate on you but the last time we mixed food with sex you ate it all.”

  He laughed and pinched my sides causing me to squeal and wiggle off him. He flipped onto me, hovering just inches from my face. “As I recall, you begged for more of me, not more ice cream.”

  “Mmm, you might be right.” I lifted my head just enough to bite his bottom lip, and I sucked it into my mouth.

  He melted into me and took his time caressing and kissing every inch of my body as we made love until the sun started to peek over the horizon. Then we held each other in silence surrendering to sleep.


  “As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”

  ~John Lennon

  “GOOD MORNING, MY handsome son and his beautiful …”

  “Love of my life, Mother, she’s the love of my life,” Quinn nonchalantly answered without hesitation as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He wore running shorts that hung low on his waist and nothing else.

  Elena’s grin spread all the way across her face as she looked at me. I was blushing from head to toe. Would I ever get used to Quinn calling me the love of his life. My parents had been married for over thirty years before they died and I couldn’t remember my dad ever referring to my mother as the love of his life. The realization that Malcolm had never used that endearment for me was bittersweet as well.

  Elena hugged me and whispered in my ear, “No one has ever called me the love of their life.”

  I squeezed her in return, wishing I could share his sentiment, but I couldn’t. Quinn wasn’t the love of my life, at least not this life.

  “So what’s on the agenda for my birthday boy today?”

  Quinn sat at the table and peeled a banana handing it to me before getting one for himself. “Addy wants me to take her to my favorite places in Valencia, minus bull-fighting. Something about systematic torture and eventual killing of innocent animals, blah, blah, blah—”

  “Ouch!” he yelped after I smacked the back of his head.

  “The love of your life just so happens to love all life, but at this moment I might not hesitate to throw your ass into the ring and I’d root for the bull.”

  Elena about choked on her tea, stifling a laugh.

  “That’s a little harsh, baby. Spanish bull-fighting is an art form.”

  “So is castration in Wisconsin.”

  Quinn moved a hand to cover his man parts.

  “Feisty little thing you’ve got there,” Chase added as he walked in the door.

  Quinn thumbed through the local paper. “You have no idea.”

  “I’m going to shower.” I stood and kissed Quinn on the head.

  He tossed the newspaper aside and scooted his chair back. “I’m right behind you.”

  “Quinten, give the girl a few minutes alone. Sit and finish your coffee,” Elena demanded.

  “I would but trust me, she doesn’t want to be alone.” He made his way to the stairs.

  “Guilty as charged,” I hollered from the top of the stairs.

  We took an extra long shower, and I had to work hard to clear my mind of the fact that Elena and Chase were downstairs knowing what Quinn and I were doing. Quinn, however, wasn’t fazed by it in the least.

  After the dirtiest attempt to get clean, I finished messing with my hair as Quinn put on his shoes.

  “My mother loves you.”

  “Why do you say that?” I knew but I was curious why Quinn thought so.

  “She told me if I weren’t her son she’d think you were too good for me.”

  Brushing it off as no big deal, I shrugged. “She doesn’t know that much about me and I’m sure she’s surely thought the same thing about other women you’ve been with.”

  “Not even close. She’s tolerated them, and some just barely. You … you she loves.”

  I slipped on my sandals then moved in front of him. “Well, I love your mother. In fact, if we don’t work out I think I’ll ask her to adopt me.”

  He laughed. “If we don’t work out I’ll be looking for someone to adopt me because my mother will disown me.” He wrapped me in his arms and kissed the top of my head.


  We spent most of the day in the City of Arts and Sciences. The stunning futuristic buildings and landscaping were nothing short of awe inspiring. However, we enjoyed the moments that would seem mundane to others, such as walking hand-in-hand, occasionally taking snapshots of the great architecture, and grabbing lunch to eat in the park.

  “Good birthday so far?” I asked between bites of salad.

  “Mmm, I’m not going to lie, you set the bar pretty high early this morning, but I’m having a wonderful day. Every day with you is perfect.”

  “Every day?” I questioned.

  “Every day. Yes, even the days when you ram into my car.” He smiled as he took a bite of his sandwich.

  “Can you believe it’s almost been a year since you nearly ran me over with your careless driving?”

  Quinn choked a bit. “Excuse me? I hate to insult your memory of all things, but I remember very clearly you were twirling around in the middle of the street with no regard for your own safety or anyone else’s for that matter.”

  “The speed limit was thirty-five through there and you’re supposed to yield to pedestrians.”

m quite certain the fact that you’re sitting here alive, with me, is proof that I did yield to the pedestrian.”

  “Do you jump out of your vehicle and throw a tantrum to all the pedestrians to whom you yield?”

  He laughed then leaned in and kissed me. “Just the sexy ones. Had I ran you over, you wouldn’t be here to serve your purpose and that would be a real tragedy.”

  I raised my eyebrow in curiosity. “What are you calling my purpose?”

  “Well, to please me of course.”

  I shoved him back on the grass and laid on top of him. “That reminds me of another thing I love about you.”

  He rubbed his nose against mine. “What’s that?”

  “Your vividly wild imagination.”


  We met Elena and Chase for a late dinner at Quinn’s favorite restaurant. After we finished eating, close to midnight, I excused myself to use the ladies’ room. On the way I stopped by the hostess station to pick up the garment bag Elena dropped off when they arrived before us. I changed into a purple and black sequined, fitted, strapless cocktail dress with black, open-toed chunky high heels. I smoked out my eyes with dark eye shadow and mascara then applied a thick layer of tinted lip gloss. The question of whether Quinn would like my dress was a no-brainer. The real question was if he would like other people admiring it on me. He was either going to love it or hate it.

  Earlier, he had been getting anxious during the latter part of dinner to get back to his mom’s. His hands had been crossing the indecent line as he moved them up my legs and down my back, inching closer to me in the booth. Seeing me in my dress, fuck-me heels, and make-up wasn’t going to help his situation. I turned the corner. Quinn’s back was to me but Chase and Elena caught sight of me and smiled. Quinn turned, his eyes dropping to my feet and slowly making their ascent up my body. His desirous look made me weak in the knees. He didn’t smile, didn’t speak, didn’t move. I steadied my shaky legs and walked to him stopping just shy of his chest. Then I tilted my head to meet his gaze. It was dark, and its intensity sent a fiery heat straight to my core.

  “Addy, you look beautiful,” Elena gushed breaking the awkward silence.

  Chase came up beside me and kissed my cheek, placing his hand on my lower back. “You’re sexy as hell is what your are,” he chimed in.

  Quinn growled in warning, forcing Chase to back away with his hands up. “Hey man, she is. Are you blind?”

  “I’m. Not. Blind. More like blindsided. Why are you dressed like this?” His tone was firm but cautious. I knew he was censoring his instinctive reaction in front of his mother.

  “It’s for your surprise,” I murmured, ending with a timid smile.

  “Come on, bro, wait until you see where we’re going.” Chase patted Quinn on the shoulder as he and Elena headed out the door.

  I entwined my fingers with Quinn’s and led him out as well. His grip was firm and I knew it was indicative of his whole body. My skimpy attire had him wound tighter than a monkey’s nuts. Quinn was wearing dark jeans frayed at the bottom with a fitted black T-shirt accentuating his sculpted chest and some expensive pair of green and black sneakers. I was excited for him to see his surprise, but his caveman attitude had me buzzing with sexual electricity.


  We arrived to our destination in silence. It was an exclusive night club which I had rented out for the next three hours. The starving children in the world crossed my mind more than once when I let go of the large sum of cash required for our private party. Quinn pulled me into him as he eyed me before the security guy opened the door for us. As soon as we entered, a crowd of people yelled out “Happy birthday.” His extended family—aunts, uncles, and cousins—from Spain as well as his sister, Alexis, and her husband Mitch flew in from Chicago. Standing next to Chase were Zach and Eden. I’d invited them not only to the surprise party but also to stay an extra week with us for some more surprise adventures I had planned. Toward the back of the crowd we saw Mackenzie and Evan with huge grins plastered on their faces as well.

  After Quinn scanned the familiar crowd in shock he looked down at me. “I’m speechless, baby. No one has ever surprised me like this.”

  His lips found mine just seconds before friends and family surrounded us pulling us in opposite directions. The money didn’t matter at that moment. Quinn was surprised and very, very happy. Even my dress had managed to fall off his radar for a while.

  “Addy!” Mac screamed as she pulled me in for a big hug. “You’re the best girlfriend ever for doing this for Quinn, but you’re an even better BFF for flying me and Evan here for the party. And would you look at you! I’m talking grade A hottie. He must have flipped when he saw you in this.” Mac pushed me out to arms length as she checked out my dress.

  “He was speechless.” I left it at that.

  Evan hugged me. “Hey, gorgeous, we’ve missed seeing you.”

  “Thanks. I’ve missed you guys too. It’s easy to get caught up in Quinnland, I sometimes forget the rest of the world exists.”

  “He’s exactly what you need, sweetie,” Mac added.

  “I hope so.” I scanned the room looking for my hot guy in the crowd, but before I found him, Zach and Eden grabbed my attention.

  “This is the bomb, Addy,” Zach yelled over the music that had been kicked up to dangerous decibels.

  “Thanks. I’m so glad everything worked out.”

  Eden moved closer to my ear so she didn’t have to shout so loud. “Does he know about the rest?”

  “Not yet. He’s been uncharacteristically easygoing about letting me take charge of everything.”

  “Even that dress?” Eden added.

  I smiled, fidgeting with it, struggling to find the perfect balance between pulling it up to keep my nipples contained versus tugging the hem down to keep my ass covered. “The dress … not so much.” I rolled my eyes.

  Hanging out with Zach and Eden had become a regular part of our routine since our first dinner together. Eden and I texted on a daily basis, usually just to vent about our men who acted like horny boys most of the time. She knew all about Quinn’s list of quirks, which at the top of the list was his obsession with my body being properly covered in public.

  I jumped as large hands suddenly snaked around me from behind. “You’ve outdone yourself with this lavish party, baby, but don’t think I’ve forgotten about this.” One of Quinn’s hands traced the swell of my cleavage while the other skimmed my bare thighs just below the hem of my dress.

  I turned in his arms and grasped his hair in my hands, pulling his lips to mine. He slipped his tongue past my teeth and explored every inch of my mouth. We were boldly crossing the acceptable PDA line but when I felt his erection rub against me the rest of the world faded away.

  I was startled out of my heavenly moment when I heard the deep clearing of a man’s throat. “I hear the restroom lounge areas are quite posh and dimly lit if you two have something you need to do … or uh … work out. Otherwise, I’d keep in mind that you have a very intimate audience including our mother watching your every move, birthday boy.” Chase had a cocksure grin on his face.

  I wiped away my lip gloss that had been smeared past my lips as Quinn used the back of his hand to do the same.

  “Now it’s time I take this beautiful lady out on the dance floor while our guest of honor mingles some more.” Chase offered his arm to me and I took it smiling at Quinn.

  “Watch your hands or you’ll be leaving without them,” Quinn warned with a daring smile. Chase just winked at him and led the way to the disco lit dance floor.

  After two dances with Chase and a handful of fast paced dances with Mac, Eden, and several of Quinn’s cousins, I fast tracked to the bar for a cold drink. I leaned back against the bar letting the cool liquid extinguish some of the heat I’d built up from all of the dancing. As my breath started to even out again, I searched the crowd for Quinn, but he was nowhere to be found.

  “Great party, Addy,” a familiar voice sounded behi
nd me.

  “Hey, Mitch, thanks.” I gave him a big hug.

  Alexis was not a huge fan of mine but Mitch and their kids had always accepted me with open arms. He had never said so but from reading between the lines, I had the impression Mitch was not a big Olivia fan. Quinn had casually alluded to the fact that Mitch questioned Olivia’s influence on Alexis. Mitch wanted Alexis to be a homemaker and hands-on mother with their two kids. However, when Olivia was around Alexis wanted to pretend she was carefree without anything else to do other than go to fashion shows and exclusive clubs.

  “I was just wondering where the birthday boy was. Have you seen him?”

  “Not for a while. Maybe he’s using the restroom,” Mitch offered.

  “You’re probably right. I think I’d better do the same. Talk with you later, okay?”

  “You bet.”

  I swayed down the dark hall to the lounge area with my shoes scuffing against the floor and my hands held out for balance. I hadn’t been drinking but all the dancing mixed with my feet-crushing shoes made my legs wobbly.

  When I rounded the corner where there were a few high back leather benches outside of the lounge area, my feet came to an abrupt halt. My eyes tried to make sense of what I saw. Quinn was sitting on the bench with his back to me and his head was hunched over Olivia’s bare shoulder. His hand was resting comfortably on her knee. One of hers was on his thigh, while her other hand was on the back of his head pulling him close while she whispered in his ear. Her eyes met mine and a smug smile graced her face as she pulled away but left her hand planted on his leg. Quinn must have seen her gaze fall behind him because he slowly turned, his eyes trailing up to meet mine.

  He quickly stood and closed the distance between us. “Hey, baby, I was just getting ready to come find you.”

  Olivia slithered like the evil serpent she was into the ladies’ lounge leaving us alone in the hallway. I was livid. What was she doing there? Who the hell invited her to travel halfway around the globe to a party I was giving Quinn? But the more urgent question was what were they doing hidden back in the corner huddled together with their hands on each other in such a cozy and familiar fashion?


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