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A Bar Tender Tale

Page 8

by Melanie Tushmore

  “Oh?” Nathan was surprised. “What did he say?”

  “Not a lot,” Mathew shrugged. “Asked for you. We said you weren’t here, then we pretty much ignored him.”

  “I gave him my best glare,” Stuart said proudly. “He didn’t hang about though. There was a skinny boy waiting for him outside too.”

  “Oh,” Nathan said, feeling a little stab of hurt at the thought. “I’m not surprised. Anyway! It doesn’t matter. I’ve moved on. In fact, I’m going to update my relationship status now.”

  Stuart and Mathew watched him as he got his phone out and scrolled through his internet settings.

  “What are you putting as your new romantic status then?” Stuart asked.

  “Nothing. I’m just taking it away completely. Then I’m deleting Danny.”

  “Ooh, harsh.”

  “Yeah, that’ll show him.” Mathew snickered.

  “Shut up. It doesn’t matter anyway. The guy I met yesterday doesn’t even have any online accounts. Which isn’t a bad thing, I guess.”

  “Oh yes.” Stuart perked up. “So what happened?”

  “Well, I got a bit drunk….”

  “Never a good start,” Mathew commented.

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  “Yeah, I know. Anyway, I got a bit drunk and kept throwing myself at him until he finally relented.”

  “So you shagged him?”

  Nathan made a face. “No, he wouldn’t let me. He said he wanted to take things slowly.” Stuart and Mathew exchanged a look.

  “So… is he straight?” Stuart asked.

  “No! He’s definitely gay. He said he had a nasty break up with his boyfriend recently. And he said he wanted to get to know me before rushing into things.”

  “Ah, that’s sweet,” Mathew said wistfully.

  “What’s to know?” Stuart teased. “Hello, this is Nathan!

  He likes food, loud music, and lots of sex.” Nathan reached over the bar to slap Stuart.

  “Sometimes all at once!” Stuart easily dodged Nathan’s hand.

  “Where are your manners?” Nathan laughed. “Stand still so I can slap you!”

  “Stuart,” Mathew intervened. “As your boss I request that you stand still so I can watch Nathan smack your butt.” With a dramatic sigh, Stuart stepped closer and turned around. “If you insist!”

  Nathan stood up on his stool to lean over the bar, stretching his arm out. “Stay still, Stuart!” He aimed his hand to get a good angle, then whacked it hard across Stuart’s left butt cheek.

  Stuart affected a girlish giggle and turned around. “I’m getting excited now!”

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  “This is why I can’t discipline you, Stuart,” Mathew said.

  “You enjoy punishment too much.”

  Nathan lay sprawled across the bar. “Oh, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m too horny already!”

  “Go beat it off in the gent’s,” Stuart suggested.

  “Not in my clean toilets, you won’t!” Mathew cut in.

  “Don’t worry,” Nathan said as he sat back up. “I don’t fancy a solo date. I want to do my new man!”

  “When’s that going to be?”

  “Um… I dunno.”

  “Have you got a picture?” Stuart asked.

  Nathan caught the mischievous look in his eye. “I wish.

  He’s not online at all, so we can’t stalk him, and it was a little early to be taking pictures of him on my phone, even for me!”

  “Tell us about him, then,” Mathew said. “I take it this one isn’t a trustafarian student as well?” Laughing, Nathan shook his head. “No, he’s a solicitor!” Mathew and Stuart cooed in appreciation.

  “We like the same films and comics,” Nathan went on.

  “And he likes playing computer games.” The cooing stopped as Mathew and Stuart both made faces.

  “Computer games?” Stuart said flatly. “Are you sure he’s hot? You weren’t drunk before you met him?”

  “No!” Nathan rolled his eyes. “Yes, he is insanely hot.”

  “Describe him.”

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  “Ooh, I will! He’s total TDH.”

  “Tall, dark, and handsome?” Stuart asked. “Is he as tall as me?”

  “Yep. Taller.”

  “Is he as buff as me?” Mathew asked with a smile.

  Nathan looked at him. “How am I supposed to answer that without getting sacked?”

  Mathew laughed. “You can’t!”

  “I don’t really know anyway 'cause I’ve only seen him in a suit,” Nathan said. “He’s like, tall and broad, definitely. His chest felt pretty solid, but he wouldn’t let me get a good enough feel for what’s underneath.”

  “Uh oh.” Stuart raised his eyebrows. “Flabby belly alert!”

  “I wouldn’t even care,” Nathan told him. “He’s gorgeous anyway and perfect for me.”

  “Yes, shut up, Stuart,” Mathew said. “So what was the rest like, Nath?”

  “Well, he’s got like, tousled dark hair—” Nathan waved his hands over his head as he described it. “—and these deep brown eyes. You should see it when he smiles; he’s gorgeous!”

  “You sound loved up already,” Stuart frowned. “Watch out he’s not another dickhead like your last one.”

  “Oh, he’s not. He’s amazing. Oh, and he’s Welsh!” Nathan practically groaned as he clenched his fists on the bar in frustration. “You should hear the way he says my name! God, I am so gonna jump on him when I get the chance.”

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  Mathew laughed. “I wish you luck. When’s the next date?”

  Nathan groaned again, this time at the thought of work.

  “Sunday night. That’s ages away. Stuart!” He turned to his colleague. “Can’t you swap with me?”

  “Sorry, Nath,” Stuart shook his head. “I’m seeing my brother tomorrow daytime, then I’m doing the same shifts as you the rest of the weekend.”

  “Arrgh!” Nathan lamented.

  Mathew patted his shoulder. “You’ll live. Shall I slip you some bromide?”

  Nathan laughed. “I’m not that bad! No, I’ll keep it together. At least I know he wants to see me, unlike Danny.”


  NATHAN had never wanted a weekend to pass so quickly. He was literally counting down the hours until he saw Auryn.

  They had agreed to meet on Sunday evening. Nathan would finish work at six and was trying his best to tempt Auryn into watching a film with him.

  And hopefully a whole lot more! Nathan was daydreaming at the thought of it. There was a strong possibility they would end up in Nathan’s bedsit, as Auryn had said the apartment he had moved into was still piled high with unpacked boxes, so his place wasn’t an option.

  Auryn kept suggesting they just go out for dinner, but Nathan was confident he could lure him into his parlor. On Saturday before getting ready for work, Nathan ran around A Bar Tender Tale | Melanie Tushmore 94

  in his boxers cleaning his home from top to bottom, even doing the laundry.

  He planned to wear his best T-shirt, the one with the arty print of a zombie in sparkly green. It needed a wash, though, and he had a huge bag of laundry that had been taking up precious space in his one room bedsit. He washed his clothes and hung them out to dry. They’d be ready to put away tomorrow, before Auryn came over.

  Nathan even put clean sheets on his bed. Next he’d be rolling out a red carpet, he thought with a smile. Having done the laundry, it did mean that Nathan’s choice of clothing was limited for today. It didn’t matter, though; he wasn’t seeing Auryn until tomorrow.

  Today he had to abide wearing his everyday black jeans instead of his best black jeans, but he did put on his two flashiest, studded belts to compensate. He grabbed any old T-shirt that wasn’t too offensive; Mathew had already asked him a dozen times to tone down his wardrobe choices. As it was Saturday, Rai
nbow’s would be doing cabaret in the bar before the club downstairs opened. Nathan was thankfully on upstairs bar duty. It was easy to go deaf in the club part.

  Saturday night’s theme was retro. Nathan’s look of choice lately had been to dress as a psychobilly greaser; but tonight he fancied joining in the frivolous disco fun. Instead of his quiff he sculpted his hair into waves and covered it in silver glitter spray. He smudged on his eyeliner, then bright turquoise metallic eyeshadow, with lashings of glitter.

  Amongst his treasure trove of accessories he found some fluorescent pink sweatbands for his wrists and a tacky pair of plastic dangly earrings. He ditched one, only putting A Bar Tender Tale | Melanie Tushmore 95

  an earring in his left ear. They were so ghastly, one was more than enough.

  This outfit needed an over-the-top jacket to go with it, and luckily Nathan had just the thing: bright pink denim with black PVC panels, it had pictures printed all over it of well-known New York drag queens. This was actually his best jacket, but Nathan only brought it out when the occasion demanded it.

  It seemed to have the desired effect. When Stuart spied him later on he did a double take.

  “Nathan, what the fuck are you wearing?”

  “A one-off,” Nathan declared proudly. “Now I’m gonna hang it up before I get drinks sploshed on it.”

  “Thank God for that! Yes, put it away, before I go blind.”

  “No taste,” Nathan muttered. He shrugged off his piece of art and hung it up safely. “Ready for a night of retro fun?”

  “Oh, as ever!” Stuart made a face. “I’m telling you, some fit blokes had better walk in that door tonight, or I’m becoming a nun.”

  “That’s a bold statement.”

  “Coming from you, Nathan, in that outfit….”

  “All right, lads!” Justin, the third barman for the shift, joined them. He and Nathan looked each other up and down, studying their respective outfits.

  Justin worked part time. Nathan assumed Mathew only hired Justin because he was so achingly attractive. He had the good looks of a model, lean and androgynous. Mathew normally didn’t hire part timers but nobody could resist A Bar Tender Tale | Melanie Tushmore 96

  Justin. He was an art student by day, in his final year of Uni. As such, most of his outfits were very creative, much like himself. He also sang in a local electro band.

  In a word, Justin was hot.

  And tonight he was wearing a white vest with a leopard print waistcoat over it, a collection of bizarre looking necklaces, and baggy cutoff shorts with what looked like sparkly rainbow leggings underneath.

  “Are you wearing leggings?” Nathan laughed.

  “Yeah!” Justin struck a pose. “Aren’t they great?”

  “You both look like a pair of tits,” Stuart commented.

  “Oh look out,” Justin quipped, “Captain Boring is here!”

  “Captain Good Sense, more like,” Stuart said, walking off.

  Justin turned back to Nathan. “I like your T-shirt, Nath.”

  Nathan had to look down to remind himself what he was wearing, not having put much thought into the first thing he’d pulled on. It was white for a change, with a big, glittery red cherry in the centre.

  He laughed. “Thanks. It’s laundry day.”

  “Yeah, didn’t think it was your usual style. I like it though. But don’t you think it’s giving the wrong impression?”


  “Well, you know what they say about cherries, and you’re hardly a virgin!”

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  “Oh, piss off!” Nathan nudged Justin away. “You’re one to talk.”

  “I know, right!” Justin agreed. “So I hear you and Danny split up?”

  “Yeah, good riddance.”

  “Do you fancy a revenge shag?”

  Nathan blinked in surprise. Is he serious?


  “Revenge shag,” Justin said again. “I’m up for it if you are.”

  Seeing he was completely serious, Nathan grinned in response. “Thank you, Justin. I’m honored. And I wish you’d offered that before Thursday, as now I’ve met someone I really like.”

  “Oh well.” Justin flashed him a smile. “You know where I am if you change your mind, babe.”

  “In that outfit, honey, I won’t miss you.” Mathew suddenly loomed over Justin’s shoulder. “I agree. If you two were any louder I’d need sunglasses.”

  “Ha, ha.” Nathan faked laughter, holding onto his belly.

  Mathew, like Stuart, was more a fan of the pressed jeans and crisp, clean shirts. Justin turned to their boss with a flirtatious touch to his shoulder said, “Come on, Matt, you know you love it.”

  “I’d love it more if you were working, Justin. Chop, chop.”

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  Their shift started promptly at six. After restocking and prepping the bar after a busy Saturday daytime, it was ready for the evening.

  Rainbow’s was directly connected to one of the larger guest houses set back from the road, with a private entrance into the bar for its guests. By midevening there would be a constant stream of gay men filing in from the guest house as well as from the street. Rainbow’s was long established and one of the busiest gay clubs in Brighton.

  Lewis, the enormous yet friendly doorman, arrived early and sat at the bar while Nathan made him a coffee. “At least the weather’s all right,” Lewis said.

  Nathan smiled. Being a doorman and forced to stand outside a lot, the weather was usually the first thing Lewis would talk about.

  It was close to 7 p.m., and luckily the place wasn’t busy yet. Mathew and Stuart were busy setting up the small P.A.

  in the corner ready for the cabaret. Nathan and Justin larked about behind the bar, falling into their familiar jokes which mainly consisted of patting and tugging on each other’s clothes while saying, “Topshop.” It was a sketch from The Mighty Boosh, Justin’s favorite TV show. Nathan loved this joke as it meant he got to flirt with Justin. Lewis raised an eyebrow at them in confusion as they mucked around. When Nathan’s phone buzzed in his pocket, he leaped to read the message, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Is that your new man?” Justin asked.


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  “What’s he say?” Justin peered over Nathan’s shoulder and read the message. “What does that say?” Nathan smiled shyly. “Poultrygeist,” he explained. “It’s a film. We’re quoting B-movie titles. You won’t get it.”


  Nathan shrugged. “I’ve found a fellow nerd. What can I say?”

  “You’re hardly a nerd, Nathan.” Justin gave him the eye again.

  Nathan tried to ignore it. “Underneath this cool exterior beats the heart of a nerd, mate.”

  Lewis laughed as he sipped his coffee. “You could say that about all men, really. Mention something like Star Wars….”

  “Oh, yawn!” Justin waved a hand at them as he strutted away.

  Nathan got back to his texting while it was still quiet. He was in the middle of replying when another message from Auryn came through.

  “I really want to see you.”

  Surprised, Nathan ditched his earlier reply and said,

  “But I’m working.”

  Auryn’s next message was almost instant: “No, you’re not. You’re standing at the bar, chatting.” Nathan blinked. Then he looked up.


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  He could see through the glass front of the bar; a figure standing just on the other side that looked remarkably like Auryn.

  Oh, typical!

  Why did he always have to see Auryn when he wasn’t prepared? This outfit was so not the impression he wanted to give.

  Oh well.

  Nathan slipped out from behind the bar and crossed the venue, shooting a cursory glance to check everyone else was busy. He would j
ust pretend he was going out for a cigarette… a cigarette he had forgotten to bring with him.

  When he opened the door to the cooler evening air and stepped outside, Auryn was waiting for him with a smile. He was clean shaven, dressed in casual clothes this time; jeans and a jacket. They made him look younger than his thirty-one years, Nathan thought. Still drop-dead gorgeous.

  “Hello, Nathan,” he said. “Wow, new look, is it?”

  “Oh, um….” Nathan felt his cheeks grow hot. “It’s retro night. I don’t normally dress like this.”

  “You look very… sparkly.”

  “Er… yeah.” Nathan was stuck for words. In front of him was a very fine specimen of a man, and he felt the blood rush through his veins excitedly. His natural reaction was to give into the very strong pull he felt towards Auryn; to launch himself forward and wrap everything he had around the man. But Nathan forced himself to stay still. He didn’t want a repeat of the other night, with poor Auryn having to push him away again.

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  Nathan cleared his throat. “So, um… how was your game day, or whatever it was?”

  Auryn grinned at him. “Suitably nerdy, thank you, and I let Gaz win.”

  “Oh right. I bet he was pleased.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “So, um….”

  “I missed you.”

  Nathan blinked in surprise. “Huh? You did?”

  “Yes. How crazy is that? I only met you two days ago.”

  “Technically, this is the third day.” Nathan smiled. “And I missed you, too.”

  Auryn’s shy smile was enough to make Nathan’s heart flutter. His eyes were drawn to the man’s lips. He was desperate to lean up and taste them, but nerves got the better of him.

  “Um… are you gonna kiss me?” Nathan asked.

  He watched Auryn’s brown eyes flicker down and wondered if his own lips held the man’s interest.


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