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The British Billionaire Bachelor, Act Three

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I knew she was going to get herself in trouble,” she remarked quietly. “I just knew it.”

  “Yes, you did,” Simon agreed.

  “I thought Joseph wasn’t going to let her out of his sight?”

  “He had the meeting with Hardcastle and he couldn’t take her with him, but he did tell her to stay put,” Simon replied.

  “That was his first mistake. That’s like waving a red flag at the proverbial bull,” Belle groaned. “I just hope she’s okay.”

  “You said yourself she can be scatterbrained. I bet she’ll wander in the house any minute,” Simon declared, trying to reassure her.

  But Simon was worried too, and though he knew he was being paranoid, he couldn’t deny Darren Hardcastle was weighing on his mind. He couldn’t imagine the man would kidnap Lucinda Somers, that would be crazy, wouldn’t it?

  Shaking himself, realizing it was a ridiculous notion, he took a deep breath and calmed himself. Lucinda was simply being Lucinda, and he had no doubt the headstrong young woman had lost all track of time and was probably just out walking. It was also entirely possible she was pulling a stunt just to garner some attention, and if that was case she had succeeded.

  “Do you think this could be purposeful?” he asked. “I mean, could she have decided to disappear for a couple of hours just to get everyone looking for her.”

  “Yes!” Belle exclaimed immediately. “Yes, absolutely. I’ll bet that’s exactly what she’s done, and when she comes wandering in she’ll act all innocent and apologetic. Oh, for goodness sake, why didn’t I think of that?”

  “If that’s the case…” Simon growled.

  “If that’s the case,” Belle repeated, “I’ll be happy to hand her straight over to Joseph and let him deal with her.”

  Belle’s phone chimed, and rummaging through her bag she saw it was Theresa.

  “Hi, any news?”

  “I think your missing sister may about to be found,” her assistant replied.

  “You’re kidding? Where?” Belle asked urgently. “Wait, let me put this on speaker so Mr. Sinclair can hear you.”

  Placing the phone in the holder on the front of the dashboard, she clicked the speaker button.

  “Okay, go ahead, Theresa.”

  “Apparently Ellen was cleaning up Lucinda’s room, and Lucinda asked for directions to your suite. I was there picking up your long parka, the black one, and it was just about the same time. I think Lucinda may have crept in while I was in your closet and now she’s locked inside.”

  “She would, she would do something like that,” Belle proclaimed.

  “We would have known sooner but it was a half-day for Ellen, and she left right after she’d finished in your sister’s suite. It just occurred to me to call her.”

  “Thank God, you did,” Belle declared. “That’s exactly where she is, in our room. She’s probably trying to find a way out so she won’t get caught. Where are you, Theresa?”

  “Just arrived back at your suite,” Theresa panted, “and Joseph and Henry are on their way. They’ve been going through all the vacant areas of the house, thinking she may have gotten lost.”

  “Theresa, wait for them,” Simon interjected. “If Lucinda is in there she could slip past you while you’re in a different part of the suite.”

  “Ah, you’re right, I’ll wait, they should be here any minute.”

  “I’m going to choke that sister of mine,” Belle declared.

  “You’ll have to take a number,” Simon growled.

  “Joseph and Henry are here,” Theresa announced. “I’m unlocking the door now.”

  The Range Rover had reached Central London, and Simon was controlling his impatience, not wanting to be stopped for speeding or running a red light, but it wasn’t easy.

  “I can’t stand the suspense,” Belle whispered, “but I know she’s in there, and I’ll bet she’s hiding somewhere.”

  “I’ll bet you’re right,” Simon agreed.

  They could hear the sounds of conversation as Theresa and Henry entered the room, but Joseph, not underestimating his recalcitrant new lover, waited outside the door ready to nab her if she crept out of the room; if she was in the room, there was no way Joseph was going to let her sneak away.

  Lucinda had heard the voices but they were muffled so she couldn’t discern what was being said. Looking around urgently she had seen an antique chest strategically placed near the door, and it had occurred to her that if she crouched down beside it, those entering would probably march right past and head off into the bedroom or the second living room. If she was lucky she could duck through the door without being seen.

  Her plan had worked perfectly. Theresa and Henry had hurried by, Henry disappearing into the smaller lounge and Theresa into the bedroom. Lucinda had immediately darted past the chest and into the hallway.

  Oh, thank God, she silently cried, relief flooding her tension-filled body as she raced down the hallway.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Joseph’s voice echoed down the corridor, and Lucinda turned, the blood draining from her face.

  “I think we need to have a little chat,” he smiled, walking towards her. “As a famous Cuban once said, you’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do.”


  It was only a few minutes later that Simon and Belle arrived home. Belle immediately located Theresa, and with Goldie in tow they returned to the scene of the crime to make sure everything was in order. Simon, eager to talk to Joseph, texted him, asking that he meet him in the study immediately.

  Joseph had taken Lucinda by the arm and marched her back to their suite of rooms, and was about to launch into his reprimand when his phone chimed and he read his summons.

  “You, young lady, are going to stay here and wait for me, and since it’s obvious you cannot be trusted I’m going to lock you in,” Joseph declared.

  “Jeez, you don’t have to do that. I’m not going anywhere,” she protested.

  “No, you’re not,” he agreed, and striding from the room he closed the door, turning the key and taking it with him.

  Dropping down on the couch Lucinda crossed her arms and hugged herself. She knew when Joseph got back he would spank her for sure, but there was more on her mind than her pending punishment; the words in Belle’s diary were cutting into her heart like a serrated knife.

  Mom is completely blind. Lucinda is a nightmare for everyone. Just because she was blessed with talent doesn’t mean she should be able to get away with all the crap she pulls. If there was a way to escape this hell I would. I can’t wait until we go to England. Maybe things will be different there.

  Lucinda is worse than ever. Today she started throwing things again, and no-one will do anything to stop her. What a little bitch she’s turning out to be.

  I pity any boy who goes out with that horrible sister of mine. He’ll live to regret it, that’s for sure.

  I’m really glad to be in London. Lucinda’s so busy being a prima donna she’s hardly ever home. What a relief for the rest of us, though mom seems to have forgotten I even exist. It was my birthday today and no-one even noticed.

  Sitting in the empty room, deeply hurt by the diary entries and embarrassed by the events of the afternoon, Lucinda felt the threat of tears, real tears, not the tears she could turn on and off at will, but tears born of pain and grief, of disbelief and humiliation, tears of a hurting heart, and dropping her head in her hands she began to sob.

  In Simon’s study, a yellow pad was laid out on the desk and Simon had scribbled some notes. At the top was an address, 4220 Oak Tree Trail, a few lines underneath he’d scribbled the words, twelve million, below it, close deal by Friday, and at the very bottom, call Tyler, verify cash offer details.

  “I think that should do it,” Simon declared.

  Stepping behind the desk, Joseph pulled out his burner phone and snapped a picture.

  “Got it,” he said confidently. “Do you want to do the recording thing now?”
br />   “Yes,” Simon nodded, “but stand by the door so it’s low volume. Can’t be too clear.”

  “Right,” Joseph agreed walking away. “Okay, I’m ready, switching it on now.”

  “Yes, Tyler, that’s right,” Simon began. “Tomorrow afternoon. Twelve million, all cash, and we transfer ownership by Friday. Thanks, keep me posted. I must have this land, Tyler. You know I’ve been searching for two years, and if I have any hope of keeping this rollout on schedule we have to move fast. Thanks, bye for now.”

  “Done,” Joseph smiled, clicking off the recorder.

  Moving quickly back to the desk, Joseph pushed in the end of what appeared to be a ball point pen.

  “It’s such a nifty device,” Joseph grinned.

  “Absolutely perfect for this,” Simon agreed.

  They listened to the short recording, and Simon nodded his head.

  “That should do it,” he remarked.

  “Do you really think Darren will part with that much money just from a photo of a piece of paper and a recording of a short conversation?” Joseph asked, skeptical it would be enough.

  “That’s not what will have him jump through the hoops,” Simon explained. “It will be his greed, and his burning desire to screw me.”

  “You’re right,” Joseph sighed. “He wants to believe it so he will.”

  “Exactly,” Simon nodded. “Call him around 3 a.m. Wake him up and play the recording over the phone, but meet him back at The Black Kettle to show him the picture tomorrow. Let him write down whatever he wants then delete it immediately.”

  “Delete it?”

  “Absolutely. Tell him you can’t risk the leak being traced back to you when I lose the land.”

  “Right,” Joseph nodded.

  “After you speak to him, text me, let me know how it went. I don’t want to wake Belle with a conversation but I keep my phone on vibrate and it usually wakes me. Now then, we need a code…” he said pensively.

  “A code?”

  “Yes, a trouble code. If you sense something’s off when you’re with him tomorrow at the tearoom, text me 711 and I’ll send Ian to collect you.”

  “An exit strategy,” Joseph smiled.

  “Exactly. I’m probably being too cautious, but I’ve heard so many rumors about this guy and how he operates, I want you to have a Plan B in case you need it.”

  “Always good to have a Plan B,” Joseph agreed.

  “What about Lucinda?” Simon asked. “Where is she and what are we going to do about her? Belle warned that she was impossible and I thought she was exaggerating. I was wrong.”

  “I’m so sorry she got away from my control,” Joseph apologized. “I really thought she was going to watch some TV and wait for me to get back.”

  “It's not your fault,” Simon assured him. “As I said, I didn’t listen to Belle and I should have, besides, you can’t change twenty years of behavior with one spanking.”

  “Two actually,” Joseph remarked.

  “Really? Well, regardless, I think Lucinda is not just spoiled and self-involved, I think she’s complicated,” Simon said thoughtfully. “Of course she must be held responsible and experience the consequences, but it’s going to take some finesse. I can give you some suggestions, some things that might make an impression,” Simon offered.

  “Please. Any advice would be most welcome,” Joseph gratefully replied.

  “Have a seat,” Simon said, sitting down himself, “and I’ll tell you what I think you should do.”

  Upstairs in her suite Belle and Theresa had moved through the rooms, and finding nothing out of place they were about to leave, but halfway to the door Belle paused.

  “What is it?” Theresa asked.

  “I just thought of something,” she replied. “Just give me a second.”

  Hurrying back to her closet she moved to the island dresser and began checking her drawers. Everything seemed in order, and when she pulled out the third drawer, the one containing her treasured pink box and diaries, it appeared to have been untouched.

  Carefully lifting the slightly battered box, she put it on top of the counter, lifted the lid and stared down; her heart sank. Lucinda had been there and had probably read every one of her journals.

  Her sister had carefully put the books back in the order she’d found them, but following Amaranth’s invasion of her privacy, Belle had come up with a simple but effective way of knowing if anyone had been snooping. She’d placed two inches of transparent thread, virtually impossible to see, across the cover of the top book; if it was picked up the thread would fall off.

  Searching the box thoroughly she discovered it hadn’t fallen inside, and dropping to her knees she searched the thick carpet, determined to find it. Theresa, waiting in the living room, walked back to find out what was keeping her, and just as she entered the closet Belle stood up, holding something between her thumb and forefinger.

  “Found it!” Belle exclaimed. “That sister of mine. Wait until I get my hands on her!”

  Carefully placing the thread back on top of the book, she put the box back in the drawer, and was heading out when she heard Simon’s voice.


  “In here,” she called.

  “Hi, Theresa,” he smiled. “Thanks for calling Ellen. We’d still be searching.”

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Sinclair, I just wish I’d thought of it sooner.”

  “Would you excuse us please?” he requested.

  “Of course. I’ll head back over to City View,” she replied, “with the black parka.”

  “Who’d have thought that collecting a parka would create such drama,” Belle remarked. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  As Theresa headed out Goldie turned to follow, then looking back at Belle trotted over to her.

  “Simon, look, she chose to come to me,” she declared.

  “You did just spend an hour riding in the car with her,” Simon grinned.

  “I guess, but still,” Belle beamed.

  “Do you want to go back to City View or stay here tonight?” he asked.

  “Lord, I’m so tired,” she yawned, “and I haven’t told you the latest.”

  “The latest? What?” he frowned.

  “Lucinda went through my diaries, she’s probably read them all. I’m so angry.”

  Simon stared at her, the simple joy bestowed by Goldie instantly wiped away as she’d relayed her sister’s nosiness and lack of respect.

  “I’m sorry, Belle,” he sympathized. “I think it’s time we got you a lockable container for those books of yours.”

  “That, Mr. Sinclair, is an excellent suggestion,” she agreed.

  “Back to my question, do you want to stay here or go back to City View?”

  “I don’t know,” she groaned. “I think if I see Lucinda I’ll lose it, but driving back to City View, I don’t want to do that either. What do you think?“

  “I think we should make the effort and leave. You can take a long hot bath when we get there, and when you wake up in the morning you won’t have to worry about running into her. If it’s not raining you can take Goldie for a walk through the grounds.”

  “Perfect. Does it work for you?”

  “It does. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be all about Hardcastle, and that was one of the reasons I wanted to stay at City View. Which reminds me, I have to instruct Henry that my whereabouts be kept confidential.”

  “City View it is,” she smiled, “now where did Theresa leave Goldie’s leash?”

  Wandering out into the living room, they spied it sitting on the coffee table.

  “I think we need to buy more leashes,” Simon remarked, a wry grin crossing his face. “I have two rambunctious ladies to keep in line now, and a leash must always be close at hand.”

  “Speaking of which,” Belle sighed, picking it up and attaching it to Goldie’s collar, “what are we going to do about Lucinda? She had the house in an uproar, not to mention she had the nerve to ferret out my journals
and read them.”

  “I believe Joseph has that situation well in hand,” Simon replied, “but If you want to give her a good bollocking, I’d say you’d be well within your rights.”

  “Not tonight, I’m too upset, but I’m glad Joseph is dealing with her. Let’s get out of here, I’ve had enough Lucinda for one day.”

  “You and me both,” Simon nodded, “and yes, I’m glad he’s dealing with her as well.”

  And he was.

  Joseph had just returned to his suite, and to his surprise had found Lucinda crumpled on the couch crying piteously.

  “What all this?” he asked, moving forward and sitting next to her.

  “I’m a wretched person,” she sobbed, “absolutely wretched.”

  “Lucinda,” he said tenderly, “you can certainly behave in a wretched way sometimes, but you’re not a wretched person.”

  “Yes, I am, I…uh…I…”

  “You what?” he frowned. “Did you do something else I don’t know about?”

  “I found Belle’s dairies and I read them,” she blurted out, “and that’s how I know I’m wretched.”

  “Because you snooped?”

  “Well, yes, but mostly because of what I read about me. I read about what she thought of me, and what everyone else thinks of me. Everyone thinks I’m horrible,” she wailed, and dropping her face in her hands she broke into a fresh set of tears.

  “This could be a very good thing, Lucinda,” he said reassuringly.

  “How, how can it possibly be good? Belle probably hates me even more now.”

  “No doubt she’s angry with you, of course, and she should be, but you’ve just had a glimpse of how you’ve been seen by others. Not many people get to experience that.”

  “So what?” she blubbered.

  “Stop crying for a minute and think about it,” he said firmly. “You don’t want to be seen the way Belle described you, right?”


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