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Just One Taste

Page 9

by Julia Bright

  He nodded and pulled out his phone, checking on the plan Dan had sent. He read over the next few days of workouts and saw they were less stressing.

  “Hey, bud, how’s it going?”

  Brent smiled at the sound of Bruce’s voice. He turned and stuck out his hand, pulling Bruce in for a big hug. “Dude, how’ve you been?”

  “Good. You got a moment to talk?” Bruce asked.

  “Sure. Let me sign on the dotted line and fill out a few things then I have time.” He inked his information on the paperwork and waved to Dan before he took off.

  Bruce drew him over to the couch in the corner of the gym’s café. His friend’s lips thinned, and his brows pinched together.

  “Is everything okay?” Brent asked.

  “I don’t know, you tell me.”

  “What do you mean?” He had no clue what Bruce was alluding to. Worry filled him.

  “Someone told me you’re dating a woman who is very abusive. Um, this person said she hits you and is trying to destroy your life.”

  Brent threw back his head and laughed so hard he drew stares from all over the gym lobby. When he got a hold of himself he realized Bruce was serious about his worry.

  “Wait, you’re not joking.” Brent wiped his hand over his face and shook his head. “Who told you this?”

  “Um, she said not to tell.”

  “Let me guess, that chick who is always trying to get my attention? She told you, is that right?”

  Bruce nodded, and his brows knit together. “Yeah, she told me.”

  “Okay, I’ll tell you right now she’s lying. Come with me. I want you to meet Jen.”

  “I don’t know if that’s wise.”

  “Come on, Bruce. Who do you trust, me or that woman trying to fuck with my life?”

  Bruce shrugged then stood. “You, of course.”

  They loaded into his car and he took off, wondering how screwed up Marci was. Why would she try to sabotage his life this way?

  Before they stepped out of the car, Bruce put his hand on Brent’s arm. “I’m sorry I believed her for even one second.”

  He shrugged. “It’s okay. I want you to meet Jen anyway because she’s important to me.”

  Bruce sighed and then stepped out. When they opened the door, Jen was standing at the counter, and her face no longer had icing on it. His heart sped up and warmth filled him.

  “Hey, what are you doing back here?”

  “Hi Jen, this is Bruce. He’s one of my good friends who I’ve known for years.”

  “Cool. Just a second.” She held up a finger and stepped into the kitchen. A few seconds later Michael came out then Jen. She headed over to them and stuck out her hand. “Hi, Bruce, I’m Jen.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Jen. So you and Brent are together,” Bruce said.

  “Yeah, we’ve been dating for a little while.”

  “How did you two meet?”

  “I kept coming into her shop until I worked up the nerve to ask her out.”

  Bruce’s lips screwed up. “So you…um, how do I say this.”

  Brent stilled and shook his head. “Don’t.”

  “What?” Jen asked.

  “So your little friend who tried to convince you I was cheating on you, she told Bruce you were abusive.”

  Jen opened her mouth but said nothing. Then she blinked slowly before she shook her head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “No, I’m not.” Anger filled Brent. He’d never wanted to hurt a woman, but he was very mad at Marci for trying to screw up his relationship.

  “She’s a piece of work.” Jen rolled her eyes then shook her head. “I swear that woman has got to have a screw loose. Why would anyone do this to another? It’s not like she’s making a good impression with her manipulations.”

  “No, she’s not,” Bruce said. “Honestly, before all this, I might have tried to date her, but not now. She’s just mean.”

  “Dude, you can do so much better than her,” Brent said. “I don’t know of anyone like Jen, but I’m sure you can find someone close.”

  Bruce looked at Jen then back to him. “You sure as heck are a lucky guy.”

  Jen lifted a brow and then shook her head. “So, Bruce, why don’t you come to dinner with us.”

  “Um, any other day I would, but I have to meet my brother. He flew in yesterday and wants to get together today.

  “Okay, so maybe later,” Jen said.

  Bruce shook his hand then Jen’s before heading to the door. Brent called out to him. “Hey, we took my car, you want a ride back?”

  “No need. I’m good with walking. It’s not that far. I’ll catch you later.”

  He shrugged then turned back to Jen. “Seriously, I had no idea she was this vindictive. I’ve never dated her, nothing.”

  “Chalk it up to her being crazy. So, are you ready to go home?”

  “I need to check on two properties and then I’ll be at your place.”

  Jen lifted to her toes and brushed a kiss over his cheek. “I’ll see you at my place.”

  He nodded and headed out. He needed to fix their living situation soon. Once her new store was up and running, he’d ask if she wanted to move in.

  After checking on the properties, he dropped by his place and grabbed fresh clothes. He looked around, thinking his house would be big enough for them both. His kitchen was almost twice the size of hers, and he had the dining room he really never used. Having her live with him would be good for them both.

  Once at Jen’s place, he tugged her into the bedroom and stripped off her clothes. She was the hottest woman he’d ever seen.

  His lips devoured hers, taking them both higher. They'd stretched out beside each other, her leg thrown over his hips, so he could slide in. She was perfect and sweet. He needed to feel every bit of her. He moved closer and pressed in deeper.

  “You’re the best. I can’t get enough of you,” Brent said.

  “So good,” Jen breathed out in a grunt.

  He chuckled as she panted, her eyes slammed closed, head thrown back. He made a sweeping gaze down her body as she adjusted. He couldn’t hold back. She was nearly too much to take. Her beauty was beyond measure. He wished he could stay like this forever.

  The pulsing of her pussy around his cock felt amazing. Being with her was exciting and he couldn’t hold back. She took him to the edge so fast. He came hard, emptying his seed into the condom.

  She leaned back and stared into his eyes. “I’m glad you are the type of man you are.”

  “And I’m glad you’re a good person. I think we have something special.”

  “Same here.”

  After tossing the condom, he kissed her again. Soon, she’d have a permanent place in his life. No one, not even crazy people trying to hurt them, would ever disrupt their lives. He’d make sure Jen knew there would be no other women for him.


  A full week before Brent’s race, her old shop closed for the last time. She spent every day of the next week getting her new place ready. She’d painted, mopped and mopped again. The work had been hard, but the place looked great. One added benefit, was this weekend, she was free to watch Brent swim, bike, and run without feeling any guilt about not going in to help at her bakery. The race took all day. Exhausted, Brent looked haggard, but no worse than everyone else who’d participated in the race. His smile shined bright with happiness when he learned he'd finished tenth in his age range, and twenty-fourth over all. On Sunday, he slept for most of the day. Late in the afternoon, he got up and helped her, Mia, and Michael bake cookies and muffins. As they cooked treats for her grand opening, she realized she’d found an incredible man. Brent had a great body, but it was his heart that shown bright. He had sacrificed his time helping her when he could be relaxing after such a hard race.

  The workers had finished the café area in the new place, but the kitchen still needed a few more days’ work. Her oven would be installed on Tuesday and the refrigerators were being delivered
on Monday. Brent was confident her new location was better than the last storefront, but she wasn’t sure. There was less parking out front, however there was a huge store next door which didn’t have a great bakery. Her cookies were a cut above the store's cookies, and it wasn’t just pride talking.

  She slept a little, but woke early, worried about her store. She had to be up in two hours, but her brain wouldn’t stop spinning. Brent turned over and reached for her, pulling her close.

  “You’re awake.”

  She nodded and moved closer to Brent, breathing in his scent. “I’m nervous.”

  “Let me help with your worries.”

  She moved closer, needing the comfort he offered. “What did you have in mind?”

  He sat up then straddled her, pinning her arms over her head. “I plan on making you come before I sink into you and feel you pulse around me.”

  She arched up, needing his touch. “Yes,” she hissed.

  “Tell me, lover, would you like my mouth on you.”

  “Please.” She squirmed as he moved lower on her body. His tongue snaked out and slid over her clit, making her jump. He didn't play around with gentle touches, this time he sucked her in, surprising her. The pressure of his mouth pulled at her, tugging her insides like string on a kite. She gasped and cried out as he reached up and pinched her nipples.

  He stuck out his tongue and slid from her opening to her clit, circling before sliding lower. He did it again, making her pant with desire. She was so close and wanted to fall over the edge. When he sucked her clit into his mouth this time, it was enough to push her over the edge. She came hard and Brent lifted as he stared down at her. He quickly rolled on a condom and moved so his cock could slide in. Their gazes locked as he entered her.

  “Jen, I swear I’ll always be here for you.”

  She reached up and cupped his cheek. “I know that now. Thank you.”

  He turned and kissed her wrist as he slowly pressed in deeper. Their bodies rocked together as he made love to her, taking her high again. His fingers trailed over her sides to her breasts, touching and teasing her just right. With each thrust, he delivered little kisses on her neck and shoulders. As he was about to come, she came again, holding him tight as he slid in and held on, his breath harsh on her skin as he filled the condom.

  Sated, she fell into a deep sleep, well as deep as she could fall into in the hour left before she had to be up to open her shop for the first time in the new location. Her body was tired, but Mia, Michael, and Brent were there to keep her from freaking out.

  When she unlocked the door to let customers in, there was no one in the parking lot waiting. She knew she shouldn’t expect much, but still, it made her sad. Depression was about to overwhelm her when the bell above the door dinged.

  “Thank goodness you’re open,” one of her regular customers called out as she strode in. “I need a whole loaf of banana bread for a meeting on the set today.”

  “I’ve got you covered,” Jen said with a smile. She looked up and saw four more people coming in. Then a bus drove by and her heart sped up. She turned to Brent who had a huge smile on his face.

  “Did you arrange something?”

  “Arrange, no. But I found out another group was touring the city. They were pleased to hear you would be open today. The group decided to start the tour here at your place so they had good treats to eat along the way.”

  Panic built inside of Jen. “Oh my goodness, Mia, we may not have enough cookies.”

  “It’s okay, Brent told me about the bus, and Michael came over to helped me make extra. They’re in the freezer at my place. So we can deal with this bus and still have food for other clients.”

  “You guys, you’re going to make me cry,” Jen said.

  “Don’t cry yet because we’re about to get a rush,” Mia replied.

  Brent came up behind her and brushed his lips over her cheek. “See, I told you it would be okay.”

  Her eyes burned with unshed happy tears. She had the best friends in the world, and Brent was the best guy she’d ever met. She didn’t have to change or bribe her way into his heart. He accepted her as she was which was way better than any chocolate or cookies she’d ever eaten. Happiness filled her, and she turned to face her man, giving him a quick kiss before the store got crazy with customers.


  Jen stood in her food prep room, wondering why she was still living here. There was a knock on her door and she moved to answer.

  “Hey, what are you working on?” Brent asked as he stepped in.

  “I’m making cookie dough.”

  “Want me to help?”

  She nodded then moved to the bathroom, washing her hands. Brent used the kitchen sink to wash his hands. They met up next to her mixer, Brent’s smile wide. Before she measured the flour, she turned to Brent and stared at him.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I was just wondering what we were doing?”

  “We’re making cookies,” Brent said.

  She shook her head. “No, not that,” the words spilled out fast. “I mean us.”

  He chuckled and pulled her in to a hug. “We’re being us.”

  “We’ve been together for three months.”

  “Yes, I know. It was three months ago when I asked you to my place.”

  “And we had sex, and we were moving fast,” she reminded him.

  “We were.” He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head so they were staring at each other.

  “Um, this is awkward now.”

  “What?” He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’m pressing.”

  “Let me guess.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out something. She stared at the ring with a key on it.

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “A key to my place.”

  Excitement spun through her. Was this really happening? “Are you asking me to live with you?”

  His lips spread into a beautiful smile. “Of course I am.”


  “Yes. I was thinking it’s been nearly three months and we get along very well. My kitchen is loads bigger than yours, and I have space.”

  She looked around her prep room and nodded. “You do have a good kitchen and a good house.”

  His smile grew wider. “And I’d be there.”

  “That’s the most important thing. Having you around is amazing.”

  “So it’s settled, you’ll move in,” he said.

  Her heart expanded. Brent knew exactly what she needed. She shouldn’t have been worried about this. He always knew what to do at just the right time. “Yes.”

  He moved in for another kiss, his lips hovered over hers. “And don’t ever think I don’t love you. I don’t care what anyone tells you, you’re mine and I’m yours.”

  She nodded, embarrassed she’d allowed Marci to get between them. That was in the past. She hadn’t seen Marci at the new location once, and Brent never said anything else about her. Maybe the woman had just given up. “I promise I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Good, because you’re it for me.”

  “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  He kissed her again, the cookie dough making task forgotten as he pulled her into the bedroom where he stripped off her clothes. His kisses took her higher, his touches amazing. He went up on his hands and hovered over her.

  “You know, when we move in together, you'll have to make an honest man out of me.”

  She lifted her brow, her hands stilling on his sides. “An honest man? What do you mean?”

  “Yeah, you know, a ring and all.”

  “Is this a marriage proposal?”

  His lips quirked up and he shook his head. “Not yet, this is just a warning that one will come sooner rather than later. Because Jen, I never want you to get away. You’re my life.”

  She reached up, her hands cupping his face. “Brent, you make everyth
ing better. I’ll tell you a secret.”

  His brows lifted. “Tell me, what’s your secret.”

  “When you do ask, I’m certain I’ll say yes.”

  He chuckled and dropped lower for a hot kiss that curled her toes. Together they’d found happiness, love, and a future. A few months ago, if someone had told her she would find a forever man to spend her life with, she wouldn’t have believed them. But with Brent, she’d found so much more than just a guy to sleep with. She’d found a partner, someone to share the ups and the downs with. Brent was her everything, and she was happy.

  The End

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  Mocha Love Cake


  2 cups cake flour

  ¾ cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder

  2 teaspoons baking soda

  1 teaspoon baking powder

  ¾ teaspoon salt

  ¾ cup unsalted butter, room temperature

  1 cup packed brown sugar

  1 cup granulated sugar

  2 large eggs

  2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  ¾ cup Greek yogurt, plain

  ½ cup warm liquid espresso


  Melt 2 squares semi-sweet baking chocolate and then mix with 2 teaspoons instant espresso powder.


  ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature

  1 cup unsweetened cocoa

  5 cups confectioner’s sugar

  ½ cup milk

  2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  Make ½ cup espresso and set aside. Sift cake flour with cocoa powder, baking soda, and baking powder. Add salt. In a separate bowl, cream butter, both sugars. Add the eggs and mix for 30 seconds. Add vanilla and Greek yogurt. Mix dry ingredients slowly into wet. After mixed, add espresso and run mixer on low for 2 minutes. Scrape sides and make sure the batter is fully mixed.


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