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SHERIFF: His Town. His Laws. His Justice.

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

  "Speaking of makin' sense, are you sure you wanna sleep in that office? Aren't you worried about the rats?"

  "I'll have my gun, Sheriff. If a rat shows up I'll just shoot him."

  "You're that good a shot?"

  "My pa says I've got a better eye than a gunslinger."

  Cooper smiled a wry smile. The same had been said about him once, but it had been said with dread.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sitting around the dinner table at the Johnson ranch, captivated by his presence, Zeke's sons had been peppering Frank Connelly with questions. To have a detective from the San Francisco police force in their home was intriguing, and the dramatic stories he'd been telling about life in the big city had captured their imaginations.

  "Sure is a shame Charlie isn't here," Zeke's wife remarked. "He would've enjoyed all this. He's decided he wants to be a sheriff."

  "So your husband told me," Frank said. "It's good he knows what he wants."

  "He's a fine boy," Zeke declared, "but he can go a lot further. I was thinkin', Frank, once this business is over, how would you feel about showin' him around your offices. He's never been to the city. I could take him, and you could show him the kinda life he could have as a policeman. He's got a fine brain."

  Placing his fork on his plate, Frank looked across at his host and nodded his head, but not just in agreement. Now he understood why a total stranger had brought him into his home and sent his son into Brownsville to spy on the arriving stagecoach.

  "I think that's a fine idea," Frank lied. "We're always looking for new recruits. I'll introduce him to the Captain and give him an idea of what a policeman in the city is up against. Of course if he wanted to join the force he'd have to start at the bottom."

  "That's the way it should be. Work hard and make your way up, but it doesn't hurt to know the right people, eh, Frank?"

  "No, it doesn't hurt. Where is this McTavish boarding house?" he asked, wanting to change the subject. "I want to swing by and see my sergeant tomorrow."

  "It's down the first road before you enter the town. There's a thicket right there, you can't miss it," George volunteered. "Um, I just remembered somethin' I probably should've mentioned. Your sergeant told the Sheriff he probably wouldn't see much of him because he wanted to sleep for two days."

  Zeke rolled his eyes. If Charlie had been the one to check out the coach, he would have remembered and reported every last detail.

  "He was just bein' crafty," Frank said with a knowing smile. "He's been ordered to keep a low profile. Like I told your pa, I don't wanna scare this woman away."

  "Oh, sure, yeah, I'll bet that's it," George said as if he knew what he was talking about. "Do you do that much? Pretend to one person and you're actually someone else?"

  "All the time, George," Frank replied, suppressing a wicked grin. "All the time."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  After finishing the meal Ruby had brought up, Violet placed the tray on the floor, then slipping from the bed she moved across to the vanity and opened one of the small drawers on the right side of the oval mirror. Picking up a black velvet case, she opened it and withdrew the diamond watch her dearest Earl had given her. She had no idea of its worth, but it glittered like the stars. Following his death she'd tried to pawn it, but the man who fenced the few pieces of jewelry she'd stolen, had told her he couldn't touch it.

  "It's too unique. It'd be identified in a heartbeat and I'd have big trouble on my hands, and, Violet, don't take it to anyone else."

  "But I didn't steal this, Ollie. This was given to me by Earl Wallace, and why shouldn't I try and pawn it if I can?"

  "That detective has put the word out to all the pawnbrokers. If you show up they're to raise the alarm."

  "But they don't know me. You're the only one I've ever done business with."

  "His constables have given everyone your description, as best they can anyway, and that watch is famous. Everyone knows he gave it to you."

  "How? I don't understand."

  "You don't know? Earl's daughter. She had her sights on it, and one of the servants told her Earl had given it to you. From what I hear she was furious and said she was going to find you and get it back. No, you can't sell it, not in this town. Keep it safe though, it's worth a mint."

  She remembered the conversation as if it was yesterday. She'd hated the thought of selling it, but she'd been thinking of the children. Sitting on the chair in front of the vanity, she felt a hot lump when she recalled the night Earl had given it to her. He'd been such a kind man. But now she had another kind man, a man she truly loved.

  Placing it back in its case, Violet returned to the bed and slipped between the sheets. Night had fallen, a single lantern was burning on the nightstand, and closing her eyes a soft smile crossed her face. Tomorrow she would be with Cooper, really with him. They would lay down together and he would caress her and kiss her, but he'd said he had other things in store, and he'd made the promise with a very wicked smile.

  "Other things," she murmured. "What kind of other things do you mean? I wonder if you mean the kind of things Earl taught me about."

  Her former lover had enjoyed tying her up and teasing her, blindfolding her, and feeding her chocolate and wine, but his most favorite other thing was placing her over his lap and spanking her. She'd loved it. She didn't know why, she just did, and the thought of her handsome sheriff doing the same thing made her toes curl.

  "I can't wait," she muttered. "I absolutely can't wait."

  It was only a moment later a mischievous grin crossed her lips. She had an idea. A very naughty idea.

  "Should I? Yes," she giggled, "I should, and I will!"


  Cooper woke up with a raging erection, and still groggy he pushed back his bedcovers, took hold of his member and stroked himself to a powerful climax. Violet hadn't just stirred his heart, she had woken the dark sexual creature inside him. It had been a long time since he'd been with someone who lit the kindling to his fire. Though he'd had plenty of playtime as a wild gunman, most of the women didn't enjoy his games, and he'd had no desire to play with an unwilling partner. When he'd turned his life around and moved to Brownsville, not only had he wanted to set an example, he'd needed to prove himself worthy of the job. Now a devilish angel had sparked him to life and it felt good. It felt better than good.

  Violet's flirtatious reaction to his threat of a spanking suggested she might be that rare breed of woman who loved surrendering to a take-charge lover. It was almost too much to hope for, but every instinct was telling him she was. He would know soon enough. In a matter of hours she would be in his bed.

  He cleaned himself up and dressed for the day, then moving into his kitchen he cut himself a slice of apple pie one of the women had brought him. Preferring his morning coffee at his office, he washed it down with a cup of water, but as he was on his way to the front door he realized his house wasn't exactly sparkling. Taking a few minutes to pick up and wipe off the dirtier surfaces, he finally headed out and marched down the street.

  He loved the day following a storm. The air was always fresher, the houses looked cleaner, and there was no dust. Turning the corner he marched along Main Street. The stores weren't yet open, and he wondered if Charlie had shot any rats, making a mental note to help the young man overcome his fear. Reaching his office he pushed the door, but came to an abrupt halt. Violet was sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

  "Hello, Sheriff," she purred, standing up to greet him. "Isn't it a lovely morning?"

  "Yes, yes, it's a lovely morning," he replied, astonished to see her. "What are you doing here, and where's Charlie?"

  "Right here, Sheriff," Charlie exclaimed, walking in from the back. "I ended up on one of the cots. They're a bit more comfortable than the couch."

  "I'm surprised you let your deputy sleep here," Violet remarked, pretending to disapprove.

  "It was down to me, Miss Hamilton. The Sheriff was doin' me a favor."

>   Violet had a mischievous sparkle in her eye, and Cooper was eager to find out why she was there.

  "Charlie, I'm going to let you do the morning rounds!"

  "You are? Dang!"

  "Make sure you stop at every store window just like I showed you. Don't forget to walk around the back of the buildings to make sure no-one's passed out from drinkin' too much. If you find anyone send them on their way. Take your time and do it right."

  "I sure will, Sheriff."

  Grabbing his hat and wearing a happy smile Charlie headed out the door, and closing it behind him, Cooper walked slowly towards Violet.

  "So, Miss Hamilton," he grinned, "how can I be of service?"

  "Sheriff, I'm here to turn myself in."

  "I see. For what exactly?"

  "You told me you'd have to spank me when I was better. I'm here for my punishment."

  In spite of his satisfying orgasm just a short while before, Cooper could feel his cock stirring back to life.

  "I see. Then I reckon I'd better. Walk through that door."

  "You're not going to do it here?"

  "You'll be punished in one of the cells," he said sternly, enjoying her genuine surprise. "Walk ahead of me through that door, young lady."

  Violet hadn't expected him to take her into the jail area, and finding it slightly unnerving, she turned and walked ahead of him. Passing through the door she found herself in a surprisingly large room with four cells in a row, and dangling from a couple of hooks opposite were dark metal rings holding oversized keys.

  "Into the last cell by that back door," Cooper ordered. "Place your hands on the wall and scoot your feet back."

  The night before Violet had been tantalized by the idea of surprising him at his office and asking for her punishment. As she'd dressed and slipped quietly from the boarding house she'd been filled with anticipation. When he had walked through the door and seen her, she'd been thrilled by the look on his face, but now her butterflies had burst to life and she was feeling a teensy bit scared.

  "Cooper, you're not going to spank me hard, are you?"

  "It's Sheriff when I'm punishin' you," he said firmly, walking up to her and placing his arm around her waist, "and I'll spank as hard as I think I should. Now it's time for you to tell me why I'm gonna heat up your butt."

  "For purposely changing the subject when I don't want to talk about something."

  "Yep, and I'm also gonna spank you for bein' way too sassy."

  "But I'm not—"

  A solid slap stopped her mid-sentence, and with a loud yelp she darted surprised eyes over her shoulder.

  "Best not to argue with me while I'm slappin' your backside."

  "Yes, Sheriff."

  A warm flood was seeping through her sex, and turning her eyes back to the wall she took in a long breath. Her mischievous adventure was turning out to be more exciting, more salacious, more frightening, more everything, than she'd ever imagined.

  "I told you the first spankin' would be over your dress, and the second over my knee with your skirt up. That's what you're gonna get, but if you give me any lip those drawers will be down and I'll be reddening your naked bottom. Understand?"

  "Yes, Sheriff."

  As he tightened his hold, and smoothed his palm over her fabric covered curves, he heard her gasp. She'd been craving his hot hand as much as he'd been yearning to deliver it, and as he began to smack her with a steady rhythm, his semi-erect cock sprang to full attention.

  "Ow, ow, oh, Sheriff, ow, ow."

  "You're not complainin' are you?"

  "No, Sir," she said breathlessly. "I ow, ow, I can't help it."

  "Let's see if that's true. I'm gonna give you three hard swats on each cheek. If you make a single sound, I'll pull your dress up and bare your bottom."

  Cooper grinned. She could remain quiet if she wanted to, but would she?

  He landed the first, then the second, and on the third she let out a yelp. Immediately lifting her skirt and throwing it over her waist, he reached around the front of her drawers, untied the string, and let them fall down her legs.

  "Sheriff…oh, my goodness! Please don't!"

  Ignoring her protest he grabbed her wrist, plonked himself down on the cot, pulled her over his lap and began lustily spanking her wonderfully round cheeks. He was smacking her hard, carrying his slaps from her sit spot to the center of her cheeks and back down again, and as she wriggled he could see her glistening pussy. He paused, slipping his fingers inside her, and as she moaned and squirmed against his hand, he twirled his finger around her clit.

  "Sir, oh, Sir, don't stop, please don't stop."

  "You forget who you're talkin' to," he growled, pulling his hand away. "Now you're gonna have to wait some more."

  The spanking resumed, though he paused every few slaps to tease her, but his cock was soon screaming for attention.

  "On your feet," he ordered, helping her up, "then turn around and grab the bars."

  As he guided her into position, she wrapped her fingers around the cold steel poles, but her skirt had fallen, and quickly dropping his trousers, he grabbed it to lift it back over her waist.


  Charlie's urgent call startled them both, and with eyes wide in alarm, Violet hastily yanked up her drawers.

  "MAKE THE COFFEE. I'LL BE RiGHT THERE," Cooper called back, hurriedly pulling up his trousers. "Here, darlin', the key to my house," he whispered, taking it from his pocket and thrusting it into her hand. "First street past the saloon, turn right, and it's the green house, third on the left. I'll meet you there as soon as I can."


  "I'M COMIN'," he called back, grabbing one of the key rings from its hook and unlocking the back door.

  "I can't believe this," she whispered as she stepped into the alley.

  "We'll be laughin' about this one day."

  "I already am," she giggled, then turned and hurried away.

  Quickly locking the door and straightening the blanket over the cot, he took a deep breath and strode into the office, only to find Charlie sitting on top of a well-built man lying on his stomach.

  "What the blazes is goin' on here?"

  "I was checkin' behind the stores like you said, and caught him tryin' to pick the lock on the back door of the bank. He came with me okay, but when we walked in here he threw a punch. I ducked and got him in the gut."

  "Good work, good work," Cooper exclaimed, hurrying to fetch a pair of handcuffs. "Here, use these."

  Pulling his gun and holding it over the foiled burglar as Charlie locked him into the cuffs, Cooper wondered why he'd not heard the scuffle. The door between the office and the jail room had been closed, but he should have heard something. Had his smacking hand covered up the sounds? Had Charlie heard him spanking Violet?

  "There!" Charlie declared. "He won't be throwin' any more punches now!"

  "Get him on his feet. Let's see who this joker is."

  Charlie helped him stand up, and as Cooper studied his face he shook his head. He'd never seen the man before.

  "Who are you?" he demanded. "Whatta you doin' in Brownsville? Are you here alone?"

  "I'm not sayin' nothin."

  "Do you like to eat?" Cooper growled.

  "Huh? Whatta ya mean?"

  "If you like to eat you'd better start talkin' or I'll have my deputy remove your front teeth—with his knuckles."

  "You wouldn't! You can't do that!"

  "Says who?"

  "It's just wrong. The law don't allow for that!"

  "This is my town! My laws! My justice. Besides, do you see any witnesses here? As far as I know, you lost your front teeth threatenin' my life."

  "Let me Sheriff," Charlie growled. "Nothin' could start my day off better."

  "Okay, okay," the man said, staring up at the fierce young man scowling down at him.

  Cooper wasn't surprised the would-be robber had caved so quickly. Though there was no way Cooper would have c
arried out his threat, his reputation said otherwise. It was a reputation he'd spent a great deal of time and effort nurturing.

  "There were four of us. We were gonna get us some cattle but it wasn't so easy. The other three took off, but I decided to stick around and see if maybe I could score at the bank."

  "Why'd you do it at this time of day?"

  "I've done it before. Get in and be waitin'. Usually no customers to worry about."

  "Lock him up."

  As Charlie hustled the man into the back, Cooper walked across to the small stove and made the coffee. He could hear Charlie cursing at the man, then the slam of the cell door.

  "What happens now?" Charlie asked as he walked back in.

  "I'll telegraph the sheriff over in Peabody. He'll have him picked up and he'll be tried in the courthouse over there. It's time Brownsville got its own. I'm gonna see what I can do about that."

  "Why don't we have one?"

  "The town hasn't been big enough, but I reckon we're pretty close to gettin' there now. Regardless, you did real good, Charlie."

  "Thanks, Sheriff. What took so long for you to come into the office? Did somethin' happen out back?"

  "Yeah, the rat made a reappearance," Cooper replied, the idea coming on the spur of the moment. "I had a helluva time."

  "I thought I heard somethin' when I came in. Uh, Sheriff."

  "Yeah, Charlie?"

  "You called me your deputy."

  "You are unofficially. You've still got a ways to go, but you'll do just fine. I need to take off, probably be about an hour. I'll be at my house if it's urgent, but only if it's urgent."

  "Okay. Anything you want doin'?"

  "Sit on the porch and write down every detail about what happened with that joker, but keep lookin' up and watching the street. Make note of anything that strikes you. Got it?"

  "Sure thing, Sheriff."

  "I'm real proud of you, Charlie. Real proud. Coffee's on, and I'll be back in bit."

  Stepping outside Cooper let out a long, heavy breath. It had been a close call, but striding down the street towards his house he broke into a broad grin. In spite of the alarming interruption he considered the morning a resounding success. He'd guessed right. Violet did share his love of the darker side of sex, and she was waiting for him at his house, possibly even lying in his bed. Wishing he'd thought to change his sheets, he quickened his pace.


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