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Sector Seven

Page 19

by Kaden Sinclair

  “As it stands, I need you to solve the issue of the longevity curse. I can’t give myself the treatment if I’m going to lose control of my body and emotions, potentially suiciding. And I’ve no intention of living forever as a mindless ape.”

  “I’ve tried! You’re trying to move things too fast. I can’t just snap my fingers and suddenly have what you need. Even if I did, you’d just kill me anyway, so why would I bother?”

  “Why indeed? You see, it appears to me you haven’t been properly motivated. I think you are purposefully dragging your heels.” He opened the metal box sitting on the tray and pulled out a syringe. “I would promise not to kill you if you worked it out, but you obviously don’t believe me, and I really don’t care to try and convince you.”

  “What’s that? Another unregistered chemical you plan on using on me? Some sort of drug to torture me with?”

  “What a marvelous idea, the torture thing. I’m sure we’ll get around to it at some point. No, this is a bit more direct.” He jammed the needle into Jason’s arm.

  “Shit,” screamed Jason.

  “I must say, a syringe is really archaic, but I find satisfaction jamming a needle into you, for some reason.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Faust laughed maliciously. “Oh my! A lot, actually. Most specifically, I’m old. I need to know I won’t die tomorrow of a heart attack or any other malady.” He put the syringe away and the robots took the tray. “I’m afraid I’ve given you a huge dose, several times what we’ve experimented with. You will probably start feeling the effects in half an hour at most. By tomorrow, I think you’ll feel rather marvelous.” The smile on his face struck fear in Jason’s heart as he slowly realized what had happened. Maybe it was the injection, but Jason felt himself break into a cold sweat and his heart rate increased dramatically. “You injected me with the immortality drug, didn’t you? And the experimental nannies?” His heart continued to race, and his breathing became hard, panicked. “Giving those to me is a death sentence. I’ll go insane!”

  For a moment Faust didn’t respond. He moved back out of view to glance at the displays. After he was satisfied, he finally answered. “Possibly, yes. Probably, even. I’m rather depending on self-preservation to push you toward figuring things out, though. Like I said, you haven’t been properly motivated, and I can’t trust that you’re really trying. Now, I’ll know for sure or I’ll be done with you and it won’t be my fault. Nobody will believe you didn’t do it to yourself, not when you won’t be able to say otherwise.”

  Faust moved back into view and motioned to the two robots, who then restrained Jason’s arms while they also removed his bindings. “I’ll have you taken to the holding apartment, where you’ll have a couple staff to work with you. Assuming they will work with you. I’m afraid I can’t allow you out of the complex, since you’d just try and run away again or take the opportunity to tattle on me. You’ll be nice and cozy while I observe your every move.”

  Jason couldn’t respond. Terror constricting his throat. The robots pulled him off the table and practically dragged him out the door. Jason began to scream, hoping someone would hear him. He tried to order the robots to let him go, complained they were hurting him, but they ignored him. Obviously, the safety protocols had been overridden, which wasn’t much of a surprise.

  Finally, resigned, he just let them drag him down the hall, offering no resistance.

  The robots dragged him to what must be the apartment Faust had spoken about. They hauled him to the middle of the living room and onto the rug, then simply left. He sat on his knees and put his face in his hands for a long while. The robots departed through the main doors and the sound of locks engaging was audible.

  Removing his hands from his face, he clutched at the fibers of the thick tan rug. His breathing grew ragged as the panic of what had happened kept his adrenaline high. Finally, running his hands through his hair, he let out an explosive breath. He clenched his jaw in fear and near despair, then barked a short laugh of frustration, staring at the ceiling.

  His mind raced. They’d locked him in here, knowing he would soon start feeling the effects of the drug. Unsure of how much time he had, he got up and explored his living quarters. He soon discovered a room that must be his lab, fully equipped and with several new biosuits hanging on the wall. He picked one and carried it with him until he found his spacious and well-furnished bedroom. There were other bedrooms, but this one had amenities that Jason assumed were meant for him. After finally emptying his bladder, he turned on the shower and stepped in, letting the water run over him to calm his nerves. As he began to soap up, he felt a rush and put his hand against the wall to stabilize himself. Another rush ran through him, stronger. The effects of the drugs were starting. Eyes wide, he took a moment to accept his feelings, to listen to his body, and to gauge how he reacted. Knowing the nannies would, technically, start making him healthier, younger, and more in direct control of his other nano-technological enhancements, it wasn’t death he feared. He feared the loss of his sanity. Jason briefly recalled the monstrous changes in the test subjects who had volunteered, then succumbed to mindless rages and dying when one of them had killed the others and then burned himself alive.

  The rushes continued, which led him to believe extreme changes were taking place in his thermal regulation system. They weren’t unpleasant feelings, just odd. Related to his metabolism changing, he suspected. He finally got out of the shower and dried off, donning his suit so he could gather data from it. Because he had no idea how long he’d been knocked out, he wasn’t sure if he felt hungry because he hadn’t eaten in a while, or if the changes were burning up available fuel. Jason suspected the latter, since he assumed he hadn’t been unconscious for long. Whatever the reason, he felt ravenous and, upon finding the food synthesis units in the dining and social rooms, made a quick meal and devoured it. While the dining area contained automation, it also contained a full hobby kitchen, including a cooking range and oven, counter space, and a recipe panel with keys for fresh ingredients. Nobody really needed to cook anymore, so the addition was a luxury. The dining counter was clearly designed to expand to accommodate many, but currently had room for four. On it sat a fruit bowl. Another wasteful addition. It was also kind of in the way if more than one person wanted to sit and visit. Jason moved it to the counter near the cooking range.

  Jason finished his meal and small cleaning units arose from the sides of the counter, quickly breaking down the bio-degradable dishes and utensils for repurposing and carrying them away. As he rose from the stool, which then merged back with the underside of the counter automatically, he heard the main doors unlock and open. Rather than rushing out to try to escape, he patiently waited in the dining area. The doors clearly closed and locked again and he heard voices. Wiping his hands, he walked out to the living room where three people stood, looking around fearfully. They were part of his lab staff.

  Two of the women, Jenn and Eve, were unconsciously leaning into the third technician, Ephrom, as if he’d protect them in some way. Jason almost smiled. Ephrom likely wouldn’t protect anyone but himself. All three watched him as he walked in, eyes confused.

  “Hello, Dr. Emerson,” said Jenn.

  “Hi, Jenn. Eve, Ephrom. Let me guess. You were ‘volunteered’ to help me continue with my research.”

  Ephrom barked a laugh. “Yeah, we volunteered all right. Minus the volunteering part. They yanked me out of bed this morning and threw a bag over my head. I don’t even know where we are.”

  The other two echoed his story.

  Jason did his best to offer a comforting smile, dreading what he was going to have to tell them. More to the point, dreading their reactions when they found out. “I’m sorry this happened to you. As to the rest, I’m not sure where this place is, but we’re essentially in prison. Do you know who kidnapped you?” They shook their heads, faces darkening. “Yeah, I didn’t think you knew. Faust, just so you know. The reason he yanked you out o
f your homes and had you thrown in here is because he’s lost patience with our work. He feels we’re going too slow and he’s willing to ignore laws and rights. We’re prisoners.”

  They looked at each other and then at him, confused. He took a shuddering breath and closed his eyes for a moment. Time to tell them the truth. “So, you aren’t going to like this. At all. Faust gave me the treatments, injecting me against my will, and he’s locked you in here with me to force the experiment along. I presume he wants you to help me figure out how to stop the degradation. It’s either that, or death.”

  Jenn and Eve recoiled. Ephrom’s eyes widened in fear.

  Jenn threw her hands over her face. “Oh my god, Jason! You mean the longevity drug and the new nannies both?” Jason nodded. “When? How long do we have?” she asked.

  “It’s been about an hour, but he gave me a huge dose, which means I’m already feeling the effects as the nannies replicate and integrate throughout my entire system. They are speeding the chemical process of the longevity drug along rapidly as they grow in numbers.”

  Ephrom groaned. “What? Shit. I’m sorry, doctor. No offense, but we need to find a way to barricade ourselves in our rooms immediately. We’ve all seen what happened to the volunteers.” He moved quickly across the room, staying away from Jason, and disappeared into the hallway behind him. Jason watched him go with a clenched jaw. He heard a door slam and furniture being moved.

  Jenn and Eve hesitated, but then Jenn fled the room as well. She took the precaution of making several doors open and close, ostensibly to throw him off when he went crazy.

  He arched an eyebrow at Eve.

  Eve just stood there, looking at him. Finally, she walked forward, her dark face afraid. “I don’t know what good it will do to hide, and I’m not sure it will matter if we even live through it, since I doubt we’re going to be allowed out of here.” She swallowed. “If they’ve gone so far as to kidnap us, they’ll probably get rid of us just to ensure we don’t talk.” She took a deep, controlled breath. “So, I’m going to try to help you stay sane as long as I can, because it’s the only way I can think of to survive. If you succeed, maybe there won’t be a reason to silence us.”

  He looked at her a moment, feeling grateful, and nodded. “How pragmatic. Thanks, I guess. At least it’s something and I don’t feel like a complete leper. Eve, honestly, it might be best for you to lock yourself in a room too. I’m not sure what will happen, but it’s probably going to result in my being unable to control myself. Tomorrow, I may not be able to even tell who you are, let alone stop myself from harming you.”

  She laughed, a high-pitched nervous laugh tinged with dark humor. “And you think we can hide? You can find us anywhere using your bio-suit to find our nannies. Before long, you’ll be able to find us without the suit, as the new nannies take over your system. Even if we weren’t locked in here with you, our transmission signatures from what we already have in our systems are a dead giveaway. And seriously, hide? How? You can already force us to do whatever you want, and you can sense us anywhere within a few miles, even without the new stuff. I know what the research tells us, remember? It may not be perfect, but our experiments are far enough along that we aren’t going to be able to resist you if you decided to force us to come out of hiding. No, Jason, we’re essentially dead no matter what we do, unless you learn to control yourself. At least I’ll see it coming.”

  Another massive rush came over him and he flushed. She focused closely on his face. “You’re already changing, you know.”

  Ice leapt up his spine. “What?”

  She grimaced, staring at his face. “Yeah. Sorry, but you are. Small things. Your skin is tighter, for one. More youthful.”

  His hand went to his mouth and his eyes closed in a moment of fear. He shuddered. “Great. I’m not even aware of what the nannies are doing. I can tell they are busy, but the complexity is beyond me.”

  She nodded. “You’re burning through a lot of calories. These physical changes don’t come cheap.” Her mouth formed a moue, and she put a hand to his forehead.

  Her hand felt cool as it touched his skin.

  “You’re hot. Not just warm, but almost burning up.” She looked at him clinically. “How do you feel?”

  He walked over to the couch and sat down. The main room was surprisingly archaic, with actual carpet and furniture that seemed to be made from fabrics and stuffed with material. Very unlike the slightly morphic style and materials of the modern times. “I keep feeling flushed, like I’m getting a fever, but I don’t feel sick.” He made an effort to really let himself feel the changes in his system. “It feels like there is some sort of automation going on with the nannies, like they are receiving instructions.”

  “You mean like something is broadcasting to them?” She looked around, as if she could peer through the walls to find the source.

  He thought a moment. “No, not like something external is doing it. I guess it feels like I’m feeding them instructions unconsciously. Or they are pre-programmed to read my unconscious and automated systems.”

  “Okay, that’s good. If it’s internal, at least it isn’t something we can’t analyze or figure out. Instead, it’s something we can gain control over.” She walked over and, after a moment of hesitation, sat beside him, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Maybe we can guide things along at least. Avert the worst. You’re going to change, but maybe you can change into something harmless and still be in control of yourself, which will buy more time.”

  He nodded, keenly aware of her touch. The brief touch on his shoulder sent an electric and pleasant thrill through him. He felt another rush and his body shuddered. This time, he paid attention and felt a burst of communication surge to his nannies.

  “You okay? I saw that.” Nervousness crept into her voice.

  He realized he needed to keep talking to her, feed her information so she could help him keep perspective. “Yes, I’m fine. I felt a lot of activity for a moment. Like a surge. I can’t tell if the surge is chemical or if it is nerves firing rapidly.” He shook his head. “I’m feeling a bit dizzy. Not bad, just weird. I’m hungry again, too.”

  She bit her lip for a moment then said, “Let’s get you some food.” She smiled weakly. “I’m not a very good cook, so I’ll have to just use the standard replication to get you something edible.”

  She got up and took his hand. The touch sent another wave through him, this time mildly sexual. For a moment, he admired her dark skin. Feeling even dizzier, he got up and smiled at her, letting her lead him into the dining area, where he sat, waiting for her to order something.

  “It’s been about an hour. We should track everything, Jason. In an hour, you’ve felt hungry, you’ve had these rushes.” She hesitated. “Anything else?”

  “Yeah, the confusion. Or dizziness, I guess, not really confusion. And the bursts of activity I sense in the nannies, but which I can’t really define.” Oh, and by the way, now equally attracted to women as to men, he thought. Great. He opted not to mention the change in his sexual interests just yet.

  “Right. Good. So maybe with the process happening so fast, you can see a pattern.”

  Jason could hear in her voice that she felt dubious.

  She walked over and keyed in a sequence of requests to the food replicator and dispenser, which quickly cooked up some eggs, steamed vegetables, and a protein shake. “I figure protein will be best, but you should eat some vegies too. An odd combo, but probably the most nutritious. I’ve added extra vitamins and minerals to the food requests to boost the nutritional usefulness.” She glanced over at him. “Unless you’re craving something in particular? I mean, can you tell specifically what you should eat? That would tell me what your body wants.”

  He thought a second. “Not really. Eggs sound fantastic. Thank you.” He grinned, making an effort to reassure her. He felt her tension ease a bit.

  Eve moved to the counter and a stool emerged. She perched on the stool and set the steaming food a
nd drink in front of her.

  He eyed the food hungrily.

  “You know,” said Eve, “I have to say, I’m a bit pissed at Jenn. Ephrom is a coward, which I already knew from when I tried to date him. He is completely scared of heights, of wind surfing, and spiders. I learned this about him all in a single date. I’d hate to think what his day must be like, since those are probably the least of his phobias. But Jenn, she’s been a friend of mine for a long time, and she didn’t hesitate to leave me in the room alone with you.”

  “Thanks,” he said ruefully.

  She laughed. “Hey, I’m just saying. I’m dead set on you figuring this thing out, but she could have at least asked me to hide with her.”

  “Fear does funny things to people. I’m sure she already feels bad.” He grinned. “Not bad enough to come back out and drag you to safety, of course.”

  “Yeah, seriously!” She leaned forward to put her elbow on the countertop so she could lean onto her chin, her face sexy to his changing vision. “Well, I’ll be sure to take someone more dependable along next time I’m kidnapped.” She slid the plate with her free hand over to him and he began scarfing it down. He saw her expression change to one of disgusted surprise.

  “Could you maybe eat your food more like a person and less like, oh I dunno, a behemoth?”

  He paused in the midst of shoveling another forkful into his mouth. “Ha! Yes, sure. Sorry. I didn’t even realize what I was doing. Thank you.” He proceeded to eat with a bit more decorum. “Yum! Excellent.”

  “Yeah, totally gourmet. Let me know if I can order some more pig slop for you.” She put her other elbow on the counter and cradled her head in both hands, letting her hair fall forward. “Especially since I think my career as a scientist is now over. I can almost guarantee Faust will ruin me publicly, if he doesn’t have me killed.”

  Jason didn’t know what to say. The situation was a no-win for everyone.

  The eggs really did taste incredible, bland as they were. His taste buds were obviously becoming more in tune with what his body needed for nutrition. The vegetables didn’t taste as good, but he ate them with as much gusto.


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