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Art of Seduction

Page 4

by Monique Orgeron

  “Well, he definitely had a lot of sex appeal.”

  “Yes, but were you attracted to him?”

  I answer honestly, “Greatly.”

  She walks around me and says, “You passed the test with flying colors. I think he enjoyed you as much as you did him. We’re nearly finished with training. All your hard work is paying off.”

  “Who is this mystery man?” I ask.

  “No one for you to worry about now. Just know you have made all of this worth it, I can tell. I am very proud of you, and one day soon I will be happy to call you family.”

  The next day, Catherine starts teaching me more on the art of seduction.

  “Men like to think they are the ones in control. Never show your cards. Always let him think he is indeed in control. A man is like...let’s say like a puppy. When you want a certain behavior from them, like a trick, you reward them. When they whine, you love them, and if they are naughty, you scold them. Do you understand, Fallon?”

  “I think I do.”

  “Well, you need to learn this. It will come in handy on many more occasions than you can imagine. Forget the puppy scenario. If you want any man to do something for you, you need to be persuasive. Give him a show of affection. If he is upset and his feelings are weakened, show him who the boss is, or at least who he thinks the boss is.” Catherine giggles on this. “Love him, and then show him he is the man and can do anything. If he is confused and has huge decisions to make, speak to him. Show him the way, but make him think he thought of it. Use your feminine wiles to get him to see the light. Now, when he has done something you don’t like, show him who the boss truly is. By this time, if you played all your cards right, you have become his everything.”

  “What if he were to cheat, Catherine? Then what?”

  “This is a tricky one for me, girl. After all, he is my son, but in my experience, there were some women I allowed, and some I didn’t. No man is perfect. Not even my sons. Their father had what I like to call adventures, but by the time he did, I was looking forward to them. I needed the mental break, but he would always come back once I started to gain attention from other men, which was done on purpose. When he thought his slot was slipping, he returned more than eager to be who I needed him to be.”

  “Catherine, you said your husband was weak...what did you mean by that?”

  “Well, that is a story for another time. Tonight, you sleep and rest. Tomorrow, I will come back and we will talk more. Goodnight, Fallon.”

  Once Catherine leaves, I lay down in bed, but my mind won’t let me rest. Catherine baffles me. Sometimes she’s the mother I wish I would’ve had, and then other times she’s so devious, it scares me. I want all she promised: the lifestyle, the money, and the power. To be as strong as her. Not to be hurt anymore. I still can’t believe all this is happening to me. It makes me wonder why she picked me, especially for someone so important to her. For years I was treated and told I was nothing, but with Catherine I am someone. Someone who matters and deserves more.

  I begin to wonder what her son looks like, and if this will work. Will he find me to his liking? I need it to work; going back to my old life is not an option.

  I start to remember my handsome poker player. Would I be able to win him over and persuade him to my whims? I don’t think so. That man would never allow any woman to control him, but in my dreams, he can be whatever I want. I know, though, in real life that man looks like he has the ability to destroy me. I start thinking of having sex for the first time. I hope I can learn to enjoy it, but I don’t think I could handle it with my mystery man. He would demand too much from me, and without the experience he would lose interest fast. Even so, I start to get turned on thinking of him. My fingers lazily rub against my thigh. As I get braver, I start towards where my ache is. I go under my panties to touch, but once I am there, I can’t go through with it. I’ve never been able to touch, to feel. I’ve always worked so hard trying to hide any sexual part of myself away. I’ve never felt sexy, and with my past, I sure couldn’t allow myself to want something more. Maybe that can all change once I am married. I have heard of girls being slutty, and some being frigid. I didn’t want to be either. I just hope I can please my husband, and I pray I’ll get some enjoyment out of it.

  The next morning, Catherine returns. We discuss more ways to lure men in. I have questions that need to be answered and had finally gotten enough courage to ask.

  “Catherine, you know I’m a virgin. You can dress me up, educate me, give me class, and teach me how to turn a man’s head. But what happens once I’m alone with him? Your son, he will not see the confident woman then; he will see a scared little girl. I don’t think I could convince him otherwise. What then? Everything that lured him to me will vanish once he wants more?”

  Catherine stands, walks over to where I am sitting, begins to rub my hair, and says, “Sweet child, I am hoping for it!”

  What...what can she possibly mean?

  “Catherine, once he realizes I am not experienced and at ease with my sexuality, the fantasy will disappear.”

  “No,” Catherine scolds, “you will be even more than that; you will become every man’s fantasy. A virgin to a man is like his golden ticket, his jackpot, a brand new shiny toy that has never been played with. My son is no exception. I know my son. Like most mothers, I know what he needs, but unlike most mothers, I have looked beyond that and sought out what he wants, what he desires. He is the type of man to enjoy a lot of different women. He has strength of character. He was born to be a leader, and has always been treated as such. He will never accept those other women as his wife or mother of his children. He will not want the idea of another man’s hands on the woman who will belong to him. That’s why I wanted a virgin. It would never work with a woman who was not one. He needs a strong, intelligent, graceful, and confident woman. What he wants in a wife is a woman who is forbidden to all others. Someone he can teach and mold into what he wants. He will teach you how to be everything he needs in the bedroom. He will show you so much pleasure, and if the stories are correct, you will thoroughly enjoy him. I hear of tales, from women around, and I am proud to say my son is a very capable man.”

  I whisper, “What if I don’t?”

  “What was that, Fallon? What did you say?”

  “I said, what if I don’t enjoy it? Will you teach me how to fake it?”

  Catherine looks at me and says, “No, Fallon. With a lot of men, you can fake it, but with a capable man there is no way you can. If you try, it will only anger him. So, don’t try it with my son. Most men don’t care enough about the woman to care if she enjoys herself or not, but from what I’ve heard, my son cares a great deal about how his women feel. Which, my dear, is a wonderful thing. It is something that will be useful to you.”

  “How can that be useful to me, Catherine?”

  She answers, “I did not enjoy hearing about my son’s sex life, but it was necessary. It was the knowledge I needed to find him the right woman. It can be useful to you, because there might be times when he will be angered. When this happens, he might not be gentle. He might be rough, hardened, forgetting to think of you. Knowing he prides himself on being able to show a woman pleasure, though, will allow you to demand pleasure. This is a time he will need your body for release. It is your job to put him at ease, but also to put him back in his place. Your strength will become his.”

  I lower my head. “I’m scared, Catherine. I’m scared it will hurt, or that he will hurt me. I have always shielded myself from men and their advances, trying to conceal my body so no one would think of me as sexual. You testing me has been easy. Those men you had me entice, I knew they would never be allowed to touch me. It was a game! But with your son, it’s different. He will be allowed full access.”

  I take a deep breath and continue. “Also, I’m worried I won’t like it, or I won’t be what he wants. I don’t know if he will like what he sees...will I be enough for him?”

  Catherine becomes softer. “Fa
llon, every woman is scared about all those things. Women have always had to worry about pressure from men. You are one of the lucky ones, Fallon. You made it to 21 without being forced. I can’t promise my son will always be gentle. He might be forceful at times, but at least it will only be him. If any other man touches you, my son will kill him. He will kill for you. It is a saving grace to have one man’s protection from all others.”

  “Catherine, I don’t want anyone to kill for me!”

  “Yes, I understand, my dear, but you have never been in a situation to want that. Like I said, you are lucky!”

  She turns and walks over to the window, staring out, almost like she is remembering something. It seems like she is no longer there with me. Lost in her memories. Why? What has this woman been through?

  “Catherine, are you with me?”

  “Yes, child, I’m here with you, and for you. I will always guide you, Fallon.”

  I admit, “Catherine, sometimes you scare me!”

  She laughs. “Good, you should be scared. Like I told you, in the beginning I will be your ally, but my life is about my family. As long as you never cross my children or me, you will never have to fear me.” She turns serious. “If you cross us, I will end you! Make my son happy, give me grandchildren, and do right by them. Then I will always be there for you. Understand me, Fallon?”

  “Yes, Catherine, I understand.”

  Straightening, she shakes off whatever is bothering her and adds, “Our training is almost finished. In a few months, you will be twenty-one. I have a surprise for you. On your birthday, I will throw you a birthday party and introduce you into society. On this day, you will meet your future husband. He is not to know of our relationship. I will introduce you to everyone simply as Fallon, an old family acquaintance. No one will question my word on who you are. On that day, all your things will be moved out of the apartment and brought to my home. You will move in until your wedding night. If by any chance my son denies you and will not have you, then the party will give you connections to other powerful, wealthy men. Use your charms, and make them fall for you as a backup, but do not forget who you’re there for. Only my son can be allowed a choice. Do you understand?”




  Months pass by slowly, and I am incredibly anxious. All the time living here and learning from Catherine has been like a security blanket to me. Now I must sink or swim. I am so scared to let her or myself down. I know Catherine is confident this will work, but I have concerns. Growing up, I never allowed myself to be the girl who dreamed of the man who would be my Prince Charming. As I started to grow accustomed to this life, I found myself drifting off into the fairy tale, all the while having to remember this is not a fairy tale, and he may not be Prince Charming. But he is a means to an end. I will never be able to go back, not now, not after experiencing this lifestyle. I will never be hungry or, and dirty again or allow myself to suffer another day! I need to make this work! I had started to forget that life, but now thinking about my past builds me up in a way I thought I lost. The fire returns, love is not important; survival is, period. Bring him on. Even if he is the beast of this story, I will conquer and thrive!

  The days drag on, filled with anticipation. I’ve finished with my professor, and my lessons with Catherine have come to an end. She says I’m ready, but as I wait for my birthday, I can’t stop feeling still unsure.

  I rise early in the morning. Today is my birthday; I’ve turned twenty-one. I should feel young and excited to get my life started as an official adult, but I feel aged. Aged from my childhood; I was never able to be like the other kids I watched growing up. They always seemed so care-free. I wish I could’ve been more like them. Running around, screaming with abandonment. Instead, I didn’t have the luxury to be care-free. I had to worry if I was going to be able to sleep in my bed at night – or worse yet, the backyard. I had to worry if I was going to be able to find food to put in my aching stomach.

  I get out of bed and head towards the bathroom. I look in the mirror, studying the new version of me. The girl looking back at me is refined and educated. I could never have imagined myself like this.

  Not wanting to miss a minute of my special day, I hurry, brushing my teeth, jumping in the shower, and dressing with vigor. I leave my bedroom and walk around my apartment, looking at my surroundings. Today, I leave this home. The home I have lived in for almost three years. I am extremely nervous about leaving the only steady home I have ever had. I’ll miss it, knowing I will never return. As tears fall from my eyes, I brush them away. I need to remain strong today, for this is the beginning of the rest of my life.

  I hear Vin come into the room I’m standing in. He informs me I should eat breakfast, then he will take me to Catherine’s home, where she awaits my arrival. Vin continues to tell me all my belongings will be packed and brought to my new home.

  As I’m driven to Catherine’s place, my mind is in overdrive. The car starts to slow, and I look out the window. I am in awe of the iron gates as we pull up to them. Once they open, we drive through and continue down a long driveway. Finally, I see the house – or should I say the mansion – come into view. It is glorious. Something you would see in historical movies. It is a beautiful reconstructed plantation house two stories high, with large pillars holding up the walk around balcony. It has a curved staircase leading to the second-floor balcony. The windows are tall, leading from the ground to almost the ceiling. It’s as if you could walk through them, as if they are doors. The land it sits on is large and beautifully landscaped, with majestic old oak trees.

  As we stop in front of the house, an older gentleman in a black suit opens my door. He introduces himself as Jeffery and informs me he is the butler for the family. He then says he will show me to my room. Quickly, I inquire as to where Catherine is. He tells me she had a prior meeting and would see me soon. I follow Jeffery through the front doors, then stop and stand there, trying to take it all in. I am awestruck with another set of massive, curved staircases on either side of the huge entryway. Underneath the staircase, I can see a vast great room. Beyond that is all glass doors leading to the outside with views that will knock your socks off. To the left side of the entryway is a dining room with a large table running through its entire length. The right side of the entryway seems to be another, smaller living room. Before reaching the steps of the staircase, I can see both sides lead to wide hallways. The flooring is a seamless marble, light in color to show off the dark wood tones in the millwork.

  Jeffery smiles at me and asks me to follow him. I’m led upstairs, where there are several doors leading to what I assume are bedrooms.

  He stops walking and opens a door. As I walk through, and I’m blown away. My bedroom is a gorgeous; it is so large, I could get lost in it. Beautiful dark hardwoods line the floors. The walls are light and airy. One wall has three sets of French doors leading to an outside balcony. Besides the enormous king-sized bed is also a sitting room. Wow! Everything is monochromatic, in creams and golds. Jeffery then shows me to my private bathroom. Again, it is light and airy. Everything here is modern. There is a walk-in shower with three shower heads. A large claw foot tub sits under a window. Jeffery now leads me to a set of double doors. He opens them; it is a closet made out to be my personal boutique, filled with clothing, shoes, and purses. There is also an island in the middle, filled with accessories and jewelry. One wall has a large mirror that goes from the ceiling to the floor, hanging above is a chandelier to die for.

  “Fallon,” I hear Catherine calling my name. “There you are, Fallon. Happy Birthday. I didn’t want to miss your arrival, but I had a meeting that ran a little late.”

  As Catherine walks up to me, she gives me a small kiss on each cheek, then she just stands there, looking at me.

  “Catherine, thank you for such a beautiful bedroom. I love it.”

  “Yes, well I hoped you would like it. But we need to talk.” She walks over and sits on one of the couche
s. “Fallon, dear, tonight is a special night. I hope you’re confident you’re ready. It’ll be a night you will never forget. I’m hosting a birthday party in your honor, and I have invited a lot of influential people. My sons will also be here. Like I said before, I will introduce you as a friend of the family, but you already know all this. What I need to discuss with you is that my son will be bringing a woman with him.” Rolling her eyes in disdain she continues. “She is a piece of work; her name is Angelle. She’s the daughter of a Senator. Angelle has been after my son for some time. Not to worry, though, she is not for him. She will never do for my son.”

  Frustrated, I ask, “How can you say that, Catherine, if he has been dating her for a while? Why would you do all this if you already knew he had someone he was interested in?”

  “Fallon, she is not for my son. I will never allow their union, ever! She is nothing more than a pesky spoiled brat. You can easily dispose of her.” Now standing, she goes on. “Remember, Fallon: she is nothing; you are everything. I will admit, her father has helped our causes in business, but that’s all. Tonight, Fallon, you will be the belle of the ball and all eyes will be on you! Including my sons’.” She walks over to me. “Now later today, there will be many people in and out of the house, getting it ready for the party. Do not venture today. This afternoon, I have a team that will be here to assist you in getting ready, and a dress will be delivered. It will be a perfect night.”

  “Yes, Catherine.”

  “I will see you tonight, my dear. Do try to enjoy it.”

  With another kiss on the cheek, she leaves me.

  I plop down on the sofa. Now I must worry about his affection towards another. I can’t believe she never told me about this woman. How am I to do this? Plus, the party’s tonight, and I haven’t even had any time to get used to my new surroundings.

  I lay back, frustrated, trying to relax. At some point I must’ve fallen asleep, because I’m awakened by loud noises coming from downstairs. Now there’s a knock on my door...what time is it?


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