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Star Wars Missions 007 - Ithorian Invasion

Page 3

by Dave Wolverton

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. The control officer is in a terrible mood, and screams that he never did like you in the first place, and now you are only proving that you can’t do anything right. Now you must offer apologies. Repeat this confront until you succeed.

  *Note: This counts as one of three Power uses you are allowed on this Mission.

  “Roger,” the control officer says when he’s done. “We have a hammerhead security team on the way. We don’t want another infestation of those things.”

  “Quickly,” Momaw Nadon tells you, “we must go.”

  He leads you through the door that the stormtroopers were guarding. It opens into a corridor that overlooks much of the giant machinery. You see the berries down below, dumped from their hoppers onto a sorting rack. On the rack, sprayers hose the berries off with steaming water, and then mechanical arms pluck off the stems.

  Afterward, the stems are thrown into a mulching machine to fertilize the forest floor, while the berries go into a huge vat.

  Ahead, a catwalk leads over the top of the berry vats. You look up. Three Ithorians wearing security uniforms are walking toward you. They hold blaster rifles. One of them looks up and sees Momaw Nadon.

  “You!” he shouts accusingly. “What are you doing back here?”

  Momaw Nadon steps forward. “I have heard that my people suffer. That the trees below us suffer. That our whole world lies in pain. It is time for us to end this. We must throw off our Imperial shackles.”

  The Ithorian raises his weapon, as if to threaten Momaw Nadon. “Those words are treason against the Empire.”

  Momaw Nadon steps back in shock. “Are you part of the Empire now, Boma Inondo?” he asks. “Do you raise your weapon against your own people?”

  Boma Inondo growls and steps forward menacingly, “You are not my people! You were exiled!”

  “Yes,” Momaw Nadon answers. “I was exiled for suggesting that we should fight the Empire. Certainly, by now, you must know that I was right. Will you use your gun against me, or against the Empire?”

  Boma Inondo is shaking with fear. Behind him, an Ithorian says, “The Empire has offered a reward for Momaw Nadon.”

  Momaw Nadon scowls. “You were my Chief of Security, Boma. Do you want to remain a prisoner of the Empire?”

  Boma Inondo raises his weapon. “We are not prisoners,” he says. “We are the Empire’s trustees.”

  Both of Momaw Nadon’s mouths fall open as he stares in shock. He cannot believe that one of his own people now serves the Empire. You suspect that these three Ithorians can’t be trusted, though they really don’t seem to want to shoot their old leader. Even when serving the Empire, Ithorians hate violence.

  “I’m going to call Imperial security,” Boma Inondo says. He reaches for a communicator.

  You rush him.

  Boma Inondo swings his gun, attempting to knock you off the catwalk. You pivot, grabbing his weapon. You struggle as he tries, with his great strength, to toss you into the berry vat.

  To combat the Ithorian hand-to-hand: Your strength# + your skill# + your stealth# +1 is your confront#. Roil the 12-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference +2 to your MP total. You trip Boma Inondo, tossing him into the berries.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. Add +1 to your confront# for your new confront#. Repeat this confront using the same new confront# until you defeat Boma Inondo.

  Boma Inondo is hurled into the berries with a loud splat. Green ooze goes flying. The other two Ithorian security guards stagger back, shocked by this display of violence.

  Down in the vat, Boma is covered with green berry slime. He wipes some off his face and cries, “I hate you, Momaw Nadon!”

  Momaw waves a hand at the berry vat and laughs. “Now you can taste the fruits of your own anger. Berry your hatred, before it berries you.”

  “The only thing I hate more than puns,” Boma says, “are the people who make them.”

  He raises his blaster to fire, but berries have plugged its barrel. The blaster rifle explodes in his hands. Boma sinks into the vat of green goo, as it rolls toward the ovens.

  “Remind me not to eat any pies tomorrow,” you tell Momaw Nadon.

  You raise your blaster and point at the other two Ithorians. “Your boss didn’t make a berry good Imperial agent, but he’ll make a fine fruit filling. Do you want to join him?”

  You know that you’re not here to fight the Ithorians. Before you go on, you must try to persuade them to join you.

  To persuade the Ithorians (without Power): You say, “Come on, I don’t want to have to use this any more than you do.” Your charm# +1 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. You have won the hearts of the security guards. You may now proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. The Ithorians are not convinced. You decide to threaten them (below).

  To persuade the Ithorian guards (using Power)*: You must use your Persuasion Power. Your charm# + your Jedi# + your Power’s high-resist# is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add 10 MP to your MP total. The guards would willingly follow you anywhere.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. The Ithorians are not persuaded. You must threaten them (below).

  *Note: This counts as one of three Power uses you are allowed on this Mission.

  To threaten the Ithorian guards: Choose your weapon. You aim and fire at a nearby fruit. Your weaponry# + your weapon’s mid-range# +1 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. The fruit is demolished. You growl, “You’re next,” to the guards. They are fully intimidated.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. You miss. The guards are not fully threatened. It will be up to Momaw Nadon to persuade them.

  Momaw Nadon says to the two security guards, “In the past you have used your weapons to hunt down vermin. Now, you will hunt Imperial vermin. Tell me, what have the Imperials been doing on our ships?”

  One guard lowers his head, as if these words make him sad to speak. “You were right when you said that we should never have surrendered to the Empire. They have taken our proudest city. They study the way that we build our ships from leaves and glue, and dream of forming new types of armor. They see what our doctors have done, and instead of learning about new medicines, they want to learn about natural poisons.”

  The other one pipes in, his deep voice issuing from twin mouths. “They rob us. They tried to steal the knowledge we would freely have given, and now they torture our scientists, seeking to learn that which few should know.”

  You say that you have heard that Sir Vengnar Heiff is on the Tafanda Bay.

  “Yes,” one security guard confirms. “You can hear the cries in the prison hold. Even General Dewes is appalled.”

  Momaw Nadon says in shock, “Prison hold? We have no prison!”

  “Levels seven through nine are the prison holds,” the guard reports.

  “But — those were nurseries when I was here.” Momaw Nadon crosses his arms, deep in thought. “General Dewes lied to me at every turn. He said that he was transporting in aides to help us in our work, and instead he sent spies. He said he was sending in technicians, and he sent in troops. He said that if we revealed our secrets, he would withdraw his scientists from our jungles, and instead he pillages our land. Now he turns our home into a prison. I cannot believe that there is any limit to his evil.”

  You remember the words of the Oracle: “Not everyone who wears an Imperial uniform is wholly given to evil.” Perhaps he meant Dewes. “Lying
to a people and plundering their land is one thing,” you say. “Torture and murder is another. Perhaps this Dewes could be turned into an ally.”

  “Surely you don’t believe that,” Momaw Nadon says. He studies you from narrow eyes. “He blinded the Oracle and threw him from the ship in an effort to kill him.”

  “If Dewes had wanted the Oracle dead, there are surer ways to have done it,” you point out “For an Imperial goon, this one sounds pretty squeamish.”

  Momaw Nadon trembles at your words, as if in a subdued rage. “He took everything from me: my pride, my home, my family, my people.”

  “He left you with your life,” you point out.

  “He is a weed that must be plucked out,” Momaw Nadon says with finality.

  You squint at Momaw Nadon in turn, wondering what is in his heart.

  After a brief discussion with the security guards, you discover that there are not really many Imperials on the Tafanda Bay. The Ithorians never needed weapons, and even when beaten and enslaved have never raised a hand against their captors.

  A few stormtroopers guard a number of key areas of the ship — the entrances and exits, and the control centers.

  You figure that with a few good men, you can handle most of them yourself.

  “Show me where to go,” you tell the Ithorians. You ask them about Grubba the Hutt, but they have no idea where he might be — or if, indeed, he is on the ship.

  Momaw Nadon says, “We need weapons. We must raid their armory.”

  This sounds like a good plan. It will keep the Imperials from retrieving the weapons and it lets you arm the Ithorians at the same time.

  The security guards lead you to the armory in an industrial section of the Tafanda Bay, in an old warehouse. What you see there freezes your heart.

  The outside of the warehouse is guarded by an IG-88 assassin droid. The door to the warehouse is open, and inside you see stormtroopers. You can also see part of the arsenal inside — a portable ion cannon, rows of detonators, and heavy blasters. You can’t shoot into that arsenal. One stray blaster bolt would blow up the whole city.

  You might have to fight them hand-to-hand, even though the stormtroopers are wearing armor. But you certainly can’t fight an assassin droid that way.

  You study the Ithorian security guards. Both of them have blasters. Still, just moments ago they couldn’t work up the nerve to shoot at you. You ask them quietly if they’ve ever shot at anything besides bugs and rats.

  They both shake their heads no.

  “Think you can take out that assassin droid?” you ask. “It’s not like its a living organism.”

  “I have shot at aluminum beverage containers,” one Ithorian guard answers. “This would be little different.”

  “Yeah, but those aluminum beverage containers weren’t shooting back,” you warn. “This time, their big brother just might get even.”

  The guards insist they can kill the droid.

  “Good,” you tell them. “Escort me to the warehouse. I’ll try to distract the guards inside. You open up on that killer droid. And be careful. I don’t want to get caught in your crossfire. Momaw Nadon will back me up.”

  You see a large metal hammer sitting beside a workbench, and casually tuck it behind your back, down your belt

  The Ithorian guards escort you to the armory. They both seem very nervous. You wonder if you can really trust them.

  When you are twenty feet from the door of the armory, the IG-88 assassin droid calls, “Halt!”

  You all stop.

  “What is your purpose?” the droid asks.

  “My name is Troy,” you say. ‘I am a counselor to Sir Vengnar Heiff, who is here on a diplomatic mission. He asked me to get a few things from the armory.”

  “What things?” the assassin droid asks. “Where are your requisition forms?”

  The two stormtroopers have now stopped what they are doing in order to back up the droid. You may try to deceive them without Power, or with Power.

  To deceive (without Power): Your charm# +1 is your confront#. You promise to bring by the requisition forms as soon as you’re done. Roll the 6-dice to lie to the stormtroopers.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add 10MP to your MP total. The stormtroopers and the droid believe you, and are willing to help.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract 10MP from your MP total. The guards remain skeptical but curious.

  To lie (with Power)*: Choose your Persuasion Power or your Deception Power. Your Power’s mid-resist# + your Jedi# is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to deceive the guards.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add 10MP to your MP total. The guards usher you forward.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract 10MP from your MP total. The guards remain cautious, yet are willing to let you proceed.

  *Note: This counts as one of three Power uses you are allowed on this Mission.

  The stormtroopers laugh. “Sure, we can equip you. Say, it’s good to see another human face around here. What planet you from?”

  “Bop-Me,” you answer as you walk up to the guards. The IG-88 assassin droid is only inches from you. “Bop-Me?” the stormtrooper asks, confused.

  “Okay,” you say, “if you insist.” You pull your hammer from behind your back, just as the Ithorian security guards swing their blasters around and fire on the droid.

  To combat the first guard: Add your strength# to your skill# for your confront#. Roll the 6-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. You land a good solid blow that will keep this guy dreaming all night. You may proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. Add +1 to your confront# for your new confront#. Repeat this confront using the new confront# until you defeat the guard.

  The Ithorian guards fire on IG-88. The first shot glances harmlessly from its armored body. It fires on its attacker, and the Ithorian is blown backward. The second Ithorian fires almost instantly, catching the droid at the base of its metallic head. The body breaks open with explosive force.

  To dodge the pieces of exploding droid: Your skill# +2 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference +4 to your MP total. You’ve got the instincts of a Wookiee. You may proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. It really stings when shrapnel gets lodged in your shooting arm. Subtract +1 from your weaponry# for the rest of this Mission.

  You turn your attention back to the last guard. He’s scurrying toward a rack of assault rifles. He shouts into his comlink, “Security breach in the armory!”

  You may fight the guard hand-to-hand, persuade him to surrender with Power, or persuade without Power. You cannot shoot, because any stray fire could blow up the armory — and the ship.

  To persuade the stormtrooper (without Power): You say, “Give it up. You’re outnumbered, and if you try firing weapons in here, we’re all going to blow.” Your charm# +1 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference +5 to your MP total. This guy didn’t really want to die. You may now proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. The guy grabs a gun. You’ll have to fight (below).

  To persuade the stormtrooper (using Power)*: You must use your Persuasion Power. Your charm# + your Jedi# + your Power’s low-resist# is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference +5 to your MP total. The guard thanks you for sparing him. You may now proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. The guard sneers at you as he grasps a gun. “I don’t care if we all die!” he shouts. “I’ve been looki
ng for a way out of this lowlife outfit!” You must fight him (below).

  *Note: This counts as one of three Power uses you are allowed on this Mission.

  To combat the stormtrooper: Add your strength# to your skill# for your confront#. Roll the 6-dice.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. As you whack him with the hammer, you shout, “You know, the Empire gives medals for wounds like that.” You may proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. The guard grabs a blaster rifle and swings at you, trying to club you with the stock of the gun. Add +1 to your confront# for your new confront#. Repeat this confront using the new confront# until you defeat the guard.

  Nice work! Reward yourself with 55MP (80MP for Advanced Level players).

  The sound of combat draws attention. Dozens of curious Ithorians rush down the halls. One shouts, “It’s Momaw Nadon! He has returned!” Many Ithorians bow, as if to a revered king. Their eye stalks nearly sweep the floor.

  “What do you want of us?” an Ithorian asks Momaw Nadon. You glance at him. He is a poor creature, wearing rags for robes.

  “The weeds choke our garden,” Momaw Nadon answers. “It is time to pluck them out.”

  Behind Momaw Nadon, another Ithorian shouts, “Long live the Gardener! Down with the Empire!” He salutes.

  Suddenly, dozens of Ithorians begin to shout and rush into the armory, inflamed by the idea of rebellion. They grab assault rifles and armored riot shields.


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