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The British Billionaire Bachelor, Act Three

Page 1

by Maggie Carpenter



  Reviewer: Jule Kijek

  This was my first book by this author but it will NOT be my last. I liked that it was a full sized novel. Chad is a super hot cowboy looking to help out a friend. Cassie is a spoiled rich girl in desperate need of a spanking. Toss in horses, horse shows and a lovable dog named McTavish and you have a runaway hit. I just LOVED it. So worth the time and money!


  Reviewer: JoJo Bear

  I'm a Maggie Carpenter fan, and I snatched this one up as soon as I saw it. NO disappointments here. Don't want to give any spoilers, but a naughty "good" girl gets what she deserves and so does a very naughty bad girl. Plenty of hot sex, hot spankings and lots of romance.


  Reviewer: Desiree Holt

  As one who usually reads and writes heavy BDSM books, I found Maggie Carpenter's treatment light and refreshing. Simon, thank heavens, is NOT your usual stuffy, it's-all-about-me billionaires, but a human with doubts and insecurities along with his self confidence. And Belle Somers, well, you just want to give her a hug. The story is entertaining but the strength is in the characters. The author makes them come alive for you and they stay with you long after you turn the last page. A fun read I recommend for anyone who wants to escape with a glass of wine and a good book.


  Reviewer Paige Matthews

  This is another wonderful read by Ms. Carpenter and I full believe readers will love Simon as much as I did. I am eagerly waiting for the third act of their story and anticipating Simon's revenge. :) Want to find out what I am talking about? Pick up this read and find out!


  Reviewer CF

  Of all the dominant-submissive books I've read, this one is by far the most clever and the most captivating. The story is strong. It's not just words wrapped around spanking scenes. It's so believable, you can feel the emotions of the characters. And you'll never expect the ending! Dr. Montgomery is simply irresistible, too. If I could find his office, I'd make an appointment.


  This book is for adults only, and contains scenes of spanking, graphic sex, bondage, sensory deprivation, and are fantasies only, intended for adults. This book is not for children, nor does it condone corporal punishment of children. This book contains scenes of nonconsensual activities, BDSM and other nonconsensual activities. This book does not support nonconsensual spanking or any other nonconsensual activities, sexual or otherwise.

  Copyright © 2014 Maggie Carpenter

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Published by

  Dark Secrets Press

  Ebook Cover Design

  Ashley@ Redbird Designs


  Polgarus Studio

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  It was late Sunday night, and Simon’s Bentley was zipping along the motorway, returning from another decadently delicious weekend at Chatsworth Hall. The traffic was mercifully light, and Belle’s blissful state continued to float around her. It had only been an hour since she had emerged from the dungeon and Simon’s particularly ardent attention.

  The session had begun with a long, sensuous spanking, his deft fingers continuously exploring her hungry depths as his spanking hand rained slap after slap, then standing her up, he had laced her body with soft cotton cord, taking his time, circling and crisscrossing, weaving a tapestry against her skin. Turning his attention to her succulent breasts, he had toyed and licked and pinched and nibbled, then finally laying her face down on the bed, her bottom raised high over pillows, he had fucked her into an explosive orgasm that had left them both utterly breathless.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, reaching across the cream leather and burled walnut console to hold her hand.

  “Heavenly, and wishing I was curled up in bed with you,” she sighed.

  “I’m wishing the same thing,” he smiled. “Ah well, we’ll be back soon.”

  “This is true, can’t be soon enough for me,” she replied, squeezing his hand.

  It was Simon’s habit to return late on Sunday evening to avoid the Monday morning traffic, but there were certain nights it wasn’t so easy to leave the joy of their country home and climb into the car for the drive back to the city.

  “Take a nap,” he suggested, kissing her fingers before releasing her hand.

  “I think I will,” she yawned, tilting her seat back.

  As she let herself doze, she knew he was pondering his week ahead; he was a King and his empire needed his guiding hand, but it wasn’t Sinclair Holdings that Simon began to focus on. It was the man behind the scheme that had cost his father his fortune. Darren Hardcastle.

  Simon had spent a great deal of time going through the details of the scam and researching the eminent Mr. Hardcastle, and the investigation had made it clear the entire scheme, from the very start, had been set up to bilk the money from his elderly, trusting father.

  It had been a real estate venture, and while his father had sought restitution, his lawyers advised that a suit would be costly and the chance of a positive outcome highly unlikely. Though huge amounts of money had been spent on ‘consulting fees’ and ‘research and development’ and other vague expenses, they doubted anything illegal could be proven.

  “You chose to invest, and you lost. Happens all the time,” they’d declared.

  Because Hardcastle had used land to bilk his father, Simon wanted to do exactly the same thing to him, and had already set his plan into motion. Tyler Anderson, his longtime friend and realtor, a man who had been critical in Simon’s real estate successes and was responsible for bringing Belle into his life, was already on board. Everything was in place, but Simon was missing a key element; a front man. It had to be someone new to the busi
ness scene in London, someone unassociated with him, someone utterly trustworthy, someone smart and savvy who could think on his feet, and until he found that very special ‘someone,' though all the pieces were in place, he couldn’t move forward.

  Belle yawned and stretched, blinking her eyes open.

  “Where are we?” she mumbled.

  “Almost home,” he replied.

  “Did you come up a plan to save the world?”

  “I’ve been thinking about Darren Hardcastle,” he replied.

  “Really? What about him?”

  “Everything’s in place but there’s a player I still need to find,” he declared.

  “Can I help?” she offered.

  “I need someone sharp, someone to plant some seeds, but someone Hardcastle would never suspect as being a double agent.”

  “Yikes. That’s a tough one,” she agreed.

  “Very,” he nodded. “The weird thing is, I know he exists. I can feel it. I just can’t quite put my finger on who it is.”

  “Don’t worry, it’ll come to you. It always does,” she said reassuringly.

  “You’re right, it does. I’m trying to be patient but the groundwork’s been done, and I’m eager to lure Hardcastle in.”

  “I’ll bet, and remember, I want to help,” she proclaimed.

  “You won’t let me forget,” he quipped, and as he drove through the city streets, still slick from an earlier rain, he saw Belle shiver. “Are you cold? We’re only five minutes from home but I can still turn the heater up.”

  “I love it,” she smiled. “I’d forgotten how I adore the winter here. In L.A. it hardly ever gets truly cold.”

  “I think the London natives would have your head if they heard you say that?” he warned.

  “I suppose. I’m just so glad I’m here, and having that wonderful Christmas without mom and Lucinda, that was one of my favorite things about the holidays. I know that sounds mean, but it’s true.”

  “I know,” he replied consolingly. “It’s a shame. Maybe one day they’ll calm down and you’ll be able to enjoy them.”

  “Maybe, but it’s okay if they don’t. I love my life here, my life with you, and I adore your father.”

  “Home at last,” he announced, turning into the garage.

  As the car slowly rolled to a stop, the door that led into the vast home opened immediately, and Henry Chambers, Simon’s butler, stepped forward.

  “Enjoyable trip, Sir?” he asked.

  “Very, but we’re tired,” Simon replied “No supper tonight, unless you want something, Belle?”

  “Oh no, not for me. Just sleep.”

  “Very well, Sir. I’ll shall be up momentarily with your bags.”

  “Thank you, Henry. Just leave them inside the living room door,” Simon requested, and taking Belle by the elbow, walked down the hall to the elevator. As the doors closed, Belle leaned against him.

  “I can’t wait to get into bed,” she moaned. “You completely wore me out.”

  “Mmmm, it was a long interlude we had,” he smiled. “You’re not complaining, are you?”

  “Heavens, no,” she exclaimed, “though I do wish we could have stayed for a few more days.”

  “We’ll do a longer visit soon, I promise.”

  As they wandered into their bedroom suite, Simon spied some envelopes sitting in a silver tray on the coffee table.

  “Looks like we got some Saturday mail,” he commented, moving across and picking them up. “There’s one for you.”

  “Really? I wonder who…oh, no, I hope not,” she groaned, and taking the envelope from his hand, she cringed. “It is. It’s from my mother. Will she ever get with the times and send emails?”

  “Aren’t you going to open it?” Simon asked, as she threw it back on the table.

  “Nope, not tonight. I already know what it says, and I’m too tired and feel too yummy to read anything from her. I’m going to bed,” she sighed. “Can’t you leave yours too?”

  “Absolutely,” he smiled. “You’re quite right. I’m sure there’s nothing there that can’t wait until morning.”

  Ten minutes later the lights were out and they were snuggled close, the gentle sound of returning rain splattering against the windows.

  “I’ll never get tired of that sound,” she sighed, “especially when I’m listening to it laying next to you.”

  “I don’t love the rain like you do,” he yawned, pulling her into his body, “but I do love you next to me like this, and that’s my something I’ll never get tired of,” he said softly.

  “What wonderful words to take to sleep with me,” she purred, and closing her eyes, she began to drift away.

  Her head in his shoulder, he stared up at the ceiling, the ghostly light of the clock on his nightstand sending charcoal shadows above his head.

  I know you want to help with this Hardcastle thing, but I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Belle Somers, and there is no way you’ll be putting yourself at risk.


  Belle woke to his warm hug, and opening her eyes, found him sitting on the side of the bed dressed in a navy three-piece suit.

  “You’ll crinkle if you hug me like that,” she sleepily remarked.

  “A crinkle or two won’t hurt, besides, it’s worth it,” he smiled softly.

  “Are you leaving?”

  “I am, but I’ll be back to have lunch with you.”

  “Okay. Be safe,” she purred.

  Leaning over he kissed her on the cheek, and watched as she closed her eyes to return to the land of nod. Belle needed the extra sleep to recover from their time in the country, more specifically, their hours in the dungeon, and quietly leaving the room he headed off to begin in his day.

  It wasn’t until midmorning that she finally rose, calling down to the kitchen for a pot of tea and some toast to tide her over until lunchtime. She loved it when Simon came home to join her for the midday meal. He was usually in business mode, his crisp manner not only a turn-on, but a reminder of the time they’d first met at the Hotel Bel Air in Beverly Hills.

  He’d been so striking with his sharp, scrutinizing blue eyes, and had someone told her in those early days that she was going to end up engaged to the famous and eligible bachelor, Simon Sinclair, she would have suggested they call the men in the white coats to take her away.

  But she was! And she was deliriously happy!

  Showering slowly, and donning a warm, comfortable casual top and pants, she ambled into the living room. The fireplace was already flaming and the light breakfast had been laid on the table by the window. She smiled as she saw crumpets were also on offer, and she wanted to hug the kitchen staff; they always went that little bit further.

  As she walked by the coffee table, her mother’s letter stared up at her, and sighing, she decided to read it as she consumed a hot crumpet with butter and honey, the proverbial teaspoon of sugar to help the medicine go down.

  She poured the tea, took a sip, buttered and honeyed her crumpet, and sighing again, ripped open the envelope. Glancing at the text, the first thing she noticed was that it was mercifully short, only a couple of paragraphs, but when she began to read she discovered it was not good news.

  Her first impulse was to throw it in the fireplace and pretend she hadn’t received it, but then her mother would call and that would mean a conversation. As much as she loved crumpets and honey she couldn’t stomach another bite, and sipping her tea, she stared out at the misty London day.

  Why can’t they just leave me in peace. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Lucinda was stalking me. First Los Angeles, and now here.

  The letter announced that Lucinda was flying to London for a two week holiday, requested that Belle show her the sights, and since Simon lived in such a large home, asked if he would be kind enough to accommodate Lucinda during her stay.

  Finishing her tea, she began to pace up and down, and unable to settle she decided to take a walk. Simon would be home around noon, a
nd wanting to be calmer when he arrived, she stuffed the short note in her pocket, grabbed her trench coat and brolly and headed out, taking the back stairs in lieu of the elevator. As she strode through the large foyer and walked out the front door, she texted Theresa, her assistant, that she was taking a walk and would return shortly.

  The drizzly day enveloped her, and like a cool shroud of comfort, it immediately began to soothe her hot and angry soul. Simon would agree that Lucinda could stay, because that’s who Simon was, and if she told him that under no circumstances did she want to be under the same roof with the bad-tempered, prima donna, he would find a way out of it, but then she’d be the recipient of a temper tantrum from her mother, which she simply could not abide.

  Belle didn’t wish to be estranged from her family, and in her heart she loved them, all of them, but their constant indulgence and endless pandering of Lucinda drove her mad.

  Walking through the park, umbrella up, she recalled the days as a teenager when she would wander the streets and stroll through the parks, just as she was doing now. The moment she’d stepped off the plane she’d felt at home. There was nowhere else she wanted to live, except perhaps at Chastworth Hall, where, despite its grandeur, she felt equally at peace.

  I swear I’ve lived here in another life, she mused, as she meandered past the park benches. Everything has always felt so familiar.

  The stroll achieved her goal, and by the time she returned home, though her hair was wet and stringy and she looked quite bedraggled, she felt better. As she walked into the house, dropping her brolly in the stand by the door and pulling off her wet coat, Theresa bustled up to meet her.

  “Mr. Sinclair just arrived,” Theresa declared, taking her coat. “Your timing is perfect, well, kind of,” she grinned, taking in Belle’s disheveled state.


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