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Julia's Journey (A Coming Home Again Novel Book 2)

Page 22

by Lowe, T. I.

  We are both breathless from the struggle by the time he finally gives up. He lets go and slings himself back on his pillow, grumbling under his breath. We lay here, both seeming to not be able to sleep. Greyson keeps adjusting his pillow and sighing loudly in aggravation. I stay on my side of the bed, trying to relieve some of his discomfort. It’s obviously not helping.

  “You’re becoming too much of a temptation and I’m growing weak,” he says, nearly growling and actually sounds like he is in pain.

  “Greyson Stone! What happened to my perfect angel?” I tease. I look over and find him staring at me.

  “I’m not a perfect angel. I’m a flawed man,” he admits gruffly as he reaches over and runs his hand through my hair.

  I want to scoot into his arms, but I stay on my side and keep my own hands to myself. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.” I hope this will help us get our minds off things.

  He keeps his hand tangled in my hair and says nothing. I wait for the longest time, but begin to think he’s not going to tell me anything. I’m about to nag him when he whispers, “I’m dyslexic.”

  “What?” I ask as I roll to my side to face him. His bare chest glints in the moonlight and my eyes have a hard time finding his face.

  “I’m dyslexic,” he repeats.

  I think about this for a minute, before assuming, “You read backwards?”

  He shakes his head. “Letters get jumbled up. My mom caught on to it pretty early, and so she got me help.” He keeps working his fingers through my hair as though it brings him comfort. “I still struggled in school. Had kids call me stupid or retard when I had to be pulled out of class to attend my special learning classes.” He shrugs his shoulder with his brows furrowed. This is clearly a sore spot for him.

  “You’re one of the smartest people I know, Greyson.”

  “It still sucked. I hated being treated like I was dumb. It was pretty jacked up. So that’s why I jumped at the modeling opportunity. All I had to do was look at the camera a certain way. My brain didn’t have to unscramble anything to do that.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.” I reach over and hold his hand. He tucks our clasped hands under his chin.

  “I finally let go of the hurt from being teased and decided to go back and finish high school. I still had to have special classes, but there’s no describing that feeling when I held that diploma in my hands. I turned my sights towards college after that. It took me six years to earn a four year degree, but I didn’t give up.”

  We get still and quiet after this for a while when I feel this uneasiness creep over me. “I’m scared,” I whisper.

  Greyson pulls me over and holds me. “I’m right here.” He places a kiss in my hair.

  “I’m scared about my future with Ignited,” I clarify. “I don’t think I can handle it anymore. But I don’t know anything else. It’s scary.”

  “What about your acting career?”

  I scoff at that notion. “That was nothing more than me proving to myself I could do it. I did it and now I’m over it. Acting didn’t fulfill me like I thought it would.” Nothing has, if I’m going to be honest here.

  “Well. You’ve proved you can do anything you set your mind to. Really, Julia, the sky’s the limit. You can do anything you want.”

  “Like what?” I feel close to crying again.

  “Well…You could totally pull off a career as a professional shopper. Or lead a course on proper whining. Sweetheart, you have that down to an art. Or…” He starts tickling me and gives up on verbally teasing me. I tickle him back.

  “Okay, I’ll worry about that another day.” I laugh and push his hands from my side. We settle back down. I lay my head on his chest and watch as the new day begins on hues of soft gray outside the window. I can think of no one else I would ever want to share a new dawn with more than this man holding me. “You’re my best friend,” I mumble before dozing off.

  And I could almost swear he says, “But I want more.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  An alarm wakes us up at four in the afternoon, and it’s all I can do to pull myself away from this woman snuggled up to me. Last night was definitely a challenge. Julia being in my bed has never affected me as it did last night. As our feelings grow stronger for one another, I feel myself growing weak from wanting her.

  I ease out of the bed and head to the table to record my thoughts. I can do a better job at writing them down when there are no distractions. I write in mine for a while about my new friend Robbie Zombie. He’s a pretty cool dude and I saw great potential, so I text my agent his contact information. I think Robbie is going places and I hope I helped put him on the right path. He seemed pretty smitten with Julia. She didn’t help the matter how she kept teasing him. I could see the poor guy blushing under his zombie makeup.

  I write about overreacting about her texting my parents. But all I could think about is how it probably scared them to death to receive that at such an odd hour. They both sleep with their phones on full volume by the bed in case I ever need them. I’m their only child and so I hate to think about how worried they are about losing me.

  I finish writing about that and move on to my honey. That woman just makes me melt. She gave me hope last night when she started questioning her career. I wasn’t sure she would ever consider leaving Ignited, but now that she voiced her doubts I’m going to encourage her all I can. I finish up in my journal and grab hers to add a verse. It’s one of my favorite go-to verses. I write Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. I write underneath that – You can do anything you want. Be brave, honey!

  I put away the journals and try to rouse her. We’ve got a fishing date, and I’m starving. I walk back in and find Julia snuggled to my side of the bed. Her long blonde hair seems to be cascading everywhere. She looks like a sleeping Rapunzel. I walk over and my hand reaches to entwine in those locks on its own accord.

  “It’s time to get up, Princess.”

  She mumbles a no and pulls the blanket over her head. I snatch the covers completely off the bed and find long bare legs all the way up to those smooth thighs and come close to throwing the covers back on her to hide the temptation from sight. She goes to grumbling as she sits up. I grab some clean clothes and make haste to the bathroom to get away from those legs… Yeah. It is so getting harder to resist.

  We are seated at this cool restaurant called Bernie’s Oyster House. There’s newspapers lining the tables and we have Mason jars brimming with ice tea. I just ordered some oysters on the half shell and the low country boil for Julia and me to share. She’s quiet this evening and seems distracted.

  “What’s on your mind, Thorton?”

  She takes a sip of her tea and shrugs her shoulder. “I’m sorry about the text.”

  Ah man do I feel like a jerk about that. “No worries. I’m the one who should apologize. I overreacted.”

  “Still—” she starts, but I interrupt her.

  “I’ve put them through too much, and so I try not to cause them more worry than needed.” I think back to me calling my mom while we were in Bay Creek about upping the date for my scans. She’s been a nervous wreck ever since. I wish I had just handled it on my own now.

  The food arrives so we drop the conversation, pray, and dig in. The low country boil has an abundance of shrimp, crawfish, smoked sausage and new potatoes. Julia surprises me by setting in on the shrimp, but refuses the oysters. I eat all of them and finish off the low country boil.

  By the time I settle the bill, it’s time to head over to the marina for our fishing excursion. Once I park the moped and we set out down the dock, Julia has lots of questions.

  “What kind of fishing do you do at night, and why did I have to wear my sneakers?”

  “We are flounder gigging,” I answer as I pull her along.

  She stops abruptly and her prissy face is all scrunched up. “Gagging? That sounds awful.”

  “Gigging,” I
correct her as I grab her hand and start us back to walking down the dock.

  “Well, that doesn’t sound very nice either,” she whines from behind me.

  “Stop dragging your feet, Thorton. We need to catch some fish for Stan. He’s going to cook them up for us tomorrow.”

  “Let’s just go buy some and call it a day. I’m still sleepy.”

  “No. Now drop it.” We make it to the designated boat and I add, “You’re about to be wide awake, honey.”

  “I don’t feel so good about this,” she mutters as a weathered guy hops off the boat and joins us. He’s got one crazy-cool goatee. It’s the longest one I’ve ever seen. The tip of it touches his chest, no lie. Plus he’s completely bald with a fishing hook as an earring through the top of his ear. I kid you not!

  “Kevin Rause. You must be Greyson,” he says as he shakes my hand.

  “Nice to meet you. This is Julia.” I point over to her. She still doesn’t look too pleased.

  “This should be fun.” Kevin laughs as he helps her aboard the boat. It looks to be a flat bottomed boat like the ones I saw on the Internet ads for flounder gigging.

  There’s another guy sitting on a seat, fiddling with a spotlight. He looks up and smiles. I can’t help but smile back. He’s got a bushy salt and pepper beard, wearing overalls that have been cut off as makeshift shorts over a plain but very holey shirt. He stands to shake my hand and I notice he’s one that falls in the short round category. This little dude has a shock of black hair going all kinds of ways. A tattered sun visor is planted haphazardly in the midst of it. When he grins up at us I see a few teeth are missing. I instantly like him. These two guys certainly look like they will be interesting. I doubt boredom will be a factor tonight.

  “This is my Uncle Jax. He’s the best flounder man on this coast,” Kevin introduces.

  Uncle Jax shakes my hand and looks over at Julia and laughs. “Sonny boy, it’s best when you leave your baby doll at home.”

  Julia huffs at this, but I laugh. This is going to be entertaining. She just sits down and seems to be in no mood for pleasantries.

  I sit beside her and she leans over to whisper, “Is this even legal?” Her voice is all accusation and sass.

  “Yes ma’am. I’ve got the fishing licenses in my wallet. We’re good to go.”

  Kevin maneuvers the boat out of the marina and sets a short course down the coast until we reach a sandbar.

  “Okay, out you kids go,” Uncle Jax instructs.

  “Out? And where’s the fishing poles?” Julia whines.

  “We got to walk in the shallows to find the flounder and you need to pipe it down ‘fore you scare ‘em off,” he says back with a toothless grin. I grin too.

  I place my wallet under my seat and ease off the side of the boat and help Julia down into the ocean water. I look around and it is just glorious. There’s a full moon reflecting off the low tide, making it fairly easy to see. If it was just me and Julia on this sandbar I would be inclined to dance her around. It’s warm tonight too with no chill like last night, and the water is a comfortable temperature.

  “Here you go,” Kevin says as he hands Julia and me a four prong gig. The gig sort of reminds me of King Triton’s spear.

  “What in the world is this thing?” Julia asks and that face is still all pinched.

  Uncle Jax has slipped into the water and is holding his own gig. “It’s how you get them flounder.” He demonstrates by stabbing at the water, adding sound effects too. I can’t stop grinning at him.

  “I think we should take him home,” I whisper over to Julia.

  She cuts those prissy eyes at me. “No.” She’s holding the gig like it’s the nastiest thing ever. I hope she doesn’t drop it.

  Kevin hops in and starts walking around while shining a spot light in the shallow water. “Now a few things to keep in mind. You gotta be fast and remember there’s other fish that live in this water. So it’s best you keep on your toes.”

  “What do you mean other fish?” Julia asks as she looks around her legs.

  “Sweetheart, it’s the ocean. Whatcha reckon is in these here waters?” Uncle Jax answers and I wish he didn’t because now Julia is on my heels.

  Kevin eases near her and starts shining the light. “Look right there, Julia.” We both study where his light is directed and I see the reflection of the flounder’s eyes. “You ready?” he asks her and she’s shaking her head aggressively.

  “Come on, Thorton. Give it a try,” I encourage her.

  She eases away from me some and barely stabs at it. The fish is gone in a flash.

  “Don’t tickle the flounder, girl. You gotta be quicker than that.” Uncle Jax chuckles out.

  She looks like a nervous wreck, shaking her head as she hands Kevin the gig. “I tried it. I’m done.”

  He hands her the spotlight. “You mind being our light guy then?”

  “I’ll try to be your light woman,” she corrects, causing us all to laugh. She walks around slowly and stops the light on something. “Here,” she says.

  Kevin eases over and takes a look. “Stingray.”

  “What?” Julia asks and makes quick work of getting away from it.

  “It won’t bother you if you don’t bother it,” Uncle Jax comments between snickers. It’s obvious this man is having a blast at Julia’s expense.

  We all walk around with Julia shining a light in one direction while Kevin works another. I have my back turned away from Julia when I hear her scream. Before I can turn around she has launched herself on my back. I wasn’t expecting it so we both take a dip in the ocean.

  Uncle Jax is wailing in laughter when I resurface. Kevin comes over and helps us get up and he can’t help but laugh, too.

  “What got into you, Thorton?” I snap as I try wiping the salt water out of my eyes.

  “Something touched me.” She whimpers while digging her fingernails into my forearm.

  I’ve had enough, so I lift her up and place her back in the boat. “How about you just sit? Think you can handle that?”

  “She probably gone an' ran all the flounder off,” Uncle Jax wheezes out. He’s pure winded from laughing.

  “He’s probably right. Let’s load up and head to another sandbar,” Kevin says, and so we load up and do just that.

  For the remainder of the fishing trip, Julia isn’t allowed out of the boat. That still doesn’t stop her from whining. Every time she sees a shadow in the water she goes to squealing in hysterics, thinking a shark is about to get us. It didn’t help matters when Uncle Jax shared about having his leg bit one time by a small shark. Julia started demanding I get out of the water on the spot. Bowing my chest out, I told her I was a grown man and I’d get back in that boat when I was good and ready. I was ready to get back in, but I wouldn’t admit that to anyone. I’m a man. I got my pride…

  “It’s all right girly, that shark just wanted a taste. I didn’t need but seven stitches.” Uncle Jax tried to reassure her and failed miserably.

  I still manage to gig five good-sized flounders. One tops out at over ten pounds. I think it’s closer to twenty but everyone else seems to think differently.

  We manage to get back to the marina in one piece. After we are unloaded and I receive my Styrofoam cooler full of iced-down fish, I’m pretty wiped out. I’m about to head to the end of the dock where Julia is already waiting when Uncle Jax stops me.

  “Whatcha learned tonight, sonny boy?”

  I look down at him and say, “Next time, leave the baby doll at home.” We both chuckle and he hobbles away.

  I meet Julia at the end of the dock. “I’m due a nice hotel suite after all of this mess.” She keeps mumbling complaints as she dumps water from her shoes.

  “I can book us rooms at the Marshall House,” I offer with a grin.

  “You’re not funny, Stone!”

  I think I’m hilarious. It’s been one heck of a night. I’m ready to shower the ocean off and get to bed. We get to spend tomorrow with Stan and I c
an’t wait.


  Morning shows up too soon and I’m hurting all over. I roll over and wince in pain.

  “What’s wrong?” Julia asks from beside me. She’s gotten to where she watches me like a hawk.

  I try to smooth the tension from my face before I open my eyes and meet hers. “I think you hurt my back last night.” There’s just a slight ache across my shoulders that radiates through my chest. It’s not a debilitating pain. Just annoying.

  “I’m sorry. Can I get you something for it?” she asks full of worry.

  “I’m just a little sore. Maybe a couple of Tylenols.”

  She hops up to retrieve them, as I try maneuvering to the edge of the bed. I’ve managed to sit up by the time she comes back with a bottle of water and two pills.

  She hands them over and watches me. “You need to see a doctor?”

  “Nah. Nothing Tylenol and a hot shower won’t fix.” I slowly stand and tamp down a wince as best I can and head for that shower.

  I’m slow moving today. Thankfully, by the time I get out of the shower and have breakfast, the aches have ebbed away mostly. I feel like I’ve already wasted too much of this day, so I strap the cooler on the back of the moped and we head over to Stan’s. He lives on the waterway so we are there in a flash.

  I pull up to a sunshine-yellow cottage with a tin roof. It’s so cheery and seems so fitting for a Stan and Betty home. The little man is standing on the front porch. As soon as he spots us, he starts making his way down the steps, waving.

  “It’s so good to see you kids again.” Julia and I take turns hugging him. “Where’s little Fifi?”

  “With my sister in South Carolina. We are picking her back up after Florida.” Julia reassures him. “I already miss her.”

  I grab the cooler and Stan points me to his outdoor kitchen by the dock. “I caught five flounder, and one of them is a monster. I figured we can eat some and you can put some in your freezer for another day.” I set the cooler down and scan the large yard with huge shade trees that overlook the marsh. “You’ve got yourself a sweet place here, Stan.”


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