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Art of Seduction

Page 15

by Monique Orgeron

  Gabriel introduces me to a handsome older gentleman in a sophisticated suit named Theodore Trahan. I’ve heard of him; everyone has. His size alone is intimidating. At first I was taken aback, but then I’ve been taught by Catherine not to let men like this intimidate me. He was pleasant enough, and then Gabriel introduces me as his fiancée. Well, that wouldn’t do, so I immediately correct his error. All the men are very nice, except for Teddy. He’s handsome but kinda gives me the creeps. Then Gabriel holds my hand, and I feel safe even in this room and at this table with all these criminals. My fear dies the second Gabriel’s hand finds mine. He shocks me, though, when Theo wants to discuss business and won’t let me go. The fear comes back because I know this is it, no turning back; he is determined for me to hear enough that I can’t ever leave. As they talk, I understand everything being discussed. Stupid or not, I have solved their problem, but I’m not sure how these men will accept my input. Nevertheless, I go for it. I think Theo is agreeable, but Gabriel stays aloof; maybe I stepped too far out of the lines. Is he mad? I wish I knew; he’s so hard to read sometimes.

  Now Gabriel leads me to our table, where we’ll be alone. I fear this more than meeting Theodore Trahan.

  When we approach the table, he removes his hand from my lower back and I instantly miss it. The warmth and security it gave me is now gone.

  Gabriel orders a bottle of wine, then asks if I have a preference for our meal.

  “You order, Gabriel. I’m interested to see what you think I might enjoy.”

  He places the order, and I’m shocked; it’s exactly what I would have ordered.

  “How am I doing so far?” he asks playfully.

  “Better than I would have thought. On...umm...what are we calling this, our first date?”

  Gabriel smiles, and I melt.

  “I guess this would be considered our first date, although I did ruin your original plans. I’d like to think I can make it up to you.”

  I look around the room and tell him, “Interesting choice of venue.”

  “In what way?”

  “I figure you chose this place to test me. Am I right, Gabriel?”

  His smile grows. “I guess in a way it is. Fallon, if you want to be a part of my life, then I needed to show you what it would look like. See how and if you could handle it.”

  “Did you think those men and their fancy suits were going to scare me?”

  “I scare you, and I wear fancy suits.”

  “Yes, you do, but it’s all in the way a man wears the suit. Theodore and all his friends are proud men. They don’t try to hide the fact of exactly who they are. You, on the other hand, wear yours like a shield to keep people from seeing the real you. I always fear what I can’t see out in the open. You know, Gabriel, I’m not going to be a part of your life. I turned down your ring, and you just can’t seem to get over it.”

  Now he looks pissed, but then he recovers quickly and states, “So, you think using my brother would piss me off? That proves what exactly?”

  “Gabriel, I would never use Liam in that way. I truly enjoy his company. He’s my friend.”

  “He’s your friend? You didn’t even seem to care where he went off to or the fact that we didn’t even tell him goodbye.”

  Now I smile and say, “But I didn’t need to. I already know what happened to Liam. You’re the one who didn’t consider your brother.”

  “Well, do tell. Where is Liam right now?”

  “He is balls deep in the hostess at the restaurant we were at.”

  Gabriel chokes on his wine, practically spitting it out onto the table. I can’t help laughing.

  “Balls deep,” Gabriel repeats.

  “Yep, he has been sleeping with her for a while now, and they had already made arrangements for after our date. You see, Gabriel, Liam and I are friends, that’s all.”

  “OK, and what about Zander?”

  “Ha, Zander. Now, that is another beast altogether. He’s like no other; tall, broad, handsome, and very sexy.”

  Gabriel's hands tighten into a fist, and I can see the rage of jealousy steaming off him, so I laugh.



  “Come on, Gabriel. I love Zander, and no, not that kind of love. I love him as a big brother. He’s very protective of me, and I like him being that way. I’ve never had anyone who wanted to protect me. Besides, he loves to push your buttons. He loves seeing your reactions. But no, neither of your brothers are for me.”

  “So, am I for you, then?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I –”

  “Why, Fallon, I thought that’s what you and my mother wanted?”

  “It is, or at least it was. I don’t know how Catherine thought she could trick all of you into believing she had no intentions of me marrying you, but plans change.”

  “What changed?”

  I lower my voice. “You happened. I met you.”

  “Me? What, am I not good enough for you? Am I not what you want? Not like Miles?”

  “Leave Miles out of this. When Catherine asked me to come for you, I wasn’t expecting to…”

  “To what, Fallon?”

  “To feel, Gabriel. And fought it every step of the way. You’re so determined not to feel anything for me, so you can prove a point to your mother. It’s sad, really; Catherine believes with all her heart you are the strongest, yet you are still weak when it comes to your mother.”

  “Weak? You think I’m weak? I’m obviously not the person you think.”

  “Really? You’re so worried about your mother’s control over you, you don’t realize how much that woman loves you and is willing to do for you. She brought me here because one day she feared she might not be here for you and you would need someone on your side, but you are too blind to see that. She just wants to know she could find you a woman who would always be there for you, like she was. Now tell me, how is that so bad? I wish I’d had a mother with just a pinch of the affection Catherine gives to you boys.”

  There’s silence for a few minutes while Gabriel ponders what I said.

  “Fallon, you mentioned Zander and his protectiveness and Catherine’s affection. Why do you talk about it like you’ve never experienced any of it before?”

  “What do you want to know, Gabriel?”


  Everything? How can I tell him everything? Will he understand? Will he think I am beneath him?

  “Fallon, look at me.”

  “Why, Gabriel? Why do you want to know everything? It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “It does to me. Fallon, please give me something.”

  “All right, Gabriel. I’ll tell you all about how I grew up with an alcoholic mother who didn’t care for me outside of what I could do for her. I’ll tell you how I slept outside in the cold night for days on end and how I dug through the neighbor’s trash for something to eat, because my stomach was turning in on itself. What about how I was tossed in and out of foster care? How I couldn’t sleep without a weapon, which in fact was just a dull steak knife because I was scared to be molested or raped, even in my own home? How about the fact that my mother didn’t want me anymore, because once my body grew her jealousy turned into rage? All for the lust in men’s eyes. How I made it to this age without being touched is a miracle. See, Gabriel, I’m not afraid of lust; I’m used to it, and I see lust in your eyes, too. The problem is, with you I like it and want more. I want more from you. I survived it all, and I don’t want to have to survive you; that scares me.”

  “Fallon – f ”

  “No, Gabriel, don’t. I don’t want your pity. You wanted the truth, I’ll give it to you. Your mother found me, sought me out. I was working in a crappy diner and living in a crappier apartment I couldn’t afford in the worst part of this city. Why she wanted me, I don’t know. She saw something in me, but you need to know, I’m not that same scared little girl anymore. Your mother took me in, educated me, taught me culture and class so I could hold
my head high in front of anyone. She taught me her skills in everything. She told me I was special and how proud she was of me. She fed me, clothed me, and put a roof over my head. For that, I will always be grateful and indebted to her for the rest of my life.”

  “Fallon, I don’t pity you. I respect you. You came through all those things, and it made you stronger. My mother was right: you are special, and you are mine.”

  “No, Gabriel, I thought I could go through with it, but Catherine changed me. She gave me the idea that I deserved more than just to be a survivor. I don’t want to marry a man who has the power to destroy me, and you can, Gabriel. I want your lust, but I want more, and you’re not willing to give that to me.”

  “Fallon, I do care for you.”

  We stare at each other without saying anymore, till it becomes suffocating. I break the trance and tell him, “I would like to go home now, please.”

  Without another word, Gabriel pays the bill and pulls out my chair, then we walk out and he helps me into the car.



  Tonight has been a game changer for me, but I’m not ready to tell her that. She said she’s scared of me; I wish she wasn't. I don’t know how to give her what she needs; all I know is, I need her. I need her more than anything, but can I release the control over to her? I don’t know, because that’s exactly what I would be doing, giving her complete control over me. Once she has that power, I’ll be forever hers. So, why do I already feel like I’m hers? Fuck, it’s already happened...hasn’t it? I am hers. Now I just need to make her mine.

  Right now I just need to get her home, then I’ll figure out the rest.

  My curiosity is piqued by something I remember from earlier. “Fallon, what did Theo whisper to you?”

  “You saw that, huh?”

  “Yes, and I’ve got to tell you, I didn’t like it. So, what did he say?”

  “He told me if I ever needed anything, just to call him and he would take care of it...and me.”

  “That son of a bitch!”

  “Gabriel, I thought he was a very nice man, and he can be a very nice ally to have. He can be very beneficial to us in the long run. So, don’t allow your jealousy to override smart business relationships.”

  “You did it again.”

  “What, Gabriel?”

  “I’ll tell you what my favorite part of the night was. I loved hearing you say, ‘us.’ You said it twice in front of Theo, and you just said it again.”

  “I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just a word.”

  “No, you meant it. You meant it as a form of you and me, and you meant it as being a part of the Stern family.”

  It’s so quiet for a while; she is debating the meaning of what I just told her. Well, now I’ll give her more to ponder.

  “And as far as what you said about jealousy. I can’t help it. I am jealous. You might not want to believe it yet, Fallon, but you are mine, you will remain mine, and if another man so much as touches you, I will kill him.”

  She looks at me in shock, then slowly relaxes back into the seat.

  What do I have to do to prove to her she will always be mine and I’m not letting her go?

  We pull into the driveway to the mansion. I’m so frustrated, I’m gripping the steering wheel tight. I pull the car over before we get to the front of the doors, before anyone can see us. I put the car in park. Fallon still says nothing.

  “Fallon, come here.”

  She turns and looks at me and still says nothing. I turn and grab her hand and pull her towards me. I kiss her tenderly, and she kisses me back. I gently grab her around the waist and guide her over the seat to pull her in closer. She spreads her legs and is now straddling me; right where I need her.

  She’s moaning into my mouth now, so ready for me. We’re both so hungry for each other.

  I grab her face and make her look at me. I study her beautiful face for a second before I ask, “You ever made out in a car?”

  She laughs; it’s a beautiful sound.


  “That’s what I like to hear. I want you to experience all your firsts with me. You hear me? No one else, Fallon, just me.”

  She nods her head. I start to kiss her again, and the moaning continues. I grab her hips and start maneuvering them over me to make her feel my erection.

  “Do you feel that, baby?”


  “My cock is hard. You made me that way. You always make me so hard. Every time I’m around you. Every look you give me. Only you, Fallon. Only you have ever made me like this.”

  I continue to grind her against my erection as I watch her face contort in pleasure.

  “Let me have all of you, baby. Give yourself to me.”

  I kiss her neck and run my fingers through her hair, moaning into her ear.

  “Please, baby.”

  She abruptly stops, then looks me dead in the eyes and whispers, “No.” She lifts her body, removing herself from my lap, and returns to her seat. She bends down to grab her purse, then tells me, “Goodnight, Gabriel.”

  She exits the car and walks straight into the house, all before I can grasp what just happened. I’m left sitting in my car like a stupid teenage boy with blue balls. What the fuck is she doing to me?

  She might be able to tell me no now, but I will have her. Once I make her my wife, I’ll be as patient as I can be, but my patience is running thin.


  I don’t know how I did it, but I got myself out of that car. I didn’t want to. I wanted everything he could give me, but I also know I want more. If I would have given into my desire, given in to him, I would never get what I want.

  Gabriel sure doesn’t make it easy for me, though. I never wanted to leave his arms.

  I fall asleep sometime during the night, thinking of all my options. I awake knowing Brittany’s right. I can never run; he will find me. He won’t let me get away from him. Now I must decide how to proceed. Do I still want to try to convince him to love me, or am I willing to find someone else to love me? I know in my heart I’ll never be over him. Even if I find someone else, it will always be Gabriel in my mind and heart.

  But now I need to decide whether to settle or move on.

  My cell phone rings, the caller ID says it’s Miles. Here we go; maybe it’s a sign. We talk for a few minutes, exchanging pleasantries. He’s calling me to make sure we are still on for tonight. His family is having a small, intimate dinner party, and he would like me to be his date. He doesn’t say, but I know he also wants to parade me around to his family. He mentioned on our last date how his father said a woman like me would be a great addition to their family. All I heard, though, was that his father thought I would be great arm candy for his son, a son he wants to follow his lead into politics. Everyone loves a pretty face. I know the drill, but I agree to see him tonight. I tell him Vin will drive me over instead of him coming to get me. I don’t think I could run the risk of Gabriel seeing him with me; however, I do inform Catherine where I will be tonight. She takes me by surprise, practically begging me not to go. She says Miles is not right for me.

  I tell her, “OK, I will be fine. I already agreed to go to the dinner, and it would be rude of me not to attend.”

  “Fallon, dear, please be careful. Please!” Catherine scares me with her tone. I don’t know how to take her. I promise her I will.

  The party is an enormous success; everyone is having a wonderful time. Senator Rollins seems to be very interested in me. Through the course of the night, I notice him watching me. Every time I look around the room, there he is staring at me. It’s very off-putting. Finally, he strolls over to me. He greets me with a curious smile. We talk for a few minutes about nothing much particularly, then I catch him studying me again. When he notices I have taken offense, he apologizes for his rudeness and says I look so familiar to him, like he should know me. He even tells me he has brought this up to Catherine, hoping she would jar his memory on how he could possibly know
me, but neither of them could place the resemblance.

  After our conversation, dinner is announced. During the meal, I catch the senator still in deep concentration over me.



  At work today, I get a visit from Teddy. He goes on to explain and give me all the information he has on the man Theo wants me to find and take care of. He also says everyone, including himself, was very impressed with my fiancée. Theodore very much liked her business proposition. As I sit here, I suppress the fact that I want to put my hands around his neck and squeeze. Fallon’s right: this proposal of hers is very beneficial to our business. This deal will give us the leverage to own and take over our competition. So, I sit there and let him drool over the night he met the lovely Fallon. We agree and conclude our business.

  For some reason, I can’t wait to tell Fallon. She should love the fact that her plan worked. It was genius! I decide I’m not going to wait. I call Zander and tell him I am leaving for the rest of the night and he should take care of the rest.

  I pull into my parking spot at Mother’s house. I go in through the kitchen, hoping I will see Fallon soon. She’s not there, so I go from room to room looking for her. Then I find my mother standing in the great room, staring off out of the glass doors.


  She doesn’t answer me. It’s like she doesn’t hear me.


  “Gabriel. You’re here.”

  “Yes, Mom. Are you all right?”

  She doesn’t say anything; she just goes back to staring outside the door. I walk closer to her.

  “Mom, where’s Fallon? I have some news –”

  Before I can finish my sentence, she turns and looks at me with something in her eyes I have never seen before: fear.

  “Mom, what’s wrong?”

  “Gabriel...please, son...I need you to go get Fallon and bring her back home now. I know you’re fighting not to want her, but son, you can’t let Miles have her. Please, not Miles.”


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